How to show WebPage in blackberry application? - blackberry

How can we show the web page in the blackberry application.Pls share ur ideas to show the web page in blackberry application using broswerfield.If possible provide some code snippet.

The best place to look is in the sample code that ships with the JDE itself (or Eclipse plugin). Specifically, there is a sample app called "BrowserFieldSampleApplication" that has all the sample code you desire.


smartgwt offline-caching with no GWT module

I'm using Eclipse 4.2, appengine-java-sdk-1.8.9, gwt-2.5.1, smartgwt-4.0p
I'm trying make the simple project like this -
but offline.
When I save page (as html page) it doesn't work offline and I receive alert - "GWT module may need to be (re)compiled".
My question is: how to change project to save it as html page (plus project_name_nocache.js file).
You might be getting this error message because you might be trying to run/debug your application in compiled mode. In order to do so, you need to re-compile your application for GWT after every single change in code.
To avoid this, you should run/debug your application in developer mode.
See this link, to have idea on how to run GWT application in dev mode.

PhoneGap Application from a MVC4 application

I am beginner with PhoneGap. However I have successfully created a small PhoneGap application for ANDROID emulator. Now I want to start with something related to my project. I want to develop a web app using MVC4 for desktop/laptops and want to in turn develop a mobile application for Android/iOS using PhoneGap.But what I understood is that PhoneGap only take input pure HTML/JavaScript/CSS. My MVC4 application is having some csHTML files, some resource files etc. How can I convert these files to make them PhoneGap compliant.
I have googled a lot for this but not getting any meaningful.
Also please tell me that whether I am thinking in right direction or there is something beyond this.
One more point my MVC4 application is multilingual in nature based on the language of the browser. Does it make sense to have multilingual app on mobiles. If yes then how can I get the culture information on the mobile devices using PhoneGap.
If possible please share some live examples or code snippets.

Convert jquery mobile mvc4 web application to phonegap

I've created one Jquery mobile mvc4 web application using webapi support, which is well looking site in almost all mobile device as well. but now i want to convert this MVC application to phonegap to use mobile feature supports like camera,accelerometer,sound etc..
What is the best way to start converting it to phonegap, will i need to create SOAP based web-Service for webapi code. I've searched on web regarding that but not getting enough help,support.
am i going right way ? or need something else ?
any help is appreciable.
Okay so in order to convert it first you are going to have to know Objective-C because that is the only language that is allowed on the iPhone but assuming you know that here are the steps you can take in making a conversion like that.
*Make sure that any outside information the application retrieves is either a) In a REST api you can use the new WebApi in fact I am using it right now and it works like a charm. Or b) Any script src= tags are converted to local files on disk. So if you had script src="My awesome css" make that file a local file on the phone.
*Next take any views and decide where all of their API calling code is. Make not of that and then get ready to be moving that code.
*Once that is all recorded startup a phonegap project and get rid of any extra .index files or anything you don't need.
*Create your applications PhoneGap plugin. Have the OBjective-C plugin make any API calls that you will be needing and then make the javascript plugin match the objective-C function.
*Where you had any calls in your previous views, make those now call the cordova (PhoneGap) plugin.
This is a very brief roadmap to get started.
Once the tediousness is over it is worth it though. I moved my IOS application to Android and they transfer pretty easy.

Reusing tabs in web browser

I am loading the given URL in web browser using the following code;
BrowserSession browserSession = Browser.getDefaultSession();
Problem is, whenever I run this code, web browser opens the URL in a new tab (even if the URL is same). I want to reuse the existing tab or at least close the previously opened tab. In short I don't want to end up having a pile of tabs after firing several URLs.
Please guide me if there is any way to achieve this. I don't want to use BrowserField.
I am using;
BlackBerry Eclipse JDE 1.5
Target BlackBerry OS 4.5
Tested on BlackBerry Bold 9900 on Wifi network
I think the only one possible solution display pages inside your application by using BrowserField or RenderingApplication. There are samples available included to JDE or eclipse plugin.

How to integrate the Flash Map Api on my iPhone application

i have downloaded the MQFlashMapsAPI here, it's an .swc file, i don't know how to get started with that exciting API in my application, can you please forward me to some useful links showing how to integrate it and how to get started in my iPhone application. Thanx in advance.
In order for Flash Builder to "see" the MapQuest Mobile Flash API .swc file, you have to add it to your build path. The Flash Builder documentation gives step-by-step instructions on how to do this. There is a section called "Use SWC files in your projects" about half way down the page.
As far as tutorials go, there is a good one here from Adobe that might be worth a look. It's a step-by-step tutorial that has to do with building a mobile Twitter application, but I think it's a good resource for getting started, and I intend to work through this tutorial as well when I have time.
MapQuest also has a sample project (.fxp) that you can download as well as an example iOS application built using the Mobile Flash API that you can get from the iTunes App Store.
Hope this helps!
