Spiceworks technology - spiceworks

Which technology was used to develop "spiceworks"? Somewhere I found that it was developed on RoR. But what is the back-end technology they use to store data?

Spiceworks stores its information in a sqlite3 database file.
Here are some How-tos from the Spiceworks Community that talk about interesting ways to get at the data directly.


Is it possible to add a record to a Microsoft SQL Server table using an iOS app?

I know that it is possible to retrieve data from a SQL Server table using webservices that return pure XML (as explained here), but that will not allow me to add records to the table, right?
I am primarily a C# .NET programmer, but I have dealt a little with iOS development. Is there a way I can use some sort of iOS-equivalent to a TableAdapter to add records to the table? The app would be running on the same network the servers are connected to.
As deterministicFail, Sean Lange, and Adam stated in the comments, it is possible using a web service.
If anyone else is looking for some information on this topic, I found an article that explains this process in more detail. Click here to go to the article.
Thanks for the help, everyone.

iOS database programming

I am looking for something that would act as a database for an iOS application. I have read about SQLite, but this seems to be only useful if you want to store the database locally. I want to have multiple people be able to write to the database from multiple phones.
Does anyone have any information? Can you just use a MySQL database?
Not looking for any code, just to be pointed in the right direction, brand new to the topic!
You might want to look at Couchbase Lite which is an embedded lightweight, document-oriented (NoSQL), syncable database engine.

iOS Development - Best practices when using an online database

I'm currently developing an iOS app and it needs to be able to access an online database and retrieve/ update information on it. I can do this easily with webpages through PHP and MySQL but I can't find the best practice for doing a similar thing with iOS.
Any tips, websites etc would be great.
Thanks in advance!

working with Mongo Db & MVC

I recently starting working on a project where I am using Mongo Db to interact with an MVC4 web application.
I have limited knowledge of Mongo Db so is there any resources available that come recommended in the context of .net and Mongo? Any books available that are recommended?
I'd suggest you start with the official C# driver from 10gen found here.
There are no books specific to .NET and MongoDB. As the drivers are becoming very similar (as much as possible, yet with variances for specific language/platforms), you should be able to learn from many of the samples available and other resources on the Internet.
I advice this and this, for some of my friends that articles was healpfull.
But when you want to work with mongo - Little MongoDB book is something that you must read.

Using MongoDB for a calendar web app

I have been doing web programming for few years. All this time, I have been using RDBMS. As a side project, I would like to create a web application and would like to use NoSQL. I have never used NoSQL. So I would like to use a NoSQL solution. Web app is going to be a calendar and article list that are going to be shared among a project group. I would be using Ruby on Rails.So would it be fine to use MongoDB for this web app? or do you have any other recommendation?
MongoDB should be fine. I can't think of a particularly compelling reason as to why it'd be superior to an RDBMS or one of the other key-value stores out there for this particular problem, but I can't think of a reason not to use it, either. For a learning project, it should be more than fine.
As far as interfaces go, I'm currently using MongoMapper and am happy with it, and Mongoid is picking up a lot of steam. You can even just use the Mongo driver directly - it's very usable.
Candy looks quite nice as ruby lib. There are other like MongoMapper and Datamapper + do_mongo and likely more.
