Asp.NET MVC Customer Application -

I'm designing (and developing) web software that will allow the general public to sign up for a service, become a customer, and exchange fairly sensitive data.
I'm working through the documentation and the tutorials, and of course the RESTful pattern adopted by the default routing in ASP.NET MVC is to do URL's like this: /customer/edit/3487.
I guess I am a little squeamish about displaying such technical details as customer ID in the URL bar.
What do the smart kids do these days? Does RESTful have to mean "put your record ID's on display"?
Edit: In an ASP.NET WebForm I would have stored this in the session, I think. But I'm finding that this is discouraged in ASP.NET MVC.
I do not intend to rely on security through obscurity.
That still doesn't mean its a good idea to give the users any ideas, or any information about the underlying data. Let's say I have an app that's publishing information about the different business in a Chamber of Commerce, to be arbitrary. Once you are logged in, you have an administrative right to click on every business in the directory and see them all - but the application is supposed to spoon feed them to you as search results or the like. Just because the user technically is allowed to access all records, this doesn't mean it should be trivial for you to write a screen scraper that downloads all of my content in a few minutes. As well, the user can just look at customer ID's and make a guess about how many customers I might have. There's lots of good reasons not to display this.

As long is there is proper authentication and authorization being done on server side then displaying ids is not an issue.
Otherwise just try to encrypt the particular id or username in the URL, this way it will be difficult for the attacks.

You don't have to put the Id in the Url, you just need to use a unique value or unique combination of values to find the data you want to display.
I'd think that the actual bussinesses name would be good and also look good in the Url. So you would have something like this:
Or if the business name is not unique you could use a combination of business name and zip/postal code.
You would have to write a new route to handle this.
new { controller = "Business", action = "Index", Name = "", PostalCode = "" }
All this action would need to be secured with the [authorize] attribute, or the controller its self.

If you also decorate your actions with [authorise] then if another user does use the id from another user, they will automatically be challenged for a login.
It's 6 of one and 1/2 dozen of the other as to whether you use an ID or a Name. Eventually they both resolve to a record.
The important thing is to only allow authorised persons to view the data by allowing them to log in.
I've got a site which has sensitive data but only if you are the holder of that info can you see it and I do that by decorating my actions and checking rights etc.

I think that putting an ID in a url is fine -- as long as it is a Surrogate Key. The key has no value, except to identify a record. Just make sure that the requester is authorized before you send sensitive data back to the client.
I can see how having a number as part of your URL is undesirable. After all, a URL for a web app is part of the user interface, and exposing such internal details can take away from the UI's elegance. However, you are faced with limited options.
Somehow, you have to identify the resource that you want to get. The crux of REST (IMO) is that a request to a server for a particular resource must be described entirely by the request. The key for the item you want has to be encoded into the HTTP GET somehow. Your options are: put it into the URL somehow, or add it to a cookie. However, adding a key to a cookie is frowned upon.

If you look at this site you will see the question id in the url. If you view your profile you will see your username. So you would probably want to use usernames intead of an id.
If you're really concerned about it you can use a Guid, which isn't very user friendly but would be very hard to guess. :)

If you use some other way than customer id simply because you're concerned about security, then that means you're using security through obscurity, which is a bad idea. Proper authorization would require something like you either 1) have to be logged in with that customer id, or 2) be logged in as an admin, to have that request succeed.


Do paths like /profile make proper URIs? Do they violate REST? What are the implications?

I'm developing an app on which regular users should have read and write permissions on their own data, while admins have read permission on everybody's.
In my design, admins can:
GET /users
GET /users/:id
But for regular users, two routing schemas came to mind. The first one being just a continuation of the first:
GET /users/:id
GET /users/:id/edit
PATCH /users/:id
and the second being another resource that is dependent on the user that's logged in:
GET /profile
GET /profile/edit
PATCH /profile
The advantage I see on the second approach is that the design itself doesn't allow users to change the URL and try to edit other people's records.
However, Wikipedia says:
A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is a string of characters that unambiguously identifies a particular resource.
and as I understand it, /profile doesn't fit that description since different users will see and update different records.
So, the questions are:
Does /profile make a proper URI?
Does it violate REST?
What might be other implications of such design?
Thanks <3
PS: probably URN is a more accurate term than URI in this situation.
As best I can tell, it isn't really a good idea, but you will probably get away with it if you go that route.
First, it's important to recognize that one of the very powerful implications of URI that identify a resource is that you can easily share that URI (for example, pasting it into a message), and the recipient can just use it. In the usual case, the identifier means the same thing no matter who is using it, which is to say that both clients and the server all agree what the URI refers to.
You lose some of that semantic agreement when you start experimenting with providing personalized representations of resources depending on the identify associated with the query.
A second issue is that the target-uri is an important element in HTTPs caching story; there are other condition in play, but a primary condition is whether the target-uri in the request matches the target-uri of the stored response.
So it's easy to image: Alice asks for a representation of some resource, but instead of seeing her own view of the resource, she sees a representation of Bob's view of the resource, because his was available in some public cache.
Which would be pretty awful.
That doesn't actually happen though; how do we tell Alice from Bob? The standard answer is that we have that information in the Authorization header field. HTTP caching, however, has special rules that take effect for shared caches when the request includes an authorization header.
So these rules are going to protect you unless you go out of your way to make a mess of it (for example, by using the public cache control directive).
In summary: can you? Yes, absolutely. Should you...? I eventually decided that I shouldn't. If I need to be clever with a pronoun URI then I will use it to redirect to the appropriate resource, rather than leaning upon content negotiation via the authorization header.
As with most questions, the answer is "it depends" - in this case it depends on who is the primary consumer of those URIs. If it's a user then /profile is perfectly acceptable since there's the additional requirement of user experience. Together with the state provided by the session cookie it uniquely represents a user. To give another example - which would be better on an e-commerce website /basket or /baskets/:id? Obviously it's the former since it allows a user to navigate directly to a URI without having to remember what their basket id is (which is likely to change over time).
Conversely, if the primary user is an API client then the format /users/:id may be more appropriate since that allows for a more consistent approach to coding. Though even here it may still be worthwhile providing some affordance with a URI like /users/current. Even if you follow the principle of HATEOAS in an API you'll still need to get the relevant URIs to call from some singleton resource like the root path.
In general the thing to remember is that these are guiding principles and not hard and fast rules - what makes sense for your application and context may not be the same for other people's applications.
I think the question is: "Should my route be called /profile based on the context of my program?" I don't think it should. I think you should have a base user and run something like permission levels. Like is_admin or is_moderator.

How to implement per-page authorization in Rails

Rails has some very good methods for role based authorization, e.g., cancan
But how can you grant authorization to specific pages, rather than controllers/actions.
For example, take the case of an app that contains a receipt or invoice model. A User can log in and generate an invoice. The User then needs to send his customer a URL to that invoice. The customer should not be able to access invoices of other customers, particularly important as Rails generates sequential and easily guessable path names (e.g., /invoices/1, /invoices/2, etc.).
Ideally the customer should not need to signup to view these pages. One solution might be to generate a random password on Invoice creation, and send this to the customer to unlock that page specific page.
This sounds like an issue that should be reasonably common, but after Googling I have not found much information of use (though I may be using incorrect search terms).
So I would like to know:
Is this something I should be attempting with Rails?
Are there any gems or example apps that I could study?
What are the potential considerations/ pitfalls of this approach?
Hi if the user you wish to have access was registered in the system it would be no issue at all as you could generate a permission record.
How ever your concern with the predictable urls can be easily solved by :
or my personal favourite
Vanity permalinks (
Ideally the customer should not need to signup to view these pages. One solution might be to generate a random password on Invoice creation, and send this to the customer to unlock that page specific page.
So anyone with the information should be able to access it. One solution is to obfuscate the url or use a UUID, so don't give out /invoices/1, instead give /invoices/8a20ae59-30d5-41b6-86d3-ac66e3b43e9d. The url is unguessable. Still the url is the only piece of information one needs to access the contents.
If you want two-factor authorization, then the easiest way is to use http basic auth, generate a password from the url and your secret_base, and send it to the user separately. As it's generated, you don't need to store it, you can always check it by generating it again.

Search User By PK vs. Username Performance

I'm defining a custom route for SEO and trying to decide whether the URL should look like vs where user is the controller and the other two are self explanatory. Now, when I think about MS's Membership, it stores in the FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie the username and the user can be searched using it. I've read another article that says to keep the id and add the username or product name, what have you as having the id allows for faster lookups. What do you think is the best way to go? I'd rather not carry the ID in the url. When I set the authcookie, I could carry it in there instead of the username I guess but it just doesn't feel right that I'd call it with User.Identity.Name, but that's just me. What do you guys think?
Nobody will search for users by username on Google so from an SEO standpoint it doesn't matter. You only need to optimize those pages which have the potential to get (valuable) traffic.
Anyway, the search performance by name will be excellent as this column is indexed.

Integrity of Hidden Fields: Asp.NET mvc

We have been using mvc for development. Sometimes, we need to put some hidden fields on form that are shoved in the model by modelbinder (as expected). Nowadays, users can easily temper the form using firebug or other utilities. The purpose of hidden field is mostly to provide some information back to server on as is basis and they are not meant to be changed.
For example in my edit employee form I can put EmployeeID in hidden field but if user changes the employeeID in hidden field, wrong employee will be updated in the database. in this scenario how can we keep the integrity of hidden fields.
You need to enforce security to ensure that the person doing the modification has permission to do so. I'd also put the id in the URL typically rather than a hidden field, relying on the security to ensure that people don't modify things that they shouldn't be able to. If they do have permission to modify the item when changing the id manually, it shouldn't be a problem. The important thing is to make sure that a person can't change the id manually and get access to something they shouldn't. Enforcing server side permissions solves this problem. You can easily do this using Roles in conjunction with the AuthorizeAttribute.
if user changes the employeeID in
hidden field, wrong employee will be
updated in the database
This is a major security hole in your website. In everything you do with web development, no matter how clever someone's code might be or how much you think you'll be ok as long as users don't do something, remember one golden rule: Never implicitly trust data received from the client.
In order to modify anything in your website, the user must be logged in. (Right?) So in any attempt a user makes to post a form to the website (especially one which can modify data), double-check that the user submitting the form has permission perform the action being requested on the data being specified.
Ideally, every action which isn't completely public and unsecured should have a server-side permissions check. Never, ever trust what the client sends you.
One potential alternative would be to store that static, single-use information in TempData on the server and not pass it to the client where it could be tampered with. Keep in mind that by default TempData uses Session and has limitations of its own - but it could be an option.

How can I implement an ID based user system (membership, authorization, etc.) in ASP.NET MVC?

I have been thinking for a good while about how to tackle the problem of implementing an ID based user system while using ASP.NET MVC. My goals, much like StackOverflow's system are as follows:
Allow the users to change their nicknames without the "avoid duplicate" restriction.
Allow the users to authenticate via OpenID (not with password for the time being).
I wanted to avoid as much rework as possible, so I at first thought of using the membership, role and (perhaps) profile providers, but I found they were username based.
I thought of adapting the hell out of the SqlMembershipProvider, by using the username field to store the IDs and throwing UnsupportedException on password based methods and the like, just so as to be able to use the other systems. But it feels unwieldy and kludgy (if possible to do at all).
On the other hand, maybe I should roll up my own user system, but I'm not sure if even if I can't use the providers, I can still use some of MVC's features (plug my code in with MVC somewhere, I can think of AuthorizeAttribute off the top my head).
So I was wondering if anyone had run into the same design problem, and what solutions they had come up with.
The more detail the better!
I had to set up a quick membership system for a client, they had some requirements that didn't allow me to use the built-in right off the bat nor the time to build what they wanted. I have plans to eventually roll-out a complete membership management system, but like you, I needed something now. I went with the following plan, which will, eventually, allow me to swap out the built-in providers for my own - time constraints and deadlines suck:
I have my own Personal User Table (PT) - MembershipId, UserName, Email, superflous profile info. This is what the app uses for any user information. It's a class, it can be cached, saved in the http context, cookie - however you want to handle your user info.
I then set up the SqlProfileProvider for authentication, authorization, and roles. I don't use the profile provider (even for trivial settings) because it's a pain in MVC. I made no changes to the built-in providers. This is what I'm using for authentication and authorization.
When creating a user, my code does the following:
Check PT for user name and email, per my rules
Create Guid - MembershipId
Create MembershipUser, the MembershipId is the username (the email is irrelevant and not used), and user password, question and answer, etc.
Create the user in PT with the profile values and use MembershipId as the PrimaryKey.
On login, I get the MembershipId from PT, validate against Membership with the MembershipId and the password and I'm done..
When deleting a user, I do the following:
Check PT for user, make sure I can/should delete
Get MemberShipId
Use a transaction
Delete from PT
User Membership.DeleteUser(MembershipId, true) - this ensures that the user is deleted from teh membership and other aspnet_ tables
And it works as expected :)
A few things:
User.Identity.Name will be the MembershipId (Guid). This is used for SignIn and Role management. My PT is where the user's info (save the password) is saved. I can change user names, emails, etc with no impact on Membership or Roles because Membership is based on the PrimaryKey from PT.
The signin requires an extra DB hit because you need to query PT to get the MembershipId to validate against (you could cache).
The built-in auth system is really heavy - if you look at the sprocs you will see all the hoops it goes through to validate a user. I'd recommend eventually getting away from it. But in a tight spot, it does a good job - and if you don't have a milion users, I don;t think it'd be a problem.
I didn't consider OpenId and I'm not sure how you would integrate it, although I think you could probably do the same thing as above and instead of validating against actual credentials (after they come back validated form OpenId) just log in the user using the MembershipId (don;t validate against Membership).
For me, the main point behind this was that the app uses a custom user model, allowing for changes to user name, email, names, etc. Without impacting the auth and roles. When I am ready to change to the complete system, I can change it without worrying about the impact to the app.
I would recommend looking at some of the existing OpenID providers for ASP.NET. It should be fairly easy to make them work with MVC.
Forgo the use of SqlMembershipProvider. The only thing it would really offer you is an out of the box admin interface. The rest that it brings would be a nuisance.
Just use the sql membership provider and add a stored proc to change the username at the database level.
