Add custom properties to SharePoint 2007 Survey - sharepoint-2007

I would like to extend the survey list template and add 2 more properties. The place to modify these properties is the Survey General Settings page (/_layouts/ListGeneralSettings.aspx?List=).
Can someone tell me how to add these kind of properties to survey list in SharePoint or any other possible places to store these properties?
Voicu Seiche.


How do I associated custom metadata with a SurveyMonkey survey?

I would like to configure my SurveyMonkey account so that when I create a new survey I am required to assign the new survey to one of an editable (by me) list of 'groups'. I would then like to aggregate reports based on survey 'group'.
SurveyMonkey seems to have a fixed list of 'categories', respondent 'metadata', and per-response 'custom variables', but I'm not seeing any kind of mixed metadata or custom variables at the level of a survey.
Does such a thing exist or is there a common workaround to achieve this?
There isn't currently a way to tag surveys. That would be a nice feature to have.
One possible workaround (although not ideal) is to set the Survey nickname or put an ID in the Survey title you can filter by when searching for surveys.
Another one is to set a custom variable on the Survey. Although these are normally meant as GET parameters when taking the Survey, you can use it to categorize Surveys as well.
One last thing is to add a question and use advanced branching if necessary to make sure it's always hidden to the user, and categorize based on that.
I do agree that a way to tag surveys directly, and then filter surveys based on a tag would be very useful but there is no current way to do that (as far as I'm aware)..

Don't save the user when editing a list in SharePoint

Is it possible to make SharePoint not store the user name in the fields Created_at and Modified_by when editing a list. I want to make this completely anonymous.
I don't think you can get away without having the Created or Modified fields. I would suggest using an Event Receiver that changes the values to something safe (perhaps even System Account) on ItemAdded and ItemUpdated.
For more information, see:
SharePoint/WSS: Modify “created by” field?
Changing “Created By” in Sharepoint 2007
SharePoint Documents Library - Change “Document Created By” field
You could consider a SharePoint survey. In surveys can hide user names.

Extending Blogpost Contenttype in Sharepoint 2007

Has anybody ever used blogpost contenttype and extended it and added some column to it. I know we can add columns to it using the GUI (List Setting).
Can we do this declaratively and add it to the portal using feature, so that we can create a deployable solution.
I have not tried this, but I don't see any reason why you couldn't. The only thing that gives me pause is that Blogs are a little different than most lists because the List Definition is not in a Feature but is rather part of the Site Definition. You could create a Feature with your custom Content Type and staple it to BLOG#1. However, you will still need something (probably a Feature Receiver) that will modify the instance of the Posts lists by adding your custom columns and associating your custom Content Type.

Sharepoint 2007 Survey creation customization issue

When creating a Sharepoint 2007 survey, there is a possibility to show/hide the username of the user who took the survey.
Is it possible to set this option to No by default and make the selection read only?
Do I understand you correctly that you want to change the default behavior of creating a survey list?
This is not easily done, because the survey list is based on the SurveyList list template and you would have to modify that one (if even possible) or create your own SurveyList template.
There are however tutorials on how to create a survey programmatically, which you could do with a Workflow and set your default properties for the survey list to hide usernames:
Creating a survey in MOSS 2007 programmatically
HowTo: Create a quizzing application with SharePoint 2007

custom search sharepoint lists

anyone knows how I can create or customize a search in sharepoint, so I only look in certain lists and only find certain items that meet a condition of validity
I need to know this too. Does the properties need to be added into the Central Administration for the properties to be crawled?
I read this, but it doesn't make sense.
