Rails routing with requirements - ruby-on-rails

with the following routes I try to achive the goal, that I can present static resources like terms of use, imprint and so on in different languages using different urls.
I defined two example routes for my imprint like that:
map.imprint ':lang/impressum', :controller => "statics", :action => "imprint", :requirements => {:lang => /de/}
map.imprint ':lang/imprint', :controller => "statics", :action => "imprint", :requirements => {:lang => /en/}
Now in my view I try to use the path/url helper like that:
<%= link_to(t(statics.imprint.linkname), imprint_url(:lang => session[language])) %>
where there session[:language] is "de" or "en".
Thats results in a working link for the de route. But the english one fails. If I change the order of the routes, it's vice versa, and the english one works, while the german one fails.
The error always reads like that:
imprint_url failed to generate from {:controller=>"statics", :lang=>"de", :action=>"imprint"}, expected: {:controller=>"statics", :action=>"imprint"}, diff: {:lang=>"de"}
Can anyone help out with this?

As far as I know, you cannot map two routes to the same name like that.
You would need to rename one of them, ie
When Rails looks up the route, it will stop at the first one that it finds, that's why your 'de' links are working.


Routing more than one action to the same controller and action

I am trying to get something like this working on my Rails app:
match '/:language', :to => 'posts#search_result'
match '/:tag', :to => 'posts#search_result'
match '/:language/:tag', :to => 'posts#search_result'
I am using this search_result action to filter some posts depending of the language and the tag.
The problem is that sometimes :tag will be nil or :language will be nil; so i have these 3 possibilities when calling the action:
<%=link_to "Spanish", {:controller => 'posts', :action => 'search_result', :language => "spanish"} %>
<%= link_to "Spanish", {:controller => 'posts', :action => 'search_result', :language => "spanish", :tag => #tag} %>
<%=link_to "#{tag.name}", {:controller => 'posts', :action => 'search_result', :tag => #tag} %>
And I am expection to have URLs like:
/spanish (for the first case)
/spanish/rails (where rails is a tag, for the second case)
/rails (for the third case)
But right now i am getting the rigth thing for the first and third case, but for the second case i am getting:
or again /spanish (depending on if i had selected a tag first or a language first).
I hope i explained myself right. Any idea??. thanks!.
The router cannot tell the difference between a :language and a :tag.
Just because your routes say "language" and "tag" when you are constructing your code in the view.. remember that in the html this has been translated into just plain ole URLs eg /spanish or /rails
the route then has to be figured out from this URL.
Now as I said, the router can't tell that a particular word is a language or a tag... and the plain-ole-URL doesn't have the word "tag" or "language" in it anymore... so your two routes here:
match '/:language', :to => 'posts#search_result'
match '/:tag', :to => 'posts#search_result'
are both the same kind of URL
Just a single token after the slash. Here are some examples that will match that route:
They will all match the first route that matches on "a single token after a slash"... which means your router will match all of them to the "language" route and will never ever match the "/:tag" route, because it's already matched on the route above.
he he: it's all greek to the router ;)
Hi, this is helping me a lot to understand how routing works.. but still i can't see it clear. I understand what you said, and so basically i understand i should do something like match '/tags/:tag to at least only route to posts#search_result the URLS starting by /tag .. what would be a solution??
yes, "/tags/:tag" would be clear and unambiguous, but if you want it to truly flexible in tag vs language you would be better served by the simple:
match '/posts/search', :to => 'posts#search_result'
which can use any of your link_to examples above to generate eg:
It's also far more clear what is being passed and why.
The description of the third URL is "I'm searching for a set of posts which have language = spanish and tag = rails"
Your URL should reflect the resource (which in this case is a set of posts) everything else is better done as query params.
Instead of defining /:language and /:language/:tag separately, define them together, with /:tag as an optional URI element.
match '/:language(/:tag)', :to => 'posts#search_result'
I believe routes are matched (and URIs generated from them) in the order that the routes are defined. You defined /:lang before you defined /:lang/:tag, so it matched /:lang and made :tag a GET parameter. I suppose you could optimize the ordering of your definitions, but I believe using the above syntax is the preferred method.

ruby on rails - routes.rb - match file extension when multiple periods exist in filename

I have created a route plus controller for doing dynamic css in ruby on rails as per the instructions here:
It took some changing to account for a newer version of ruby on rails, but the problem comes in with the routes.rb entry. The original entry was this:
# dynamic CSS (stylesheets)
map.connect 'rcss/:rcssfile',
:controller => 'rcss',
:action => 'rcss'
This did not work with a newer version of RoR, and I found this solution to work:
# dynamic CSS (stylesheets)
map.connect 'rcss/:rcssfile.css',
:controller => 'rcss',
:action => 'rcss'
However, now I was bummed that I couldn't get a catch-all filetype extension handler. The request had to have the .css extension. Playing around with it further I came up with this:
# dynamic CSS (stylesheets)
map.connect 'rcss/:rcssfile.:format',
:controller => 'rcss',
:action => 'rcss'
So this is much better. Now I could potentially request a file that ended in .foobar or whatever and match it with a handler. Not that I would necessarily, but it's more about understanding everything.
So then I tried creating a file that looked something like "foo.net.rcss" . Now it would seem that the first dot messes everything up. "no routes match rcss/foo.net.css". My questions are as follows:
How can I match any filename and any extension regardless of how many dots are in the filename?
Why does the first example not work in later RoR versions?
Why do multiple dots screw up the match?
Thanks in advance for any help.
------- update -------
I am using Rails 3.0.5 . As per some more research I can shorten the syntax to:
match 'rcss/:rcssfile', :to => 'rcss#rcss'
This is the equivalent of the first example that did not seem to work, however using this syntax it works just as expected.
match 'rcss/:rcssfile:.:format', :to => 'rcss#rcss'
This also works just like my previous example #3, however it still has the problem of not matching a file with multiple periods.
It would seem that labeling a standard ":paramater" takes special consideration for the period character. ":parameter" will match a path with up to one period, ":parameter.:extension" will match a path with up to two periods, but the :extension will be only what's between the two periods, etc.
A way around this is to use what is called "Route Globbing", which uses an asterisk instead of a colon:
match 'rcss/*rcssfile', :to => 'rcss#rcss'
The only caveat is that this will match ANYTHING after the asterisk, including subdirectories. As such, you want to make sure that this does not accidentally expose any secure files or accidentally render things unintentionally.
I used this for a general case when you don't know the extension:
get '/uploads/:basename.:extension', to: 'controller#action', basename: /.*(?=\.[\w\d]+$)/
Use a regex to match the filename?
map.connect 'rcss/:rcssfile',
:controller => 'rcss',
:action => 'rcss',
:requirements => {:rcssfile => /.+\.rcss/ }
This would match (anything).rcss - you could adjust the regex for various suffixes.

Handling ambiguous routes in Rails

Here's my dilemma: I have two types of routes which are semantically very different, and should go to different controllers.
ny/new-york/brooklyn/cleaners # should go to a list of cleaners for a neighborhood
ny/new-york/cleaners/mrclean # should go to an individual cleaner's page
Note that "brooklyn" and "cleaners" here are just examples. The app has many service types (e.g. "cleaner") and many neighborhoods, so it's impossible to hard-code a list of either into a regular expression and use that to distinguish the two routes.
Is it possible to involve an arbitrary method, which accesses ActiveRecord models, in the routing decision? I'm using Rails 2.3.8.
Edit : new answer with dynamic services
Looking at this blog entry it seems possible to use ActiveRecords in the routes.
Maybe you could do something like this :
service_names = Service.all.map(&:short_name) # assuming the property 'short_name' is the value used in urls
service_names.each do |service_name|
map.connect ':state/:city/#{service_name}/:company' :controller => ‘company’, :action => ‘show’ # to show the company's page
map.connect ':state/:city/:neighborhood/#{service_name}_finder' :controller => ‘company_finder’, :action => ‘find’ # to list the companies for the given service in a neighborhood
That should still prevent conflicts since the routes for a certain service is before a route for a neighborhood
Old bad answer
Can't you use the two following routes ?
map.connect ':state/:city/cleaners/:cleaner' :controller => ‘cleaners’, :action => ‘show’ # to show the cleaner's page
map.connect ':state/:city/:neighborhood/cleaners' :controller => ‘cleaner_finder’, :action => ‘find’ # to list the cleaners of a neighborhood
In your controller, you should be able to retrieve :state, :city and others value using params[:state], params[:city], etc.
Putting the :state/:city/cleaners/:cleaner on the first line should prevent ambiguity.

Rails Routing Conditional with multiple value options

I have a rails route that is based on two conditions, that the domain and subdomain are a specific value. The problem is that there are multiple possible values for subdomain to work, but I can't seem to be able to pass them as an array or hash.
map.with_options(:conditions => {:domain => AppConfig['base_domain'], :subdomain => 'www'..'www3'}) do |signup|
signup.plans '/signup', :controller => 'accounts', :action => 'plans'
The above example works as accepting www, www1, www2 & www3 as a value for the subdomain. However, that doesn't really solve my needs. I need to be able to accept a value of '' (nothing), 'www' and 'www2' so I tried something to the extend of:
map.with_options(:conditions => {:domain => AppConfig['base_domain'], :subdomain => ['','www','www2']}) do |signup|
That's similar to how you would set it up in ActiveRecord but it doesn't seem to be the same for routes.
Does anybody know now I can specify three values that aren't sequential?
If you can render it as a regular expression, you can use it as a condition. Converting an array to a regular expression is quite easy:
:subdomain => Regexp.new(%w[ www www3 ].collect { |p| Regexp.escape(p) }.join('|'))
Since you're just dealing with a simple pattern anyway, why not express it as this?
:subdomain => /www\d*/
It is important to note that the regular expressions used by routes are not supposed to be anchored using ^ or $ like you usually would. They must match completely to be valid, and partial matches are ignored.

Param name and value (independantly) as part of Rails Route

DocumentsController#common_query can handle multiple different request styles.
i.e. all docs in batch 4 or all docs tagged "happy"
I want a single route to make em pretty, so:
So the end result is that #common_query is called but part of the url was used as the param name and part as it's value.
The second option, with two routes, is almost certainly the better way to go, because it will only match the kinds of URLs that you want to support, while the first option will also "match" URLs like /documents/foo/bar, which will likely cause your #common_query method to, at best, return a RecordNotFound (404) response. At worst, if you're not ready to not see any of your expected params, you'll get a 500 error instead...
Of course, if you start having a lot of variations, you end up with a lot of routes. And if you need to use them in combination, e.g., /documents/batch/4/tag/happy, then you'll need to use a wildcard route, and do the parameter processing in your controller. This might look something like:
map.connect 'documents/*specs', :controller => "documents_controller", :action => "common_query"
The various elements of the URL will be available your controller as params[:specs]. You might turn that into a find like so:
#items = Item.find(:all, :conditions => Hash[params[:specs]])
That Hash[] technique converts the one dimensional array of options into a key-value hash, which might be useful even if you're not feeding it directly to a find().
As a single route:
ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|
map.connect "documents/:type/:id", :controller => "documents_controller",
:action => "common_query"
Then params[:type] will either be "batch" or "tag", and params[:id] either "4" or "happy". You will have to make sure that other actions for the DocumentsController come before this in the routes because this will match any url that looks like "documents/*/*".
But why does it have to be a single route? You could use two routes like this:
map.with_options(:controller => "documents_controller",
:action => "common_query") do |c|
c.connect "documents/batch/:page", :type => "batch"
c.connect "documents/tag/:tag", :type => "tag"
which will have the same effect, but is more specific, so you wouldn't have to worry about the priority order of the routes.
