LaTex compilation doesn't generate output - latex

Can't generate the output of my LaTex document (using TeXnicCenter). At the end of the log he says:
Latex-Result: 0 Error(s), 0
Warning(s), 0 Bad Box(es), 0 Page(s)
and correspondingly the viewer says it couldn't find the file.
I have defined the path of the pdf viewer but it didn't help. The path of the source document doesn't contain spaces. Does anyone know how to fix this problem?
Thanks in advance!

Thank you very much, Steve, but I've just found the problem: I had to change the "Install packages on-the-fly"-setting to "yes" instead of "ask me first".

In my case I uploaded the project zip then this error was shown ,
The fix was to first create blank project then upload the zip file contents.


I couldn't open style file IEEEbib.bst

I am trying to complete a paper in latex downloaded from an online template.
there shows an error while compiling:
This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (MiKTeX 21.6)
The top-level auxiliary file: Islam2021.aux
I couldn't open style file IEEEbib.bst
---line 69 of file Islam2021.aux
: \bibstyle{IEEEbib
: }
I'm skipping whatever remains of this command
I found no style file---while reading file Islam2021.aux
(There were 2 error messages)
Process exited with error(s)
How can I fix this?
IEEEbib.bst is not a default style include in tex distributions. Either you can download it from wherever you have your online template from or you could try your luck with a random version of the file from somewhere on the internet, e.g.
(this might be a different version and might give different results ...)

Conversion error .doc to .epub

I uploaded .doc to smashworld, and got the warning while validating the .epub
ERROR toc.ncx 15 43 Error while parsing file 'different playOrder values for navPoint/navTarget/pageTarget that refer to same target'.
ERROR toc.ncx 15 265 Error while parsing file 'different playOrder values for navPoint/navTarget/pageTarget that refer to same target'.
And here is part of the codes.
Shan Hai Legend Vol.1, [Part 1of2]Midpoint
I have no it can be fixed. Can anybody help me out?
As you probably know a ePub file is like an archive of files. It contains the textual files (usually .xhtml, .html), the stylesheet files (usually .css), the images used in the book and the configuration files. Your toc.ncx (The file that contains the index order and structure) has 2 or more items with the same playOrder or is corrupted.
The playOrder property specifies the actual position of the Chapter in the index.
If you use playOrder="1" with chapter 1 and playOrder="1" with chapter 2, the ePub reader doesn't know what to put first.
I suggest you to download Calibre, import your ePub, check for errors, and open the toc.ncx to see its structure.
You will get something like that:
<ncx xmlns="" version="2005-1" xml:lang="it">
<meta content="...." name="...."/>
<text>Book Title</text>
<navPoint id="num_1" playOrder="1">
<text>Chapter 1: some title</text>
<content src="chapter-01.html"/>
<navPoint id="num_2" playOrder="2">
<text>Chapter 2: some title</text>
<content src="chapter-02.html"/>
Just check if every playOrder is incremented by 1 for each navpoint.
If you find the error, manually insert the correct values, save and export the eBook.
If you don't know how to fix it, post here the toc file and we will try to understand the mistake :)

Duplicate Entries in code coverage report

I've added few JS test files and added below mentioned references. In some files I've added smaller case letters in some JS files camel case one.(as mentioned below)
But while running code coverage from visual studio, the report contains two entries with same name.
///<reference path="/../frontendtools.webui/viewmodels/colorboxviewmodel.js"/>
///<reference path="/../FrontEndTools.WebUI/ViewModels/ColorBoxViewModel.js"/>
3.C:\Users\b-nave\Downloads\FrontEndTools_buildserver\FrontEndTools\frontendtools.webui\viewmodels\colorboxviewmodel.js 11.11 %
6.C:\Users\b-nave\Downloads\FrontEndTools_buildserver\FrontEndTools\FrontEndTools.WebUI\ViewModels\ColorBoxViewModel.js 100 % 9/9
Any help is appreciated.
That sounds like a bug, please file a issue on and attach a zip file container a full repro of the issue.

OpenCV header error (YAML)

Ok so I feel that I have finally successfully used the OpenCV libraries in my app, except for one thing...
My .yml files get generated correctly except the '%YAML:1.0' header at the top turns out like this '01%YAML:1.0'. The '01' infront of the header is causing this error (I think):
OpenCV Error: Parsing error (/var/mobile/Applications/53C6CBA3-15B7-436A-892B-2ECFA75B72CD/Library/DownloadedDescriptors/descriptors.yml(1): Valid XML should start with '<?xml ...?>') in icvXMLParse, file /Users/Dash/Documents/SmartServices/AirLink/ProjectGhost/FairfaxNewsDemo/opencv-2.3.1/OpenCV-2.3.1/modules/core/src/persistence.cpp, line 2163
Anyone know how to solve this issue?
Ok after looking into it a bit further I dont think it's the headers problem. My file always gets generated with '01' at the start.
Hmm...this is embarrassing. But it turns out that I had a 'print' statement lingering in the php file that helps generate my .yaml file, causing 0 and 1 to be added to the beginning of the document.
This meant that my file didn't start with '%YAML:1.0' as expected but '01%YAML:1.0'

XNA error - file not found

I am working on XNA with XML reading. While I'm debugging the code its shows file not found error, but I added my XML file in Content reference folder. While I'm using this code I got the error.
System.IO.Stream stream = TitleContainer.OpenStream("ProductSchema");
Thanks in advance.
Shawn explains this very well in this post: Shawn's blog entry
Try adding the extension:
System.IO.Stream stream = TitleContainer.OpenStream("ProductSchema.xml");
Check whether that file is present in the bin folder where your game .exe file lives (bin\Windows Phone\Debug\Content). If not, then this may be the problem. To solve this :
right click the file >> select property >> change build action to None and copy to output directory to Copy if newer.
This works for me while loading/reading binary files in my game.
