Backing up documents of TFS server - tfs

I have been given a task of Backing up of documents in TFS server. I am not sure how to proceed with this. Google search didnot return anything usable.
How can i do this. Please share your experiences.

The Sharepoint library used by Team Explorer's "documents" folder is stored in the two STS_* databases on the SQL server.
Note that partial backups/restores are not supported in TFS 2005/2008. Restoring just the Sharepoint databases without the other ones (especially the TfsIntegration database) would leave you in an inconsistent state. As of TFS 2010 you can do backups/restores at the collection level.

Not exactly sure what documents you are referring to, since TFS follows 3-tier model, will backing up databases that hold your desired data solve your problem?

In my case Documents in TFS were stored in sharepoint site that gets installed when we install TFS. WSS_Content is the name of the database that holds all documents and their version history.
In my case this database was not a part of the maintenance plan in sql server.
So, I modified the maintenance plan and now this database is getting backed up along with other databases.


Azure DevOps migration using same SQL Server

I currently have a TFS 2018 server installation using SQL Server 2017. I'd like to install Azure Devops on a new server but use the same SQL Server.
My plan was to restore the existing Tfs_Configureation and Tfs_Collecton databases as new databases and use them.
However in the installation wizard, I am allowed to pick the configuration database that is to be used but I suspect the collection database will be the current live one.
Is there a support way of altering the collection database inside of the configuration database?
I've found a table called tbl_Database that holds the name and connection strings but am not sure if changing these is enough.
I've found a table called tbl_Database that holds the name and connection strings but am not sure if changing these is enough. I don't want to end up prematurely upgrading the current live collection.
I don't want to end up prematurely upgrading the current live collection and don't want to set up a temporary SQL instance just to test the migration.

What to do with "branched" folders in neo4j

We've been running a embedded neo4j instance and using the high availability features to ensure a downtimeless roll-over deploy.
We're obviously doing something wrong because we get a 'branched/' folder inside our neo4j database folder. I guess this means that we have branching data (i.e. master switchover doesn't work correctly).
My question is: "what can I do with it?
can it be safely moved over to a developers workstation while the database is running?
can we delete it from the server (while the database is running)?
Is there an api or tool to see the changes inside the branched folder?

Restore tfs collection from mdf/ldf

My server running TFS express crashed. I managed to mount the disk and extract mdf/ldf file for my TFS collection. Here is what I did next:
Built a new machine (with the same name/IP address) and installed SQL Express/TFS server express.
From SQL Server Management Studio, attached the mdf/ldf files. I can now see TFS_MyCollection as a new database.
From TFS Administrative console, clicked on "Attach Collection."
However, the new database is not being listed.
I went through a bunch of links on the Internet. had a similar situation. Based on the suggestion, I had attached the database. I also looked at However, this one talks about using backup/restore, which is not my case.
I must be missing some configuration step. Please advice. Regards.
You cant just attach a collection that was never detached.
You need to unconfigure your TFS instance (tfconfig.exe setup /uninstall:all) and then restore all of the databases.
You will need to restore each collection and the configuration DB. They are currently a set. Once you have all of the databses attached/restored you need to run the setup and "configure application tier only".
You need to follow the documentation for moving hardware. Make sure that you follow each step.
Note: You should take backups!

Change credentials per server?

I've installed opshub on my pc that is on domain ABC. I have succesfully migrated projects from a TFS server on domain ABC to visual studio online. Now I've added a TFS server that is in domain DEF and it doesn't ask me for credentials for that server. I just get a blank collection list, I think its trying to use my current credentials from domain ABC. How can I get it to ask me for the credentials to domain DEF when trying to access that server?
User level authentication details are stored inside Team Foundation cache directory under following locations. If you have already authenticated for the TFS server then details for that server is stored inside cache directory. This won't ask you credentials again while you are doing next migration.
If you want to authenticate with the new credentials for different domain you need to clear data from the following directories.
C:\Users{User}\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Team Foundation\4.0\Cache
C:\Users{User}\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Team Foundation\5.0\Cache
Make sure original folders remains there (Cache). Just remove contents of those directories. Also make sure you close all the applications which uses TFS cache like visual studio, opshub migration utility.
See for correct answer. It worked for me.

Where are TFS Admin Console Settings Saved?

this may sound like a silly question but our IT department wants us to use their approved backup tool instead of using the standard back solution that comes packaged within TFS2010. My question is, is there a config file holding all settings found within the TFS Admin Console or are all these values saved within the TFS_Configuration table.
Please note that we are using TFS2010
The settings are indeed stored in the config database.
