Best way to encode URLs? - ruby-on-rails

I am currently developing a CMS and want to encode special chars in the URL in a nice way.
I don't want to use Rack::Utils.escape.
Is there already a cool gem available?
Best regards

Look at the stringex gem here, it can be used even without rails, but contains some stuff to make it easier to use(with rails).

Ruby's CGI library should do what you need:
url_encoded_string = CGI::escape("'Stop!' said Fred")
# => "%27Stop%21%27+said+Fred"

Well, I normally use a handy custom-made method called String.to_slug. I hope you find it useful.
Call this /lib/to_slug.rb and include it in one initializer, or include it only on the model that generates the urls.
String.class_eval do
#converts accented letters into ascii equivalents (eg. ñ becomes n)
def normalize
#this version is in the forums but didn't work for me
#returns an array of strings containing the words on a string
def words
gsub(/\W/, ' ').split
#convert into a nice url-ish string
def to_slug(separator='-')


Create encode and decode methods in rails?

I'm using the base62 gem for obfuscation/shortening ids. So I have things like:
=> "8u"
=> 552
I'd like to alias these in an initializer so they're cleaner, like so:
class Fixnum
def encode
class String
def decode
Are there any issues with using the words encode and decode directly? Will this cause problems with any interdependencies, other gems, etc, or is this safe to do?
Well, since the String#encode method is defined by ruby, yes, it will cause problems.
As a general note, you should run away from monkey patching as fast as you can.
It will only make your applications harder to comprehend for new developers, and harder to maintain.

What is the best way to obfuscate numerical IDs in an application

Given I've got a site where most of the resources have numerical IDs (i.e. etc.) but that like the Germans looking back on WWII I'd rather not reveal these to the observers, what's the best way to obfuscate them?
I presume the method is going to involve the .to_param and then some symmetric encryption algorithm but I'm not sure what's the most efficient encryption to do and how it'll impact lookup times in the DB etc.
Any advice from the road trodden would be much appreciated.
I published a Rails plugin that does this called obfuscate_id. I didn't need it to be secure, but just to make the id in the url non-obvious to the casual user. I also wanted it to look cleaner than a long hash.
It also has the advantage of needing no migrations or database changes. It's pretty simple.
Just add the gem to your Gemfile:
gem 'obfuscate_id'
And add call the obfuscate id in your model:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
This will create urls like this:
# post 7000
# post 7001
# post 7002
You also don't need to look up the records in any special way, ActiveRecord find just works.
More information here:
I usually use a salted Hash and store it in the DB in an indexed field. It depends on the level of security you expect, but I use one salt for all.
This method makes the creation a bit more expensive, because you are going to have an INSERT and an UPDATE, but your lookups will be quite fast.
Pseudo code:
class MyModel << ActiveRecord::Base
MY_SALT = 'some secret string'
after_create :generate_hashed_id
def to_param
def generate_hashed_id
self.update_attributes(:hashed_id => Digest::SHA1.hexdigest("--#{MY_SALT}--#{}--"))
Now you can look up the record with MyModel.find_by_hashed_id(params[:id]) without any performance repercussions.
Here's a solution. It's the same concept as Wukerplank's answer, but there's a couple of important differences.
1) There's no need to insert the record then update it. Just set the uuid before inserting by using the before_create callback. Also note the set_uuid callback is private.
2) There's a handy library called SecureRandom. Use it! I like to use uuid's, but SecureRandom can generate other types of random numbers as well.
3) To find the record use User.find_by_uuid!(params[:id]). Notice the "!". That will raise an error if the record is not found just like User.find(params[:id]) would.
class User
before_create :set_uuid
def to_param
def set_uuid
self.uuid = SecureRandom.uuid
Hashids is a great cross-platform option.
You can try using this gem,
it obfuscates your id and at the same time giving each model it's own obfuscated code so all no. 1 id won't have the same hash. Also, it does not override anything on the rails side, it just provides new method so it doesn't mess up your rails if your also extending them.
Faced with a similar problem, I created a gem to handle the obfuscation of Model ids using Blowfish. This allows the creation of nice 11 character obfuscated ids on the fly. The caveat is, the id must be within 99,999,999, e.g. a max length of 8.
To use with Rails, create an initializer in config/initializers with:
require 'obfuscate/obfuscatable'
Obfuscate.setup do |config|
config.salt = "A weak salt ..."
Now add to models that you want to be Obfuscatable:
class Message < ActiveRecord::Base
obfuscatable # a hash of config overrides can be passed.
To get the 11 character obfuscated_id, which uses the Blowfish single block encryption:
message = Message.find(1)
obfuscated = message.obfuscated_id # "NuwhZTtHnko"
clarified = message.clarify_id( obfuscated ) # "1"
Message.find_by_obfuscated_id( obfuscated )
Or obfuscate a block of text using Blowfish string encryption, allowing longer blocks of text to be obfuscated:
obfuscated = message.obfuscate( "if you use your imagination, this is a long block of text" ) # "GoxjVCCuBQgaLvttm7mXNEN9U6A_xxBjM3CYWBrsWs640PVXmkuypo7S8rBHEv_z1jP3hhFqQzlI9L1s2DTQ6FYZwfop-xlA"
clarified = message.clarify( obfuscated ) # "if you use your imagination, this is a long block of text"

Which characters in a search query does Google ignore (versus treating them as spaces?)

I want to give my pages human-readable slugs, but Rails' built-in parameterize method isn't SEO-optimized. For example, if I have a post called "Notorious B.I.G. is the best", parameterize will give me this path:
which is suboptimal since Google construes the query "Notorious B.I.G." as "Notorious BIG" instead of "Notorious B I G" (i.e., the dots are removed rather than treated as spaces)
Likewise, "Tom's fave pizza" is converted to "tom-s-fave-pizza", when it should be "toms-fave-pizza" (since Google ignores apostrophe's as well)
To create a better parameterize, I need to know which characters Google removes from queries (so I can remove them from my URLs) and which characters Google treats as spaces (so I can convert them to dashes in my URLs).
Better still, does such a parameterize method exist?
(Besides stringex, which I think tries to be too clever. 2 representative problem cases:
[Dev]> "Notorious B.I.G. is the best".to_url
=> "notorious-b-dot-i-g-is-the-best"
[Dev]> "No, Curren$y is the best".to_url
=> "no-curren$y-is-the-best"
I would try using a gem that has been designed for generating slugs. They often make good design decisions and they have a way of updating the code for changing best practices. This document represents Google's best practices on URL design.
Here is a list of the best gems for solving this problem. They are sorted by rank which is computed based on development activity and how many people "watch" changes to the gems source code.
The top one right now is frendly_id and it looks like it will generate good slugs for your use in SEO. Here is a link to the features of the gem. You can also configure it and it looks like it is perfect for your needs.
Google appears to have good results for both the "b-i-g" and "big" in the url slugs.
For the rails side of things, yes a parameterize method exists.
"Notorious B.I.G. is the best".parameterize
=> "notorious-b-i-g-is-the-best"
I think you can create the URLs yourself... something like
class Album
before_create :set_permalink
def set_permalink
self.permalink = name.parameterize
def to_params
This will create a url structure of:
You can remove the id section in to_params if you want to.
Use the title tag and description meta tag to tell google what the page is called: these carry more weight than the url. So, leave your url as /posts/notorious-b-i-g-is-the-best but put "Notorious B.I.G. is the best" in your title tag.

Stripping the first character of a string

i have
string = "$575.00 "
// => 0.0
string = "575.00 "
// => 575.0
the value coming in is in this format and i need to insert into a database field that is decimal any suggestions
"$575.00 "
We did this so often we wrote an extension to String called cost_to_f:
class String
def cost_to_f
We store such extensions in config/initializers/extensions/string.rb.
You can then simply call:
"$5,425.55".cost_to_f #=> 5425.55
If you are using this method rarely, the best bet is to simply create a function, since adding functions to core classes is not exactly something I would recommend lightly:
def cost_to_f(string)
If you need it in more than one class, you can always put it in a module, then include that module wherever you need it.
One more tidbit. You mentioned that you need to process this string when it is being written to the database. With ActiveRecord, the best way to do this is:
class Item < ActiveRecord::Base
def price=(p)
p = p.cost_to_f if p.is_a?(String)
write_attribute(:price, p)
EDIT: Updated to use String#delete!
So many answers... i'll try to summarize all that are available now, before give own answer.
1. string.gsub(/[\$,]/, '')
string.gsub!(/^\$/, '')
2. string[1..-1]
3. string.slice(0) # => "ome string"
4. s/^.//
Why (g)sub and regexp Just for deleting a character? String#tr is faster and shorter. String#delete is even better.
Good, fast, simple. Power of reverse indexing.
Hm... looks like it returns "S". Because it is an alias to String#[]
Perl? /me is cheking question tags...
And my advice is:
What if you have not dollar, but yena? Or what if you don't even have anything before numbers?
So i'll prefer:
This will crop leading non-decimal symbols, that prevent to_f to work well.
P.S.: By the way. It's known, that float is bad practice for storing money amounts.
Use Float or Decimal for Accounting Application Dollar Amount?
You could try something like this.
string = string[1..-1] if string.match(/^\$/)
Or this.
string.gsub!(/^\$/, '')
Remember to put that backslash in your Regexp, it also means "end of string."
you can use regex for that:
As laways, this is PCRE syntax.
In Ruby, you can use the sub() method of the string class to replace the string:
result = string.sub(/^./,"")
This should work.
Ok, someone asked what's the gsub() is for:
gsub() acts like sub() but with the /g modifier in PCRE (for global replacement):
in PCRE is
string.sub(/a/, "b")
string.gsub(/a/, "b")
in Ruby
What I'd use (instead of regular expressions) is simply the built-in slice! method in the String class. For example,
s = "Some string"
s.slice!(0) # Deletes and returns the 0th character from the string.
s # => "ome string"
Documentation here.

Helper for removing illegal characters?

I am using a user input string to create a url and I only want the url to contain lowercase letters and hyphens
In my model, I have added so far:
def to_param
name.downcase.gsub(" ", "-")
This makes it lowercase and hyphenated. How can I remove all illegal characters, such as '/"$£%& and so on? A regular expression might be the answer but is there something built in for this purpose already in Rails?
Perhaps instead of doing the above, I should create a validation that makes sure that 'name' is only spaces and letters? Is there something built in for this purpose?
You can use ActiveSupport's parameterize method:
def to_param
parameterize API documentation
You might consider the to_slug plugin for this. See also this related question.
