Any WSGI middleware to make HTTP redirect on specific status code? - pylons

I'm using Pylons and want to add some middleware to it so that it catches 401 status codes and makes HTTP Redirect (302) to Signin page.
I know there is built-in StatusCodeRedirect in Pylons that acts in a similar fashion, but it does not produce HTTP redirect, and rather redirects internally (this is what I do not want).
Is there any existing middleware to add, or any generic middleware that can be easily modified to make HTTP redirects on specific status codes?

This should get you pretty close i didn't test it though but it's loosely based on something I wrote that I am using so tweak as necessary.
from webob.dec import wsgify
class Catch401AndRedirect(object):
responds to 401 redirects to signin page
def __init__(self, app, signin_url):
self._app = app
self._signin_url = signin_url
def __call__(self, request):
response = request.get_response(self._app)
if response.status_int == 401:
response.headers["Location"] = self._signin_url
response.status_int = 302
return response
edit: forgot to mention this solution requires webob, but since you are using pylons already, you have that dependency.

I've implemented my own middleware class that uses call_wsgi_application helper function of pylons.util
from pylons.util import call_wsgi_application
class StatusCodeHTTPRedirect(object):
def __init__(self, wsgi_app, codes, redirect_to): = wsgi_app
# Transform codes to str for comparison = tuple([str(x) for x in codes])
self.redirect_to = redirect_to
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
status, headers, app_iter, exc_info = call_wsgi_application(,
environ, catch_exc_info=True)
if status[:3] in
start_response('302 Found', [('Location', self.redirect_to)])
return []
start_response(status, headers, exc_info)
return app_iter
Hope this will help someone

You can use a complete authentication & authorization library for Pylons. The two most popular are: AuthKit and repoze.who. They already implement what you want to do.
If you don't want to use an existing library, you can write a custom middleware. It is simply a Python callable f(environ, start_response) which processes request data kept in environ. Look into config/


Error in Access-Control-Allow-Origin when Angular request to Rails

I'm using Angular 2 to make an API(rails) request. When I make the http request through angular, I get the following error:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load https://api-url. Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:4200' is therefore not allowed access. The response had HTTP status code 404.
However, if I try to make a request through Postman or the browser itself, I don't get any error. The data is displayed normally
angular code:
makeRequest() {
let user = {"user": "user", "password": "password"};
let headers: Headers = new Headers();
headers.append('Authorization', 'Basic ' + btoa(user.user + ':'+user.password));
headers.append('Content-Type', 'application/vn.api+json')
let this.http.get(api-url, {headers: headers}).map(res => res.json()).subscribe(data => { = data;
In my rails server i using the gem 'jsonapi-resources'to open AP. In my api controller, i have this code to authenticate and set headers to requests:
module Api
class ApiController < JSONAPI::ResourceController
prepend_before_action :set_headers, :authenticate
def context
{ current_station: #user }
def authenticate
authenticate_or_request_with_http_basic do |token, _|
#user = User.where(api_key: token).first
def set_headers
response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*"
When i make request in browser or using postaman, the header appears normally, but in Angular i have the error.
This is because of CORS. Long story short, browsers forbid by default one domain (http://localhost:4200) to make AJAX requests to another one (http://api-url). It works in "postman" because this is an extension and then, the CORS does not apply. If you want to fix this issue, you have to configure your server to returns certain header saying to the client that it allows the CORS connection.
In fact, when a website is trying to make an AJAX request to another domain, it first send an OPTION request to ask what are the domain allowed. This list is returned by the server via the header Access-Control-Allow-Origin. For example, it could contain a star ("*") to indicate that anyone could make AJAX call to this server. If this header allows your client to make AJAX call, your actual request will be executed, otherwise, you'll get an error (probably the one you currently get)

Desire2Learn Valence API | JSON not loading

I'm using the Python Requests library with the Valence-provided Python SDK to attempt to do a GET request. Something odd is happening with the URL and I'm not sure what. The response I get is 200 (which leads me to believe that the authentication is working), but when I try to print the JSON from the Request object, it instead prints the HTML of the page instead of the JSON.
I'm using modified code that I read from
Here's the Python code:
import requests
import auth as d2lauth
from auth import *
app_creds = { 'app_id': '----', 'app_key': '----' }
ac = d2lauth.fashion_app_context(app_id=app_creds['app_id'], app_key=app_creds['app_key'])
auth_url = ac.create_url_for_authentication('', 'http://localhost:8080')
redirect_url = "https://localhost:8080?x_a=3----&x_b=3dMRgCBAHXJDTA2E6DJIfdWq-gYl-pk77fF_3X5oDUuqc"
uc = ac.create_user_context(auth_url, '', True)
route = ''
url = uc.create_authenticated_url(route)
r = requests.get(url)
The output is the HTML of a page instead of JSON. If I do print(r), I get a status of 200. I think my redirect URL may be the issue, but I'm not sure what exactly is wrong. Thanks for any help!
Two things look off to me:
Using auth_url to create a user context isn't going to work, that's the URL you need to send the user to so they can authenticate. You need to use the URL you were redirected to after authenticating to build the user context. Assuming redirect_url is that URL, you should be passing that to create_user_context and not auth_url. is not a valid value for passing to create_authenticated_route, /d2l/api/versions is probably what you want. The SDK will prepend the scheme, domain, and port so including those in the value passed is going to result in an incorrect URI.
Once your app is working properly, you'll be able to access a JSON response by using r.json() rather than r.text.

Query server with PUT method

I will replace my command line
`curl -XPUT 'host:port/url' -d '{"val": "some_json"}'̀
by a Rails command, and get the result...
Somewhere like this :
response = call('put', 'host:port/url', '{"val" : "some_json"}')
Is there any predefined method to do this in Rails, or some gem ?
I know the command get of HTTP, but I will do a 'PUT' method.
Thanks for your replies
You can use Net::HTTP to send any standard http requests.
Here is a way, you can connect to any url ( http / https ), with any valid http methods with or without parameters.
def universal_connector(api_url, api_parameters={}, method="Get")
# Do raise Error, if url is invalid and Method is invalid
uri = URI(api_url)
req = eval("Net::HTTP::#{method.capitalize}.new('#{uri}')")
Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port,:use_ssl => uri.scheme == 'https') do |http|
response = http.request(req)
return response.body
There are many alternatives available as well. Specifically, Faraday. Also, read this before making a choice.
#get is just a simple shortcut for the whole code (Net::HTTP Ruby library tends to be very verbose). However, Net::HTTP perfectly supports PUT requests.
Another alternative is to use an HTTP client as a wrapper. The most common alternatives are HTTParty and Faraday.
HTTParty.put('host:port/url', { body: {"val" : "some_json"} })
As a side note, please keep in mind that Rails is a framework, not a programming language. Your question is about how to perform an HTTP PUT request in Ruby, not Rails. It's important to understand the difference.

Mailgun, Groovy HTTPBuilder and problems with HTTP Basic authentication

Looks like HTTPBuilder's behavior goes wrong when the server / api endpoint does not give a proper response. Mailgun's API does not respond 401, but instead gives something else. (Correct me if I'm wrong!)
The fact that there are no "Authentication required" headers sent, HTTPBuilder will not even try to authenticate.
I think I got the problem solved by the help of this thread:
They suggest, that writing the authentication header manually will force the authentication each time. Needed to modify that a bit so it looks like this:
def user = 'tom'
def pass = 'secret'
def http = new HTTPBuilder('')
http.headers[ 'Authorization' ] = "Basic " + "$user:$pass".getBytes('iso-8859-1').encodeBase64()
Seems to work now. Any better ideas? This looks like and perhaps is a hack.
Try to use something like:
def authSite = new HTTPBuilder( '' )
authSite.auth.basic 'myUserName', 'myPassword'
Read more at:

Retrieving the url anchor in a werkzeug request

I have a DAV protocol that stores out-of-band data in the url anchor, e.g. the ghi in DELETE /abc.def#ghi. The server is a Flask application.
I can see the request come in on the wire via tcpdump, but when I look at the werkzeug Request object (such as url() or base_url()), all I get back is /abc.def. The #ghi has been stripped out.
Is there a method that returns this information, or do I have to subclass Request to handle this myself? If so, is there an example I can use as an inspiration?
I ran into the same problem. Facebook authentication API returns the access token behind a hash appended into the redirection url. In the same way, Flask's request.url drops everything in the URL behind the hash sign.
I'm also using Flask so I think you can use my brute-force workaround using Javascript's window.location.href to get the full URL. Then, I just extracted the piece that I needed (the access token), put it into a redirection URL where I can pass the access token as an argument to the receiving view function. Here's the code:
#app.route('/app_response/<response>', methods=['GET'])
def app_response_code(response):
return ''' <script type="text/javascript">
var token = window.location.href.split("access_token=")[1];
window.location = "/app_response_token/" + token;
</script> '''
#app.route('/app_response_token/<token>/', methods=['GET'])
def app_response_token(token):
return token
In case you manage(d) to do this within Werkzeug, I'm interested to know how.
From Wikipedia (Fragment Identifier) (don't have the time to find it in the RFC):
The fragment identifier functions differently than the rest of the URI: namely, its processing is exclusively client-side with no participation from the server
So Flask - or any other framework - doesn't have access to #ghi.
You can do this using flask.url_for with the _anchor keyword argument:
url_for('abc.def', _anchor='ghi')
