Anyone upgraded Turbopower's Onguard to Delphi-2010 - delphi

Titel says it all: has anyone been able to upgrade The Onguard component suite from Turbopower (which is opensource) to Delphi-2010 ?
I am still trying to make sure all my trusted components (which I have used for years in Delphi 7) can be compiled and used in Delphi-2010.
Not an easy tasks at all.
I would pay any reasonable price for anyone wanting to help me in this convertions.

take a look at this

Just a few days ago Roman Kassebaum committed an updated version 1.14 to the sourceforge repository, which supports D2009/D2010 and Unicode.
Take a look at OnGuard 1.14 at Sourceforge.


Is there a way to find the Delphi compiler version?

I try to find programmatically the version of Delphi compiler(s) installed on my machine.
I'm looking in the registry but without success. I'm using Windows 7-64bits Professional
You can inspect the registry. Look under these keys:
Under each of those keys you will find subkeys with a version number. For example, Delphi 6 is:
Delphi 2010 is:
Delphi XE5 is:
Note that this will not guarantee that the installations are in fully working order, mind you.
Also be sure to look in the 32 bit registry view if you are on a 64 bit machine. The registry redirector will take care of that for you if your process is a 32 bit process. But you might get confused when looking under regedit. When viewing in regedit these keys become
#RRUZ has a nice post about this here:
I believe you can take any open-source library having the installer. That already was solved in it one way or another. And you can re-use already tred and tested solution instead of wasting your time on NIH-approach.
For example, you may take JEDI CodeLib and look into jcl\source\common\JclIDEUtils.pas
And the practical example of yousage those functions is the installer itself: jcl\install\JediInstaller.dpr

Toolbar 2000 under Delphi XE?

Does the old Toolbar 2000 package (preferably with the TBX extension) compile and work under Delphi XE?
Are anyone using "Tb2k" and TBX these days?
Do TB2K and TBX compile?
Toolbar2000 does. It is used as part of SpTBX (see below.) TBX I'm afraid I don't know - development ceased a few years ago and I upgraded to SpTBX. I would recommend you do the same - it's actively developed / maintained and you probably won't end up asking questions like this about it in a couple of years (hopefully!)
(I know 'upgrade' wasn't what you asked, sorry. It's what I would recommend. I don't like the situation where I'm using third-party code which is no longer maintained, and I have to take that task upon myself and upgrade it each version.)
Is anyone using TBX?
Most people these days do not use TBX - development on it has ceased. Instead, they use SpTBX, developed by Silverpoint Development. It used to be a patch to TBX (so you'd have three layers: TB2K followed by TBX followed by SpTBX) but these days is directly based on TB2K, so it's only two layers.
The installation instructions are easy to follow, and its installer installs TB2K as well.
SpTBX provides extra controls on top of those provided by TB2K, and also provides skin support. It comes with a skin editor if you want to create your own skins. Many of the ones its shipped with I would never use in commercial software, but the Office 2003- and Office 2007-style skins are excellent.
One of the demo SpTBX applications with the Office 2007 Blue skin
Upgrading from TBX: Most TBX components have direct analogues in the SpTBX library, and renaming them in the DFM and form file and opening the form will be a good start. (Or use GExperts.) Some properties and events have changed or gone, which is annoying. I found I could generally figure out how to achieve the same thing pretty easily - it took a day or so to upgrade a large application for me - but you will find it's not a direct smooth transition.
You can download the 2.2.2 sources and modify them by opening the Delphi 2009 package (tb2k_d11.dpk and tb2kdsgn_d11.dpk) files and saving them as a new name, which creates a new copy. Change the NAME SUFFIX from _d11 to _d15, to follow the existing convention, which is useful although a dated technique. For our purposes d15 in this case means a delphi XE package (delphi version 15.0).
Or you can download my copy, which I did this to already ( Just open up the project groups, and install the packages. Note that it seems this code is dual licensed, and to "redistribute" such a trivially modified copy of this code, my changes must be licensed under the GPL, and so, to avoid GPL contamination you should email Jordan Russell and ask for permission to relicense these changes/updates under his Toolbar2000 commercial license, if you wish to use them in a closed source commercial license. Or you can repeat the steps I followed, and avoid GPL contamination. Better still, give Jordan Russell $30 and become a paying customer, and prove that the good-old days are not completely gone, when a guy who wrote a nice component for delphi, got people handing him money, left right and center.
I realize this is an old question.
I am still using TB2K in delphi 5 apps. I've also used TBX in combination.
Some people refuse to use newer delphi versions simply because the old delphi products were almost just as good (not quite but still) since they have an infinitely expandable component system.
Doesn't SpTBXLib and TBX violate the Toolbar 2000 licenses considering that it modifies the TB2K without the permission of Jordan Russell? Or did these products get permision from Jordan Russell to release modifications and patches? This all seems to be jumping through a bunch of annoying hoops that a BSD/MIT style license would solve. Even if SpTBXLib and TBX are violating Russell's terms, he's probably okay with it if someone emails him, but I'm not 100 percent certain - it's a bad assumption to make. These projects should clearly say in their README or on their Github site that they have gotten the permission.
Also, I was one of those people who paid Jordan Russell ... to bring back the good old days of delphi developers paying other developers for their work (instead of GPL cult nonsense where programmers go home starving). The trick would be somehow for Russell to offer it BSD while getting paid still, which might prove difficult. It seems the GPL is actually a way for developers to restrict their software, not to free it up.. what a joke.
Free software foundation = Restrictive Software Foundation
One option would be to make it BSD/MIT and ask for donations, but I doubt Jordan Russell would go for it. Might be worth a try. Or if he is only making a few bucks from this every year, then it would be no big deal to just release it BSD. I'm not sure how many copies he sells per year. It's none of our business - but it sort of is in the sense that we are willing to make improvements to his code and not charge money, so we are part of the source too! May the source be with you.
You can check this
I think XE is very similar to D2010
You should check spTBX at
It builds on tb2k without dependancies, installer is there and it works on unicode delphi.

Is there a replacement component for dcmemo (Dream Company) for Delphi?

I've used a component called dcmemo which is part of a component pack from Dream Company which went out of business a few years ago. Now that I'm upgrading to the latest Delphi I can't install this component dispite having the source and making tons of fixes to it.
After looking around on the web everyone pretty much says it's extremely difficult to upgrade the dream company components to work with the latest delphi which leaves me looking for a replacement which can do almost the same stuff.
I'm sure someone has had this exact same problem before. What can I replace dcmemo with?
Try SynEdit. It's free and has been under development for a long time. I'd advise you use the latest sources which includes a code folding and tested and working code/dpks for most every version of delphi.
If you have svn installed, use the command below to get all the files.
svn co synedit
I've used TPlusMemo for many years and have found it well worth the price. It has been recently upgraded for XE.
Good luck!

Better Indy for Dephi 2007

Which better is using default indy10 that's comes with Delphi 2007 or upgrade it to latest snapshot version and why ?
Thank you
Always keep up with the latest version. It contains bug fixes. If you report a problem with the stock version supplied with Delphi, the first advice you'll get is to upgrade to the latest version because your bug has probably already been fixed.
Do not always keep up with the latest version. Download latest version now and start your project with it. Then do not keep up until you have a good reason or enough time to recheck all the functionality. Otherwise, you depend on vendor and trust him that he will never break existing code in his bug fixes or new features introduces. Having that much trust is too much for me. Of course, you should check from time to time for new versions and decide if it's worth upgrading.
Always keep up with the latest version.
Oh no, it isn't for novices. For exapmle, 21 august 2010 I've downloaded latest snapshot of Indy 10.5.7 and it doesn't works with cookies at all! Yes, I've found an error and patch it, but you must realize that you can lost a great part of functionality using snapshots under active development. So, I'm using Indy for many years and have a lot of patches in my projects folder. Every update is a headache! Sorry, Remy Lebeau, but it's true.

Will the next release of Delphi be supporting cross-compilation for Mac and Linux?

According to a recent blog post by Allen Bauer:
As we’re working on Fulcrum, the next
RAD Studio release with a focus on
cross-compilation for Mac and Linux,
I figured someone would mention it in the comments, but I thought Mac/Linux support was a few releases further off. Maybe it's just me, but this is huge news.
Does this mean we will see Mac/Linux binaries created with a Delphi release this year?
While I cannot commit to any kind of time frame or release dates, we are working on Mac and Linux targeting. There is also some work going on for 64bit targeting as well, however that will most likely not be in the same time frame as the Mac/Linux targeted releases.
Fulcrum is the code name for the next release, so yes, the next release will include Mac and Linux support. I don't know about the time frame, but "this year" seems reasonable.
Native 64 bit support will be in a future release.
Personally, I prefer this order.
Embarcadero once said that "the release after the next one will support 64-bit". That was supposed to be Delphi 2010. That didn't happen of course - far from it. Not only did it not appear in the release that was indicated, but it now appears it won't be appearing for at least 2 further releases, and in the meantime, things that were NEVER even mentioned have suddenly appeared and been given priority.
So there really is no reason to believe that Fulcrum will happen either, until it has actually been delivered, no matter who talks about it, at least not in the time frame that is being indicated.
Embarcadero have proven less than reliable when it comes to their "roadmap" which is frankly something of a joke - the "current" one still talks about things that have already been delivered as if they have yet to happen, for instance.
I suppose it's not awful news...
If you look at the last road map, you will see Embarcadero is working on Project called "Delphi X"
and according to what Allen said, it seems it's will be compile to Mac OS & Linux at same time, which is great thing.
If Allen said so, it's pretty safe to assume it's true.
The best answer so far is by Michael Rozlog. It is an over hour interview with the Product Manager of RAD Studio and is worth hearing. It covers:
The Delphi Survey
Delphi application showcase
Updates to the Delphi Roadmap
12 Videos of Christmas (later renamed the 12 Holiday videos)
Compiler rewrite
Project Fulcrum: Delphi on Linux and Mac in Beta
Coming soon to more public beta (hopefully)
Delphi Backwards Compatibility
The upgrade cut off policy
Free or low cost versions of Delphi
And a whole lot more.
