Upgrading FParsec: upgrade discriminated unions to satisfy the new equality/comparison constraints - f#

So, by a hilarious series of events, I downloaded the FParsec source and tried to build it. Unfortunately, it's not compatible with the new I fixed the easy problems, but there are a couple of discriminated unions that still don't work.
Specifically, Don Syme's post explains that discriminated unions containing items of type obj or -> don't automatically get equality or comparison constraints, since objects don't support comparison and functions don't support equality either. (It's not clear whether the automatically generated equality/comparison was buggy before, but the code won't even compile now that they're no longer generated.)
Here are some examples of the problematic DUs:
type PrecedenceParserOp<'a,'u'> =
| PrefixOp of string * Parser<unit,'u> * int * bool * ('a -> 'a)
| others ...
type ErrorMessage =
| ...
| OtherError of obj
| ...
Here are the offending uses:
member t.RemoveOperator (op: PrecedenceParserOp<'a, 'u>) =
// some code ...
if top.OriginalOp <> op then false // requires equality constraint
// etc etc ...
or, for the comparison constraint
let rec printMessages (pos: Pos) (msgs: ErrorMessage list) ind =
// other code ...
for msg in Set.ofList msgs do // iterate over ordered unique messages
// etc etc ...
As far I can tell, Don's solution of tagging each instance with a unique int is the Right Way to implement a custom equality/comparison constraint (or a maybe a unique int tuple so that individual branches of the DU can be ordered). But this is inconvenient for the user of the DU. Now, construction of the DU requires calling a function to get the next stamp.
Is there some way to hide the tag-getting and present the same constructors to users of the library? That is, to change the implementation without changing the interface? This is especially important because it appears (from what I understand of the code) that PrecedenceParserOp is a public type.

What source did you download for FParsec? I grabbed the latest from the FParsec BitBucket repository, and I didn't have to make any changes at all to the FParsec source to get it to compile in VS 2010 RC.
Edit: I take that back. I did get build errors from the InterpLexYacc and InterpFParsec sample projects, but the core FParsec and FParsecCS projects build just fine.

One thing you could do is add [<CustomEquality>] and [<CustomComparison>] attributes and define your own .Equals override and IComparable implementation. Of course, this would require you to handle the obj and _ -> _ components yourself in an appropriate way, which may or may not be possible. If you can control what's being passed into the OtherError constructor, you ought to be able to make this work for the ErrorMessage type by downcasting the obj to a type which is itself structurally comparable. However, the PrecendenceParserOp case is a bit trickier - you might be able to get by with using reference equality on the function components as long as you don't need comparison as well.


Polymorphic type inference in F# [duplicate]

I am having an F# exam in 10 days and as I am currently doing old exam sets, I ran into a problem understanding generics and especially types that have two polymorphic arguments.
The questions should be rather easy to solve, but how it works syntactically, I am not sure.
The old exam question is as follows:
The following type Sum<'a,'b> comprises two different kinds of values
type Sum<'a,'b> =
| Left of 'a
| Right of 'b
Now I need to write two values of type Sum<int list, bool option>, one should be defined using Left and the other Right.
If you define let sum1 = Left "Hello World it evaluates to val sum1 : Sum<string,'a>, but I cannot find a way to create Sum<int list, bool option>.
How would you solve it?
if you were to write
let sum1 = Sum<string,int>.Left "Hello World"
you would get a Sum<string,int>
so if you need a Sum<int list, bool option> then.....
(to be fair, in real life, having a Sum<string,'a> is not really an issue as 'a can become anything and if it needs to be a bool option or whatever, the type inference will usually do the hard work for you and constrain 'a).

Design alternatives to extending object with interface

While working through Expert F# again, I decided to implement the application for manipulating algebraic expressions. This went well and now I've decided as a next exercise to expand on that by building a more advanced application.
My first idea was to have a setup that allows for a more extendible way of creating functions without having to recompile. To that end I have something like:
type IFunction =
member x.Name : string with get
/// additional members omitted
type Expr =
| Num of decimal
| Var of string
///... omitting some types here that don't matter
| FunctionApplication of IFunction * Expr list
So that say a Sin(x) could be represented a:
let sin = { new IFunction() with member x.Name = "SIN" }
let sinExpr = FunctionApplication(sin,Var("x"))
So far all good, but the next idea that I would like to implement is having additional interfaces to represent function of properties. E.g.
type IDifferentiable =
member Derivative : int -> IFunction // Get the derivative w.r.t a variable index
One of the ideas the things I'm trying to achieve here is that I implement some functions and all the logic for them and then move on to the next part of the logic I would like to implement. However, as it currently stands, that means that with every interface I add, I have to revisit all the IFunctions that I've implemented. Instead, I'd rather have a function:
let makeDifferentiable (f : IFunction) (deriv : int -> IFunction) =
{ f with
interface IDifferentiable with
member x.Derivative = deriv }
but as discussed in this question, that is not possible. The alternative that is possible, doesn't meet my extensibility requirement. My question is what alternatives would work well?
[EDIT] I was asked to expand on the "doesn't meet my extenibility requirement" comment. The way this function would work is by doing something like:
let makeDifferentiable (deriv : int -> IFunction) (f : IFunction)=
{ new IFunction with
member x.Name = f.Name
interface IDifferentiable with
member x.Derivative = deriv }
However, ideally I would keep on adding additional interfaces to an object as I add them. So if I now wanted to add an interface that tell whether on function is even:
type IsEven =
abstract member IsEven : bool with get
then I would like to be able to (but not obliged, as in, if I don't make this change everything should still compile) to change my definition of a sine from
let sin = { new IFunction with ... } >> (makeDifferentiable ...)
let sin = { new IFunction with ... } >> (makeDifferentiable ...) >> (makeEven false)
The result of which would be that I could create an object that implements the IFunction interface as well as potentially, but not necessarily a lot of different other interfaces as well; the operations I'd then define on them, would potentially be able to optimize what they are doing based on whether or not a certain function implements an interface. This will also allow me to add additional features/interfaces/operations first without having to change the functions I've defined (though they wouldn't take advantage of the additional features, things wouldn't be broken either.[/EDIT]
The only thing I can think of right now is to create a dictionary for each feature that I'd like to implement, with function names as keys and the details to build an interface on the fly, e.g. along the lines:
let derivative (f : IFunction) =
match derivativeDictionary.TryGetValue(f.Name) with
| false, _ -> None
| true, d -> d.Derivative
This would require me to create one such function per feature that I add in addition to one dictionary per feature. Especially if implemented asynchronously with agents, this might be not that slow, but it still feels a little clunky.
I think the problem that you're trying to solve here is what is called The Expression Problem. You're essentially trying to write code that would be extensible in two directions. Discriminated unions and object-oriented model give you one or the other:
Discriminated union makes it easy to add new operations (just write a function with pattern matching), but it is hard to add a new kind of expression (you have to extend the DU and modify all code
that uses it).
Interfaces make it easy to add new kinds of expressions (just implement the interface), but it is hard to add new operations (you have to modify the interface and change all code that creates it.
In general, I don't think it is all that useful to try to come up with solutions that let you do both (they end up being terribly complicated), so my advice is to pick the one that you'll need more often.
Going back to your problem, I'd probably represent the function just as a function name together with the parameters:
type Expr =
| Num of decimal
| Var of string
| Application of string * Expr list
Really - an expression is just this. The fact that you can take derivatives is another part of the problem you're solving. Now, to make the derivative extensible, you can just keep a dictionary of the derivatives:
let derrivatives =
dict [ "sin", (fun [arg] -> Application("cos", [arg]))
... ]
This way, you have an Expr type that really models just what an expression is and you can write differentiation function that will look for the derivatives in the dictionary.

F# Method overload resolution not as smart as C#?

Say, I have
member this.Test (x: 'a) = printfn "generic"
member this.Test (x: Object) = printfn "non generic"
If I call it in C#
var a = test.Test(3); // calls generic version
var b = test.Test((object)3); // calls non generic version
var c = test.Test<object>(3); // calls generic version
However, in F#
let d = test.Test(3); // calls non generic version
let e = test.Test<int>(3); // calls generic version
So I have to add type annotation so as to get the correct overloaded method. Is this true? If so, then why F# doesn't automatically resolve correctly given that the argument type is already inferred? (what is the order of F#'s overload resolution anyway? always favor Object than its inherited classes?)
It is a bit dangerous if a method has both overloads, one of them takes argument as Object type and the other one is generic and both return the same type. (like in this example, or Assert.AreEqual in unit testing), as then it is very much likely we get the wrong overloading without even notice (won't be any compiler error). Wouldn't it be a problem?
Could someone explain
Why F# resolves Assert.AreEqual(3, 5) as Assert.AreEqual(Object a, Object b) but not Assert.AreEqual<T>(T a, T b)
But F# resolves Array.BinarySearch([|2;3|], 2) as BinarySearch<T>(T[]array, T value) but not BinarySearch(Array array, Object value)
F# Method overload resolution not as smart as C#?
I don't think it's true. Method overloading makes type inference much more difficult. F# has reasonable trade-offs to make method overloading usable and type inference as powerful as it should be.
When you pass a value to a function/method, F# compiler automatically upcasts it to an appropriate type. This is handy in many situations but also confusing sometimes.
In your example, 3 is upcasted to obj type. Both methods are applicable but the simpler (non-generic) method is chosen.
Section 14.4 Method Application Resolution in the spec specifies overloading rules quite clearly:
1) Prefer candidates whose use does not constrain the use of a
user-introduced generic type annotation to be equal to another type.
2) Prefer candidates that do not use ParamArray conversion. If two
candidates both use ParamArray conversion with types pty1 and pty2,
and pty1 feasibly subsumes pty2, prefer the second; that is, use the
candidate that has the more precise type.
3) Prefer candidates that do not have
4) Prefer candidates that do not have
5) If two candidates have unnamed actual argument types ty11...ty1n and ty21...ty2n, and each ty1i either
a. feasibly subsumes ty2i, or
b. ty2i is a System.Func type and ty1i is some other delegate
type, then prefer the second candidate. That is, prefer any candidate that has the more specific actual argument types, and
consider any System.Func type to be more specific than any other
delegate type.
6) Prefer candidates that are not extension members over
candidates that are.
7) To choose between two extension members, prefer the one that
results from the most recent use of open.
8) Prefer candidates that are not generic over candidates that are
generic—that is, prefer candidates that have empty ActualArgTypes.
I think it's users' responsibility to create unambiguous overloaded methods. You can always look at inferred types to see whether you're doing them correctly. For example, a modified version of yours without ambiguity:
type T() =
member this.Test (x: 'a) = printfn "generic"; 1
member this.Test (x: System.ValueType) = printfn "non-generic"; 2
let t = T()
let d = t.Test(3) // calls non-generic version
let e = t.Test(test) // call generic version
It comes down a core concept, covariance. F# doesn't support covariance on arrays, lists, functions, etc. It's generally a good thing to ensure type safety (see this example).
So it's easy to explain why Array.BinarySearch([|2;3|], 2) is resolved to BinarySearch<T>(T[] array, T value). Here is another example on function arguments where
T.Test((fun () -> 2), 2)
is resolved to
T.Test(f: unit -> 'a, v: 'a)
but not to
T.Test(f: unit -> obj, v: obj)

F#: Can't hide a type abbreviation in a signature? Why not?

In F#, I'd like to have what I see as a fairly standard Abstract Datatype:
// in ADT.fsi
module ADT
type my_Type
// in ADT.fs
module ADT
type my_Type = int
In other words, code inside the module knows that my_Type is an int, but code outside does not. However, F# seems to have a restriction where type abbreviations specifically cannot be hidden by a signature. This code gives a compiler error, and the restriction is described here.
If my_Type were instead a discriminated union, then there is no compiler error. My question is, why the restriction? I seem to remember being able to do this in SML and Ocaml, and furthermore, isn't this a pretty standard thing to do when creating an abstract datatype?
As Ganesh points out, this is a technical limitation of the F# compiler (and .NET runtime), because the type abbreviation is simply replaced by the actual type during the compilation. As a result, if you write a function:
let foo (a:MyType) : MyType = a + 1
The compiler will compile it as a .NET method with the following signature:
int foo(int a);
If the actual type of the abbreviation was hidden from the users of the library, then they wouldn't be able to recognize that the foo function is actually working with MyType (this information is probably stored in some F#-specific meta-data, but that is not accessible to other .NET languages...).
Perhaps the best workaround for this limiation is to define the type as a single-case discriminated union:
type MyType = MT of int
let foo (MT a) = MT(a + 1)
Working with this kind of type is quite convenient. It adds some overhead (there are new objects created when constructing a value of the type), but that shouldn't be a big issue in most of the situations.
Type abbreviations in F# are compiled away (i.e. the compiled code will use int, not MyType), so you can't make them properly abstract. In theory the compiler could enforce the abstraction within the F# world, but this wouldn't be very helpful as it would still leak in other languages.
Note that you can define a type abbreviation as private within a module:
// File1.fs
module File1
type private MyType = int
let e : MyType = 42
let f (x:MyType) = x+1
// Program.fs
module Program
do printfn "%A" (File1.f File1.e)
I am unclear why you can't hide it with a signature; I logged a bug to consider it.
From what I understand F# does not allow an abbreviation to be hidden by a signature.
I found this link where the blogger commented on this but I am not sure on the specifics of why this is the case.
My assumption is that this is a restraint set to allow more effective interop with other languages on the CLR.

F#: Why aren't option types compatible with nullable types?

Why aren't option types like "int option" compatible with nullable types like "Nullable"?
I assume there is some semantic reason for the difference, but I can't figure what that is.
An option in F# is used when a value may or may not exist. An option has an underlying type and may either hold a value of that type or it may not have a value.
That sure sounds like the Nullable structure.
Because of the runtime representation choice for System.Nullable<'T>.
Nullable tries to represent the absent of values by the null pointer, and present values by pointers to those values.
(new System.Nullable<int>() :> obj) = null
|> printfn "%b" // true
(new System.Nullable<int>(1) :> obj).GetType().Name
|> printfn "%s" // Int32
Now consider strings. Unfortunately, strings are nullable. So this is valid:
null : string
But now a null runtime value is ambiguous - it can refer to either the absence of a value or a presence of a null value. For this reason, .NET does not allow constructing a System.Nullable<string>.
Contrast this with:
(Some (null : string) :> obj).GetType().Name
|> printfn "%s" // Option`1
That being said, one can define a bijection:
let optionOfNullable (a : System.Nullable<'T>) =
if a.HasValue then
Some a.Value
let nullableOfOption = function
| None -> new System.Nullable<_>()
| Some x -> new System.Nullable<_>(x)
If you observe the types, these functions constrain 'T to be a structure and have a zero-argument constructor. So perhaps F# compiler could expose .NET functions receiving/returning Nullable<'T> by substituting it for an Option<'T where 'T : struct and 'T : (new : unit -> 'T)>, and inserting the conversion functions where necessary..
The two have different semantics. Just to name one, Nullable is an idempotent data constructor that only works on value types, whereas option is a normal generic type. So you can't have a
but you can have an
Generally, though there are some overlapping scenarios, there are also things you can do with one but not the other.
Key difference is that must test the option type to see if it has a value. See this question for a good description of its semantics: How does the option type work in F#
Again, this is from my limited understanding, but the problem probably lies in how each gets rendered in the IL. The "nullable" structure probably gets handled slightly different from the option type.
You will find that the interactions between various .Net languages really boils down to how the IL gets rendered. Mostof the time it works just fine but on occasion, it causes issues. (check out this). Just when you thought it was safe to trust the level of abstraction. :)
