How to return ArrayList type from DomainService Class to CLient Side? - silverlight-3.0

Background: 3-4 weeks experience in Silverlight3/C#/.Net and about 3days worth with the RIA Services concept. (most of my previous questions up to date should explain why)
I am doing a test implementation of Microsoft's RIA services with Silverlight3. This is part of a proof of concept i have to do for a client. So its very basic.
I have figured out how build the Silverlight3 project using RIA services etc. So passing and returning strings and int's is no problem at the moment.
But i require to return an ArrayList from my Domain Service Class to my SL3 client. But it seems passing back an ArrayList as is, is not permitted. And my limited knowledge of C# does not aid in doing quick type casting/convertions/etc. This server-side function gets an ArrayList which must be returned to the SL3 client, so i have to do something with it to send it client side.
Does anyone know what should be done to an ArrayList (in c#) to allow a DomainService class function to return it to a calling client/SL3 function?
[NOTE: the majority of my attempts all end in the error: "Service operation named 'myFunctionName' does not conform to the required signature. Both return and parameter types must be an entity type or one of the predefined serializable types."]
Please feel free to request any information you feel would be appropriate.
Thank you in advance.

My apologies for not posting the solution i found. Bosses threw more work at me than i could handle. :)
Please note my solution may not be the best but since my knowledge in SL and RIA services are so new, i guess it may be excused. Initially i wanted to pass back rather complicated arrays from the code provided by our client, but effort and time restraints allowed me to only get it right to convert and return a List.
Hope this helps in some way.
Client Side : Silverlight Code in the MainPage.xaml.cs i have a call to retrieve a list of data from the server side, to display in a dropDown list.
// Function called on load of the SL interface
// 'slayer' is an object of the Domain Service Class server-side
// 'this.gidSessionNumber' is just a number used in the demo to represent a session
public void loadPaymentTypeComboBox()
InvokeOperation<IEnumerable<string>> comboList = sLayer.getPaymentTypeCombo(this.gidSessionNumber);
comboList.Completed += new EventHandler(popPaymentCombo_complete);
}//function loadAllComboBoxes
// Event handler assigned
public void popPaymentCombo_complete(object sender, EventArgs e)
InvokeOperation<IEnumerable<string>> obj = (InvokeOperation<IEnumerable<string>>)sender;
string[] list = obj.Value.ToArray();
// 'paymentTypeDropdown' is the name of the specific comboBox in the xaml file
paymentTypeDropdown.IsEnabled = true;
// Assign the returned arrayList as itemSource to the comboBox
paymentTypeDropdown.ItemsSource = list;
In the Domain Service Class i have the associated function:
public List<string> getPaymentTypeCombo(string gidNumber)
// Build objects from libraries provided by our client
this.lobjSys = SDT.Life.LifeCO.clsSystemCreator.GetSysObject(gidNumber);
// Rtrieve the ArrayList from the client's code
clsTextList comboList= this.lobjSys.lstPaymentType_PaymentQueue;
// Get the length of the returned list
int cnt= (int)comboList.Count();
// Create the List<string> which will be populated and returned
List<string> theList= new List<string>();
// Copy each element from the clsTextList to the List<string>
for (int i = 0; i < cnt;i++)
string status= comboList.Item(i).Description;
// return the newly populated List<string>
return theList;
}//end function getPaymentTypeCombo

Not sure that you can return an ArrayList. I guess you should think about returning an IEnumerable instead which will make the service recognize the method as a Read method.
If you have a List or ObservableCollection and wish to bind it to an ItemControl like ComboBox, you can set the ItemsSource on your ItemControl. Use the DisplayPath property on the ItemControl to set the property you wish to display or use a DataTemplate.
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock Text={"Binding Path=Property1"}/>
<TextBlock Text={"Binding Path=Property2"}/>
<TextBlock Text={"Binding Path=Property3"}/>


Genexus Extensions SDK - Where can I find the avaliable Menu Context strings?

Im trying to use the Genexus Extensions SDK to place buttons on the IDE, in this case, i want to place it in the "context" menu, avaliable only in objects of type "Webpanel/Webcomponent" and "Transaction", Just like WorkWithPlus does here:
So far, digging up into the avaliable documentation, i've noticed that you need tu put the context type string into the xml tag and the GUID of the package that you're aiming to add the menu item, such as below in GeneXusPackage.package:
The Context ID above will add the item into the "Folder View" Context.
My questions:
Where can I find a list with all the possible ID Context strings?
What is that package attribute for, where can i get it's possible values?
I am using the SDK for Genexus 16 U11
I'm sorry to say that there is no extensive list of all the menus available. I'd never thought of it until now, and I see how it could be useful, so we'll definitely consider making it part of the SDK so that any package implementor may use it for reference.
In the meantime, in order to add a new command in the context menu you mentioned, you have to add it to the command group that is listed as part of that menu. That group is KBObjectGrp which is provided by the core shell package whose id is 98121D96-A7D8-468b-9310-B1F468F812AE.
First define your command in your .package file inside a Commands section:
<CommandDefinition id='MyCommand' context='selection'/>
Then add it to the KBObjectGrp mentioned earlier.
<Group refid='KBObjectGrp' package='98121D96-A7D8-468b-9310-B1F468F812AE'>
<Command refid='MyCommand' />
Then in order to make your command available only to the objects you said before, you have to code a query handler for the command, that will rule when the command is enabled, disabled, or not visible at all. You can do that in the Initialize method of your package class.
public override void Initialize(IGxServiceProvider services)
CommandKey myCmdKey = new CommandKey(Id, "MyCommand");
AddCommand(myCmdKey, ExecMyCommand, QueryMyCommand);
private bool QueryMyCommand(CommandData data, ref CommandStatus status)
var selection = KBObjectSelectionHelper.TryGetKBObjectsFrom(data.Context).ToList();
status.Visible(selection.Count > 0 && selection.All(obj => obj.Type == ObjClass.Transaction || obj.Type == ObjClass.WebPanel));
return true;
private bool ExecMyCommand(CommandData data)
// Your command here
return true;
I'm using some helper classes here in order to get the objects from the selection, and then a class named ObjClass which exposes the guid of the most common object types. If you feel something isn't clear enough, don't hesitate to reach out.
Decompiling the Genexus dll and looking for the resource called package, you can infer what the names are.
It's cumbersome but it works

How to pass data down the reactive chain

Whenever I need to pass data down the reactive chain I end up doing something like this:
public Mono<String> doFooAndPassDtoAsMono(Dto dto) {
return Mono.just(dto)
.flatMap(dtoMono -> {
Mono<String> result = // remote call returning a Mono
return, result);
.flatMap(tup2 -> {
return doSomething(tup2.getT1().getFoo(), tup2.getT2()); // do something that requires foo and result and returns a Mono
Given the below sample Dto class:
class Dto {
private String foo;
public String getFoo() {
Because it often gets tedious to zip the data all the time to pass it down the chain (especially a few levels down) I was wondering if it's ok to simply reference the dto directly like so:
public Mono<String> doFooAndReferenceParam(Dto dto) {
Mono<String> result = // remote call returning a Mono
return result.flatMap(result -> {
return doSomething(dto.getFoo(), result); // do something that requires foo and result and returns a Mono
My concern about the second approach is that assuming a subscriber subscribes to this Mono on a thread pool would I need to guarantee that Dto is thread safe (the above example is simple because it just carries a String but what if it's not)?
Also, which one is considered "best practice"?
Based on what you have shared, you can simply do following:
public Mono<String> doFooAndPassDtoAsMono(Dto dto) {
return Mono.just(dto.getFoo());
The way you are using zip in the first option doesn't solve any purpose. Similarly, the 2nd option will not work either as once the mono is empty then the next flat map will not be triggered.
The case is simple if
The reference data is available from the beginning (i.e. before the creation of the chain), and
The chain is created for processing at most one event (i.e. starts with a Mono), and
The reference data is immutable.
Then you can simple refer to the reference data in a parameter or local variable – just like in your second solution. This is completely okay, and there are no concurrency issues.
Using mutable data in reactive flows is strongly discouraged. If you had a mutable Dto class, you might still be able to use it (assuming proper synchronization) – but this will be very surprising to readers of your code.

How to clear SessionMap() in JSF without getting null in reference to this map

I use tomcat 7.0 and JSF 2.1 and I have problem when I call in my .xhtml page something like that: #{homePage.get("userName")}
I get javax.el.ELException: Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at mainPacket.HomePageBean.get(
I have ManagedBean like below:
#ManagedBean(name = "homePage")
public class HomePageBean {
private Map<String, Object> map;
public HomePageBean() {
map= FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getSessionMap();
//remove unnecessary values from sessionMap
public String get(Object s){
return map.get(s).toString();
When I don't use clear, everything works ok. But I want to clear sessionMap. How to resolve it ?
Java is an object oriented language. It doesn't give you a copy of the object everytime you request it. No, it gives you a reference to the object instance in memory. At the moment you invoke Map#clear() on the session map, then the map reference which you obtained just beforehand is basically also emptied, because it points to exactly the same map instance which you just emptied!
Your concrete functional requirement is nowhere mentioned in the question and the whole design in the code posted so far makes honestly no utter sense (I can't imagine any sensible real world use case for this), so it's hard to propose you the right solution. Best what you can get is the advice to add a nullcheck.
public String get(Object s){
Object value = map.get(s);
return (value != null) ? value.toString() : null;
You should by the way be very careful with abruptly emptying the session map this way. JSF stores view scoped and session scoped managed beans in there and it's also used by the flash scope.

Is there an easy way to view the contents of a FormCollection?

When testing/debugging an ASP.NET MVC application, it's common to submit a form and then check all of the name/value pairs to make sure
All of the expected keys are present
All of the expected keys have the expected values
Debugging in Visual Studio is great for checking if a single variable (or even a simple object) contains the expected value(s), and as far as a FormCollection, it's pretty easy to check the presence of the keys. However, checking the key/value pairings in a FormCollection is a huge hassle. Is there a simple way to get Visual Studio to list the keys and their values side-by-side for a quick check?
Just a quick custom check
public void Edit(FormCollection team)
System.Text.StringBuilder st = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
foreach (string key in team.Keys)
st.AppendLine(String.Format("{0} - {1}", key, team.GetValue(key).AttemptedValue));
string formValues = st.ToString();
You can then place your mouse on formValues to check the key-value. Clicking the magnifier would reveal the Key-Values
Take a look at Glimpse, it is on nuGet. It exposes lots of information and is invaluable with AJAX and MVC development.
At its core Glimpse allows you to debug your web site or web service right in the browser. Glimpse allows you to "Glimpse" into what's going on in your web server. In other words what Firebug is to debugging your client side code, Glimpse is to debugging your server within the client.
Here is a method that outputs the collection to the Immediate window in a readable key/value pair format, one pair per line of output:
private void DebugWriteFormCollection(FormCollection collection)
foreach (string key in collection.Keys)
string value = collection.GetValue(key).AttemptedValue;
string output = string.Format("{0}: {1}", key, value);
Add that to your code and set a breakpoint. When you hit the breakpoint, call the method from the Immediate window:
Key1: Value1
Key2: Value2
Key3: Value3

Silverlight DataGridColumn AttachedProperties

I am attempting to create an AttachedProperty for a DataGridColumn within Silverlight 3.0 and I am having some issues.
Here is the AttachedProperty:
public class DataGridColumnHelper
public static readonly DependencyProperty HeaderProperty =
DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("Header", typeof(string), typeof(DataGridColumnHelper),
new PropertyMetadata(OnHeaderPropertyChanged));
private static void OnHeaderPropertyChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
string header = GetHeader(d);
var dataGridColumn = d as DataGridColumn;
if (dataGridColumn == null)
dataGridColumn.Header = GetHeader(dataGridColumn);
public static string GetHeader(DependencyObject obj)
return (string)obj.GetValue(HeaderProperty);
public static void SetHeader(DependencyObject obj, string value)
obj.SetValue(HeaderProperty, value);
As you can see it is really simple, I am trying to overcome the limitation that the Header Property in the DataGridColumn class cannot be bound.
This XAML works as expected...
<Controls:DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Binding OwnerName}"
HeaderStyle="{StaticResource DataGridColumnHeaderStyle}"
Behaviors:DataGridColumnHelper.Header="User Name"/>
However this XAML throws an error...(Specifically: {System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException: AG_E_PARSER_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND [Line: 224 Position: 112]
at System.Windows.Application.LoadComponent(Object component, Uri resourceLocator)
<Controls:DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Binding OwnerName}"
HeaderStyle="{StaticResource DataGridColumnHeaderStyle}"
Behaviors:DataGridColumnHelper.Header="{Binding Resources.UserNameListViewHeading, Source={StaticResource Labels}}"/>
Just for experimentation I attached this property (with the binding syntax above) to a DataGrid and checked the DataGridColumnHelper.Header property in the OnHeaderPropertyChanged method and the value was correct (and an exception wasn't thrown)
It is my understanding that the object that the AttachedProperty is attached to must be a DependencyProperty. Looking through Reflector, DataGridColumn (from which DataGridTextColumn derives) derives from DependencyProperty.
Can somebody please shed some light on this? I am trying to Localize our application, and I am having trouble with the DataGrid. I am sure I can do this in code-behind, but I am trying to avoid that.
Chris, the problem is very simple, this won't work because the DataGridTextColumn is "detached" from the Visual Tree. Your DataGridTextColumn object is rooted in the Columns collection of the DataGrid - see the indirection. So even attached properties will not work as you expect. Now there is a way to make all this work using something I'm calling Attached Bindings, see:
Just remember to attach the binding properties using something that is in the VisualTree (so the Grid holding the column would do just fine.)
Hope this helps.
Try using this, im assuming UserName is a property in your viewmodel
<Controls:DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Binding OwnerName}"
HeaderStyle="{StaticResource DataGridColumnHeaderStyle}"
Behaviors:DataGridColumnHelper.Header="{Binding UserName}"/>
I cant test your scenario so my post is just an idea. Might work, might not.
