Convert currencies with the exchange rate of a past date - currency

Is there a free/cheap service, accessible through a web service or simple HTTP/XML queries, that can convert from a currency to another, but with the exchange rate of a specific date in the past?
Say I need to know how much 10 USD was in EUR on date March, 13, 2009.
So far I've only found offering this service to developers, but they cost 200$/mo, and my budget is lower.
ECB is cool! But it works if I need to convert from EUR to something. If I need to convert from GBP to something elase I'll have to find another time series :( Isn't there a service or time series provider to convert from any currency to any other currency, for a certain date? Like OANDA actually, just cheaper :)

replying to myself, I found this:
You can download a single CSV file with all daily exchange rates from euro to anything...since 1999! Very cool.

I wanted to try out Google AppEngine anyway, so I made an app for this, using the ECB rates from 1999 onwards:
gives you the value of 1 USD in ZAR on 2009-11-15. See this page for the full docs.
I just threw in the Fed's rates, going back to 1971...

I'm not sure but try with Yahoo Finance web service for developers

The USA government gives away some of this kind of data.
go to historical rates


Searching for a particular trading platform

I'm trying to find an "Exchange/trading platform" with the following conditions
I must be able to purchase currencies (fiat or crypto) and not need to return back to the base currency. I do not wish to open and close positions. I plan to only take, never make. - Is there a name for this?
The commission needs to be as low as possible preferably less than 0.1% per trade (I want to high-frequency trade)
I'm after API access for the High-frequency trading.
I'm after a large grid/table (every currency into every other currency) for example:
Ideally, 9+ currencies. - I have made this in excel using modified data from
If all of these exist on a single website, that would be wonderful!
Thank you in advance for any and all help. (crypto) has what you want.
API Access:
Low Fees: 0.075% for a taker trade
If you use my referral link you will get an additional permanent 10% trading fee reduction.
(I also get 10% so it's a win win)

Finance historical options data (with strikes etc) on google finance API

Can anyone provide how to get historical options data with strikes by Google Finance API? Mbe Yahoo API can do it?
AFAIK, there's no free API that lets you query for historical option prices easily.
Your best shot may be to collect it daily for the stocks you're interested in:
I've never seen free historical option data prices. Neither Yahoo or Google provide them. I downloaded 2012 end of day data from It includes daily prices, greeks and IV. As far as I can tell it seems accurate. There are several other paid sources out there but I have not tested their data.

Is there a database of time zone lines available for download?

I've searched and found a couple of online web services that do this, but I was wondering it there's a database in the public domain which gives a list of latitudes and longitudes for the standard time zone lines? I'd like to be able to calculate what time zone a coordinate is without using a web service. I figured that time zone boundaries are mostly static and were probably decided by some committee, so there should be a CSV or GPX or KML somewhere.
I'd like to be able to check what time zone a coordinate lies in, for example:
48.856667 2.350833 is GMT+1 or CET
This is a series of files -- timezone polygons (shapefile), which you can transform into boundaries. With work on your part.
You should note that simply knowing the TZ does not guarantee that you know anything about the current correct time or date there in terms of the local calendar. Time Ex: The Isreali Knesset (parliament) decides when Daylight time starts and ends - sometimes they have chosen a date in the past. Date Ex: The Hijri Calendar changes months based on the ability of people in Mecca to actually observe the new moon from there. Cloudy days alter the date. has a Java library under commercial license. (Scroll down their page to find information about it). They charge 2 grand up front for it though, considering the amount of work they must have put in compiling loads of vector maps, etc, I can understand they want the money.
I use their free API, but you wanted something downloadable, and I think this is one of your few bets.
I tried openstreetmap and they have the data, but it would be buried in a map of Earth, not completely useful itself. Here is one on Wikipedia though:
I recently found this data here:

Is there a way to get the most searched words on the internet recently?

I'd like to get a big list (say 1,000 or more) of word phrases that people search for on the internet recently (anything from the most recent month or week or day is ok). Results from Google or any of the bigger search sites would be okay. And is there a way to do this programmatically? Python would be first choice, shell scripts works too. Thanks!
Bonus points for historical results too.
google is pretty data friendly
they even provide rss feeds
Yes, It's python friendly with API and easy_install to boot!
Along with what TelsaBoil post, Google Insights looks to give historical results too
I think you should check this ones: [RSS Hourly Feed] [Python Google Trends Information Retrieval]

Reverse geocoding services

I'm working on a project that returns information based on the user's location. I also want to display the user's town in text (no map) so they can change it if it's not accurate.
If things go well I hope this will be more than a small experiment, so can anyone recommend a good reverse geocoding service with the least restrictions? I notice that Google/Yahoo have a limit to the number of daily queries along with other usage terms. I basically need to take latitude and longitude and convert them to a city/town (which I presume cannot be done using the HTML5 Geolocation API).
Geocoda just launched a geocoding and spatial database service and offers up to 1K queries a month free, with paid plans starting at $49 for 25,000 queries/month. SimpleGeo just closed their Context API so you may want to look at Geocoda or other alternatives.
You're correct, the browser geolocation API only provides coordinates.
I use SimpleGeo a lot and recommend them. They offer 10K queries a day free then 0.25USD per 1K calls after that. Their Context API is what you're going to want, it pretty much does what is says on the tin. Works server-side and client-side (without requiring you to draw a map, like Google.)
GeoNames can also do this and allows up to 30K "credits" a day, different queries expend different credit amounts. The free service has highly variable performance, the paid service is more consistent. I've used them in the past, but don't much anymore because of the difficulty of automatically dealing with their data, which is more "pure" but less meaningful to most people.
