System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement not working on the server -

I am using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement to find the logged-in user's AD entry. It is working great in the VS2008 WebDev server on developers machines.
But when we installed the code on the development server (windows server 2008), we get an access error.
Both the developer's machine and the development server are members of the same domain.
We have Impersonation turned on, so we are connecting to AD with the same user credentials.
What are we missing here? Why is it working on the developer's machine, but not the development server?
The actual exception that we were receiving was "An operations error occurred".

After some research, I found the following link:
In it one user describes the solution to the problem:
I have seen this error and it is related to the fact that when using NTLM authentication and impersonation set to true in web.config, IIS cannot use the authenticated token against another server since it is a "secondary token".
The solution to my issue was to wrap my Active Directory code with:
using( HostingEnvironment.Impersonate() )
//Active Directory search goes here.
This makes the call to AD with the identity of the application pool, and it did the trick in my case.

I was just looking around to fix the error System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryServicesCOMException
after using UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity
and the answer from mlsteeves was what i needed, impersonating the hostenvironnement on the production server!
So good call this was about delegation on server and your solution was perfect thanks alot!


TF246017: team foundation server could not connect to the database

I am facing a problem with logging into TFS. I get the following error:
Exception Message: TF246017: Team Foundation Server could not connect
to the database. Verify that the server that is hosting the database
is operational, and that network problems are not blocking
communication with the server. (type SoapException)SoapException
Hi the below steps worked for me.
Select Application Tier in the TFS Administration Console.
In the Application Tier Summary which contains the Service Account details.
Click Reapply Account.
I know this is old, but here was my situation:
We have 11 collections on our instance, 2 were failing with this error, showing me it wasn't an access / connection issue. Checking Event Viewer (as #Andy Li-MSFT suggests) showed it was
A timeout occurred while waiting for memory resources to execute the query in resource pool 'default' (2). Rerun the query.
Checking task manager showed the culprit - elastic search was using well over 2GB of memory. I killed the service, the collections applied the patch quickly without issue.
Looks like I need to ask our server admins to give us a bit more memory....
Please check below thing to narrow down the issue:
Make sure you are the member of the Administration Console Users.
Otherwise you cannot access the Admin Console.
Make sure the SQL Server is stated and available, and the network
connectivity is OK.
Check the Service Account, make sure the Service Account has been added in
SQL Server.
You can also refer to the solution in below link to fix the issue:
If above solution can not resolve the problem, please check the Event log. The Windows Event Log is a good candidate where to look for the potential cause.
For me I've solved the issue by changing the recovery mode Simple -> Full in the database.
Please refer to:

IIS conflict with Sql Server Reporting Services

When running in Visual Studio, my mvc3 app does not ask for any authentication. However, when I deployed to test server (Windows Server 2008 and IIS 7) I keep getting a prompt asking for UserName and Password. I supply the admin credentials for the server yet there is a failure. The strange thing is that the page is served but I keep getting the prompt. All the ajax calls however fail with a 401 Unauthorized error.
I tried different types of authentication but the results are the same. Even with anonymous authentication only I get a prompt for user name and password.
I tried changing the pipeline from Managed to Classic but then MVC would not work and I get 404 error. This is my first mvc app and I did not expect such issues in deployment.
Any clues how to get this to work?
==Edit begin===
This is what I suspect might be causing the issue. On the server the site is bound to Also, there is Sql Server Reporting Services Installed. My application is tries to query the url but I think this is bound to SSRS. When I stop the SSRS service I get a service unavailable 503 error. Otherwise I get a authentication window.
I am trying to find out how can I remove the particular SSRS binding so that points to my Reports Controller
==Edit end====
You can also use Reporting Services Configuration Manager to specify the port and url that Reporting Services uses on the server.
By default SQL Server Reporting Services uses the following urls:
http://<server name>/ReportServer // web service url
http://<server name>/reports // reports manager url
Things to check:
Does your web application accessing any resources? If so, does the IIs worker process account have permission to those?
Have you set the Web Site Authentication to Enable anonymous access?
Do you by any chance doing impersonation (either in web.config of programmatically? If so, does the end user account have the proper permissions to any eventual back end resources?
I changed my controller from Reports to MyReports and this resolved the conflict.

SignalR Client - The remote server returned an error (401 Unauthorized)

I'm attempting to make a windows service act as a signalR client to a web server (MVC3 project running on IIS Express). When trying to connect to the server, a 401 Unauthorized is returned.
Now, as far as I understand, the windows service runs under the account NETWORK_SERVICE, and it makes sense that this is not a valid user name to connect to the IIS. However, I've tried configuring SignalR in the following way:
private static Connection WebUIConnection = new Connection("http://localhost:54193/IISWebsite");
Set credentials
WebUIConnection.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("?", "?")
The settings of the IIS:
The IIS is almost a standard MVC3 project, and it has windows authentication enabled.
What I've tried
I've tried setting SignalR's credentials as my local windows username + pw, and also tried using the local network AD uname + pw, but I don't see this as being the way to do it.
So what I'm asking is, what should I consider when I try to make my windows service act as a client to the signalR-server, and is there a way to configure IIS to give client access to the Network_Service user? Is it in fact possible to make a windows service act as a client to a web server running in IIS like I'm trying to do?
I was able to solve what seems to be the problem. With the SignalR.Client the URL you need to give in the connection string looks like this:
private static Connection WebUIConnection = new Connection("http://localhost:54193/IISWebsite/signalr/hubs");
In addition to this I had to provide it with my local admin username and password for it to be able to connect. This is not how it should be done I feel, and I'd appreciate if anyone can enlighten me on how to make the network user have access to IIS from a local machine.
However, I think making a separate administrator account and making my windows service run under that account in the production environment is a solution I'm willing to accept. This way, it will be able to connect to the local IIS without a hitch.
Hope this information is helpful to others :)
If you're using hubs then that code is incorrect. There's a HubConnection you should be using. More info here:

ADFS 2.0 - Proxy / Server 503 Service Unavailable

For the past several days I've been working tirelessly to setup a test environment for development with WIF & ADFS 2.0. One of the problems that I am up against is my home environment only has one IP address and I wasn't about to stick ADFS on my main server. Therefore, I've created a dedicated virtual machine for FS (idp.yyy.local).
For the sake of not having direct links back to my site, 'yyy' refers to 'dgdev'. (image below)
The strange thing is, it's partially working. Here is an image detailing my infrastructure.
What's odd is that I can browse '' in both normal HTTP and HTTPS just fine. I can also view the WS-Federation Metadata perfectly. Now, I'm quite new to ADFS, but I expect that when going to it would redirect me to a Windows SSL login. Instead all I'm receiving is:
Service Unavailable
HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable.
I am using the same SSL certificate on the FS Proxy and FS. Its subject is my main domain name It has several Subject Alternative Names so that I can host multiple IIS web sites with SSL with my single IP:Port.
CN =
DNS Name=idp.yyy.local
IP Address=
IP Address=
IP Address=
Does anyone have any idea of why I'm seeing 503 Service Unavailable errors. Nothing is showing up in Event Viewer as an error. (except annoying things with AppFabric, but that's another issue I've yet to touch)
Thanks in advance! Actually many many thanks. I've exhausted every avenue and idea I could come up with, why this might be "broken"?
If anyone has an idea how I can debug this issue I'd certainly except that as a solution. I've tried IIS Failed Request Logging but nothing is being generated. Where/What is hosting the ADFS Services?
Things I've already looked at:
All AppPools are running.
The old ADFS 1.0 web service (asmx) is accessible just fine.
I can access issuer endpoints directly ... or at least 'windowstransport'
Well turns out everything has been working all along!
I spent a couple hours ensuring the certificate was created properly. Then after still seeing 503 & 403 errors, I realized that my proxy server AppPool for the \Default Web Site was running under "ApplicationPoolIdentity" - which is really the user:
IIS AppPool\DefaultAppPool.
I never gave that user read privileges to the ADFS certificate private key. Hence the reason I saw a 403 Forbidden instead of 503. After switching the AppPool over to Network Service ... voila!, 503 Service Unavailable.
So now I was sure my proxy server and ADFS server were talking just fine. Now why was I still seeing 503 Service Unavailable?!?
I told myself to create a test application anyway. In visual studio, I setup a new MVC 3 Web App. Added my existing STS-Reference. Setup a dummy claim and updated the application's FederationMetadata. Added the new Relying Party to ADFS.
Opened my browser to the web app and instant success!
> GET) https://mywebapp/
> Response-Redirect) Location header kicks me to my IdP (ADFS)
> I sign-in with proper credentials
> POST) https://mywebapp/login << AWESOME!

IIS7, SQL 2008 and ASP.NET MVC security

I have an ASP.NET MVC application that I'm working on. I've been developing it on Windows Server 2003 with IIS6 and SQL 2008 Express, and everything was working great. I recently decided to try out the Windows 7 beta, so now I'm using IIS7, and have run into a problem with connectivity to my database that I can't seem to figure out.
I can run/debug the app just fine, but whenever I try to access a page that needs to access the database, I get the following error:
"Cannot open database "MyDatabaseName" requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user 'IIS APPPOOL\MyApplicationName'."
I've obviously got some security configuration setup incorrectly, but I can't seem to find any good documentation on how to set it up correctly. I've tried giving NETWORK SERVICE permissions on the database, but that didn't seem to work. Anyone know what I need to do to give "IIS APPPOOL\MyApplicationName" permissions to this database? Am I missing something obvious?
If you are NOT using Active Directory, then ignore all of the other solutions mentioned here. The confusion stems from the new ApplicationPoolIdentity setting default in IIS 7.5+ (MS keeps changing the identity mechianisms)
Open SQL Management Studio, connect to your local machine as an admin.
Expand the Security branch.
Right click on Logins and select New Login
Into the Login Name field, type "IIS APPPOOL\MyApplicationName". Do NOT click the search button. The user profile dosn't actually exist on the local machine, it's dynamically created on demand.
While you're looking at it, don't forget to add the user to a database or a server role.
The error means the web application doesn't have access to your database. On Windows 7 / IIS 7, by default each application pool has its own user. It seems the idea is to improve security by restricting what that web application can do (in case it gets compromised and controlled from the outside). You can change what user the application pool is running under but that will defeat its own purpose. A better way seems to give the pool's user the needed permissions (and not a bit more).
On the SQL Management Studio connect to the server you want your web app to connect (tested with SQL server 2008). Go to
Security -> Log ins
right click, New Log in. In the form that comes up leave everything as default except username, where you have to type whatever username the web app is trying to use, in this case 'IIS APPPOOL\MyApplicationName'. Note that the search function of that dialog fails to find or check as valid that user, but nevertheless it works.
Still on the SQL Management Studio connected to the server go to
Databases -> *YOUR-DATABASE* -> Security -> Users
right click and New User. I'm not sure if the user name field there has any effect, I just set it the last part of the username, like MyApplicationName. Then I've set the login name to IIS APPPOOL\MyApplicationName. You can click on the ... button and use the check and search, this time it works. If you don't do the previous step, the user will not be present here. Then give it whatever permissions you want to this user, like db_datareader.
And that's it, you've given permission. If lack of permissions was your problem, then it should be solved (or at least, I've just solved it that way).
I have a total amount of 2hs of experience with IIS and about three weeks with SQL Server and less than two months with Microsoft technologies so take my advice with a grain of salt, I can be totally wrong. (If another person can confirm these are the right steps, feel free to remove the last warning).
Here is an article that explains why AppPoolIdentities are in use; basically, it's about enhanced security:
(That article claims I can use these virtual accounts just like any regular account but on my Windows Server 2008 that does not seem to be possible; adding e.g. IIS AppPool\DefaultAppPool just produces an error: "The following object is not from a domain listed in the Select Location dialog box, and is therefore not valid.")
Erick Falsken is right, however he is missing the User Mappings. So right click on the new
IIS APPPOOL/DefaultAppPool, click on Properties and then check boxes for:
1) databases master and yourdatabase
2) db_owner and public
This error usually means that the user that your site is running as (or more to the point the application pool), does not have permissions to use the DB. You can either check in IIS what user the pool is running under and give them permissions, or instead change your SQL connection string to not use trusted authentication and supply the credentials of a user that does have permission in the connection string.
If you right click on the pool Identity section and go to properties, it should come up with a box that lets you either choose from 3 builtin system accounts, or specify your own account. Either give one of the builtin accounts permission for the DB, or use an account that has permission. Or leave it as is and change your connection string.
Well...changing the ApplicationPoolIdentity property and setting it to NETWORK SERVICE seems to have fixed my problems. Not sure if that's the "right" way to do things or not (as in, I'm not sure if that's the recommended way to do things in IIS7 or not), but it seems to at least be working and has gotten me past this hang-up for now. Thanks.
I'm familiar with the idea of giving permissions to the user that the application is running problem is that in IIS7, the "user" seems to be virtual or something strange like that. Prior to me changing the "Identity" property of the Application Pool properties to NETWORK SERVICE, it was set to "ApplicationPoolIdentity", and the error I was getting was that "IIS APPPOOL\MyApplicationName" didn't have access to the database. When I attempted to add the "IIS APPPOOL\MyApplicationName" user to the database, it didn't appear to exist...not that I could find anyway.
So my ultimate problem is not understanding or being able to find any good documentation on how the IIS7 security model works. When I created the application, it seemed to create an AppPool with the same name just for this application. I don't know exactly what changes I need to make to give the application and/or the user it runs under privileges to the database, considering the fact that the user that the AppPool runs as doesn't appear to actually exist.
As I mentioned, changing the Identity of the AppPool to NETWORK SERVICE seems to have worked for now, but I'm trying to find out what the best practice is for this kind of thing under IIS7. Thanks.
leave the hard problems for someone else -
create a sql user and use SQL Auth. :D
If you follow Mr. Fernández' advice, you will get everything working. This is the new way of giving least privilege to a site.
So don't do the easy, less secure thing (NETWORK SERVICE). Do the right thing. Scroll up. ;)
Using Trusted Connection in Windows Authenticated Mode:
OS: windows 7 32 bit
IIS 7, Sql Server 2008 R2 Express
Connection String: "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=test;Data Source=mycomputername\sqlexpress;" (if instance name is sqlexpress or whatever instance name you have used)
If you are not able to connect sql server using windows mode authenticated connection to sql server 2008.
NT AUTHORITY\IUSR Account might not have permission in sql server to authorize connection with database.
Connect Sql server using windows authentication mode.
Expand Security node.
Click on "User Mapping" under Select a page at Log-in properties window.
Select the database that you are trying to connect.
Select following permissions from "Database role membership for:......"
1. db_datareader 'this allows to open connection
2. db_datawriter 'this allows to fetch data records from datatable
The first step is to verify which account your website is running under. Create a simple aspx page with:
<%# Page Language="C#" %>
<% Response.Write(System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name); %>
If you're using windows authentication the WindowsIdentity account will need to have a login in your SQL Server. Under Security -> Logins -> Login New you'll want to add whatever name that was displayed by WindowsIdentity and make sure Windows authentication is selected.
If you ever happen to move your database to a separate machine you'll have to create a domain account and use impersonation in your web.config. Google <identity impersonate="true"> for more info.
If you look in the description of the field it states that running under "Network Services" account is the recommended account to use. Not sure why in Win7 it defaults to the ApplicationPoolIdentity setting.
I have the exact same issue. I'm running Windows 7 RC. When I'm trying to usa a .mdf file (located in App_Data), there is now way to make that thing work. I did try to change the AppPool's identity for LocalSystem, but it simply won't work.
If I use a "standard" database, then it will work if I'm using LocalSystem, but it won't work with the famous 'IIS APPPOOL\DefaultAppPool'.
I find it a bit disturbing not to find any information on that matter, it seems that the 'IIS APPPOOL\DefaultAppPool' user is totally useless if you are using a database of any kind...
I have it running, but I'm also bit frustrated not to understand the security model, as stated by ryexley.
yes, the app pool identity method doesn't work like they say (not in IIS7 anyway) it's supposed to. I think there are hackers at MS who make this security convoluted on purpose so you take the path of least resistance and leave your system less secure (so they can hack into it later). - just kidding, but really, their security model is pure insanity, no straightforward (step by step) instructions anywhere on MSDN - nada, zip!
I faced same problem between (SQL2008 that is installed on standalone Win-server2003 server) and (IIS6 with ASP.NET3.5 that are installed on standalone Win-server2003 server).
Where, IIS tries to access SQL2008 using some user in the domain "domain\username".
I removed following option out of connectionstring, and every thing works fine now.
Integrated Security=True;
Open SQL Management Studio, connect to your local machine as an admin.
Expand the Security branch.
Right click on Logins and select New Login
Into the Login Name field, type "IIS APPPOOL\MyApplicationName". Do
NOT click the search button. The user profile dosn't actually exist
on the local machine, it's dynamically created on demand.
Select Database in User Mapping
Select sysadmin in Server Roles
