ASP.NET MVC and jqGrid: Persisting Multiselection -

I have a jqGrid in an ASP.NET MVC View with the option multiselect:true. There are over 200 records displayed in the grid, so I have paging enabled. This works great, but when I navigate from page to page, the selections are lost when I navigate.
Is there a good, clean way to persist the selections so that they are maintained while paging?

Managed it with some javascript trickery:
var pages = [];
onSelectRow: function(rowid, status) {
var pageId = $('#grdApplications').getGridParam('page');
var selRows = [];
if (status) {
//item selected, add index to array
if (pages[pageId] == null) {
pages[pageId] = [];
selRows = pages[pageId];
if (selRows.indexOf(rowid) == -1)
{ selRows.push(rowid); }
else {
//item deselected, remove from array
selRows = pages[pageId];
var index = selRows.indexOf(rowid)
if (index != -1) {
pages[pageId].splice(index, 1);
loadComplete: function() {
if (pages[$('#grdApplications').getGridParam('page')] != null) {
var selRows = pages[$('#grdApplications').getGridParam('page')];
var i;
var limit = selRows.length;
for (i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
$('#grdApplications').setSelection(selRows[i], true);

user279248 (I know it's an old post, but it's a good question) - all of the row ids are being stored in the selRows arrays in the pages array, so just iterate through them, ie
for (j=0;j<pages.length;j++) {
var selRow = pages[j];
for (k=0;k<selRow.length;k++) {
Hope this helps someone.
Dave - your solution is still going strong two years later! Thanks for the code. My only tweak is elevating the code into functions - useful to apply to multiple grids on the same page.
function maint_chkbxs_oSR(obj_ref, rowid, status, pages) {
var pageId = $(obj_ref).jqGrid('getGridParam','page');
var selRows = [];
if (status) {
//item selected, add index to array
if (pages[pageId] == null) {
pages[pageId] = [];
selRows = pages[pageId];
//if (selRows.indexOf(rowid) == -1)
if ($.inArray(""+rowid,selRows) == -1)
{ selRows.push(rowid); }
else {
//item deselected, remove from array
selRows = pages[pageId];
var index = $.inArray(""+rowid,selRows);
if (index != -1) {
pages[pageId].splice(index, 1);
function maint_ckbxs_lC(obj_ref, pages) {
if (pages[$(obj_ref).jqGrid('getGridParam','page')] != null) {
var selRows = pages[$(obj_ref).jqGrid('getGridParam','page')];
var i;
var limit = selRows.length;
for (i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
//$('#grid_bucket').setSelection(selRows[i], true);
You just have to remember to create a dedicated page array for each grid.


What will be the time complexity of reversing the linked list in a different way using below code?

Given a linked List $link1, with elements (a->b->c->d->e->f->g->h->i->j), we need to reverse the linked list provided that the reversing will be done in a manner like -
Reverse 1st element (a)
Reverse next 2 elements (a->c->b)
Reverse next 3 elements (a->c->b->f->e->d)
Reverse next 4 elements (a->c->b->f->e->d->j->i->h->g)
I have created below code in PHP to solve this problem
Things I need -
I need to calculate the time complexity of reverseLinkedList function below.
Need to know if we can optimize reverseLinkedList function to reduce time complexity.
class ListNode
public $data;
public $next;
function __construct($data)
$this->data = $data;
$this->next = NULL;
function read_node()
return $this->data;
class LinkList
private $first_node;
private $last_node;
private $count;
function __construct()
$this->first_node = NULL;
$this->last_node = NULL;
$this->count = 0;
function size()
return $this->count;
public function read_list()
$listData = array();
$current = $this->first_node;
while($current != NULL)
echo $current->read_node().' ';
$current = $current->next;
public function reverse_list()
if(($this->first_node != NULL)&&($this->first_node->next != NULL))
$current = $this->first_node;
$new = NULL;
while ($current != NULL)
$temp = $current->next;
$current->next = $new;
$new = $current;
$current = $temp;
$this->first_node = $new;
public function read_node($position)
if($position <= $this->count)
$current = $this->first_node;
$pos = 1;
while($pos != $position)
if($current->next == NULL)
return null;
$current = $current->next;
return $current->data;
return NULL;
public function insert($data)
$new_node = new ListNode($data);
if($this->first_node != NULL)
$this->last_node->next = $new_node;
$new_node->next = NULL;
$this->last_node = &$new_node;
$new_node->next = $this->first_node;
$this->first_node = &$new_node;
if($this->last_node == NULL)
$this->last_node = &$new_node;
//Create linked list
$link1 = new LinkList();
//Insert elements
echo "<b>Input :</b><br>";
//function to reverse linked list in specified manner
function reverseLinkedList(&$link1)
$size= $link1->size();
$link2=new LinkList();
$temp_link = new LinkList();
//Flip the linkedlist
///function to reverse linked list in specified manner
//Reverse current linked list $link1
echo "<br><br><b>Output :</b><br>";
It's O(n)...just one traversal.
And secondly, here tagging it in language is not necessary.
I have provided a Pseudocode here for your reference:
current => head_ref
prev => NULL;
current => head_ref;
next => null;
while (current != NULL)
next = current->next;
current->next = prev;
prev = current;
current = next;
*head_ref = prev;

Best way to filter on empty values with angular-ui-grid?

I'd like to offer my users the ability of showing only rows with empty values for a specific column. What would be the best approach?
I came up with this solution which feels hacky to me, reusing the filter input text field:
"onRegisterApi" : function(gridApi){
$scope.gridApi = gridApi;
$scope.gridApi.core.on.filterChanged( $scope, function() {
var grid = this.grid;
var term = grid.columns[7].filters[0].term; // the column I am interested in empty values
if( term == '_' ) {
$"Setting filter to external mode");
$scope.grid.useExternalFiltering = true;
for(var i=0; i< grid.rows.length;i++){
var row = grid.rows[i];
if(row.entity.privileges==null || row.entity.privileges.trim().length==0){
}else if($scope.grid.useExternalFiltering==true){
$"Resetting filter back to internal mode");
$scope.grid.useExternalFiltering = false;
for(var i=0; i< grid.rows.length;i++){

gmaps4rails show hide functionality

I'm hoping to get a little bit of insight on show / hide functionality in gmaps4rails.
example functionality
// == shows all markers of a particular category, and ensures the checkbox is checked ==
function show(category) {
for (var i=0; i<gmarkers.length; i++) {
if (gmarkers[i].mycategory == category) {
// == check the checkbox ==
document.getElementById(category+"box").checked = true;
// == hides all markers of a particular category, and ensures the checkbox is cleared ==
function hide(category) {
for (var i=0; i<gmarkers.length; i++) {
if (gmarkers[i].mycategory == category) {
// == clear the checkbox ==
document.getElementById(category+"box").checked = false;
// == close the info window, in case its open on a marker that we just hid
// == a checkbox has been clicked ==
function boxclick(box,category) {
if (box.checked) {
} else {
// == rebuild the side bar
function myclick(i) {
// == rebuilds the sidebar to match the markers currently displayed ==
function makeSidebar() {
var html = "";
for (var i=0; i<gmarkers.length; i++) {
if (gmarkers[i].getVisible()) {
html += '<a href="javascript:myclick(' + i + ')">' + gmarkers[i].myname + '<\/a><br>';
document.getElementById("side_bar").innerHTML = html;
So, in my controller, I'm building a list of markers, and including their categories as json.
#markersLoc = #locSearch.to_gmaps4rails do |loc, marker|!
marker_image = "{letter}|82ABDD|000000"
marker.infowindow render_to_string(partial: '/events/info',
locals: {object: loc})
marker.picture({picture: marker_image,
width: 32,
height: 32,
marker_anchor: [11,30],
shadow_picture: "",
shadow_width: 110,
shadow_height: 110,
shadow_anchor: [12,34]})
marker.title loc.what
marker.sidebar render_to_string(partial: '/events/sidebar',
locals: {object: loc, letter: marker_image})
marker.json({cat: loc.category})
I'm kind of stuck, here. I know the :cat string is available (ex: 1,3,4), but I'm not sure how to use it to achieve what I'm after.
Was able to pretty much use what was there, with some modification. This gave me functionality to have 9 categories (could be more or less), and only view what I want. Awesome.
// == shows all markers of a particular category, and ensures the checkbox is checked ==
function show(category) {
var regEx = new RegExp("[" + category + "]")
for (var i=0; i<; i++) {
if ([i].cat) {
if ([i].cat.match(regEx)) {[i]);
// == check the checkbox ==
document.getElementById(category+"box").checked = true;
// == hides all markers of a particular category, and ensures the checkbox is cleared ==
function hide(category) {
var regEx = new RegExp("[" + category + "]")
for (var i=0; i<; i++) {
if ([i].cat) {
if ([i].cat.match(regEx)) {[i]);
// == clear the checkbox ==
document.getElementById(category+"box").checked = false;
// == close the info window, in case its open on a marker that we just hid
// == a checkbox has been clicked ==
function boxclick(box,category) {
if (box.checked) {
} else {

Toggling legend text click event in highcharts

How to reset its original chart value after legendItem toggle event?
var seriesIndex = this.index;
var series = this.chart.series;
for (var i = 0; i < series.length; i++)
if (series[i].index != seriesIndex)
return false;
Note: Currently this code works like RADIO button event[toggle]; How to make this work like a CHECKBOX event with a condition where user cannot uncheck both! But can check both the events!!! :-D
I was able to find the solution to the above question from my peer...there might be better way using some API's... here is the link to SOLUTION
legendItemClick: function(event)
var seriesIndex = this.index;
var series = this.chart.series;
var visibleCount= 0;
var visibleIndex= 0;
for (var i = 0; i < series.length; i++)
if (series[i].visible)
visibleIndex =i;
if (visibleCount===1 && visibleIndex === seriesIndex)

Javascript - getElementID from scratch using BFS?

I'm trying to learn javascript, and spent tonight writing a getElementByID() function using Breadth-First Search. In short: I'm lost.
var nodes = [];
function getElementById(node, id) {
if (node.childNodes[i].id == id) {
return node.childNodes[i];
} else if (node.childNodes[i].length > 0) {
for (var i = 0, len = node.childNodes.length; i < len; ++i) {
if (nodes.length > 0) {
getElementById(nodes[0], id);
var el = getElementById(document.body, 'id');
Any help?
You're missing a for loop in the top half of your code. Where is i defined?
Here's how I'd write it:
function getElementById(node, id) {
//An array of all the nodes at the same depth
var nodes = [node];
//While the array is not empty
while(nodes.length) {
var newNodes = [];
for(var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
var children = nodes[i].childNodes;
for(var j = 0; j < children.length; j++) {
var child = children[j];
if( == id) {
return child
//Replace nodes with an array of the nodes the next level down
nodes = newNodes
