Adding a button in django ! - django-admin

I wanted to add buttons or a url adjacent to "ADD CUSTOMER" button as shown in the image. Please guide me regarding the same.Where should i be making the necessary changes ?
please find the image here >>
Thank you

You add buttons/make changes in the html file, or your CSS file if you have one. If you're using Django make the changes in the /templates directory of your project, its the directory that contains the html files.

In this case what you are looking at is the admin site. The templates for this are located somewhere like "python-path/lib/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/...", but you can override these templates in your project. I'm not sure how easy it is to do what you're trying to do, but you can see this link for more information.


I have to use "../" in dreamweaver on some links. Is this normal?

I cannot find anything on the internet probably because I'm not sure how to ask the question properly, but I cannot seem to figure out why on some images or links to pages i have to put ../ in front of the file name for dreamWeaver to see the file. It's not every file just some of them.
It depends if the pages or images are in a separate folder.
If your page is in root/pages/home/index.html and your image is in root/pages/home/images/image.jpg then you will only need images/image.jpg but if the image is in root/pages/about/images/image.jpg then you require .. because it's outside of the local folder.
This is a good link:

How I add custom link in Issue-link-section

I am creating a JIRA(Version- 7.2.2) plug-in, Here I want to insert my custom link in Issue-link-section. For your better understanding please view the below image.
Click to View Image
In order to add you custom link on that dialog you need to edit the bundled plugin associated with that dialogue. Technically that dialogue is part of the jira-issue-link-web-plugin which you can find the JAR file as jira-issue-link-web-plugin.jar in your installation directory. If I'm not mistaken you need to edit the velocity file in that JAR file and add your links over there. There is no way to add it from the UI unless you want to edit the JAR file and upload it as a newer version in your JIRA. Please note that it's bundled plugin and changing it may cause some malfunction in your production then be careful and test it in staging first.
Yes shailendra,You can try below solution for your query-
<web-item key="example-create-link" section="create-issue-link-types" weight="100">
<label key="MyCustomLink"/>
<link linkId="link-issue">url</link>

How to show only the link of an uploaded file, not its location

I have used paperclip to allow me to upload files to a rails application. Everything works and the file is uploaded, but instead of seeing a link to the actual file itself I see the location of it within the systems folder of the rails project.
I'm guessing its either a routing issue or I need to create a link to the file in question. However, I would like to hide the location of the file itself, and only see the link displayed.
I would be very grateful if someone could point me in the right direction here.
You want to hide the actual path of the file in the server, right?
You can achieve that using send_file ( in a normal controller.
You will still need to do something to protect the download using the real path.

How to create a new "templates" category on Xcode 4 and use my own file templates there?

I would like to start using my own templates for iOS applications. I don't want any significant changes, but simpler things like
add/remove some boilerplate code
add some pragma mark sections
hardcode my company's name and some comments for every file
change the indentation
etc etc etc
The idea is that we will share these templates when we create apps, but at the same time we want to keep the default template files that Xcode 4 already provides. So, in the following screenshot, how can I add a "CompanyName Application" section that contains exactly the same templates (Navigation-based, View-based etc), but with my own changes?
I found that I can add a folder under /Developer/Library/Xcode/Templates/ or /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Library/Xcode/ but I'm a bit confused with what do I need to do exactly. I would really appreciate it if you could help me with that, as I have already messed up my folders twice with no luck. Thanks!
This blog post by borealkiss has detailed instructions. For starters:
If you add your own templates, the place you should use is under the following path:
The problem is that it is quite hard to create a custom template.
For example, to copy and paste the
built-in template to your place will
not show up the template on Xcode 4
until you manually change its
identifier in TemplateInfo.plist.
I just found this article from Bob McCune "Creating Custom Xcode 4 File Templates" that is exactly what I needed, so I put it here for reference.

Sharepoint Doc Lib Content Types

So I would like it when a user creates a new folder in my sharepoint document library that 4 template documents also get added inside the new folder. I get that the user could just click on the document template for each template individual but I want them added all the time.
There doesn't seem to be an option to add template documents to a document lib folder content type.
Sooo.... Is my only alternative to create a custom sharepoint workflow that checks for the folder creation inside my doc lib. (Ideally maybe restricting it to only when a specific folder of my custom content type is created.. ) This seems like a simple workflow to create but I want to make sure that I even need to create one since I haven't actually created a custom sharepoint workflow yet...
You're right; there's no built-in functionality for this. It should be reasonable simple to write a workflow that runs when something is added to a library, checks to see if it is a folder, and adds the items into the folder. It would probably be easiest to have the template documents in another folder somewhere, and then copy them over.
Good luck!
I found this example that helped out a lot:
