Is it possible to have a stateless timed function - stored-procedures

I'm trying to set a reminder in a system to fire at a certain time.
This is a web based app, so it's not like it will be in memory all the time.
Ideally I'd like to avoid using a service or job on the server(mainly out of curiosity, to see if there is a more efficient way to do it)
For example, imagine how many Ebay bids are constantly ending all the times, and emails being sent out seemingly perfectly in time.
Do people recon there is just a big loop going over and over, moving items into a queue etc... Or is there something lower level helping out (stored procedures, triggers etc)
Thanks everyone.

What you have to realize about eBay - and most large database-backed websites - is that the interactions between humans and the database that come through the web server are only a part (sometimes a very small part) of the functionality of the system.
To use eBay as an example, the email that goes out when auctions expire is not handled by a web server. They are far more likely to have that scripted. In other words, there is another program running on a number of their systems that look at the database for ended auctions, do some processing on them, send emails, etc.
If I were doing something similar (albeit on a much smaller scale,) I'd have my web services built in the usual way, but have a job that is run automatically every few minutes to do the maintenance work. It would start up, look at the database for work, process anything that was required, then exit.


Moving slow database calls from MVC to background application - advice please

I have an MVC web site, where users can search for large recordsets from SQL Server and Oracle databases. Some of these recordsets can be very large, with many thousands of records. Sadly, it is a user requirement that they do not make their searches more specific.
When a user posts their search request to the database, my web page is hanging before often timing out (due to the amount of time taken to query the database).
We are thinking about removing the expensive database calls from the MVC site, and sending the query to a separate process to run in the background. When the query is complete, we can notify the user.
My proposed solution is:
1) When the user completes the search form in the web page, to simply display a message that the results are being generated and will be sent when complete
2) Send the SQL query to a database which can contain a list of SQL queries that need to be processed
3) Create a Windows Service which checks this database every couple of minutes for new queries
4) This Windows Service then queries the database. When the query is completed, it will create a CSV of the results, and email this to the user
I am looking for some advice and comments on my above approach? What do folks think of this as an approach to process expensive database calls in the background?
Generally speaking the requests will be made infrequently, but as mentioned, will be for a great amount of data. There is a chance that two or more requests could be made at the same time, but this will be infrequent.
I will also look at optimising the databases.
Grateful for any tips.
Martin :)
Another option is to supplement the existing code to execute the query on a separate thread so that periodic keep-alive updates can be sent to the requesting page while you wait for the query results. Similar to the way the insurance quote agregator pages work.
A second option is to make the results available as a hyperlink when they are ready and then communicate that either through the website or by email to the user.
Option three if these queries are not completely ad-hoc type queries then you could profile for the most frequent combinations and pre-compute them periodically placing the results into new tables (sort of halfway to optimising the current database structure).
The caveat there is that the data won't be as up to date - but given the time the queries are currently taking it probably isn't that important to be up to the second?
Whichever solution you choose I think it's going to depend on the user expectation - Do they know what they want and just send one big query and get it and be happy? or do they try several queries to find the right combination of parameters? If the latter then waiting for an email delivery of results might not be acceptable to them. But if what they want is a downloadable results document and they know what they want first time then it may. The only problem I see here is emails going astray or taking longer than the user thinks it should causing the request to be resubmitted multiple times and increasing the server workload - caching queries and results is probably a very good idea.
I would suggest to introduce layer of abstraction like messaging broker. Request will go in queue and batch layer will consume request from queue and once heavy work is done, batch layer will notify web layer again via messaging broker, Request-Reply pattern.
In addition on database side it is allways good to optimize queries.

Respond with large amount of objects through a Rails API

I currently have an API for one of my projects and a service that is responsible for generating export files as CSVs, archive and store them somewhere in the cloud.
Since my API is written in Rails and my service in plain Ruby, I use the Her gem in the service to interact with the API. But I find my current implementation less performant, since I do a Model.all in my service, which in turn triggers a request that may contain way too many objects in the response.
I am curious on how to improve this whole task. Here's what I've thought of:
implement pagination at API level and call Model.where(page: xxx) from my service;
generate the actual CSV at API level and send the CSV back to the service (this may be done sync or async).
If I were to use the first approach, how many objects should I retrieve per page? How big should a response be?
If I were to use the second approach, this would bring quite an overhead to the request (and I guess API requests shouldn't take that long) and I also wonder whether it's really the API's job to do this.
What approach should I follow? Or, is there something better that I'm missing?
You need to pass a lot of information through a ruby process, that's always not simple, I don't think you're missing anything here.
If you decide to generate CSVs at the API level then what do you get with maintaining the service? You could just ditch the service altogether because replacing your service with an nginx proxy would do the same thing better (if you're just streaming the response from API host)?
If you decide to paginate, there will be a performance reduction for sure, but nobody can tell you exactly how much you should paginate - bigger pages will be faster and consume more memory (reducing throughput by being able to run less workers), smaller pages will be slower and consume less memory but demand more workers because of IO wait times,
exact numbers will depend on the IO response times of your API app and the cloud and your infrastructure, I'm afraid no one can give you a simple answer you can follow without experimentation with a stress test, and once you set up a stress test, you will get a number of your own anyway - better than anybody's estimate.
A suggestion, write a bit more about your problem, constraints you are working under etc and maybe someone can help you with a bit more radical solution. For some reason I get the feeling that what you're really looking for is a background processor like sidekiq or delayed job, or maybe connect your service to the DB directly through a DB view if you are anxoius to decouple your apps, or an nginx proxy for API responses, or nothing at all... but I really can't tell without more information.
I think it really depends how you want do define 'performance' and what your goal for your API is. Do you want to make sure no request to your API takes longer than 20msec to respond, than adding pagination would be a reasonable approach. Especially if the CSV generation is just an edge case, and the API is really built for other services. The number of items per page would then be limited by the speed at which you can deliver them. Your service would not be particularly more performant (even less so), since it needs to call the service multiple times.
Creating an async call (maybe with a webhook as callback) would be worth adding to your API if you think it is a valid use case for services to dump the whole record set.
Having said that, I think strictly speaking it is the job of the API to be quick and responsive. So maybe try to figure out how caching can improve response times, so paging through all the records is reasonable. On the other hand it is the job of the service to be mindful of the amount of calls to the API, so maybe store old records locally and only poll for updates instead of dumping the whole set of records each time.

Medium scale repeated tasks in Rails

I'm building a web app that tracks stats for a game. The API for that game (Steam Web API) only allows me to retrieve data from the most recently played match.
When a user requests their stats to be tracked, I need make a call to the Steam Web API every 10 minutes or so to check if they have played another match, then store it in the database if they have. The problem is, I check every 10 minutes for every user...
Is there a way to schedule this efficiently so that the server doesn't get overloaded? This application could potentially server 10,000+ users.
Please feel free to correct anything in this question if I got something obviously wrong.
There are many gems for recurring events in ruby, like:
ice cube
However, if you are going to have lots of users, and you are worried about server load, I would suggest not using your rails app to do this.
Instead, build another service which doesn't run on your rails app to update your database with statistics.
Having an independent service like this decoupled from your main app allows you to easily put it on another server, and/or have it scale independently from your webapp.

Practical use of delayed background job when dealing with many users

When a background job starts, it's sent to the back of a queue where a worker handles it; a task clears and the other starts. I think I've got this one right except I don't understand the practical side of it in some cases. Sure, if you're a company sending out 15,000 newsletters once a week using a delayed job makes perfect sense. But when you have an application of even 100 users, in which some task is long enough to need background work (like sending/fetching emails that might take a minute) then each user will have to wait in line while another user gets cleared (in case there's a single worker).
This is the part I'm not sure I'm getting right. I'm talking about the same job, but individually for each user. Does that count as a job per user? If I have 100 users, do I need to keep 100 workers for each one's process to not get tied up?
I've tried using delayed_job to simulate that, and indeed when I sign in with a different account I have to wait until another user's email gets sent until mine is. While the plugin is swift and simple to work with, I think it's not the right approach here.
I've also tried using Ajax, but since it's an HTTP request it ties up the browser in loading mode until it gets a response from the server (even with async: true). Not sure if I ruled this one out too quickly, but I was sortof looking for a more elegant server solution.
Is there a way to achieve a background job like this? (I've heard of different, mostly commercial solutions promising little waiting time, but I'm interested in completely eliminating the queue between users). If not, is there a method to make an ajax request without waiting for a response? I realize my questions are both drastically different but both seem like an appropriate solution to this problem.
Resque is a background processing engine that can support multiple queues.
Ways you could use this:
Group your tasks into queues that make sense on their priority. If you need fast response times, use it in a 'foreground' queue. Slow? (like sending/receiving emails) can be in the 'background' queue
Have one queue per user (you will need to have many many workers for this)
This SO question also gives a way to use delayed_jobs with multiple queues/tables
The purpose of delayed_job and other message queues is to asynchronously process jobs outside of your core application. I always use a queue for sending email since I'm relying on an outside application (sometimes a third-party API like gmail) to send them and I can't guarantee available and operating efficiency.
So for your use case, even with very few users, I highly recommend offloading emails to delayed_job. This will speed up your front end (ajax) and will also give you retries upon failure. You could spin up multiple workers to process the queue, but it shouldn't be necessary with your numbers unless your calls to send mail are taking a really long time (more than a couple seconds?).
And yes in most situations I'd create separate jobs for each user even though the message might be identical. The only time I'd process them all together would be if the email application / API has bulk sending and you can reduce the number of calls significantly by sending a large payload in a few calls.

Best way to run rails with long delays

I'm writing a Rails web service that interacts with various pieces of hardware scattered throughout the country.
When a call is made to the web service, the Rails app then attempts to contact the appropriate piece of hardware, get the needed information, and reply to the web client. The time between the client's call and the reply may be up to 10 seconds, depending upon lots of factors.
I do not want to split the web service call in two (ask for information, answer immediately with a pending reply, then force another api call to get the actual results).
I basically see two options. Either run JRuby and use multithreading or else run several regular Ruby instances and hope that not many people try to use the service at a time. JRuby seems like the much better solution, but it still doesn't seem to be mainstream and have out of the box support at Heroku and EngineYard. The multiple instance solution seems like a total kludge.
1) Am I right about my two options? Is there a better one I'm missing?
2) Is there an easy deployment option for JRuby?
I do not want to split the web service call in two (ask for information, answer immediately with a pending reply, then force another api call to get the actual results).
From an engineering perspective, this seems like it would be the best alternative.
Why don't you want to do it?
There's a third option: If you host your Rails app with Passenger and enable global queueing, you can do this transparently. I have some actions that take several minutes, with no issues (caveat: some browsers may time out, but that may not be a concern for you).
If you're worried about browser timeout, or you cannot control the deployment environment, you may want to process it in the background:
User requests data
You enter request into a queue
Your web service returns a "ticket" identifier to check the progress
A background process processes the jobs in the queue
The user polls back, referencing the "ticket" id
As far as hosting in JRuby, I've deployed a couple of small internal applications using the glassfish gem, but I'm not sure how much I would trust it for customer-facing apps. Just make sure you run config.threadsafe! in production.rb. I've heard good things about Trinidad, too.
You can also run the web service call in a delayed background job so that it's not hogging up a web-server and can even be run on a separate physical box. This is also a much more scaleable approach. If you make the web call using AJAX then you can ping the server every second or two to see if your results are ready, that way your client is not held in limbo while the results are being calculated and the request does not time out.
