Is there a way to determine code coverage without running the code? - code-coverage

I am not asking the static code analysis which is provided by StyleCop or Fxcop. Both are having different purpose and it serves well. I am asking whether is there a way to find the code coverage of your user control or sub module? For ex, you have an application which uses the helper classes in a separate assembly. Inorder to ensure the unit testing code coverage, we need to run the application and ensure using NCover or similar tool.
My requirement is, without running it, is there any possible to find code coverage of the helper classes or similar kind of assemblies?

See Static Estimation for Test Coverage for a technique that estimates coverage without executing the source code.
The basic idea is to compute a program slice for each test case, and then "count" what the slice enumerates. A (forward) slice is effectively that part of a program that you can reach from a specific starting point in the code, in this case, the test code.
While the technical paper above is hard to get if you're not an ACM member [or you didn't attend the conference where it was presented :], there's a slide presentation here.
Of course, running this static estimator only tells you (roughly) what code will be exercised. It doesn't substitute for actually running the tests, and verifying that they pass!

In general, the answer is no. This is equivalent to the halting problem, which is not computable.

There are (research) tools based on abstract interpretation or model checking that can show coverage properties without execution, for subsets of language. See, e.g.
"Analyzing Functional Coverage in Bounded Model Checking", Grosse, D. Kuhne, U. Drechsler, R. 2008
In general, yes, there are approaches, but they're specialized, and may require some formal methods experience. This kind of stuff is still cutting edge research.

I would say no; with the exception of 'dead code' which a compiler can determine.
My definition of code coverage is a result which indicates how many times each line of code is run in your program: which, of course, means running the program. The determining factor here is usually the values of data passing through the program which the determine the paths of executions taken by conditionals. A static analysis, like a compiler, could deduce lines of code that cannot run under any conditions.
An example here is if your program uses a third-party library, but there is a bug in the library. If your program never uses those parts of the library, or the data you send to the library causes it to avoid the bug, then you won't be affected.
You could write a program that, by reflection, assumes that all conditionals will be taken, and follows all function calls, through all derived classes, but I'm not sure what this will tell you. It certainly can't tell you whether or not there are any bugs in the lines of code covered.

Coverity Static Analysis is a tool that is can identify many secuirty flaws in a program. It can also identify dead code and can be used to help satisfy testing regulations such as D0178B which requires that the developers demonstrate that all code can be executed.

If you are using Visual Studio, you can first run 'Analyze Code Coverage', Then you can export code Coverage results using below Button(marked in Green) in Visual Studio:
Later you can import the Coverage Result file back to Visual Studio


understanding Eclemma results

I am trying to understand the concept of code coverage and a complete novice to this topic.
I am using Eclemma to measure the code coverage of an open-source code. Can somebody help me to know what are important insights I should consider into the below snapshot?
Code coverage is a metric, which expresses which portion of the (application) code gets executed when you run your test cases. However, it is just a measure of completeness; it provides no information about how thoroughly the executed code was tested by the test cases.
In your screenshot, the third line of the table (src/main/java) is a relevant one. It expresses that the application code consists of 3,846 (bytecode) instructions; out of these, roughly 67% were executed (presumably by the automated test cases residing in src/test/java). This means that the test cases cannot reveal any fault in one third of the whole application because the test cases do not touch that code at all. The remaining code (other two thirds) is executed by at least one test case. Test cases can reveal faults in this code; how effectively they do depends on their used input data and oracles.
Note that it is often not possible or sensible to achieve 100% coverage.

Is there a way to preprocess ruby code and find errors that would occur runtime?

We have huge code base and we are generating issues that would have been caught at compile time in type languages such as Java but we are not catching them until runtime in Ruby. This is bad since we generate bugs that most of the time are typos or refactoring that leaves some invalid code.
def mysuperfunc
# some code goes here
# this was a valid call but not anymore since enforcesecurity
# signature changed
I mean, IDEs can do it but some guys use ATOM or sublime, so we need something to "compile" and report that kind of issues so they don't reach deployment. What have you been using?
This is generating a little percentage of our bug reports, but since we are forced to produce at a ridiculous pace we don't have 100% code coverage. If there is no tool to help, I'll just make sure everybody uses and IDE and run the reports with tools such as Rubymine.
Our stack includes, rspec, minitest, SimpleCov. We enforce code reviews, multistack deployments (dev, qa, pre-prod, sandbox, prod). And still some issues are reaching higher level and makes us programmers look bad. I'm not looking of magic, just a little automation that might help a bit.
Unfortunately, the Halting Problem, Rice's Theorem, and all the other Undecidability and Uncomputability Results tell us that it is simply impossible in the general case to statically determine any "interesting" property about the runtime behavior of a program. We cannot even statically determine something as simple as "will it halt", so how are we going to determine "is bug-free"?
There are certain things that can be statically determined, and there are certain restricted programs for which some interesting properties can be statically determined, but largely, this is not possible. And even to the small extent that it is possible, it generally requires the language to be specifically designed to be easy to statically analyze (which Ruby isn't).
That being said, there are certain tools that contain certain heuristics to point out code that may have problems. There are certain coding standards that may help avoid bugs, and there are tools to enforce those coding standards. Keywords to search for are "code quality tools", "linter", "static analyzer", etc. You have already been given examples in the other answers and comments, and given those examples and these keywords, you'll likely find more.
However, I also wanted to discuss something you wrote:
we are forced to produce at a ridiculous pace we don't have 100% code coverage
That's a problem, which has to be approached from two sides:
Practice, practice, practice. You need to practice testing and writing high-quality code until it is so naturally to you that not doing it actually ends up being harder and slower. It should become second nature to you, such that under pressure when your mind goes blank, the only thing you know is to write tests and write well-designed, well-factored, high-quality code. Note: I'm talking about deliberate practice, which means setting time aside to really practice … and practice is practice, it's not work, it's not fun, it's not hobby, if you don't delete the code you wrote immediately after you have written it, you are not practicing, you are working.
Sustainable Pace. You should never develop faster than the pace you could sustain indefinitely while still producing well-tested, well-designed, well-factored, high-quality code, having a fulfilling social life, no stress, plenty of free time, etc. This is something that has to be backed and supported and understood by management.
I'm unaware of anything exactly like you want. However, there are a few gems that will analyze code and warn you about some errors and/or bad practices. Try these:
Via the repo
Flay analyzes code for structural similarities. Differences in literal
values, variable, class, method names, whitespace, programming style,
braces vs do/end, etc are all ignored. Making this totally rad.
Reports differences at any level of code.
Adds a score multiplier to identical nodes.
Differences in literal values, variable, class, and method names are ignored.
Differences in whitespace, programming style, braces vs do/end, etc are ignored.
Works across files.
Add the flay-persistent plugin to work across large/many projects.
Run --diff to see an N-way diff of the code.
Provides conservative (default) and --liberal pruning options.
Provides --fuzzy duplication detection.
Language independent: Plugin system allows other languages to be flayed.
Ships with .rb and .erb.
javascript and others will be
available separately.
Includes FlayTask for Rakefiles.
Uses path_expander, so you can use:
dir_arg -- expand a directory automatically
#file_of_args -- persist arguments in a file
-path_to_subtract -- ignore intersecting subsets of
Skips files matched via patterns in .flayignore (subset format of .gitignore).
Totally rad.
Via the repo
Flog reports the most tortured code in an easy to read pain report.
The higher the score, the more pain the code is in.
Easy to read reporting of complexity/pain.
Uses path_expander, so you can use:
dir_arg – expand a directory automatically
#file_of_args – persist arguments in a file
-path_to_subtract – ignore intersecting subsets of files/directories
% ./bin/flog -g lib
Total Flog = 1097.2 (17.4 flog / method)
323.8: Flog total
85.3: Flog#output_details
61.9: Flog#process_iter
53.7: Flog#parse_options
There is a ruby gem called guard that does automated testing. You can set your own custom rules.
For example, you can make it where anytime you modify certain files, the test framework will automatically run.
Here is the link for guard

F# Workflows/Development Process

(I'm using the word "workflow" - not in the sense of async workflows - but rather in the "git workflow" sense, that is, how you use it as part of your development)
Having played around with F# for a while, I've started developing my first F# app. I'm from c#/vb. Having watched various demos/talks - rightly or wrongly- I've started off using fsi as the main development "engine" and work up stuff within that area. If I hit a problem which I need to debug, I tend to break out the problematic function into smaller bits and check those work to try and debug the problem.
However, In order to keep the amount of code manageable in fsi, once I am happy with what I have done, I the move it into a .fs and #load the .fs back into fsi. As the app gets bigger, this can begin to feel a bit clunky since when I need to refactor, I end up having to bring back in content from the fs file change it run stuff to get something working again, before pushing the code back out into the .fs file. Further this style isn't really a test first approach and so I am not getting the benefit of building a set of tests. (I can also miss the ability to set breakpoints/step the code which, istm in certain situations e.g. recursion, can be quicker for diagnosing errors than breaking out parts of a function - though maybe this is available in VS11 and I'm not setup right) .. so I think I'm perhaps not doing things optimally or else not thinking about things in the right way.
I was wondering if others could offer how they develop apps. Do you primarily use fsi or do you start with tdd. Should the tdd approach be the primary dev vehicle and FSI used more selectively to aid in the, say, implementation of more complex algorithms, data exploration etc etc
I have looked at this question and obviously it helpfully points to various tdd frameworks for F#, but I'd still be interested to find out the workflow of seasoned F# developers.
Many thx
I think you're on the right track.
Development process is a matter of taste. I'll share my approach anyway.
Start by a few fs files. Each file represents a module, which consists of a group of functions closely related to each other. It doesn't have to be precise from beginning; you often move stuffs between modules.
Create a few fsx files for quick testing once skeleton of the modules is ready.
Create a test project and set up NuGet packages. I often use NUnit and FsUnit together.
Whenever fsx scripting gives correct results, move them to test cases. Do this repeatedly.
Include a Program.fs into the main project and compile to executable in order to debug if needed.
In general, F# REPL is the main development engine. It gives me instant feedbacks and allows incremental changes, which are very helpful in prototyping. In F#, TDD is less critical since bug rate is much lower than in other languages. And I don't test everything, just focus on main functionalities and ensure a high test coverage. Using add-in or Visual Studio 2012 Premium and Ultimate can give you useful statistics on test coverage.
Using F# REPL and TDD, I almost never have to use debugging. Whenever there is a wrong behaviour, I stop and think. Since your codes don't have side effects, you can reason on them easily. In many times reasoning and a few printing commands can give me the right answer.
You can use TDD in F# REPL with Unquote and FsCheck. The former offers testing via quotations, which is quite impressive. The latter uses random testing approach which is attractive in handling corner cases of your codes. I find it really useful when your programs have to satisfy certain properties. However, it may take time to learn to use these frameworks properly.
pad gave a great answer that is very practical and useful for a person new to F#. I will give a different means so that others don't think there is only one way F#'ers do it.
Note: If you are very new to programming, then stick with pad's answer, it is much better for a new programmer.
In the Object Oriented world one thinks with objects and in such languages I would start with writing objects down on paper and working with various diagrams such as use-case, state transition, sequence diagram, etc., until I felt I had enough to start creating objects in C# cs files, fleshing out the objects with methods, properties, events, etc.
In the functional world I typically start with abstract concepts and convert them into discriminated unions (DU) in an F# fs file, skipping the use of a REPL, i.e. F# Interactive, and then start adding a few functions. After I have a few functions I set up a test project using NUnit and FsUnit via NuGet. Since the DU are abstract, the test cases are typically harder to write, so I create printers for the DU and then insert them into the test case where I capture result output from the printer in the NUnit tool, for cut and paste back into the test case making changes as necessary. See these for examples of why I don't write them from scratch by hand.
Once I have the abstract DU done, I then can move onto the code to convert the human/concrete form into the abstract DU and convert the abstract DU into human/concrete form. In some cases these would be parsers and pretty printers.
The main point I am trying to make is that I don't focus on the tools I use but on the abstract concept of the problem and bring the tools in when needed.
I will note that I also program in PROLOG and there I do start with the REPL and move the code to a store once the logic works. So I am not opposed to using a REPL, it's just a different way of approaching the problem.
Per a request by Ken for an example.
See: Discriminated Unions (F#) and look for the section
Using Discriminated Unions Instead of Object Hierarchies
So instead of a base type of shape with inherited types of Circle, EquilateralTriangle, Square and Rectangle one would create a discriminated Union as noted:
type Shape =
| Circle of float
| EquilateralTriangle of double
| Square of double
| Rectangle of double * double
As your question would make for a much better independent question and get answers with much better detail than I can give, I would suggest you ask it.
Also if you search for info on this also search with the following substitutions for discriminated union (DU):
Algebraic data type
Generalized algebraic data type (GADT)
Tagged union
variant record
disjoint union
sum type

Is there a way of getting a diagram of what calls what?

For Delphi 2010, is there a way to get a diagram, starting with function X (or even the whole program), of what other functions/procedures are called...
Something along the lines of:
Function X
- Function A
- Procedure B
- Procedure C
- Function D
(Of course graphical would be nicer...)
Peganza Pascal Analyzer offers both call tree and reverse call tree reports. There are a number of other static code analyzers available, but this is the one I am familiar with.
So far as I know, there is nothing of this nature built in to Delphi.
Here is an example of an AQTime call chart. AQTime's call sequences can be gathered either dynamically (gathered from a running program) that means you have to activate the code path you want to chart (make sure some menu or button you can click in the UI calls this code) and then you can chart it, or they can be gathered statically. The dynamic one might seem like more work, and you might think that static analysis is better, and in some ways static analysis is better, but dynamic call sequence charts are actually "what really happened in one particular run" whereas static analysis provides "what the parser could figure out to be always true, whether or not this code path even gets run by you, or your customer at all". In fact, I recommend using both paths, and comparing them to see what you learn.
AQTime pro is quite expensive, but I am unaware of any free alternatives. (No I don't work for SmartBear, or Embarcadero.). I am a professional developer, and I find that such tools are worth the price. Your call.
I usually use the call sequence feature while running from the performance profiler, so that I get some Time values (the digram below shows Time: #.## msec because the data was gathered by the performance profiler, dynamically, rather than by the static analysis profiler, which doesn't know how long a function takes to execute).
IDA Pro can do that for you. . (for any program, not only delphi progs)
Code Visual to Flowchart (FateSoft) is also nice and of good help.

overall code coverage for specific developers in TFS

I was just wondering if there was a way to analyse TFS, to figure out code coverage results against a specific developer.
Say I want to determine the code coverage statistics for one of the developers in my team.
It’s not supported out of the box.
Don’t think it will be in the future, since its a very hard measurement:
Developes write source code. Source code within a project is usually divided in functionality not the developers. Code coverage results is the coverage of a given assembly being exercised in a testrun. We therefore need to analyse the coverage per code line and relate that code line back to a given developer changeset. Regardless of the unittest dll being instrumented, both the code in the unittest as the code being exercised is involved in the code coverage result. So which codeline being covered is counted for a specific developer ? The lines unittest, a line in a shared library, a line that was changed by 4 developers (is coverage shared), othes issues ?
But why are you asking this question, if you are trying to improve the quality of a specific individual code reviews and pair programming would be a more efficient approach. Even if it would be possible, terrorizing individuals on their code coverage would only result in dysfunctional measurement. Source code of a given product is shared in a Team, therefore the team is responsible for the coverage. Require your team to take that responsibility.
