Spawn a process from Rhozet Carbon Coder - spawn

I am trying to figure out how to spawn a process / start an EXE from Rhozet Carbon Coder.
The manual mentions a task that sounds promising, "ExternalProcess", in section 5.8.2 but does not document this task.
Has anybody had success doing this, or knows where the ExternalProcess task is documented?

I have heard back from Rhozet that the ExternalProcess command mentioned tangentially in the manual is a typo, there isn't any task by that name.
Currently the only way to launch a process is to use the Notify task.
For example the folowing xml put in the Sources section of a configuration file launches notepad before running the job.
<ProcessNotify_0 NotifyCommand="notepad.exe" />


How do i know that jetty started successfully with application instance from an ant target?

I face the following problem: whenever i try to start Jetty with an application instance i need check if the application is running. I need to do that from an ant target.
I want to have something behaving like the following pseudocode:
<target name="target1"
<--when run-jetty-with-application is ok(jetty is up and application is running)-->
<antcall target="target2"/>
<--end when-->
I should also mention that i have no publicly exposed urls that could give me the status of the application.
I'm not after the hacky solution like waitfor.
Thanks in advance!
There are only 2 ways to know if Jetty is started, all webapps are deployed without error, all lifecycle is started successfully, and the server is available to serve content.
Periodically ask for a resource on that web app, confirming that it is up and running. (timeout with failure if resources doesn't make itself available after a period of time)
Hook into the LifeCycle.Listener on the Server component, wait for the .lifeCycleStarted(LifeCycle event) for the server, then walk the entire handler tree, looking for any Handler component that failed to deploy via the DeploymentManager.
As you can imagine, the first technique is the easiest.
This is the <waitfor> facility in Ant, and is what the Jetty project itself uses.
The second approach requires a custom Ant task.
You can either write it yourself, and know that it will do what you want. Or use the jetty-ant tasks with daemon mode to get almost the same thing (the JettyRunTask in daemon mode starts up the server, but it does not wait for start to finish or the webapps to deploy successfully before it returns control to ant).

JBPM 6.0.1 adding custom task to workbench

I've created task in ecplise which calls DB stored procedure. I've written WID and Work Item Handler for this (running from eclipse works). But now I would like to add this task to workbench to let workbench users creating processes with it. How to do it?
Can you please elaborate a little bit more about what you are doing?
Take a look at this blog post to see if it answer your questions:
Create a new process and open it in designer. After doing that, you should also see a work definitions file being created in the same folder (by default with 4 predefined service tasks), if you open that, add your custom wid and save, reopening the process should show your custom service task in the palette under the service tasks category.

Extract information from a log file using powershell

Hi I am new to the language of powershell s i though about playing around with it. I am trying to extract information out of a log file (the file belongs to a program called event viewer). I need to use the information under Boot Duration.
Could somebody guide me a little bit?
It will be greatly appreciated
Logs are always the same. Not sure if you are going to monitor boot log of windows or linux or what.. but will try to answer.
If you edit your question and add info on the operating system and an example of relevant lines of boot log file I can provide you with some powershell code.
In general you should do:
Identify how to manually see boot time in log file. For example
probably it will have a starting boot time and a finished boot time.
Something similar to this.
[2012-06-08 12:00:04] starting boot
lot of log entries
[2012-06-08 12:00:34] finished boot
Once you know how to do it manually, you have to convince powershell to do it for you. You can use regular expressions to look for the pattern of dates. In my example look for lines that contains "starting boot" and then parse it to load date.
Here you have an useful link on powershell and regular expressions:

How do I do an http request upon successful Inno Setup install, for tracking purposes?

When my program successfully installs via Inno Setup, how do I run a URL in the background? I want to just load a tracking pixel (or a postback) which says that my program was installed.
I'm aware than in the [Run] section, I can run a .url file with the flag "runhidden", but as far as I know that won't do what I need it to. Am I wrong about that, or are there better option?
Thank you.
There is no TCP/IP related Support Functions, defined by default.
You could build this functionality into a DLL and call it from you Install Script.
This is done installation's where Activation is required to make the program work.
However, I would just launch a browser window using the [Run] section that contains "Getting Started" information. You can then track hits to that page.

Nant: Process id of a service that is already running

Does anyone know how to get the PID of the process that a windows service is running in from Nant?
I am having file locking problems. I issue a stop command to the service and then try and delete the Windows service's files. However these are quite often locked by the process that the Windows service is running in. I want to find the PID so that I can wait for it to terminate before deleting.
You might have to create a custom nant task to do this. However you might want to see about just adding maybe a delay like 1 min or something before you try to replace your files. Might be easier.
