Where can I find materials about indexing and page ranking? - search-engine

I'm working on a large search engine system.
However, I'm not familiar with the background.
Where can I find materials about indexing and page ranking?

You can always look at the google research stuff. It is naturally very intense stuff but interesting none the less.

Modern information Retrieval
A very known and a good book that will introduce you to these concepts.


Primary source for WoW lua API?

I've been looking for first-hand information on the World of Warcraft addon API. There are a couple wikis that are pretty good, but their reference links only point internally. Surely there is some information published by Blizzard on the topic.
Can all of their information really be gleaned from reverse-engineering and forums? That would be hard for me to believe.
Its not all necessarily gleaned from inspection or trial and error. Some is provided, but randomly, from "heads up" posts in the forums from "the source", as in Blizzard employees. They are usually pretty good about it, though is almost always provided in a "just the essentials to save you some pain" sort of way.
Here's an example:
Watching for the "Blue" posts goes a long way, and its been this way for a long time. If you look at someting like this (old 3.1.0 end user patch notes) http://us.battle.net/wow/en/game/patch-notes/3-1-0 , and then scan to near the bottom there will be a note and link for API changes, so its easy to glean their intent on this, and that they intend to provide some "unofficial" support about API changes there whilenot burdening the actual product readme with them.
In general, I'd say that due to the very open nature of the materials, the source for the UI, very little is hidden and most is pretty self-evident, so it sort of barely qualifies as reverse engineering. Once you understand the Lua relationship to the general design of the WoW UI and supporting API, it's much easier.
As for the implied question about "why", the "hard to believe" part. They are doing, in my estimation, what they believe is the best balance between fully supporting without "officially" suporting, and not wasting cycles trying to document a huge amount of available facilites thats ever changing. I think they belive it makes a better product, having the ability to customize, so its intheir interest, however is frought with problems and even legal issues from many angles to be expressly "official" about it or to try to maintain coherent docs.
Toward the question "git hub" below, here is the "blue" post in context, which can be found by clicking the "blizz" link icon on the mmo-champion link provided before: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/6413172918#1 I was trying to give an example of a Blue post that had detail, but I accidentally gave one for the Web API not the Game API. However the principle is the same, and provides more Blizzard to Community context for dev support.
So basically that particular post was in reference to changes in the Web API, and the Git remark has no relevance to the game UI Customization and Macro thing. There is no hidden or official doc source for game UI Customization and Macro. Mostly its because it simply doesnt exist for anyone. :)
Yes, all the information is gleaned from the source.
Blizzard doesn't post the API information at this time, AFAIK.
http://www.wowpedia.org/Portal:Interface_customization is likely to be your best resource.
There are multiple ways to discover the names of callable C functions exported into the Lua environment.
But yes. One quite simple one would be to enumerate all the globals in the source that are written to, then enumerate the globals that are exposed while WoW is running - and take the difference, perhaps limiting the result to globals of type 'function'
Blizzard used to informally document its API for a while, but it has always been 'unsupported'
There are other ways to discover the API - but they involve doing things which may violate the TOS.
There is a website now that contains the API for wow addons. This has been helping me a lot.

Creating parsers using flex/bison

Hi I'm need to create a parser to parse search engine advanced query languages:
For instance: “food” language:es
I want to use Flex and Bison but I've never used them. I was wondering if anyone could point me to a good tutorial online, then it would be really helpful. I've been looking online but I didn't find anything useful.
Also, If anyone can provide any sample flex/bison code, I would really appreciate it.
Thanks so much in advance
I'm surprised you have been unable to find good tutorial's online, as the use of flex and bison and similar compiling tools are used in large numbers of computer science university courses world wide. As many people are learning them there are a large number of resources available. You must not have been using the right search terms. There are also numerous helpful tutorial videos on YouTube (including mine).
When I searched, this one came are the first result: http://aquamentus.com/flex_bison.html
The page suggested by #Bart Kiers http://dinosaur.compilertools.net/ is good too.

Differences between (R)Unified Process And Extreme Programming

I've searched for at question like this and i dont think there are one.
As the title says... I know there are huge differences between how to do things in (R)UP and in XP as a way of developing systems, but what are the really?
I'm trying to write a nice explanation that i can give to other people so they hopefully easy can understand the differences.
I want to compare the following subjects:
User involvement
Technical quality
I'm not trying to start a discussion, just want to know if you know any good sites that could have the information i'm looking for or if you have a answer for one of the subjects. I have allready written some of it myself but due to the fact that i dont want it to be a subjective comparison, i then ask you.
You might find this useful
XP vs RUP (pdf)
RUP and XP are not mutually exclusive. Comparing the two is like comparing apples and oranges -- you can enjoy both. Many companies following RUP choose to include some or all of XP practices.
For the basics, the wikipedia articles are a good start:

introduction to latex

what's a good website that has an introduction to latex for window users? I will be using it mainly to write math homework problems and probably then converting it to a PDF to print out. I'm hoping somebody has bookmarked a good link already so I don't have to search. Thanks!
You should start from this "not so short introduction to latex"
I recommend this one: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX
LaTeX works the same across platforms (and even across its distros, except some may provide features that others don't), so it doesn't really matter what your platform is.
I find that Andy Roberts's site is perfect for beginners, it has a lot of newbie exercises and takes you by the hand in a perfectly controlled fashion. It is my online reference for my basic latex questions.
The LaTeX Community site doesn't seem to have any beginner tutorials, but it does have a number of articles that go into specific uses. If one of those articles covers what you're trying to do, then it may give you a headstart.
Outside tutorials, as a beginner getting into LaTeX, I found the TeXnicCenter Open Source IDE to be very useful. It makes life a lot easier when you get some syntax colouring and templates to help with common structures like tables.

Web data visualization/charting library

I'm building a Rails app that needs some data visualization. What is a good library to learn? (If it matters, I don't have much web/javascript experience, but I'm starting to learn.)
I've been dabbling around with Protovis... But, well, I don't understand what all the hype is. It seems quite long and painful even to create just a simple bar chart with axes, and badly in need of defaults! [But the only other real graphics library I've used is ggplot2 in R, so maybe this is standard for the web?]
I've seen gRaphael suggested, and the single piece example code I've seen on the website [for a piechart] makes it look much easier to use than Protovis. But there's no documentation, so I don't know how to learn to use it.
I've played a bit with the Google Charts API in the past, and it's fairly easy to use and well-documented, so maybe I should just stick with that if I don't need anything super fancy and customized?
So, I guess: what are the advantages/disadvantages of Protovis/gRaphael/Google Charts? Are there any other data visualization libraries I should be considering?
Check out Ryan Bates screencast on charts. It is focused on Highcharts, but he also shows other alternatives.
I have only used Google Charts, but I was considering trying some of these after watching this screencast a few months ago. Hopefully this will show you a few more options that may suit you.
You can give Gruff a try. The graphs look nice and the API is quite easy to use.
