Blocking to be indexed - search-engine

I am wondering is there any (programming) way to block that any search engine indexes the content of a website.

You can specify it in robots.txt
User-agent: *
Disallow: /

As the other answers already say, Robots.txt is the standard that every proper search engine adheres to. This should be enough in most cases.
If you really want try to programmatically block malicious bots that do not listen to robots.txt, check out this question I asked a few months ago on how to tell bots apart from human visitors. You may find some good starting points there.

Create a robots.txt file for your site. For more info - see this link.

Most search engine bots identify themselves using a unique user agent.
You can block specific user agents using robots.txt
Here is a list of some user agents.

Since you did not mention programming language, I'll give my input on this as from a php perspective - there is a wordpress plugin called bad behavior, which does exactly what you are looking for, it is configurable via a code script listing an array of search agent's strings. And based on what the agent is crawling on your site, the plugin automatically checks the user-agent's string and id, or IP address and based on the array, if there's a match, it either rejects or accepts the agent.
It might be worth your while to have a peek at the code to see how is it done from a programmer's perspective of the code.
If the language is other than php, and not satisfy what you are looking for, then I apologize for posting this answer.
Hope this helps,
Best regards,


How to get subpages of an URL without knowing them?

I'd like to know any Subpages of a certain URL. E.g. I have the URL There might exist the subpages, and so on. Is it possible to get all of such subpages without knowing there exact name?
I thought I can handle this problem with a web crawler. But it just crawls for pages mentioned on the page itself.
I hope you understand my problem and can help me with it.
Thank you!
To answer your question, yes. Scrapy "crawl" spiders work by setting rules that can be set to do exactly what you're trying to. When in doubt, always go to the docs!
Couple things to note:
You can create a crawl spider the same way when creating the generic spider!
scrapy genspider -t crawl nameOfSpider
With a crawl spider, you then have to set rules to basically tell scrapy where and where not to go; how's your regex?!
class MySpider(CrawlSpider):
name = ''
allowed_domains = [''] # PART 1: Domain Restriction
start_urls = ['']
rules = (
Rule(LinkExtractor(allow=('.*')), callback='parse_item'), # PART 2: Call Back
Now I copied and pasted this from the Official docs, and changed up what it should look like for you but I havent checked the code so yeah... teh logic is there though..
IThis works by getting ALL the link that it can see depending on the rules you set, does something with said link.
You want to restrict all other domains but the one your scrapinng
In the example I set the wildcard to literally accept every and any page in the domain... once you figure out tehs tructure of a website, you can use logic to build out what you need.
You should take a look at the docs more often though. I have been using scrapy for about 6-7 years and I still find myself going back to the man pages!
No, you can’t.
The way you describe the situation, the website intends those desired URLs to be secret.
Any way to find such URLs would be a security exploit that should be reported to the website owners right away so they can fix it.

Craigslist or Kijiji - Is it possible to extract posters email address?

Hi and thanks in advance for helping me with my question.
Is it possible to write a script that would extract the following information when provided with a craigslist or kiji post ie
email address (default one provided by craigslist)
items in the post
address of poster
Above 1-3 is information that can be manually obtained but would like to just input a posting or ad ID and be able to extract this info.
The short answer to this question is...
Yes, automatically extracting the info listed from web pages similar to the one provided as example can be done by a relatively simple script.
In general, this activity [of automatically extracting info from web pages] is known as Web Scraping, a particular form of Data Scraping.
There are both off-the-shelf products that can be used (no or little programming involved; the parametrization of the desired pages and desired fields within the pages is specified by way of configuration.), as well as software libraies which can be used in relation with scripting languages such as python or java and which facilitate the parsing of HTML page, and more generally provide support for the various tasks associated with this activity.
Aside from technical considerations, you need to assert the etiquette and legality of performing this kind of scraping. Whereby some data and sites may be explicitly copyright-protected, it is always a good idea to perform big scraping jobs at low traffic hours and by throttling the requests as to not burden the host site unduly. Also many sites may provide an API or data dumps to supply the same info in a simpler and more controlled fashion.

Search Engine without crawling?

Is there a way to collect web content in order to use it in a search engine without passing by the web crawling phase? Any alternative to web crawling?
No, to collect the content you have to...collect the content. :-)
Yes (and sort-of no).
You can download existing data dumps from various websites (wikipedia, stackoverflow, etc.) and construct a partial index that way. It obviously won't be a complete index of the internet.
You could also use meta-search to construct your search engine. This is where you use the APIs of other search engines and use THEIR search results as the basis of your index. Examples include citosearch and opensearch. duckduckgo uses yahoo's boss api (and now yahoo uses bing...) as part of their search engine.
There are also real-time streaming APIs that you could use instead of crawling the web. Look at datasift as an example. There are lots more resources you could cleverly use and avoid/minimize crawling.
If you want to be updated with the latest content on pages, then you can use something like pubsubhubbub protocol to get push notifications for subscribed links.
Or use paid services like superfeedr that make use of the same protocol.
directly or indirectly you have to crawl the web in order to get the content.
Well if you don't want to crawl, you can follow a wiki-like approach, where users can submit links to sites (with title, description and tags). So a collaborative link collection can be built.
To avoid spam a +/- system can be involved, to vote useful sites or tags up and useless ones down.
To avoid spammers mass voting SERPs you can weight votes by user reputation.
User reputation can be gained by submitting useful sites. Or somehow tracing usage patterns.
And considering other abuse patterns too.
Well, you got the point, I think.
As spammers gradually discover weaknesses of traditional search engines (see Google bomb, content scraper sites, etc.), a community based approach may work. But it would suffer severely from the cold start effect, and when community is small the system is easy to abuse and poison...
At least Wikipedia and Stack Exchange is not spammed to useless levels so far...

how do I block my rails app from being hit by bots?

I'm not even sure I'm using the right terminology, whether this is actually bots or not. I didn't want to use the word 'spam' because it's not like I have comments or posts that are being created/spammed. It looks more like something is making the same repeated request to my domain, which is what made me think it was some kind of bot.
I've opened my first rails app to the 'public', which is a really a small group of users, <50 currently. That was last Friday. I started having performance issues today, so I looked at the log and I see tons of these RoutingErrors
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches "/portalApp/APF/pages/business/util/whichServer.jsp" with {:method=>:get}):
They are filling up the log and I'm assuming this is causing the slowdown. Note the .jsp on the end and this is a rails app, so I've got no urls remotely like this in my app. I mean, the /portalApp I don't even have, so I don't know where this is coming from.
This is hosted at Dreamhost and I chatted with one of their support people, and he suggested a couple sites that detail using htaccess to block things. But that looks like you need to know the IP or domain that the requests are coming from, which I don't.
How can I block this? How can I find the IP or domain from the request? Any other suggestions?
Follow up info:
After looking at the access logs, it looks like it's not a bot. Maybe I'm not reading the logs right, but there are valid url requests (generated from within my Flex app) coming from the same IP. So now I'm wondering if it's some kind of plugin generating the requests, but I really don't know. Now I'm wondering if it's possible to block a certain url request, based on a pattern, but I suppose that's a separate question.
Old question, but for people who are still looking for alternatives I suggest checking out Kickstarter's rack-attack gem. Allows not only blacklisting and whitelisting, but also throttling.
These page seems to offer some good advice:
The section on blocking by user agent may be something you could look at implementing. Is there anyway you can get the useragent from the bot from your logs? If so look for the unique aspect of the useragent that probably identifies the bot and add the following to .htaccess replacing the relevant bits
BrowserMatchNoCase SpammerRobot bad_bot
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from env=bad_bot
Its detail on that link in more detail and of course, if you can't get the useragent from your logs then this will be of no use to you!
You can also update your public/robots.txt file to allow/disallow robots.

What's the best method to capture URLs?

I'm trying to find the best method to gather URLs, I could create my own little crawler but it would take my servers decades to crawl all of the Internet and the bandwidth required would be huge. The other thought would be using Google's Search API or Yahoo's Search API, but that's not really a great solution as it requires a search to be performed before I get results.
Other thoughts include asking DNS servers and requesting a list of URLs but DNS servers can limit/throttle my requests or even ban me all together. My knowledge of asking DNS servers is quite limited at the moment, so I don't know if this is the best method or not.
I just want a massive list of URLs, but I want to build this list without running into brick walls in the future. Any thoughts?
I'm starting this project to learn Python but that really has nothing to do with the question.
$ wget
You can register to get access to the entire .com and .net zone files at Verisign
I haven't read the fine print for terms of use, nor do I know how much (if anything) it costs. However, that would give you a huge list of active domains to use as URLs.
How big is massive? A good place to start is They offer a download of the top 1,000,000 sites (by their ranking mechanism). You could then expand this list by going to Google and scraping the results of the query link: url for each url in the list.
modern terms now are URI and URN, URL is the shrunk/outdated. i'd scan for sitemap files that contain many addresses in one file and study the classic text spiders, wanderes, brokers and bots and RFC 3305 (appendix b. p 50) defining URI regex
