Extend Visual Studio Team System 2010 SSC - tfs

I'm looking to extend the source control of Visual Studio 2010 Team System. I need to halt the check-in process and pop-up a little GUI to do some things. I've found this; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms182075(VS.100).aspx, does anybody have any good tutorials or similar lying around i'd appreciate it.

Your best bet is a check-in policy. If you download and install the latest VS 2008 SDK, you can re-compile the check-in sample in VS 2010 after fixing up the assembly references. We'll be publishing update SDK samples when Beta 2 is released.


Visual Studio 2019 and ReSharper: deactivate Studio code analysis

I had Studio 2019 Community Edition installed, as well ReSharper. Since we use ReSharper for code analysis, we deactivated Studio code analysis by .editorconfig with only 2 lines:
root = true
dotnet_analyzer_diagnostic.severity = none
Everything worked fine (and still does on another PC).
Now I got a new PC, installed Win 10 from scratch, as well Studio and ReSharper. Now Visual Studio always does code analysis and comments/suggests several issues. Even if I reconfigure issues severity to None, I do not get any changes to my .editorconfig, but still analysing the code.
How can I get rid of Studio code analysis?
This is not a direct answer to your question, but take a look at this article. It describes a way to disable Roslyn-based Visual Studio features through the project properties used by Visual Studio design-time builds. This approach significantly improves memory usage on large solutions.

Installer creation tool - is this still a thing?

I'm not asking a technical question, but a request for advice.
Over time, I have always used installshield as the primary tool in installer development, and this tool has always been the king of them.
Lately, everything has gone to the web and Windows Forms have lost their charm. However, these still exist, and there are needs about them.
But you don't see anyone talking about the latest technologies about Windows Forms, installers...
Do you think Installshield is still the main tool for build installers? Why isn't any extension available in the VSTS/TFS vNext market?
Even in Jenkins, the last time the plugin was updated ... was in 2014. And we remember that Microsoft used Installshield Limited edition for one Visual Studio Version, but dropped to bring back Visual Studio Installer.

TFS SDL 2010 & 2013 but what about 2012?

I see there is a TFS template incorporating SDL (security development lifecycle) for 2013 (http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=42517) but it does not mention anything about TFS2012.
Does anyone know if it is compatible with TFS2012 or if there is an SDL template for 2012? (I don't want to install the 2013 version, only for it to break our TFS2012!)
I downloaded the MSI and took a quick look with Orca. From what I saw, the installer checks explicitly for TFS 2013 and and install an additional Web Service, that, I suppose interacts server-side and, therefore, is version specific.
So your only chance is to upgrade, which, from my experience is not that hard, if you do your homework.

TFS support (plugin, external tool, etc) from within MonoDevelop?

Is there an easy way to integrate TFS for version control into MonoDevelop? I have a new MacBook Pro and an trying to determine which things I can do with Mac native apps and which I will need to run using Parallels.
I downloaded the Microsoft Visual Studio Team Explorer Everywhere 2010 command-line client, and was able to create a workspace, map a working folder and get the latest code. However, it would be nice to perform a get latest from inside MonoDevelop. In the Options there are External Tools I can try and setup, but I thought someone might have already done this. Has anybody done this?
Also, I see the the opentf project lists an alpha-quality MonoDevelop addin in the Feb 4, 2008 Release Notes, but that is two years ago. Has anybody used this?
You can always use Svn Bridge. In order to use it you will need to install it on the TFS server itself. It will then allow your TFS server to communicate via SVN protocol.
I retry to post an answer (sorry for my english i'm french). I has the same problem than you, i make some software for WP7 from visual studio and i use TFS in my compagny and want to make iphone applications with monotouch.
I Try openTF but i need direct integration in monodevelop, i find nothing in the internet and i decide to make my addin.
I release a test version (free of course) than you can try, it's integrate directly in monodevelop with TFS, and work for me on my mac.
You can see my blog at teamaddins.com i think it's can help.
The least-bad solution I've come up with for Xamarin + TFS is to set up TFS through a Windows machine as normal, mount the TFS workspace as a SMB fileshare on the Mac, and manage checkouts manually in Visual Studio.
It's klugey, but there doesn't seem to be any reliable TFS tooling available for Mac.

migrate a asp.net mvc solution file from 2010 back to 2008

i did an upgrade and it caused lots of problems. unfortunately i didn't back it up. Is there anyway i can convert a 2010 solution file back into asp.net mvc 2008?
Make a backup of what's left of what you currently have before doing this ...
Create a new solution in Visual Studio 2008. Create new projects for the 2008 solution. Use the project menu or right-click the project and choose "Add Existing Items..." Choose all the code files .cs .vb, etc from your 2010 structure and include them in the 2008 structure.
Basically you're copying all the code back into a 2008 structure with the 2008 formatted project and solution files. The code shouldn't be substantially changed beyond repair. You might have to manually address some issues in the converted code but once you know what they are it will be a repetitive process more than anything.
If you are writing code of any importance you should be using a version control system like as SVN. I haven't tried Visual Studio 2010 yet, but can tell you from experience that the differences between 2005 and 2008 are laughably small. You can down convert a 2008 solution file by manually changing the first two lines from:
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 10.00
Visual Studio 2008
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 9.00
Visual Studio 2005
the project files are fairly trivial as well with the product tag changing from:
Please note the changes I have listed for project files may not be 100% accurate and I have not tested for differences between service pack releases. However, creating a new project in an earlier version of Visual studio, making a copy and then doing an upgrade should allow you to run a diff and provide a better answer than what is currently accepted.
