Adding a hook to script/generate migration - ruby-on-rails

I do my Rails dev from xterm and in vim.
I'm getting sick of running script/generate migration do_whatever, then trawling through db/migrate trying to tab-complete to 20091015235018_do_whatever when there's 5 other migrations with similar timestamps.
What's the best way to add a hook to open the generated migration in vim?
I'd rather not hack into Rails' core in /usr/lib as I work from several systems and can see myself wanting to create numerous such hooks. However, it doesn't really seem plugin worthy.
There are lots of simple ways to get the name of the generated file, but I'm not sure how to cleanly hook it into the generation. What do you think?

A better option with vim is to use rails.vim and type :Rmigration do<TAB>
It ignores the timestamp ...
You can also create and edit a migration in one go by typing :Rgenerate migration ...

I just submitted a patch to Rails to add an --editor option for just this case, which you could backport into whatever version of Rails you're using now. If you don't specify which editor you want it tries to use EDITOR


How do you make rake db:schema:dump have the charset and collation of the fields in schema.rb?

One of our fields needs to be case sensitive. We can write a migration to change the collation which works fine but this change is not reflected in schema.rb. It will create issues for example when running tests and the cloned test database will not have the collation we want for that field.
We use mysql.
I have searched for a way to make this happen with no results..
I managed to find this on github but not sure how this was accomplished
I think there is no "official" way (provided by Rails or ActiveRecord gems) to accomplish that kind of dump. Following the git history, on the Huginn repo itself, you can find the code you need to achieve this dump. Take a look to this commit:
The most relevant code is currently here:
So if you need this feature, you'll probably need to copy/paste this extension into your project.
I made a deeper review of Huginn repo (git history and issues), and as you can read in this comment, this functionality was extracted into a gem:
As mentioned in #house9's comment, you can use structure.sql instead. Add this to your project's application.rb:
config.active_record.schema_format = :sql
Then run bundle exec rake db:structure:dump to generate the actual SQL structure. This retains charsets and collations (which should ideally be there in schema.rb, but alas).
"structure" is by nature less portable than "schema", but it's usually a good thing for all team members and environments to be using the same database and version anyway.

Rails will not let me destroy scaffolding from nifty generator

I was following one of the railscasts tutorials and decided to install nifty generators. Well, being a rails noob I didn't realize that the way parameters are handled changed. Now I can't undo any of my changes. So far I managed to roll back the database but every time I try to run
rails destroy nifty:scaffold mymodel
I get the error message
attr_accessible is extracted out of rails into a gem. Please use new recommended protection model for params(strong_parameters) or add protected_attributes to your Gemfile to use old one.
So I did. I added
gem 'protected_attributes'
and ran
bundle install
Then I tried to destroy it and it errored out again. I really hope nifty didn't just screw up my project. Can anyone help?
Um, this not a real solution, but a possible workaround: if the output of the rails generate nifty:scaffold mymodel command is still in your terminal buffer, you could manually delete the files it created.
And if the output isn't available, you could do rails generate nifty:scaffold mymodel2 in order to see what files nifty:scaffold created before manually deleting the corresponding files for mymodel.
Not elegant, but it might get you over the hump.

Does the latest version of Rails require my db migration files to have "down" (undo) commands for the db?

Because it sure doesn't seem like it. When I generate a model and check out it's db migration file (I'm a bit of noob so forgive me for any ignorance), there is no "down" code which has been automatically generated. Is this because the newest rails versions have figured out how to handle this for me automatically?
The latest versions of rails support a method called change; if Rails can figure out how to reverse the migration simply by the contents of this migration--and it usually can if you use just the built-in migration methods--then you don't need to define a down method.
If you need to do something custom, or Rails can't figure out how to reverse the migration, you'll need to write up and down methods instead of change.

Rails: renaming a controller and corresponding model

Is there an easy way to rename a controller and model in my app and all the instances in the corresponding code?
I'm using textmate, would this be as simple as using the replace function and replacing the word Post with Report?
You need to change the name of the Controller and the associated Model, Views, Helpers, Tests & Routes directories, file names, class names & the names in the class definitions.
I found two ways to do this but before you try anything I recommend you back-up your app, preferably with a Software Version Control system like Git &
Your first option is to do it manually & there is a good explanation on how to do this here: How to rename rails controller and model in a project
Another way is to destroy your controller & model, and then generate a new one, this will remove all the files which were generated the first time round & replace them with new ones. Michael Hartl explains this solution well in his online guide to Ruby on Rails here:
This is the solution I followed when I needed to make this change to my app, I needed to replace a MVC scaffold I generated called board with a new one called product.
1. First
I made a back-up of the work I did in the layout of the board view, app/views/boards/index.html.erb
2. Then
I ran the below rails commands in the terminal window.
$ rake db:rollback
$ rails destroy scaffold board name:string description:text image:string price:decimal
$ rails generate scaffold product product_type:string name:string description:text image:string price:decimal
$ rake db:migrate
3. Finally
I copied my backed-up boards/index.html.erb file into the newly generated app/views/products/index.html.erb & did a find & replace in my text editor on this file to replace board with product.
I think the second option is much more reliable & quicker but it’s important to make this change early on in your project before you make too many manual changes to the code. It would be better to just take a little more time planning your MVC names & database tables properly before you start your project.
You can also use rails_refactor gem to rename controller, model, etc
for more info check
To rename controller and model use this gem
If you are using textmate, use 'command-shift-f" to look for a string throughout your entire project.
Yes and no. You can rename it that way, but you'll also need to rename the files as well or Rails won't know where to look for the files corresponding to the new Report model/controller/etc.

Getting tables to work is RadRails?

When I manually enter tables into the .rb file in the migrate folder nothing shows up. I have followed a few different "how to's" but I can't get the tables to show up when I preview my work. I can however get one table to show up if I create it in the parameters when generating a scaffold, but that's one table. I have Rails version 2.3.4 and version 1.2.3 installed on my lame Windows Vista. I have tried using both versions multiple times. I am also trying to follow the Ruby on Rails for Dummies book, but it seems a little outdated. Any tips on getting tables to work? Its supposed to be really simple and take "just minutes" to complete this simple app. Maybe something didn't install right? Maybe a better book?
Just want to make sure you're using all the tools available to you:
To generate a migration file:
./script/generate MigrationFileName
Take a look at the Database Migrations Guide from the official Rails Guides for the correct syntax and options for creating a migration file.
Once you've created your migration, you need to run the following:
rake db:migrate
This will populate the database with the information specified in the migration file.
