SharePoint Search with Network Load Balancing (NLB) - sharepoint-2007

SharePoint MOSS 2007 on 64 bit OS and SQL. Added a new Web Front End to our farm, all sites seem to work fine - but now we've noticed that the search service has completely stopped working. It works if I change my host file to point to the original WFE, but if I use the NLB IP or the IP of the new WFE, it says "Unable to Connect to the Search Service.

As someone who was recently a sharepoint developer one of the biggest issues I have come across is load balanced environments. Does your alternate access mapping file contain the proper references?

The way we do it is to keep one WFE outside the NLB and have the indexer use that machine. Not only is this better for performance (the separate WFE serves the indexer only, regular traffic goes through the NLB. This way, indexing doesn't interfere with regular users visiting the site)
The other pro is that you circumvent issues like this.
P.S. This question DOES belong on serverfault though, voted to move..

I just setup a new medium farm MOSS 2007 x64 environment and ran into a few snags. This is what we ended up doing:
2 WFEs, 1 Index, 1 SQL - all running Windows 2008 Server
The 2 WFEs have an NLB cluster configured and host queries (but not indexing).
The Index is also a WFE, is NOT part of the cluster, hosts indexing (but not queries).
The Index had to have the loopbackcheck disabled and a hosts file entry setup to point the portal DNS name to Without those settings it was generating errors. With these settings, it can index itself without affecting the portal performance while still being able to replicate its index to the query servers.
Hope that helps.


Azure Equivalent of Resource Group Local Host

I've had a little dig through azure documentation but couldn't find a definitive answer.
I have an app service and an azure db sitting in the same resource group, and I am finding the site takes a long time to connect and get responses back from the database only in the hosted environment.
Is it possible to specify a localhost equivalent as they are in the same resource group, and would this make things any quicker?
Resource Group does not have any impact on the connectivity or latency of the application and the database. It is just to group the Azure resources together based on a Project/Envrionment.
There is no equivalent for resourcegroup or even appservice unless if you want to run your application in IIS or any other server.
If you really want to see what is causing the connectivity issue, i will recommend you to monitor the request and response using Azure Monitor.
I think you need to understand the cloud concepts first before trying out anything.

Host website one webfolder down

I want my site to be hosted like this:
Originally I just hosted the site in application folders in IIS for each culture I support and everything was fine. I had a separate application in the root which forwarded the user to the appropriate culture. This was all grand.
However, now we're going to host with Azure and I need to get my site to fit into one web role (for those not familiar with Azure, just think of it as me only being able to host the website once - so no application folders). To this end, my site correctly collects the webfolder for the culture and sets the threading appropriately, all this is fine. My problem is that now as far as IIS is concerned the page 'default.aspx' does not exist in the folder 'en-gb'. That folder doesn't really exist. I need to get my site to ignore that first webfolder when it considers what content to get.
It's an interesting one, I suspect my solution lies in URL rewriting. Does anyone have any advice on this?
Thanks for the help!
Well I have found the answer.
It turns out that a web role is capable of much more. I understood that it was a web site running under a virtual machine, but that virtual machine could be torn down and moved at any point. However there is a facility to control what is going on in IIS on that virtual machine within your project. By editing your ServiceDefinition.csdef file you can add virtual applications and virtual directories. More details here:
I didn't need to use any fancy URL rewriting. I now have several sites running under one web role.
Well... I will do once I figure out what is stopping my main site working under Azure, but this question is answered.

Windows Azure + Asp.Net MVC + E-Commerce

I will developp and host an e-commerce website based on Asp.Net MVC4 (with several SQL Server Jobs).
I think use Azure in order to stay in Microsoft's world and avoid dedicated server management.
The package Web Site Shared with 1 site / 5Go SQL Server Database / 200Go Bandwidth is very interesting with the price based on 12 months.
But i don't know if this configuration is enough specially on the bandwidth.
What do you think of ? Did you use Azure with this type of application ?
If you want to develop E-Commerce application you will have to secure customers' sensitive data i.e. credit cards, address details etc. via secure connections (HTTPS; in many countries this is legal requirement). For that reason you will have to have SSL support.
Azure Website do not support SSL for custom domains. However, they support SSL for * DNS name. So if your E-Commerce application DNS will be, say, then it's fine. Otherwise, I would not recommend Azure Website solution yet (I am sure SSL support for custom domains on Azure Website will be implemented).
Azure Cloud Services, on the other had, have full support of SSL for custom domains.
One of the really good websites to check Azure features and development roadmap is ScottGu's Blog
Azure Web Sites do not support SSL and I really don't know of any successful e-commerce site that does not run SSL for at least part of the website. If you really want to host your e-commerce on Azure today your only real choice is to run Virtual Machines for your web front end servers and use them for your DB or use SQL Azure.
We developed platform called Virto Commerce that does just that, MVC4 website hosted on Azure. There was also a need for SQL Jobs (indexing, payment processing, cart cleanups and so on) for which we used WorkerRole (instead of WebRole). WorkerRole and WebRole can actually be combined as part of a single deployment, however it is better to use a different instance for worker roles. In our case WorkerRole acted as a scheduler for multiple jobs defined in the database.
The challenge with WorkerRoles however is to make sure they scale well when new instances are added. So the workload needs to be distributed between multiple instances. This is done through the use of queues and blob locks, where each job is now split into two, one that schedules and partitions the work and the second that actually picks up the next partition and completes it.
Hope this helps!
PS: Virto Commerce is now available as an open source project on codeplex, go to

Session state lost in web farm

I've been busy with this for months now.
I currently have 2 servers for 1 website. Using round robin dns I find that in the beginning everything works (checking the ip of the website it changed but I can go on with my session), but after a while I lose my session, seems like the formsauthentication cookie cannot be read and is being discarded. (assumption) But this does not happen all the time. Only sometimes.
I'm using iis7 shared configuration, I set the machine key and I'm using stateserver pointing to one of the servers and I verified that on both servers the stateserver works.
I read something about the IIS application path, but I don't really know what is meant by that, is it the path of the webapp, or the path where IIS is installed? In both cases they are the same.
Anyone have some ideas?
I'll answer this one myself, for anyone facing the same problem. Everything was set up correct but the machine key should be located in the web.config under system.web. Generating the key via iis 7 didn't work for some reason, I generated it with an online tool:
So, to do load balancing and set up multiple servers on iis7 you should:
Use a stateserver out-proc (stateserver or sql server) and have all
servers point to that stateserver (example: stateConnectionString="tcpip=server1:42424")
Use iis shared configuration so all your servers point to a share where the applicationhost.config resides.
Generate a machine key (not via iis, just use an online tool!)
Set up NLB (or round robin DNS) and test it by flushing your dns on
your client when you're logged in and see if your session doesn't get lost.
Hope this helps someone.
And the machine keys are specific to the .NET version. To check your current version: In the IIS console, at the server level, click "Change .NET Framework Version" in the Actions pane.

ServicePrincipleName setup for Web Service on IIS 7

I'm so confused.
Consider the following:
Active Directory environment with a domain called DOM
An IIS 7 box with a NetBIOS name VS1
A DNS record providing an alias for VS1 as
An Application Pool running as DOM\PineappleService
Windows Authentication enabled.
Clients use HttpWebRequest to call the XML/JSON ASP.NET services on the box.
The service calls out to workstations on the network to gather information. This works in development where I use IIS Express which runs as me, since IISX is just an .exe
In production, services work fine, authentication works, but invoking functions that cause the service (running as PineappleService) to access stuff on the network, fails.
I suspect an SPN registration issue but I don't know what SPNs to setup.
Most recently, I've stumbled across this article which seems to say fly in the face of some other articles:
Note that it says
The SPN requirements remain the same as above. You don't have to add
SPNs like http/ for the Domain1\Username1
unlike in IIS 6.0 (where we had to add an SPN of the form
http/ for the Application Pool identity).
So I don't know what's right anymore. I don't know if I need to register HTTP SPNs or HOST SPNs or use the DNS alias or the NetBIOS name, and set them on the PineappleService account or on the VS1 computer account.
I can't tell if when I try things that there's a slow AD replication issue that means I must wait an hour between trial and error.
It's all so complicated now. I've worked as a sysop and dev for 15 years and I sense the end of domains and workstations and rights and policies. It's all gotten too much.
Thanks for your help.
This is a cross-post with ServerFault which is getting no answers:
