mod_xsendfile alternatives for a shared hosting service without it - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to log download statistics for .pdfs and .zips (5-25MB) in a rails app that I'm currently developing and I just hit a brick wall; I found out our shared hosting provider doesn't support mod_xsendfile. The sources I've read state that without this, multiple downloads could potentially cause a DoS issue—something I'm definitely trying to avoid. I'm wondering if there are any alternatives to this method of serving files through rails?

Well, how sensitive are the files you're storing?
If you hosted these files somewhere under your app's /public directory, you could just do a meta tag or javascript redirect to the public-facing URL of these files after your users hit some sort of controller action that will update your download statistics.
In this case, your users would probably need to get one of those "Your download should commence in a few moments" pages before the browser would start the file download.
Under this scenario, your Rails application won't be streaming the file out, your web server will, which will give you the same effect as xsendfile. On the other hand, this won't work very well if you need to control access to those downloadable files.


Web application security concerns with user-uploaded files on Amazon S3?

I have a web application where users may upload a wide variety of files (e.g. jpg, png, r, csv, epub, pdf, docx, nb, tex, etc). Currently, we whitelist exactly which files types are a user may upload. This limitation is sometimes annoying for users (i.e. because they must zip disallowed files, then upload the zip) and for us (i.e. because users write support asking for additional file types to be whitelisted).
Ideal Solution
Ideally, I'd love to whitelist files more aggressively. Specifically, I'd would like to (1) figure out which file types may be trusted and (2) whitelist them all. Having a larger whitelist would be more convienient for users and it reduce the number of support tickets (if only very slightly).
What I Know
I've done a few hours of research and have identified common problems (e.g. path traversal, placing assets in root directory, htaccess vulnerabilities, failure to validate mime type, etc). While this research has been interesting, my understanding is that many of these issues are moot (or considerably mitigated) if your assets are stored on Amazon S3 (or a similar cloud storage service) – which is how most modern web application manage user-uploaded files.
Hasn't this question already been asked a zillion times?!
Please don't mistake this as a general "What are the security risks of user-uploaded content?" question. There are already many questions like that and I don't want to rehash that discussion here.
More specifically, my question is, "What risks, if any, exist given a conventional / modern web application setup?" In other words, I don't care about some old PHP app or vulnerabilities related to IE6. What should I be worried about assuming files are stored in a cloud service like AmazonS3?
Context about infrastructure / architecture
So... To answer that, you'll probably need more context about my setup. That said, I suspect this is a relatively common setup and therefore hope the answers will be broadly useful to anyone writing a modern web application.
My stack
Ruby on Rails application, hosted on Heroku
Users may upload a variety of files (via Paperclip)
Server validates both mime type and extension (against a whitelist)
Files are stored on Amazon S3 (with varying ACL permissions)
When a user uploads a file...
I upload the file directly on AS3 in a tmp folder (hasn't touched my server yet)
My server then downloads the file from the tmp folder on AS3.
Paperclip runs validations and executes any processing (e.g. cutting thumbnails of images)
Finally, Paperclip places the file(s) back on AS3 in their new, permanent location.
When a user downloads a file...
User clicks to download a file which sends a request to my API (e.g. /api/atricle/123/download)
Internally, my API reads the file from AS3 and then serves it to the user (as content type attachment)
Thus the file does briefly pass through my server (i.e. not merely a redirect)
From the user's perspective, the file is served from my API (i.e. the user has no idea the file live on AS3)
Given this setup, is it safe to whitelist a wide range of file types?
Are there some types of files that are always best avoided (e.g. JS files)?
Are there any glaring flaws in my setup? I suspect not, but if so, please alert me!

File access control in Rails

I have a web application which allows users to upload files and share them with other people across the internet. Anyone who has access can download the files, but if the uploader doesn't specifically share the file with someone else, that person can't download the files.
Since the user permissions are controlled by rails, each time someone tries to download a file it sent to the user from a rails process. This is a serious bottle neck - rails is needed for the file upload and permissions but it shouldn't be in the way taking up memory just for others to download files.
I would like to split the application on different servers for the frontend, database and file server. If the user does to my site, they should have the ability to download the file directly from something like instead of running it through rails.
What is the best option for this? I would like to control file access at the database level, not the file system - but I don't want rails taking up all of the memory on my system for such a simple process. Any ideas?
One thing I may be able to do is load a list of files/permissions from mysql into a node.js app and give access rights to the file server as a true/false response based on what the file server sends in. This still requires the file server to run a web server, however.
May be You could generator a rand url for file, and control by center system .

Serving files through controllers with partial download support

I need to serve files through grails, only users with permission have access, so I cant serve them with a static link to a container. The system is able to stream binary files to the client without problems,but now (for bandwidth performance issues on the client) I need to implement segmented or partial downloads in the controllers.
Theres a plugin or proven solution to this problem?
May be some kind of tomcat/apache plugin to restrict access to files with certain rules or temporal tickets so I can delegate the "resume download" or "segmented download" problem to the container.
Also i need to log and save stats on the downloads of the users.
I need good performance so, I think doing this in the controller is not good idea.
Sorry bad english.
There is a plugin for apache - It doesn't matter what you're using behind apache at this case. By using this plugin you will respond with special header X-SENDFILE, with path to file to serve, and Apache will take care about actual file downloading for current request.
If you're using Nginx, you have to use X-Accel-Redirect header, see

Using Google App Engine as a Content delivery network

I would like to know if Google App Engine can be used as a Content delivery network like aws S3. I'm running a RoR app on Heroku and I would like store my uploaded files on GAE instead of s3.
If it's possible what would be the best way to do it?
It won't be able to host files over 1MB though.
Make sure to read through the comments on that blog post as well, some have concerns about the terms of service.
GAE in itself isn't meant to be a CDN... that doesn't, however, stop you from writing a CDN application on top of it. The only limit you'll need to worry about is the 50 MB limit on the size of the blobstore. Such an app will have to provide a URL that you can hit to get the upload URL, which could then be used to upload the file. The download url can also be generated with the upload URL, and used to access the content.

Intercept request for file download and send to Rails app?

I would like to make a Rails app to create a pretty download page for any file requested either through a link or by typing the url of the file. Is there a way to intercept the request for a file in Apache or elsewhere and send it to the app so it can generate the page?
I'd also prefer not to change the url when redirecting to the app, but it doesn't really matter either way.
So to wrap up, turn this:, into this:
(Image for illustrative purposes only and may not accurately depict final product. It's fun to add disclaimers to everything.)
Do you mean an entire Rails app just for that? Seems like overkill - you can use Sinatra, a single route, and their send_file function with much greater ease. It also deploys on Apache with Passenger.
If you have control over this thing, and you only plan to offer downloads in this way and not in any other, you should probably store the files in some non-public directory and instead allow your Rails/Sinatra app to access and push the files to the user. (Again, with send_file, that's easy.) Why put a file in your web root if your users will never access it that way?
