How to debug .exe started by another .exe in Delphi - delphi

I want to debug App2.exe, which is started by App1.exe. If App2.exe were a dll I could specify a host application, but this doesn't seem to work with an .exe.
I now use 'attach to process', but this is useless if App2.exe crashes before I do that.
Is there a way to do this with having to attach to the process manually?

Set the "debug spawned processes" debugging option. It is off by default. When App1 starts the new process, the debugger will pause. If the debugger isn't already attached to the new process automatically, attach to it, and then resume running it.

No, but there might be a way to get it to attach properly. Find something that you know will happen in App2 soon before the crash point, and have it pop up a modal dialog box at that point. Then it won't continue until you dismiss it, giving you time to attach the debugger.

I guess you could launch app2.exe yourself and pass any necessary command line parameters to it.

If you're using windows, there is a built in support for it.
basically, you can tell the windows loader to launch some other process whenever a specific process is launched. for example, you can tell windows to always launch winword.exe whenever you click on notepad.exe
you can use this ability in order to automatically launch a debugger whenever you start your process (this is why this feature was originally introduced, however you are not restricted to launch only debuggers :))
You can read exactly how to do it here.
You can also download the debugging tools for windows package and use GFlags to do it for you.

If both apps are yours and you have the code than I propose the following:
Make a debug mode for both apps. Use external inc file for instance
Start two IDEs and load each app in its own IDE. Build in debug mode
If done right you can now debug the internal communication between apps
I have a project where a server spawns multiple exe worker processes that host each its own dll module. I have a debug mode in which I can specify which dll will be loaded and I can have both processes running and communicationt in between from IDEs. It is the best way I have found so far.


Dart debug, how to save and load breakpoints?

I'm running dart with this command:
dart run --pause-isolates-on-start --observe --enable-vm-service=8181/
With this command, can open on browser the dart native user interface to debug on
On debug page, is possible to set breakpoints and use them. But I don't find a way to save the break point to use on a future loading of dart debug.
Every time that I start the debug i have to set this breakpoints?
There is a way to save this break points to use on the future?
Not necessarily the answer you are looking for but could be seen as a workaround.
I have not tested this with VS Code, but if you are using IntelliJ (or Android Studio) with Dart plugin, you can essentially do remote debugging. So instead of using observatory to insert breakpoints, you can set them in your IDE which will then remember them and resend them to the Dart process when start debugging again.
If you go into "Run/Debug Configuration" and click + (Add), you can find "Dart Remote Debug":
As described in the dialog, when you are starting this "Run profile", you will be asked for the address to the Dart service protocol which your application should print out when started with Observatory / Dart DevTools enabled:
Unrelated notes
I have spend some time look at vm_service package which does provide ways to fetch breakpoints and adding breakpoints. But it is not really easy to map the breakpoints into something that can easily be persisted and later resent again. Some links you can use if you want to go for that journey:

FMX debugging Can't bind address, Address already in use

First time debugging from PC to Mobile Phone work fine, when try again get error.
Any solution how fix this when try more debugging.
Add -debugport=54321 to Run->Parameters Parameters. By the way, the "inconsistent certificates" message is because the apk on the device was compiled with a different version of Delphi than the one you are using right now. You will have to uninstall it from the phone first. You can also use -cleaninstall in the Run->Parameters Parameters field.
There is no easy and fast solution.
You may need to:
Restart IDE
Kill adb.exe
Restart Windows
Restart device
Sometimes you will be able to debug again after doing only some of the above steps, however often you will need to do all of them.
Since every try takes plenty of time, I found out that complete Windows restart + device restart is the fastest thing to do.
With Delphi 10.3.3, it is enough to restart the device. After restarting the device problem goes away. It seems after the cancelation of code execution of the project debugged, the debugging service on Android continues to run. At this point, when new debugging started, IDE tries to run a new service with the same id of previous running service.

Launch an application using Advanced Installer

I have developed an installer using Advanced Installer.I have a GUI which is a .exe file which I want to launch after the execution completes.
I tried adding the .exe to post installation but the .exe is launched midway when the installation has not finished and when I close the GUI button the installation completes.
I want that when the installation is complete,the GUI(.exe) file should be launched
I also want that on the click of launch application button at the end of the installation should launch the GUI
When I click the launch application button it opens the folder SYSWOW64
I found few solutions to this,I tried all of them but nothing seems to be working for me at the moment.
It's going to be a custom action, right? So if it runs too early, why can't you just sequence it later, maybe after InstallFinalize.
Do you need a button to say launch it? Why not just run it?
You have multiple options to launch the application at the end of the installation using Advanced Installer. The article I linked explains all of them.

Cannot debug Delphi process because of UAC

I found interesting problem with Win7/X64 machine.
For this time I haven't got problem with Delphi 6 and UAC.
The exes are working in their's place, so I can use Delphi debugger with them.
But today I got error on run the project: "Unable to create process. For this operation you need higher user level".
How can I prevent this side-effect?
What causes this?
I don't understand why the older projects are running fine, but this new isn't...
Thanks for every idea, link, information!
Additional info:
Normally I using the Delphi 6 IDE with normal starting (without SysAdmin rigths).
So it is never asking me with "really?" kind UAC questions.
And every of the older projects are usable with Delphi 6 - I can build, run, debug everything.
This problem happened with only this project, so I try to find the differences if possible to solve the problem.
I using normal directory ("c:\dev\anyproject"), others are using "c:\dev\otherproject1..2..n").
Does your application request elevation when started from Windows Explorer?
Does it have a manifest?
The name of the exe, like setup.exe, could also trigger elevation. See an outline of the Installer detection technology.
Non-elevated process can't debug elevated process.
If your application requires elevation at the start, then you would need to run the IDE elevated to be able to debug it.
Starting your IDE as an administrator should solve the problem (option in the context menu).
If not, you could always disable UAC while developing.
There is a number of limitations that needs administrator's rights.
For example: you cannot write data directly into program files directory.

Windows Explorer Context menu opening already running Delphi app

If I right click on several files and choose windows context menu, how to send the selected name of files to my program. My program has already running and I dont want my program to be executed again because my program use mutex and uac.
I am using delphi, if you have clues, reference or sample code, really appreciate.
Besides using launcher app like Ignacio suggests you could use DDE to contact already running applications. Another option is writing your own shell extension. You can read more about it here.
Use a helper app that starts the program if necessary, then sends the filenames to be processed via a mailslot.
