Problem Installing MVC 2 RC2 -

System is Windows 7 32 bit fully up2date, Visual Studio 2008 & 2010 RC.
Trying to install AspNetMVC2_RC2_VS2008.exe following the instructions from I keep getting this error
Prerequisite check for system component Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2 - Visual Studio 2008 Tools failed with the following error message:
"The .NET Framework version 3.5 SP1 is required. You can install the .NET Framework from the Microsoft Web site. Please install a compatible version of the Framework and try installing this release again."
See the setup log file located at 'C:\Users\ME\AppData\Local\Temp\VSDCFD8.tmp\install.log' for more information.
Relevant info from the log file as follows..
Result of running operator 'ValueNotExists' on property 'ValidVS2008SKU': false
Result of running operator 'ValueNotEqualTo' on property 'AdminUser' and value 'True': false
Result of running operator 'ValueLessThan' on property 'Framework35SP1' and value '1': true
Result of checks for command 'MvcToolsVS2008\VS2008ToolsMVC2.msi' is 'Fail'
'Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2 - Visual Studio 2008 Tools' RunCheck result: Fail
A prerequisite failed for Package "Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2 - Visual Studio 2008 Tools"
I definitely have .NET 3.5 SP1 installed and up2date...

Try running the installer as administrator by right clicking the installer file and selecting "Run as administrator".


Jenkins .NET build failing with MSBuild 14, .NET framework 3.5 and Microsoft SDK 12 - no visual studio installed in build machine

Jenkins .NET build failing with MSBuild 14, .NET framework 3.5 and Microsoft SDK 12 - no visual studio installed in build machine
Error log:
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Building the projects in this solution one at a time. To enable parallel build,
please add the "/m" switch.
Build started 12/23/2019 2:50:42 PM.
Project "D:\jenkins\slaves\xxxxx\xxxxx\xxx\xxx\***.sln" on node 1 (clean;Rebuild target(s)).
Building solution configuration "Debug|Win32".
MSBUILD : error MSB3411: Could not load the Visual C++ component "VCBuild.exe".
If the component is not installed, either 1) install the Microsoft Windows SDK
for Windows Server 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5, or 2) install Microsoft Visual
Studio 2008. [D:\jenkins\slaves\xxxxx\xxxxx\xxx\xxx\***.sln]
Done Building Project "D:\jenkins\slaves\xxxxx\xxxxx\xxx\xxx\***.sln" (clean;Rebuild target(s)) -- FAILED.
(clean;Rebuild target) (1) ->
(LoadMadeira:Clean target) ->
MSBUILD : error MSB3411: Could not load the Visual C++ component "VCBuild.exe
".`enter code here` If the component is not installed, either 1) install the Microsoft Windows S
DK for Windows Server 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5, or 2) install Microsoft Visu
al Studio 2008.````
tried updating the sdkpath to resolv the above error from Jenkins/local, but still no luck. Any help would be highly appreciated.

No 'ASP.NET MVC 4' assemblies when installing Visual Studio Build Tools 2017

I have a TeamCity build machine with VS2017 build tools installed. The problem is that I don't see any 'ASP.NET MVC 4' installed in "c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft ASP.NET" folder. The assemblies are required to build project that reference e.g. System.Web.Http namespace. When building, I am getting exactly such errors.
When running Visual Studio Build Tools 2017 on TeamCity build machine I have following Workloads installed:
.NET desktop build tools
Web development build tools
Data storage and processing build tools
Individual components tab does not list ASP.NET MVC directly but I have "Advanced ASP.NET features installed.
Do I need to install any external component to enable building of ASP.NET MVC 4 on my build machine? Or maybe it is only including in 'Visual Studio Professional 2017' product, not the 'Visual Studio Build Tools 2017'?
Could it be the case that the installation is broken?
(Microsoft ASP.NET folder contains "ASP.NET Web Stack 5" but as said earier the entire "ASP.NET MVC 4" is missing).
Thanks, Radek
I am not familiar with Visual Studio Build Tools 2017. But you can try installing the standalone ASP.NET MVC 4 package:

Unable to install MVC 3

I am attempting to install MVC 3 to use with Visual Web Developer 2010 Express. I try to install from AspNetMVC3ToolsUpdateSetup.exe. The install log shows this:
MSI (s) (08:E4) [00:22:35:745]: Product: Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 3 -- A
later version of Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 3 is already installed. Setup
will now exit.
A later version of Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 3 is already installed. Setup
will now exit.
I have MVC 2 installed (it came with VWD 2010). I do not see MVC3 or MVC4 in installed programs list. I don't have NuGet installed. How could I manage to install it?
I apparently had a corrupted installation. I was unable to see MVC3 installed in control panel and I was unable to see it in visual studio, but the installer detected it anyway.
I managed to install it by unzipping the installer exe and then running aspnetmvc3vwd2010tools.msi from within it directly. I found that it was the correct msi by accident. Running setup from with in it failed consistently.

"Unable to evaluate expression" and Async CTP

Some time ago I have installed the Visual Studio Async CTP
And today I have installed ASP.NET MVC 3 (not RC).
I start receiving "Unable to evaluate expression" in debug mode.
So I have uninstalled Async CTP, ASP.NET MVC 3 and all related updates but with no results.
Would be anybody so kind as to help me figure out?
Example message:
Unable to evaluate expression term 'struct'
OK, here is my experience. I finally got it working... and no full uninstall of VS 2010 was required.
First of all, I am not sure if I had installed ASP NET MVC 3 RC or not. I already had ASP NET MVC 3 RTM and then installed Async CTP. I started getting issues described then uninstalled Async CTP and MVC 3, did not help... I later realised I had not done enough:
In control panel:
Uninstall ASP NET MVC 3
Uninstall ASP NET MVC 3 Visual Studio Tools
Uninstall ASP NET Web Pages
Uninstall ASP NET Web Pages Visual Studio Tools
Uninstall Web Matrix
Then click on "View installed updates" in Control Panel->Uninstall A Program:
Uninstall Async CTP
Uninstall kb2483190
Now install ASP NET MVC 3 RTM and it should work.
Apparently this problem arises when both MVC 3 RC and .NET Framework Async CTP are installed on the same machine.
You need to uninstall MVC 3 RC but since it also comes with ASP.NET Web Pages, NuGet and a Visual Studio update those have to be removed along with it.
To proceed open a Visual Studio command prompt* with Administrator privilege and run all of the following commands:
wmic product where name="Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 3 - Visual Studio 2010 Tools" call uninstall
wmic product where name="Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 3 - VWD Express 2010 Tools" call uninstall
wmic product where name="Microsoft ASP.NET Web Pages" call uninstall
wmic product where name="Microsoft ASP.NET Web Pages - Visual Studio 2010 Tools" call uninstall
wmic product where name="Microsoft ASP.NET Web Pages - VWD Express 2010 Tools" call uninstall
wmic product where name="NuGet" call uninstall
msiexec /package {BC0464FA-A0BA-3E38-85BF-DC5B3A401F48} /uninstall {3069D446-63C5-38F4-9D28-41858024419C}
msiexec /package {85076DFF-7A17-3566-9CC0-488E6E6D4494} /uninstall {3069D446-63C5-38F4-9D28-41858024419C}
If the problem still persists however uninstall .NET Framework Async CTP as well.
This error message usually arises when there is a fairly critical error trying to load the language expression evaluator in the debugger or if the expression evaluator itself has a setup issue. The very next thing I would try is to repair the Visual Studio installation. That will almost certainly clear up this error.
Full uninstall all visual studio components helped me.

ASP.NET MVC fails at install [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 14 years ago.
I need some help on mvc install.
I got the below two errors when I try to install ASP.NET MVC Beta:
Faulting application devenv.exe, version 9.0.21022.8, time stamp 0x47317b3d, faulting module unknown, version, time stamp 0x00000000, exception code 0xc0000005, fault offset 0x006c0061, process id 0x11d8, application start time 0x01c949b7447a7a50.
Product: Microsoft ASP.NET MVC Beta -- Error 1722. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor. Action VisualStudio_VSSetup_Command, location: D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0v2\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe, command: /setup
I uninstalled and then installed Visual Studio but nothing changed.
I have the following configuration:
Visual Studio 2008 sp1,
.net 3.5 sp1,
Windows Server 2008
Does anyone has a solution for this?
have you tried rebooting your machine then trying again?
have you tried re-downloading the installer and trying again?
