Saving nested objects with linq to entities -

I have a UI that presents a number of checkboxes to the user, and for each one that is checked, I need to create an entry in a mapping table.
LookupTable <- MapTable -> DataTable
I have a custom binder for DataTable, but can't figure out how to get it to create the MapTable objects.
Is this possible? Using MVC 1.0 and LINQ to Entities.

You need to take care of two steps. (1) Add the newly selected values and (2) remove the unselected values. You'll need a method like this in your LookupTable class.
public void SynchronizeDataTables(IEnumerable<DataTable> dataTables)
// get the current data tables. call ToList() to force and enumeration.
// without the ToList(), you'll get a "Sequence Changed during Enumeration"
// error
var currentDataTables = MapTable.Select(m => m.DataTable).ToList();
// if the table is selected, but not in the data store add it.
foreach (var dataTable in dataTables)
if (!currentDataTables.Contains(dataTable))
MapTables.Add(new MapTable { DataTable = dataTable });
// if the table is in the data store, but not selected, then remove it.
foreach (var dataTable in currentDataTables)
if (!dataTables.Contains(dataTable))
Edit: When I did this, I was using LINQ-to-SQL, and I cycled through just the selected ID's, instead of the entire object. This is more complicated because LINQ-to-Entities creates slightly different objects than LINQ-to-SQL, because it doesn't expose the FK identity. Slight modification follows:
public void SynchronizeDataTables(IEnumerable<int> dataTableIds)
// get the current data tables. call ToList() to force and enumeration.
// without the ToList(), you'll get a "Sequence Changed during Enumeration"
// error
var currentDataTableIds = MapTable.Select(m => m.DataTable.Id).ToList();
// if the table is selected, but not in the data store add it.
foreach (var dataTableId in dataTableIds)
if (!currentDataTableIds.Contains(dataTableId))
var dataTable = ???; // some method to fetch data table with ID = dataTableId
MapTables.Add(new MapTable { DataTable = dataTable });
// if the table is in the data store, but not selected, then remove it.
foreach (var dataTable in currentDataTableIds )
if (!dataTableIds.Contains(dataTableId ))
var dataTable = ???; // some method to fetch data table with ID = dataTableId


breezejs how to using as datasource

i'm using breezejs for some time now, and i'm happy about it and it's rich functionality , but the problem with breezejs is that i cant use it as datasource almost for anything.
there is no grid that you could show data and not losing functionality, and you cant use your array of entities as normal array. (so you cant use it as datasource for dropdown ...)
so for showing data in UI i end up converting data to normal array and losing Breeze functionality (like track change) and before save converting them back.
some code like this one for converting to normal array:
var names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(data[0]._backingStore);
var columns: string[] = [];
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++)
columns.push(names[i]); //Getting columns name
var newArray = [];
data.forEach((item, index, array) => {
my question is how do you show your data in UI using breezejs properly?
(i'm using angualr (hottowel))
Assuming you're trying to solve issues like this:
The grid doesn't like the entityType and entityAspect properties on Breeze entities.
This grid doesn't know how to handle Knockout style "properties" that are functions.
Creating a POCO object using the Breeze entity's property values disconnects you from the change tracking goodness.
You could try creating your POCO object using Object.defineProperty, using the Knockout observable as the property's getter and setter functions. Here's a simple example:
Typescript + Knockout:
class PocoBreezeEntity {
constructor(private entity: breeze.Entity) {
dataProperty => {
get: entity[],
set: entity[],
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Typescript + Angular:
class PocoBreezeEntity {
constructor(private entity: breeze.Entity) {
dataProperty => {
get: function() { return entity[]; },
set: function(newValue) { entity[] = newValue; },
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
With this kind of approach you have the benefits of POCO entities without losing the Breeze change tracking.

Breeze-Unreferenced Entity in Manager

I am developing a Single Page App using Hot Towel Template, using breeze...and I have come across a peculiar problem, and I am unable to figure out the internal working which causes it...
I have a Programmes table, and the Programmes table has a foreign key to Responses, so the structure of Programmes is:
Id, ResponseID, Name and Date
and the Page has Name and Date, the foreign comes from RouteData.
and for one ResponseId in Programmes table, I want to save only on Programme.
So, when user comes to this page, it check the Programmes table that if it has an Entry for that particular Response Id, if yes, it goes in Edit case and if not it goes to Add a new entry case.
To achieve this, what I am doing is below:
var objTempProgramme = ko.observable();
var objProgramme = ko.observable();
function activate(routeData) {
responseId = parseInt(routeData.responseId);
// Create a Programme Entity
// Fill in a Temporary Observable with Programmes data
datacontext.getEntitiesDetailsByRelativeId('responseID', responseId , 'Programmes', objTempProgramme, true).then(function(){
// Check if Programmes Exists
if (objTempProgramme() != null && objTempProgramme() != undefined) {
// What I am doing here is filling my Programmes Entity with data coming from database (if it is there)
} else {
// The Else Part assigns the Foreign Key (ResponseId) to my Entity Created above
In datacontext.js:
var createProgramme = function () {
return manager.createEntity(entityNames.programme);
var getEntitiesDetailsByRelativeId = function (relativeIdName, relativeId, lookupEntity, observable, forceRefresh) {
var query = entityQuery.from(lookupEntity).where(relativeIdName, "==", relativeId);
return executeGetQuery(query, observable, forceRefresh);
Now when I call manager.saveChanes on my page, I would Expect objProgramme to be saved, in any case, be it edit or be it save,
but what breeze is doing here is that though it is filling objTempProgramme in objProgramme, but it is also leaving the entity objProgramme unreferenced with its manager, so that when I call save, it tries to save that entity too (2 entities in total, objProramme and one unreferenced one), but that entity does not have foreign key set and it fails..but my question is why?
Assigning one entity to another does not mean all its properties get assigned to another? And why is that unreferenced entity present?

InvalidOperationException when using updatemodel with EF4.3.1

When I update my model I get an error on a child relation which I also try to update.
My model, say Order has a releationship with OrderItem. In my view I have the details of the order together with an editortemplate for the orderitems. When I update the data the link to Order is null but the orderid is filled, so it should be able to link it, TryUpdateModel returns true, the save however fails with:
InvalidOperationException: The operation failed: The relationship could not be changed because one or more of the foreign-key properties is non-nullable. When a change is made to a relationship, the related foreign-key property is set to a null value. If the foreign-key does not support null values, a new relationship must be defined, the foreign-key property must be assigned another non-null value, or the unrelated object must be deleted.]
My update method:
public ActionResult ChangeOrder(Order model)
var order = this.orderRepository.GetOrder(model.OrderId);
if (ModelState.IsValid)
var success = this.TryUpdateModel(order);
return this.View(order);
I tried all solutions I saw on SO and other sources, none succeeded.
I use .Net MVC 3, EF 4.3.1 together with DBContext.
There are a number of code smells here, which I'll try to be elegant with when correcting :)
I can only assume that "Order" is your EF entity? If so, I would highly recommend keeping it separate from the view by creating a view model for your form and copying the data in to it. Your view model should really only contain properties that your form will be using or manipulating.
I also presume orderRepository.GetOrder() is a data layer call that retrieves an order from a data store?
You are also declaring potentially unused variables. "var order =" will be loaded even if your model is invalid, and "var success =" is never used.
TryUpdateModel and UpdateModel aren't very robust for real-world programming. I'm not entirely convinced they should be there at all, if I'm honest. I generally use a more abstracted approach, such as the service / factory pattern. It's more work, but gives you a lot more control.
In your case, I would recommend the following pattern. There's minimal abstraction, but it still gives you more control than using TryUpdateModel / UpdateModel:
public ActionResult ChangeOrder(OrderViewModel model) {
if(ModelState.IsValid) {
// Retrieve original order
var order = orderRepository.GetOrder(model.OrderId);
// Update primitive properties
order.Property1 = model.Property1;
order.Property2 = model.Property2;
order.Property3 = model.Property3;
order.Property4 = model.Property4;
// Update collections manually
order.Collection1 = model.Collection1.Select(x => new Collection1Item {
Prop1 = x.Prop1,
Prop2 = x.Prop2
try {
// Save to repository
} catch (Exception ex) {
ModelState.AddModelError("", ex.Message);
return View(model);
return RedirectToAction("SuccessAction");
return View(model);
Not ideal, but it should serve you a bit better...
I refer you to this post, which is similar.
I assume that the user can perform the following actions in your view:
Modify order (header) data
Delete an existing order item
Modify order item data
Add a new order item
To do a correct update of the changed object graph (order + list of order items) you need to deal with all four cases. TryUpdateModel won't be able to perform a correct update of the object graph in the database.
I write the following code directly using a context. You can abstract the use of the context away into your repository. Make sure that you use the same context instance in every repository that is involved in the following code.
public ActionResult ChangeOrder(Order model)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
// load the order from DB INCLUDING the current order items in the DB
var orderInDB = context.Orders.Include(o => o.OrderItems)
.Single(o => o.OrderId == model.OrderId);
// (1) Update modified order header properties
// (2) Delete the order items from the DB
// that have been removed in the view
foreach (var item in orderInDB.OrderItems.ToList())
if (!model.OrderItems.Any(oi => oi.OrderItemId == item.OrderItemId))
// Omitting this call "Remove from context/DB" causes
// the exception you are having
foreach (var item in model.OrderItems)
var orderItem = orderInDB.OrderItems
.SingleOrDefault(oi => oi.OrderItemId == item.OrderItemId);
if (orderItem != null)
// (3) Existing order item: Update modified item properties
// (4) New order item: Add it
return RedirectToAction("Index"); // or some other view
return View(model);

Datatable reset during foreach loop

I'm currently stuck on an issue that I cannot understand:
The following code produce a Datatable ("outDT") in order to populate a gridview later on. The datatable is build using rows of others datatables issued from various SQL quieres (those "get" function that return also Datatable).
The issue come when I call the "getAverage" method. Right after the call, the "pcDT" Datatable is nullified and cause a further "Collection was modified; enumeration operation might not execute." error on next loop.
I never modified a single row of the "pcDT" Datatable in the foreach loop, nor in the problematic "getAverage" method.
public DataTable getReportTable(int idClient)
Object thisLock = new Object();
DataTable outDT = new DataTable();
outDT.Columns.Add("PC Name");
DataTable pcDT = getPCNames(idClient);
*foreach (DataRow pcRow in pcDT.Rows)*
DataRow outRow = outDT.NewRow();
outRow["PC Name"] = pcRow["Name"];
**DataTable collectedDT = getAverage((int)pcRow["idPC"]);**
foreach (DataRow dataRow in collectedDT.Rows)
outRow[dataRow["name"].ToString()] = dataRow["AVG(MeasurePoint.dataValue)"];
return outDT;
(*)This foreach cause the famous "Collection was modified; enumeration operation might not execute." error
(**) And here his the method call that reset the "pcDT" Datatable. This function simply call a mySQL queries and retrieve a Datatable.
It's ok, I've found my mistake. It was in the class that manage basic SQLQueries; I used a Datatable instance that is linked to the class and not to the method, so when I recall a method that used this instance, I lost previous filled Datatable...
My bad :/

Entity Framework Code First lazy loading non navigation properties

I'm using the entity framework code first CTP4.
Is it possible to lazy load non navigation properties like you can in NH 3.
A common example would be having a table containing a binary column. I only want to retrieve this column's data when I explicitly ask for that property in my code e.g. image.ImageData
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Ugly workaround:
public static void Main()
IEnumerable<MyTable> table;
using (Entities context = new Entities())
var buffer =
.Select(myTable => new
Id = myTable.Id,
OtherColumn = myTable.OtherColumn
table = buffer
.Select(t => new MyTable
Id = t.Id,
OtherColumn = t.OtherColumn
This will not select the rest of the fields.
