Prototype, periodically_call_remote, updated content disappears when new link is clicked and lags - ruby-on-rails

periodically_call_remote is a great rails feature, but with ease comes novices so here I am.
I have a div that is getting updated with content every 5 seconds. Looks great and was easy to setup. This page is the homepage so people will not be staying here long. So when they click another link, such as link_to "All Products", periodically_call_remote creates two displeasing issues.
1) For one thing, periodically_call_remote doesn't stop when a html link is clicked and I believe that this is causing the lag in response to open the selected page.
2) Also, when an html link is clicked the content inside the updated div disappears.
Any conceptual solutions?

This only occurred in FF because I had a div inside the updating div which had my content and that middle div had no purpose.
For example.
<div id="main_div">
<div class="div_with_no_purpose"> <<=== problem div
<div id="div_getting_updated"> <<=== content goes here


Buttons need to be tapped twice in order to fire the click event on iOS

When I access at this link from iOS the button with the symbol of the clock needs to be tapped twice in order to show the opening hours. This problem affects also the other buttons.
The first tap is handled like a mouseover event.
How can I fix this problem?
This is the code of the button with the clock:
<li><a href='#openinghours' data-toggle='tab' title='Opening hours'>
<span class='round-tabs four'><i class='fa fa-clock-o'></i></span>
<div class="tab-pane fade" id="openinghours">
<!--html content of the opening hours-->
On the desktop version of the website everything is working well.
I don't have enough rep to comment, but I would clear all your JS errors on your page before you start to debug this. You seem to have around 6 console errors and 2 warnings.
I've tried this in my Simulator, and it behaves as you say - however the W3C Bootstrap 4 Nav Tabs are fine. Therefore, I'd suggest looking at the difference (as well as seeing if any errors are interfering)
Link to w3 Schools:

Hover one DIV affecting another DIV: Why takes two taps on portable devices?

After I have implemented "hover one DIV - affecting another inner DIV" I noticed strange misbehavior on iPad/iPhones. Now it takes two taps to click on the link in the DIV with hover code:
<div class="portfblock">
<div id="portfblock1_imgdiv"> <a href="" target="_blank">
<div class="portfblock_imgdiv_txt_dsc_over">Baby & Family Photography</div>
<!-- #portfblock1_imgdiv -->
<div id="portfblock_desc">
<!-- #portfblock -->
.portfblock:hover .portfblock_imgdiv_txt_dsc_over {
visibility: visible;
First tap only executes on-hover action (the sub-div with the class .portfblock_imgdiv_txt_dsc_over becomes visible as needed by hover), and only the second tap executes the href link jump.
My whole page to look at the misbehavior from iPad/iPhone is here.
And the snippets of HTML and CSS code with one of the section to check are here at JSFiddle:
It works fine on computer with the mouse, but it takes two taps on touchscreens to go to the links in websites thumbnails.
Might be anyone also faced the same effect? Is it possible to omit hover action while tapping on the div with hover from touchscreen devices, and to have the link href jump right after the first tap?
Would appreciate your help!
This is the way hover works on mobile devices. Since the concept of "hover" doesn't exist if you don't have a cursor the choice was to trigger hover on the first tap and click on the second. The reasoning was most likely to not break sites using hover for example when showing drop-down menus or similar.
If the hover is meaningless on touch-devices, consider detecting this and removing it, making your website responsive.

PhoneGap + JQM + iScrollView: Choppy Scrolling with large content within "iscroll-content"

i am using iScrollView on my App (PhoneGap, JQM 1.3, Android). Excellent work on this. It's a gem.
Actually I'm testing on a Samsung Galaxy S3.
My first page is large in vertical dimension (round about 6000px) consisting out of a bunch of <div> containers with images (with external src).
These DIV - containers are dynamicly added to the content div, based upon Json-data. Then i'm doing a refresh. Everything is fine so far.
But what i've noticed is, when omitting the data-iscroll attribute in my content <div> , scrolling is much smoother and not choppy at all.
But when adding the data-iscroll attribute to the content-DIV, scrolling is choppy.
I thought it was because of the anchor-tag's or the images, so i replaced the div-containers with spans and put some text to it. I copied about 30 spans and watched how scrolling behaves. It is choppy - even though with spans. Then i took just 15 spans and scrolling was a bit smoother. It has something to do with the amount of containers within the content-div.
My markup looks in a more simplified form like this:
<div data-role="content" data-iscroll class="iscroll-wrapper">
<div class="iscroll-scroller">
<div class="iscroll-content">
<p>This is some content that I want to scroll</p>
<p>This is some content that I want to scroll</p>
<p>This is some content that I want to scroll</p>
<p>This is some content that I want to scroll</p>
<p>This is some content that I want to scroll</p>
<p>This is some content that I want to scroll</p>
<p>This is some more content</p>
... more content up to 6000px in vertical direction
Can anyone confirm this behaviour? Is there a workaround available?
Ok, finally got the answer from Jon Tara himself.
iScrollView is definately only for WebViews with small and not complex markup.
Read here

Why would an iframe's history get added to the history

In jQuery mobile I am using an iframe. When you press the back button (in the app or the browsers back button) the iframe content goes away. Then when you press the back button again the app transitions to the previous page.
The iFrame is getting added to history. I thought this was never supposed to happen.
A jsFiddle has been created that illustrates the puzzle in as simple a form as possible.
In it you will find a fragment of HTML that creates two jQuery Mobile pages. On the first page there is a link to go to the second page. On the second page,there are two back buttons (one on the header and one as a button on the page) and also a button to reload the <iframe>. To recreate the problem:
From page 1 follow the link to page 2
On page 2, click the button to load the <iframe>
Click either of the back buttons
You will notice that you do not go back to page 1.
Here is the HTML:
<div data-role="page">
<p>This is page 1</p> Go to page 2
<div data-role="page" id="page2">
<div data-role="header" data-add-back-btn="true">
<h1>Page 2</h1>
<p>This is page 2</p>
<p>What follows is the iFrame</p>
<iframe id="i1" width="500" src=""></iframe>
<p>This button issues a programmatic back</p>
<button id="backButton">Go Back</button>
<p>This button loads new content into the iframe</p>
<button id="reloadButton">Reload iFrame</button>
Here is the JavaScript
$(function () {
$("#backButton").click(function () {;
$("#reloadButton").click(function() {
$("#i1").attr("src", "" + Math.random());
(This is the code you will find in the jsFiddle).
I'm guessing it is because JQM programatically manipulates the history with replaceState. You can read more about how they track history in an ajax environment in the docs
Show me some code or a fiddle and I may be able to give you a more detailed answer.
One answer that seems to work (so far) is not to attempt to reload the <iframe> via changing its src attribute but instead, inserting a brand new <iframe> element to replace the one that was previously there. The logic to achieve this might look as follows:
$("#frameLocation").html('<iframe id="i1" width="500" src=' + newURL + '"></iframe>');
A corresponding jsFiddle showing it working is available.
This has been tested on Chrome 38.0 and Internet Explorer 11.0.

ASP.NET MVC 2 Popup dialog - performance and strange behaviour

I use this in my Index.aspx:
<%= Html.StandardOverlayCreateButton() %>
<div class="apple_overlay" id="overlay">
<div class="contentWrap">
Which is translating into this:
<button type="button">Create</button>
<div class="apple_overlay" id="overlay">
<div class="contentWrap">
When you press the button the popup with the Create.aspx occurs. Look at this -> Loading external pages into overlay
For me it seems that the overlay performance is slow.
And there is some strange behaviour, because I can nearly everytime see the old values in the popup. If I click the edit button and then close the popup and click another edit button, I can see the old values for a short time.
Is there a better approach of doing a popup using ASP.NET MVC and jQuery?
Are there tutorials?
Everything is being done client-side so the performance is purely down to JavaScript and jQuery code and nothing to do with any server-side code such as ASP.NET MVC.
You're using quite a few sophisticated effects with that popup, I see <div /> resizing animations, transparency, drop-shadows, the works. JavaScript performance has come on leaps and bounds with recent browsers, but it's performance but still be slow for doing very extravagant visual effects. Have you tried tuning down the visual effects with whatever modal popup JavaScript library you're using.
"And there is some strange behaviour,
because I can nearly everytime see the
old values in the popup. If I click
the edit button and then close the
popup and click another edit button, I
can see the old values for a short
I assume the pop-up is actually loading an iframe which points to the 'Employee/Create' page. My guess is that when the pop-up is closed and then re-opened again with a different page, the previous page will still be sitting in the pop-up's iframe, and the "load-new-page/url" event isn't fired until the pop-up re-appears, hence why you're seeing the old page very briefly.
I had a similar problem to this, you need to tune the modal pop-up behaviour slightly so that it first loads the new page then opens the pop-up, rather than the other way around which is what it's currently doing. My solution to this was a bit hacky in that the page inside the iframe has an $(document).ready({}); event that called some JavaScript function the the iframe's parent to load the pop-up. eg. put this in your page that sits inside the iframe:
<script type="text/javascript">
Then you need to define the 'openPopup()' JavaScript method in the iframe's parent (ie. the main page the lists your records).
do you really need the animation?
maybe you don't need the effect: 'apple' attribute?
Effects are slow, especially on IE.
Look here - different post but answer is related to your question about MVC & jQuery.
