Project Management With Team Foundation Server - tfs

At my new company I have been tasked with setting up and presenting TFS as a full life cycle solution. I have plenty of experience working with TFS as a developer but I can't seem to find any good resources regarding setting up process via templates, things like modifying work items templates, creating sprints (We are using scrum) , bugs templates and so on. Any material either on the web or in book form would be greatly appreciated. We will be using TFS 2010 but anything from 2008 or 2005 would be a great help.

MSDN Magazine has an article about "Agile planning with TFS 2010" here:
Also check out these fresh virtual harddrives pre-installed with TFS and Visual Studio. They come with labs that you can follow, one of them titled "Planning your Projects with Team Foundation Server 2010":


How to upgrade process template for team project in TFS 2018?

I have been responsible for administrate our TFS projects and have started to investigate the current configurations. I found the following link for determining which process our team projects are connected to: How to determine what Process template an existing TFS 2012 project is configured with?
When using the rest API described in the article above, it seems like the projects depend on a process template called "Microsoft Visual Studio Scrum 2013". When reading this article: Scrum process it seems to me that the process is outdated and should be upgraded to use the "Scrum" template.
I have searched the internet for knowledge on how to upgrade the project to use the new Scrum process but had no luck of finding an answer. Does anyone have an idea of how to update the projects to depend on a newer process? Maybe the whole question is wrongly put as I may lack some obvious knowledge about how these things are meant to work. All I want is to ensure our projects are updated to use the latest TFS technology.
We use Visual Studio 2017 and did recently upgrade our TFS server to TFS 2018.
In general, some new features will be introduced when upgrade from old to new version of TFS.
Generally if you haven't made any changes to the original process template, upgrading is quite easy. Just enable new features by running the Configure Features Wizard in your team projects configuration page.
If it can’t upgrade automatically, you need to apply updates manually. See Add updates to team projects manually.
If you customized the process template, then you can follow the steps mentioned in this link to Update a customized process template to access new features.
To update the existing projects, a not so nice but easy way is to remove all work items and process data from your project and then add the newest items. Martin Hinshelwood has some great guidance on how to do this.

Missing the SCRUM "backlog" and "board" tabs in TFS 2012

I've installed TFS 2012 Express on Windows server 2008.
Created new project, and choose the Scrum 2.0 process template.
From all the tutorials, I understand that I am supposed to have backlog, board and work items tabs.
However, I have only the work items. How do I get the two others?
Here: View Backlog link is missing from the TFS11 home page
someone pointed that there is Web Access Permissions setting in the Administration page,
but in the Administration page, I am also missing the web acess tab.
Agile Planning tool are not available in TFS Express. Under the "Agile/Scrum" section of the post it says:
Product Backlog and Sprint Planning – these require Premium or Ultimate (see this post about enabling via the licensing feature)
At the end of the article it also mentions:
[UPDATE 6/7/2012] TFS Express does not include any of the Agile features. It is really focused on source control, build, and bug tracking. You can read more about it here.

Using Requirements Authoring Starter Kit (RASK) with Word 2007 and TFS 2008

The MSDN link describes how to use Word 2003 to manage requirements along with the work items in TFS using RASK (Requirements Authoring Starter Kit) . I am wondering If It is applicable with Word 2007 and TFS 2008/2010. If It is, could somebody provide some links for the same. I can't afford to use other third party components as they are very expensive.
EDIT :- is a good place to start. I am reading that now.
The Requirements Authoriing Starter Kit is really old. As you have found, there have been some more recent efforts in this area.
The ALM Rangers have created guidance for managing requirements in the past: Visual Studio 2010 Team Foundation Server Requirements Management.
They also have a project that they are working on at the moment:
Word Plug-in for TFS (TFSWP)
The vision of this project is to support the communication between the non-technical users, who prefer Word as requirements elicitation tool, and the developer persona. Bidirectional link between Word and TFS work item tracking is a typical example but as usual, all details will be defined by the project team.
For more details, see the 'tfswp' tag on Willy's blog.
You might also want to take a look at this project on CodePlex:
TfsWord - Word Extensions for Team Foundation Server TfsWord allows
you to create and edit TFS work items
using Microsoft Office Word 2007.
TfsWord complements the Microsoft
Office integration built into Team
Explorer, adding work item editing
capabilities to Word.
For more details, see
The premier paid solution is TeamSpec from Team Solutions:
TeamSolutions TeamSpec provides a rich project requirement management
experience directly inside Microsoft
Word. By making Team Foundation Server
(TFS) project artifacts such as
Scenarios, QOS Requirements, Risks,
Issues, Bugs, Tasks, among others,
first class citizens inside Microsoft
Word, TeamSpec enables Application
Lifecycle contributions by the
Business Analyst, Project Manager, and
Executive roles.
For more details, see

About to work in a company that uses Team Foundation Server?Advice needed

As a developer I am a user of Subversion at the moment and I am changing job and going to work for a company that uses Team Foundation Server
I would like to learn the basic and more as user of Team Foundation Server
What do I need to do to replicate the enviroment and practice a bit?
Any Tips ?
What should I read?
Can I simulate the enviroment?
Thanks a lot
I would recommend reading this comprehensive document on codeplex: Visual Studio TFS Branching Guide 2010
For simulation, without having to set eveything up, there are virtual labs here: Team System Virtual Labs
As an aside, it is also worth installing TFS Sidekicks and the TFS Power Tools

Is there any Scrum template process for TFS except than SfTS?

I'm going to do Scrum in VSTS (TFS 2010). I know about the famous process template SfTS from But It seems to be too heavy. It includes Sprints, Team Sprints, Work Stream,... I'm wondering if there is any other Scrum template process for TFS 2010?
Any help would be appreciated.
Microsoft release in July 2010 the Visual Studio Scrum template. You can download it here:
Use this template with Urban Turtle and you have a great user experience. Discloser: I work with the Urban Turtle team. So do not take my words. Instead, read what Brian Harry, who is the Product Unit Manager for Team Foundation Server, said about Urban Turtle: "...awesome Scrum experience for TFS."
You can read Brian Harry's blog post here
The MSF Agile 5 process template that comes with TFS has been Scrum-ified. It is effective, though I'm often annoyed by the reports not being time boxed naturally to the current iteration like SfTS (kudo's to JamesD and his team).
That said, put it together with something like UrbanTurtle or Telerik Work Item Manager and you have a great day-to-day, tactical work tool.
Eylean Board also offers a scrum process template for TFS 2010.
With the two way integration, it is great that we can use the additional features effortlessly.
Full Disclosure: I work for EMC Consulting that develops the Scrum for Team System process template.
The richer work item modelling available in TFS 2010 has enabled Scrum for Team System to support much more complex Scrum implementations ( ), however, this does mean that the most straightforward scenario is more complicated to setup.
This was a principle reason for creating the Scrum Masters Workbench tool, as it provides a UI for visually configuring the artefacts you mention. Additionally, this tool has a 'Quick Setup Mode' whose main purpose is to make it quick and easy to setup the required artefacts for the straightforward Scrum scenario (i.e. a single team).
See for information on the Scrum Masters Workbench.
We use EpiServer Scrum Dashboard to manage our work items and backlog with TFS.
There is the Scrum template in beta at TFS 2010 Scrum
It is very light and a solid way to use scrum with TFS 2010. Although a Beta it is solid.
I found 2 myself:
VSTS Scrum Process Template
But it seems there is not any other Scrum template process for TFS.
