How to know which radio button is selected on a view? -

I have a created a list view for one of my controller's index action.
I have added a new column "Select This" to this list view, by using the view's source.
The column will contain radio button for each entry in the list. This i have achieved by just placing a radio button control from tool box in the "Select This" column. This i have done in the design of the view and when i run it, i get radio buttons, one for each of the entry. The page also has a link button and i want to call a controller action on this link button click which will receive the index of radio button selected. So if i select 5th radio button, how can receive 5 in the controller action.
How can i do this?

If you used plain HTML, your radio buttons will all have the same name, but different value. You will get one result in the POST, which will contain the selected value.
If you used helpers, it's the same, but they will be generated for you: see here: You will pass the same name (first parameter) and different values for each input (second parameter).


Adding multiple dropdown on clicking a link

I have a link which says "add another field". On clicking the link a dropdown should appear on top with let's say 5 custom fields as list in dropdown. Once user selects a field in that dropdown and clicks hyperlink another dropdown should appear below existing dropdown and with only 4 remaining fields as one is already how to start this? . I have tried to use this link which adds text boxes to get started.
I don't have any code expect for the code in above link which is for text box though. Just need an idea of how to do it in MvC as i cannot move forward now.
Expected results is to do the above requirement, don't have any actual results as of now

Variable-length form submissions

I'd like to create a form_for statement which allows the user to select elements one-by-one from a drop down menu (or an auto-complete field). As the user selects each item, they should be displayed in list format at the top of the screen. When the user has finished selecting elements, the form can be submitted and the list of selected elements is sent to the receiving controller action.
Can someone tell me how to implement this?
Maybe Chosen is what you need.
Take a look at:

I have a form where i want to add more input fields on button click in MVC View without scripting

I am a newbie, i am trying to create a view where every time i click on add more link next to a Textbox, another text box appears. How do i do that? I searched the same question on this site but i could not find a solution.
You'll have to create an array (string[] Smth)in your model. Then you have to make your "add more" link to submit your form to controller action that will add another element to this array and roundtrip back to view.
You may take a look at the following article which illustrates how you could handle dynamic rows.

ASP.Net MVC - which is the best approach for multi select grouping using JQuery Dialog

This is my scenario
I have an view(page) with list of items, a user could select single or multiple items from this page and click on a "Add to Group" button. Then a modal dialog(JQuery dialog) will be shown, from that he could select group, then press the add button. Which causes the items selected in the parent page is added to that particular group.
So, which is the best way to pass the selected items to the modal pop-up?
Though the query string ? - what happens if the no:of items selected is large, will the url support that much characters
Keep the list in the parent page in a javascript variable and return the selected group from the modal pop-up?
Or is there is any other better option?
2a. There is no "parent" page; modal dialog is part of the same page as selected items. Therefore on "OK" function from the dialog you can go through the checked items and do whatever you want, including POSTing to the server. It's not clear from your post whether "adding items to the group" happens on the server or client

ModelState.IsValid for invisible controls

I am working on MVC with C#.
I have 2 radio buttons. On selecting first radio button, a textbox will be shown which allows to enter date values.
<%= Html.TextBox("ReceivedDate")%>
on selecting the second radio button, the textbox gets hidden.
For the first time, when i select first radio button and entered date and clicked Next to navigate to next page and came back to this page again and clicked second radio button and clicked Next to continue and again i came back to this page and without changing any option click continue, its not allowing to navigate and shows an error.
A value is required.
Which means the ModelState validating the hidden controls also.
Please suggest how to control it
Instead of hiding it remove the element from the DOM and reinsert it if the first item is selected again. Another way would be to change the name of the input control to something else (a key not present in your model data) when the first item is not selected.
Validating hidden input types is a good thing, i often use them to synchronize data from complex controls (like a treeview with checkboxes). An input type with a hidden css style doesn't make it not submit with the form it belongs too.
