What is meaning of small footprint in terms of programming? - footprint

I heard many libraries such as JXTA and PjSIP have smaller footprints. Is this pointing to small resource consumption or something else?

Footprint designates the size occupied by your application in computer RAM memory.
Footprint can have different meaning when speaking about memory consumption.
In my experience, memory footprint often doesn't include memory allocated on the heap (dynamic memory), or resource loaded from disc etc. This is because dynamic allocations are non constant and may vary depending on how the application or module is used. When reporting "low footprint" or "high footprint", a constant or top measure of the required space is usually wanted.
If for example including dynamic memory in the footprint report of an image editor, the footprint would entirely depend on the size of the image loaded into the application by the user.
In the context of a third party library, the library author can optimize the static memory footprint of the library by assuring that you never link more code into your application binary than absolutely needed. A common method used for doing this in for instance C, is to distribute library functions to separate c-files. This is because most C linkers will link all code from a c-file into your application, not just the function you call. So if you put a single function in the c-file, that's all the linker will incoporate into your application when calling it. If you put five functions in the c-file the linker will probably link all of them into your app even if you only use one of them.
All this being said, the general (academic) definition of footprint includes all kinds of memory/storage aspects.

From Wikipedia Memory footprint article:
Memory footprint refers to the amount of main memory that a program uses or references while running.
This includes all sorts of active memory regions like code segment containing (mostly) program instructions (and occasionally constants), data segment (both initialized and uninitialized), heap memory, call stack, plus memory required to hold any additional data structures, such as symbol tables, debugging data structures, open files, shared libraries mapped to the current process, etc., that the program ever needs while executing and will be loaded at least once during the entire run.

Generally it's the amount of memory it takes up - the 'footprint' it leaves in memory when running. However it can also refer to how much space it takes up on your harddrive - although these days that's less of an issue.
If you're writing an app and have memory limitations, consider running a profiler to keep track of how much your program is using.

It does refer to resources. Particularly memory. It requires a smaller amount of memory when running.

yes, resources such as memory or disk

Footprint in Computing i-e for computer programs or Computer machines is referred as the occupied device memory , for a program , process , code ,etc


Kernel memory management: where do I begin?

I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to kernel programming, and was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction for beginning the implementation of memory management in a kernel setting. I am currently working on a toy kernel and am doing a lot of research on the subject but I'm a bit confused on the topic of memory management. There are so many different aspects to it like paging and virtual memory mapping. Is there a specific order that I should implement things or any do's and dont's? I'm not looking for any code or anything, I just need to be pointed in the right direction. Any help would be appreciated.
There are multiple aspects that you should consider separately:
Managing the available physical memory.
Managing the memory required by the kernel and it's data structures.
Managing the virtual memory (space) of every process.
Managing the memory required by any process, i.e. malloc and free.
To be able to manage any of the other memory demands you need to know actually how much physical memory you have available and what parts of it are available to your use.
Assuming your kernel is loaded by a multiboot compatible boot loader you'll find this information in the multiboot header that you get passed (in eax on x86 if I remember correctly) from the boot loader.
The header contains a structure describing which memory areas are used and which are free to use.
You also need to store this information somehow, and keep track of what memory is allocated and freed. An easy method to do so is to maintain a bitmap, where bit N indicates whether the (fixed size S) memory area from N * S to (N + 1) * S - 1 is used or free. Of course you probably want to use more sophisticated methods like multilevel bitmaps or free lists as your kernel advances, but a simple bitmap as above can get you started.
This memory manager usually only provides "large" sized memory chunks, usually multiples of 4KB. This is of course of no use for dynamic memory allocation in style of malloc and free that you're used to from applications programming.
Since dynamic memory allocation will greatly ease implementing advanced features of your kernel (multitasking, inter process communication, ...) you usually write a memory manager especially for the kernel. It provides means for allocation (kalloc) and deallocation (kfree) of arbitrary sized memory chunks. This memory is from pool(s) that are allocated using the physical memory manager from above.
All of the above is happening inside the kernel. You probably also want to provide applications means to do dynamic memory allocation. Implementing this is very similar in concept to the management of physical memory as done above:
A process only sees its own virtual address space. Some parts of it are unusable for the process (for example the area where the kernel memory is mapped into), but most of it will be "free to use" (that is, no actually physical memory is associated with it). As a minimum the kernel needs to provide applications means to allocate and free single pages of its memory address space. Allocating a page results (under the hood, invisible to the application) in a call to the physical memory manager, and in a mapping from the requested page to this newly allocated memory.
Note though that many kernels provide its processes either more sophisticated access to their own address space or directly implement some of the following tasks in the kernel.
Being able to allocate and free pages (4KB mostly) as before doesn't help with dynamic memory management, but as before this is usually handled by some other memory manager which is using these large memory chunks as pool to provide smaller chunks to the application. A prominent example is Doug Lea's allocator. Memory managers like these are usually implemented as library (part of the standard library most likely) that is linked to every application.

Why do we need virtual memory?

So my understanding is that every process has its own virtual memory space ranging from 0x0 to 0xFF....F. These virtual addresses correspond to addresses in physical memory (RAM). Why is this level of abstraction helpful? Why not just use the direct addresses?
I understand why paging is beneficial, but not virtual memory.
There are many reasons to do this:
If you have a compiled binary, each function has a fixed address in memory and the assembly instructions to call functions have that address hardcoded. If virtual memory didn't exist, two programs couldn't be loaded into memory and run at the same time, because they'd potentially need to have different functions at the same physical address.
If two or more programs are running at the same time (or are being context-switched between) and use direct addresses, a memory error in one program (for example, reading a bad pointer) could destroy memory being used by the other process, taking down multiple programs due to a single crash.
On a similar note, there's a security issue where a process could read sensitive data in another program by guessing what physical address it would be located at and just reading it directly.
If you try to combat the two above issues by paging out all the memory for one process when switching to a second process, you incur a massive performance hit because you might have to page out all of memory.
Depending on the hardware, some memory addresses might be reserved for physical devices (for example, video RAM, external devices, etc.) If programs are compiled without knowing that those addresses are significant, they might physically break plugged-in devices by reading and writing to their memory. Worse, if that memory is read-only or write-only, the program might write bits to an address expecting them to stay there and then read back different values.
Hope this helps!
Short answer: Program code and data required for execution of a process must reside in main memory to be executed, but main memory may not be large enough to accommodate the needs of an entire process.
Two proposals
(1) Using a very large main memory to alleviate any need for storage allocation: it's not feasible due to very high cost.
(2) Virtual memory: It allows processes that may not be entirely in the memory to execute by means of automatic storage allocation upon request. The term virtual memory refers to the abstraction of separating LOGICAL memory--memory as seen by the process--from PHYSICAL memory--memory as seen by the processor. Because of this separation, the programmer needs to be aware of only the logical memory space while the operating system maintains two or more levels of physical memory space.
Early computer programmers divided programs into sections that were transferred into main memory for a period of processing time. As higher level languages became popular, the efficiency of complex programs suffered from poor overlay systems. The problem of storage allocation became more complex.
Two theories for solving the problem of inefficient memory management emerged -- static and dynamic allocation. Static allocation assumes that the availability of memory resources and the memory reference string of a program can be predicted. Dynamic allocation relies on memory usage increasing and decreasing with actual program needs, not on predicting memory needs.
Program objectives and machine advancements in the '60s made the predictions required for static allocation difficult, if not impossible. Therefore, the dynamic allocation solution was generally accepted, but opinions about implementation were still divided.
One group believed the programmer should continue to be responsible for storage allocation, which would be accomplished by system calls to allocate or deallocate memory. The second group supported automatic storage allocation performed by the operating system, because of increasing complexity of storage allocation and emerging importance of multiprogramming.
In 1961, two groups proposed a one-level memory store. One proposal called for a very large main memory to alleviate any need for storage allocation. This solution was not possible due to very high cost. The second proposal is known as virtual memory.
To execute a process its data is needed in the main memory (RAM). This might not be possible if the process is large.
Virtual memory provides an idealized abstraction of the physical memory which creates the illusion of a larger virtual memory than the physical memory.
Virtual memory combines active RAM and inactive memory on disk to form
a large range of virtual contiguous addresses. implementations usually require hardware support, typically in the form of a memory management
unit built into the CPU.
The main purpose of virtual memory is multi-tasking and running large programmes. It would be great to use physical memory, because it would be a lot faster, but RAM memory is a lot more expensive than ROM.
Good luck!

Xcode Instrument : Memory Terms Live Bytes and Overall Bytes (Real Memory) confusion

I am working on a Browser application in which I use a UIWebView for opening web pages. I run the Instruments tool with Memory Monitor. I am totally confused by the terms which are used in Instruments and why they're important. Please explain some of my questions with proper reasons:
Live Bytes is important for checking memory optimization or memory consumption? Why ?
Why would I care about the Overall Bytes/ Real Memory, if it contains also released objects?
When and why are these terms used (Live Bytes/ Overall Bytes/Real Memory)?
"Live Bytes" means "memory which has been allocated, but not yet deallocated." It's important because it's the most easily graspable measure of "how much memory your app is using."
"Overall Bytes" means "all memory which has ever been allocated including memory that has been deallocated." This is less useful, but gives you some idea of "heap churn." Churn leads to fragmentation, and heap fragmentation can be a problem (albeit a pretty obscure one these days.)
"Real Memory" is an attempt to distinguish how much physical RAM is in use (as opposed to how many bytes of address space are valid). This is different from "Live Bytes" because "Live Bytes" could include ranges of memory that correspond to memory-mapped files (or shared memory, or window backing stores, or whatever) that are not currently paged into physical RAM. Even if you don't use memory-mapped files or other exotic VM allocation methods, the system frameworks do, and you use them, so this distinction will always have some importance to every process.
EDIT: Since you're clearly concerned about memory use incurred by using UIWebView, let me see if I can shed some light on that:
There is a certain memory "price" to using UIWebView at all (i.e. global caches and the like). These include various global font caches, JavaScript JIT caches, and stuff like that. Most of these are going to behave like singletons: allocated the first time you use them (indirectly by using UIWebView) and never deallocated until the process ends. There are also some variable size global caches (like those that cache web responses; CFURL typically manages these) but those are expected to be managed by the system. The collective "weight" of these things with respect to UIWebView is, as you've seen, non-trivial.
I don't have any knowledge of UIKit or WebKit internals, but I would expect that if you had a discussion with someone who did, their response to the question of "Why is my use of UIWebView causing so much memory use?" would be two pronged: The first prong would be "this is the price of admission for using UIWebView -- it's basically like running a whole web browser in your process." The second prong would be "system framework caches are automatically managed by the system" by which they would mean that, for instance, the CFURL caches (which is one of the things that using UIWebView causes to be created) are managed by the system, so if a memory warning came in, the system frameworks would be responsible for evicting things from those caches to reduce the memory consumed by them; you have no control over those, and you just have to trust that the system frameworks will do what needs to be done. (That doesn't help you in the case where whatever the system cache managers do isn't aggressive enough for you, but you're not going to get any more control over them, so you need to attack the issue from another angle, either way.) If you're wondering why the memory use doesn't go down once you deallocate your UIWebView, this is your answer. There's a bunch of stuff it's doing behind the scenes, that you can't control.
The expectation that allocating, using, and then deallocating a UIWebView is a net-zero operation ignores some non-trivial, inherent and unavoidable side-effects. The existence of such side-effects is not (in and of itself) indicative of a bug in UIWebView. There are side effects like this all over the place. If you were to create a trivial application that did nothing but launch and then terminate after one spin of the run loop, and you set a breakpoint on exit(), and looked at the memory that had been allocated and never freed, there would be thousands of allocations. This is a very common pattern used throughout the system frameworks and in virtually every application.
What does this mean for you? It means that you effectively have two choices: Use UIWebView and pay the "price of admission" in memory consumption, or don't use UIWebView.

Memory-mapped files and low-memory scenarios

How does the iOS platform handle memory-mapped files during low-memory scenarios? By low-memory scenarios, I mean when the OS sends the UIApplicationDidReceiveMemoryWarningNotification notification to all observers in the application.
Our files are mapped into memory using +[NSData dataWithContentsOfMappedFile:], the documentation for which states:
A mapped file uses virtual memory techniques to avoid copying pages of the file into memory until they are actually needed.
Does this mean that the OS will also unmap the pages when they're no longer in use? Is it possible to mark pages as being no longer in use? This data is read-only, if that changes the scenario. How about if we were to use mmap() directly? Would this be preferable?
Memory-mapped files copy data from disk into memory a page at a time. Unused pages are free to be swapped out, the same as any other virtual memory, unless they have been wired into physical memory using mlock(2). Memory mapping leaves the determination of what to copy from disk to memory and when to the OS.
Dropping from the Foundation level to the BSD level to use mmap is unlikely to make much difference, beyond making code that has to interface with other Foundation code somewhat more awkward.
(This is not an answer, but it would be useful information.)
From #ID_AA_Carmack tweet,
#ID_AA_Carmack are iOS memory mapped files automatically unmapped in low memory conditions? (using +[NSData dataWithContentsOfMappedFile]?)
ID_AA_Carmack replied for this,
#KhrobEdmonds yes, that is one of the great benefits of using mapped files on iOS. I use mmap(), though.
I'm not sure that is true or not...
From my experiments NSData does not respond to memory warnings. I tested by creating a memory mapped NSData and accessing parts of the file so that it would be loaded into memory and finally sending memory warnings. There was no decrease in memory usage after the memory warning. Nothing in the documentation says that a memory will cause NSData to reduce real memory usage in low memory situations so it leads me to believe that it does not respond to memory warnings. For example NSCache documentation says that it will try and play nice with respect to memory usage plus I have been told it responds to the low memory warnings the system raises.
Also in my simple tests on an iPod Touch (4th gen) I was able to map about 600 megs of file data into virtual memory use +[NSData dataWithContentsOfMappedFile:]. Next I started to access pages via the bytes property on the NSData instance. As I did this real memory started to grow however it stopped growing at around 30 megs of real memory usage. So the way it is implemented it seems to cap how much real memory will be used.
In short if you want to reduce memory usage of NSData objects the best bet is to actually make sure they are completely released and not relying on anything the system automagically does on your behalf.
If iOS is like any other Unix -- and I would bet money it is in this regard -- pages in an mmap() region are not "swapped out"; they are simply dropped (if they are clean) or are written to the underlying file and then dropped (if they are dirty). This process is called "evicting" the page.
Since your memory map is read-only, the pages will always be clean.
The kernel will decide which pages to evict when physical memory gets tight.
You can give the kernel hints about which pages you would prefer it keep/evict using posix_madvise(). In particular, POSIX_MADV_DONTNEED tells the kernel to feel free to evict the pages; or as you say, "mark pages as being no longer in use".
It should be pretty simple to write some test programs to see whether iOS honors the "don't need" hint. Since it is derived from BSD, I bet it will.
Standard virtual memory techniques for file-backed memory says that the OS is free to throw away pages whenever it wants because it can always get them again later. I have not used iOS, but this has been the behavior of virtual memory on many other operating systems for a long time.
The simplest way to test it is to map several large files into memory, read through them to guarantee that it pages them into memory, and see if you can force a low memory situation. If you can't, then the OS must have unmapped the pages once it decided that they were no longer in use.
The dataWithContentsOfMappedFile: method is now deprecated from iOS5.
Use mmap, as you will avoid these situations.

In what situations Static Allocation fares better than Dynamic Allocation?

I was going through some of the decisions made to make Xara Xtreme, an open source SVG graphics application. Their memory management decision was quite intriguing to me since I naively took it for granted that on-demand dynamic allocation as the way of writing object oriented application.
The explanation from the documentation is
How on earth can static allocations be efficient?
If you are used to large dynamic data structures, this may seem strange
to you. Firstly, all our objects (and
thus allocation size) are far smaller
(on average) than each dynamic area
allocation within a program such as
Impression. This means that though
there are likely to be many holes
within memory, they are small. Also,
we have far more allocated objects
within memory, and thus these holes
quickly get filled. Furthermore,
virtual memory managers will free up
any pages of memory that contain no
allocations and give this memory back
to the operating system so that it may
be used again (either by us, or by
another task).
We benefit greatly from
the fact that whenever we allocate
memory in this manner, we do not have
to move any memory about. This proved
a bottleneck in ArtWorks which also
had many small allocations being used
concurrently. more
In brief, the presence of plenty of small objects and the need to prevent memory move are the reasons given for choosing static allocation. I don't have clear understanding about the reasons mentioned.
Though this talks about static allocation, what I see from the cursory look at the code is that a block of memory is dynamically allocated at the application start and kept alive till the application ends, roughly simulating static allocation.
Could you explain in what situations Static Allocation fares better than on-demand Dynamic Allocation in order to consider it as the main mode of allocation in a serious applications?
It's quicker because you avoid the overhead of calling a system routine to manage your storage. malloc() maintains a heap, so every request requires a scan for an appropriately-sized block, possibly resizing the block, updating the block list to mark this block as used, etc. If you're allocating a lot of small objects, this overhead can be excessive. With static allocation you can create an allocation pool and just maintain a simple bitmap to show which areas are in use. This assumes that each object is the same size, so you commonly create one pool per object type.
In short, there's really no such thing as static allocation other than the space allocated for your functions themselves and other read-only kinds of memory. (Do an assemble-only "gcc -S" and look for all the memory blocks, if you're interested.) If you're making and breaking objects, you're dynamically allocating. That being said, there's nothing to stop you from tightly controlling the allocation mechanism itself.
That's what functions like mallinfo() and mallopt() do for controlling how malloc() does its magic. However, that might not even be good enough for you. If you know all your chunks are going to be the same size, you can allocate and deallocate much more efficiently. And if you know you have 3 sizes of stuff, you can keep 3 arenas of memory each with their own allocator.
On top of this, you have the situation at runtime where the process doesn't have enough room and needs to ask the os for more - that involves a system call that is more expensive than just incrementing an array index. On unix, it's usually brk() or sbrk() or the like. And that can take valuable time.
Another, rarer situation, would be if you need to multiply-allocate things. Like 3 threads need to share information and only when all 3 release it does it get freed. That's something nonstandard and not generally covered by typical mallopt() or even pthread-specific memory or mutex/semaphore-locked chunks.
So if you have high speed optimization issues or you are running on an embedded system where you need to squeeze all you can out of the available memory, then "static allocation", or at least controlling the allocation mechanism, may be the way to go.
