How to test the quality of a probabilities estimator? - machine-learning

I created a heuristic (an ANN, but that's not important) to estimate the probabilities of an event (the results of sports games, but that's not important either). Given some inputs, this heuristics tell me what are the probabilities of the event. Something like : Given theses inputs, team B as 65% chances to win.
I have a large set of inputs data for which I now the result (games previously played). Which formula/metric could I use to qualify the accuracy of my estimator.
The problem I see is, if the estimator says the event has a probability of 20% and the event actually do occurs. I have no way to tell if my estimator is right or wrong. Maybe it's wrong and the event was more likely than that. Maybe it's right, the event as about 20% chance to occur and did occur. Maybe it's wrong, the event has really low chances to occurs, say 1 in 1000, but happened to occur this time.
Fortunately I have lots of theses actual test data, so there is probably a way to use them to qualify my heuristic.
anybody got an idea?

There are a number of measurements that you could use to quantify the performance of a binary classifier.
Do you care whether or not your estimator (ANN, e.g.) outputs a calibrated probability or not?
If not, i.e. all that matters is rank ordering, maximizing area under ROC curve (AUROC) is a pretty good summary of the performance of the metric. Others are "KS" statistic, lift. There are many in use, and emphasize different facets of performance.
If you care about calibrated probabilities then the most common metrics are the "cross entropy" (also known as Bernoulli probability/maximum likelihood, the typical measure used in logistic regression) or "Brier score". Brier score is none other than mean squared error comparing continuous predicted probabilites to binary actual outcomes.
Which is the right thing to use depends on the ultimate application of the classifier. For example, your classifier may estimate probability of blowouts really well, but be substandard on close outcomes.
Usually, the true metric that you're trying to optimize is "dollars made". That's often hard to represent mathematically but starting from that is your best shot to coming up with an appropriate and computationally tractable metric.

In a way it depends on the decision function you are using.
In the case of a binary classification task (predicting whether an event occurred or not [ex: win]), a simple implementation is to predict 1 if the probability is greater than 50%, 0 otherwise.
If you have a multiclass problem (predicting which one of K events occurred [ex: win/draw/lose]), you can predict the class with the highest probability.
And the way to evaluate your heuristic is to compute the prediction error by comparing the actual class of each input with the prediction of your heuristic for that instance.
Note that you would usually divide your data into train/test parts to get better (unbiased) estimates of the performance.
Other tools for evaluation exist such as ROC curves, which is a way to depict the performance with regard to true/false postitives.

As you stated, if you predict that an event has a 20% of happening - and 80% not to happen - observing a single isolated event would not tell you how good or poor your estimator was. However, if you had a large sample of events for which you predicted 20% success, but observe that over that sample, 30% succeeded, you could begin to suspect that your estimator is off.
One approach would be to group your events by predicted probability of occurrence, and observe the actual frequency by group, and measure the difference. For instance, depending on how much data you have, group all events where you predict 20% to 25% occurrence, and compute the actual frequency of occurrence by group - and measure the difference for each group. This should give you a good idea of whether your estimator is biased, and possibly for which ranges it's off.


Classifying pattern in time series

I am dealing with a repeating pattern in time series data. My goal is to classify every pattern as 1, and anything that does not follow the pattern as 0. The pattern repeats itself between every two peaks as shown below in the image.
The patterns are not necessarily fixed in sample size but stay within approximate sample size, let's say 500samples +-10%. The heights of the peaks can change. The random signal (I called it random, but basically it means not following pattern shape) can also change in value.
The data is from a sensor. Patterns are when the device is working smoothly. If the device is malfunctioning, then I will not see the patterns and will get something similar to the class 0 I have shown in the image.
What I have done so far is building a logistic regression model. Here are my steps for data preparation:
Grab data between every two consecutive peaks, resample it to a fixed size of 100 samples, scale data to [0-1]. This is class 1.
Repeated step 1 on data between valley and called it class 0.
I generated some noise, and repeated step 1 on chunk of 500 samples to build extra class 0 data.
Bottom figure shows my predictions on the test dataset. Prediction on the noise chunk is not great. I am worried in the real data I may get even more false positives. Any idea on how I can improve my predictions? Any better approach when there is no class 0 data available?
I have seen similar question here. My understanding of Hidden Markov Model is limited but I believe it's used to predict future data. My goal is to classify a sliding window of 500 sample throughout my data.
I have some proposals, that you could try out.
First, I think in this field often recurrent neural networks are used (e.g. LSTMs). But I also heard that some people also work with tree based method like light gbm (I think Aileen Nielsen uses this approach).
So if you don't want to dive into neural networks, which is probably not necessary, because your signals seem to be distinguishable relative easily, you can give light gbm (or other tree ensamble methods) a chance.
If you know the maximum length of a positive sample, you can define the length of your "sliding sample-window" that becomes your input vector (so each sample in the sliding window becomes one input feature), then I would add an extra attribute with the number of samples when the last peak occured (outside/before the sample window). Then you can check in how many steps you let your window slide over the data. This also depends on the memory you have available for this.
But maybe it would be wise then to skip some of the windows between a change between positive and negative, because the states might not be classifiable unambiguously.
In case memory becomes an issue, neural networks could be the better choice, because for training they do not need all training data available at once, so you can generate your input data in batches. With tree based methods this possible does not exist or only in a very limited way.
I'm not sure of what you are trying to achieve.
If you want to characterize what is a peak or not - which is an after the facts classification - then you can use a simple rule to define peaks such as signal(t) - average(signal, t-N to t) > T, with T a certain threshold and N a number of data points to look backwards to.
This would qualify what is a peak (class 1) and what is not (class 0), hence does a classification of patterns.
If your goal is to predict that a peak is going to happen few time units before the peak (on time t), using say data from t-n1 to t-n2 as features, then logistic regression might not necessarily be the best choice.
To find the right model you have to start with visualizing the features you have from t-n1 to t-n2 for every peak(t) and see if there is any pattern you can find. And it can be anything:
was there a peak in in the n3 days before t ?
is there a trend ?
was there an outlier (transform your data into exponential)
in order to compare these patterns, think of normalizing them so that the n2-n1 data points go from 0 to 1 for example.
If you find a pattern visually then you will know what kind of model is likely to work, on which features.
If you don't then it's likely that the white noise you added will be as good. so you might not find a good prediction model.
However, your bottom graph is not so bad; you have only 2 major false positives out of >15 predictions. This hints at better feature engineering.

Probabilistic classification with Gaussian Bayes Classifier vs Logistic Regression

I have a binary classification problem where I have a few great features that have the power to predict almost 100% of the test data because the problem is relatively simple.
However, as the nature of the problem requires, I have no luxury to make mistake(let's say) so instead of giving a prediction I am not sure of, I would rather have the output as probability, set a threshold and would be able to say, "if I am less than %95 sure, I will call this "NOT SURE" and act accordingly". Saying "I don't know" rather than making a mistake is better.
So far so good.
For this purpose, I tried Gaussian Bayes Classifier(I have a cont. feature) and Logistic Regression algorithms, which provide me the probability as well as the prediction for the classification.
Coming to my Problem:
GBC has around 99% success rate while Logistic Regression has lower, around 96% success rate. So I naturally would prefer to use GBC.
However, as successful as GBC is, it is also very sure of itself. The odds I get are either 1 or very very close to 1, such as 0.9999997, which makes things tough for me, because in practice GBC does not provide me probabilities now.
Logistic Regression works poor, but at least gives better and more 'sensible' odds.
As nature of my problem, the cost of misclassifying is by the power of 2 so if I misclassify 4 of the products, I lose 2^4 more (it's unit-less but gives an idea anyway).
In the end; I would like to be able to classify with a higher success than Logistic Regression, but also be able to have more probabilities so I can set a threshold and point out the ones I am not sure of.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
If you have enough data, you can simply retune the probabilities. For example, given the "predicted probability" output of your gaussian classifier, you can go back through (on a held out dataset) and at different prediction values, estimate the probability of the positive class.
Further, you can simply set up an optimization on your holdout set to determine the best threshold(without actually estimating the probability). Since it's one dimensional, you shouldn't even need to do anything fancy for optimization-- test like 500 different thresholds and pick the one which minimizes the costs associated with misclassifications.

Naive Bays classifier: output percentage is too low

I'm writing a naive bayes classifier for a class project and I just got it working... sort of. While I do get an error-free output, the winning output label had an output probability of 3.89*10^-85.
I have a couple of ideas of what I might be doing wrong. Firstly, I am not normalizing the output percentages for the classes, so all of the percentages are effectively zero. While that would give me numbers that look nice, I don't know if that's the correct thing to do.
My second idea was to reduce the number of features. Our input data is a list of pseudo-images in the form of a very long text file. Currently, our features are just the binary value of every pixel of the image, and with a 28x28 image that's a lot of features. If I instead chopped the image into blocks of size, say, 7x7, how much would that actually improve the output percentages?
tl;dr Here's the general things I'm trying to understand about naive bayes:
1) Do you need to normalize the output percentages from testing each class?
2) How much of an effect does having too many features have on the results?
Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.
It could be normal. The output of a naive bayes is not meant to be a real probability. What it is meant to do is order a score among competing classes.
The reason why the probability is so low is that many Naive Bayes implementations are the product of the probabilities of all the observed features of the instance that is being classified. If you are classifying text, each feature may have a low conditional probability for each class (example: lower than 0.01). If you multiply 1000s of feature probabilities, you quickly end up with numbers such as you have reported.
Also, the probabilities returned are not the probabilities of each class given the instance, but an estimate of the probabilities of observing this set of features, given the class. Thus, the more you have features, the less likely it is to observe these exact features. A bayesian theorem is used to change argmax_c P(class_c|features) to argmax_c P(class_c)*P(features|class_c), and then the P(features|class_c) is further simplified by making independence assumption, which allows changing that to a product of the probabilities of observing each individual feature given the class. These assumptions don't change the argmax (the winning class).
If I were you, I would not really care about the probability output, focus instead on the accuracy of your classifier and take action to improve the accuracy, not the calculated probabilities.

Why does one not use IOU for training?

When people try to solve the task of semantic segmentation with CNN's they usually use a softmax-crossentropy loss during training (see Fully conv. - Long). But when it comes to comparing the performance of different approaches measures like intersection-over-union are reported.
My question is why don't people train directly on the measure they want to optimize? Seems odd to me to train on some measure during training, but evaluate on another measure for benchmarks.
I can see that the IOU has problems for training samples, where the class is not present (union=0 and intersection=0 => division zero by zero). But when I can ensure that every sample of my ground truth contains all classes, is there another reason for not using this measure?
Checkout this paper where they come up with a way to make the concept of IoU differentiable. I implemented their solution with amazing results!
It is like asking "why for classification we train log loss and not accuracy?". The reason is really simple - you cannot directly train for most of the metrics, because they are not differentiable wrt. to your parameters (or at least do not produce nice error surface). Log loss (softmax crossentropy) is a valid surrogate for accuracy. Now you are completely right that it is plain wrong to train with something that is not a valid surrogate of metric you are interested in, and the linked paper does not do a good job since for at least a few metrics they are considering - we could easily show good surrogate (like for weighted accuracy all you have to do is weight log loss as well).
Here's another way to think about this in a simple manner.
Remember that it is not sufficient to simply evaluate a metric such as accuracy or IoU while solving a relevant image problem. Evaluating the metric must also help the network learn in which direction the weights must be nudged towards, so that a network can learn effectively over iterations and epochs.
Evaluating this direction is what the earlier comments mean that the errors are differentiable. I suppose that there is nothing about the IoU metrics that the network can use to say: "hey, it's not exactly here, but I have to maybe move my bounding box a little to the left!"
Just a trickle of an explanation, but hope it helps..
I always use mean IOU for training a segmentation model. More exactly, -log(MIOU). Plain -MIOU as a loss function will easily trap your optimizer around 0 because of its narrow range (0,1) and thus its steep surface. By taking its log scale, the loss surface becomes slow and good for training.

Confidence Probability for Binary Machine Learning Classification

When using SKlearn and getting probabilities with the predict_proba(x) function for a binary classification [1, 0] the function returns the probability that the classification falls into each class. example [.8, .34].
Is there a community adopted standard way to reduce this down to a single classification confidence which takes all factors into consideration?
Option 1)
Just take the probability for the classification that was predicted (.8 in this example)
Option 2)
Some mathematical formula or function call which which takes into consideration all of the different probabilities and returns a single number. Such a confidence approach could take into consideration who close the probabilities of the different classes and return a lower confidence if there is not much separation between the different classes.
Theres no standard of of doing it. But what you can do is vary the threshold. What I exactly mean is if you use predict instead it throws out a binary out classifying your dataset, what its doing is taking 0.5 as a threshhold for predicting. Like if the probability of classifying in 1 is >0.5 classify it as 1 and 0 if <=0.5. But this can lead to a bad f1-score in some cases.
So, the approach should be to vary the threshhold and and choose one which yields maximum f1-score or any other metric you want to use as a score function. ROC(Receiver operating characteristic)curves are meant for this purpose only. And infact, the motive behind sklearn for giving out the class probabilities for this only, to let you choose the best threshhold.
A very nice example is predicting whether the patient has cancer or not. So you have to choose your threshhold wisely, if you choose it high you'll might be getting false-negatives a lot or if you choose it low you might get false-positives a lot. So you just choose the threshold according to your needs (as its better to get more false-positives).
Hope it helps!
