How do I add a field in Ruby on Rails? - ruby-on-rails

I'm new to RoR, and I've just used scaffold to generate a table and create the pages for CRUD operations. Now I want to add a new field to this. One place I found tells me how to do that in the database, but is there a way to do it where it will add the field to all the pages too, or is that just a manual operation and I need to make sure I know all my fields up front?

To add a new column to the database
$ script/generate migration add_fieldname_to_tablename fieldname:string
$ rake db:migrate
To get your views up to date you can run the scaffold again, with your updated list of fields. It will balk on replacing your migrations but you can force it to replace your views.
$ script/generate scaffold tablename fieldname:string old_field_1:string ...
At the prompt answer a and it will overwrite the views, but not the old migration. It also won't modify your existing data.

First you'll write a migration to add the field, run the migration, then you need to rerun the scaffold to regenerate the views, etc. Beware, this will wipe out edited files from before. Of course, instead of scaffolding again you could manually add references to new field where appropriate.

You will have to update your database, no matter what (Remember to 'rake db:migrate' after you create the migration!)
Regarding the interface, you are a bit more lucky: the formtastic plugin makes your views look like this:
The 'f.inputs' is calculating the form fields on-the-fly, based on your model's attributes. This will not cover complex forms that need special treatment, but the usual ones, you will get them automatically.
For an easy-to-understand tutorial, see the latest railcast (Railscast #184, you will have to google for it, I can't post 2 links because I'm not cool enough for stackoverflow yet, sorry).
Railcast #185 is supposed to continue covering formtastic, and it's due to be published next monday.

Needs to be done manually, or the scaffold needs to be regenerated.


Rails 5: rename table migration

What is the best possible way to change name of table using migration and change name of all the files like controller, model and associations?
Will there be any issue when someone will try to run rails:db:migrate after cloning my repo?
What is the best possible way to change name of table using migration
To change the name of a table, you can run:
$ rails g migration change_[old_table_name]_to_[new_table_name]
Within the change method in the migration file generated, add this:
def change
rename_table :[old_table_name], :[new_table_name]
Change [old_table_name] and [new_table_name] in both cases.
(This part of the question has been answered here.)
will there be any issue when someone will try to run rails db:migrate after cloning my repo?
Nope. Keep the old migration files in place and generate a new one. That's the benefit of database migrations.
What is the best possible way to change name of all the files like controller, model and associations?
It's generally not too big of a deal to change a model name. Many text editors have the ability to search and replace within a directory.
And I would manually rename the filenames.
Here's a set of more detailed steps to make sure you've hit everything that needs to be changed.

rails generate scaffold with --migration=false

I have a very large model (say 200 fields), so it isn't very convenient to write them down into the command line.
So I first generate the migration then i did scaffold with:
rails generate scaffold myModel --migrate=false
It generated the controller with its actions, it updated the routes.rb and created views/myModel.
But it didn't add the fields to the views. Isn't scaffold supposed to provide a basic field presentation? If not, is there a way to provide it?
Scaffold uses the command line arguments you specify to create the relevant files. If you don't specify any fields at the command line then it can't add them to the views (because it doesn't know them). The Scaffold command is a one time thing. You might consider typing out and/or programmatically creating the relevant scaffold command in a text editor and pasting it into the console.

Add column to migration when using compound model name?

I have a model called MyArticle. When I try to use the command
rails generate migration AddtestToMyArticle test:string
the migration file contains only empty up/down methods. Having done this previously on a single word model name, it worked just fine and the migration up/down methods had the appropriate code.
I tried "AddtestToMy_Article" but that didn't work either. What do I need to do to work with my compound model name and the generate migration command?
You need to use
rails generate migration AddColumnToMyArticle test:string
When using 'AddColumn' you will have the appropriate code in your migration.
I just looked back over this, and while my answer is correct, it's better to have a more descriptive migration name. The user below who noticed the capitalization is right in that if you don't have each new word capitalized, Rails won't pick up on what exactly you're trying to do. So, in your question you have AddtestTo... but it should be AddTestTo....
It seems to work if you use underscores rather than CamelCase
rails g migration add_test_to_my_article test:string
Hope this helps
rails generate migration AddNewFieldToMyArticle new_field:string

How to add a new instance variable to a class in ruby on rails using rubymine?

I have created a class using scaffold in rubymine and did db migrate. Now I need to add one more instance variable (one more column to table in db) to the same class. How do I do this using rubymine (not from command-line) without destroying the class?
I don't think I understand the real issue here.
Would you not just rollback the current migration modify the migration in db/migrate (N) and add the column you want, then update the views for the model (since you've used a scaffold)? Once you do that, you would migrate again. Either that, or you'd create a new migration that adds the column you want– however, given that you've obviously just started this app, I see no reason to add an additional migration simply for this.

scaffold does not update view

I have a question to the following procedure:
script/generate scaffold product
title:string description:text
then I generate a migration which adds a column description to the
table products and migrate the db
My question is: why is the field description not added to the project-views? Is that normal rails scaffold behaviour?
I think I saw in a video tutorial that the scaffold updates as well the views, which would be very convenient.
Thanks in advance for any help!
This is normal since scaffold does not "monitor" changes to the table or to any other scaffold-related resource (controller, model, views, tests, etc.).
then I generate a migration which
adds a column description to the table
You have description column already when generating the scaffold. Why do you need another migration for this?
This is normal behaviour for scaffolding, however there are alternatives.
If you were to look at Ryan Bates nifty_scaffold generator then this would allow you to re-run the scaffold generation. Assuming that you hadn't changed the generated code.
These generators can regenerate the views/spec/tests based upon the current state of the database model.
Be aware that if you have already customised the views yourself then they could be overwritten.
