How best to cope with naming scheme changes in a Rails app - ruby-on-rails

I look after an Rails app, that's about to have some key user facing parts renamed (like urls, and other such change like renaming 'blogs' to 'journals' and so on)
I'm slightly worried that over time, having loads of older names in the codebase for all the methods, routes and classnames is going to be difficult to read and maintain.
What's the best way to deal with changes like this?
And where are the gotchas like to be when aliasing methods and classnames, or running migrations here?

If the app is development and hasn't yet gone into production you're safe to just go back and rename the migrations/models/views etc... and do a rake db:migrate:reset and be done with it. You should have enough tests to ensure that the rename didn't break anything, and if it does you should increase your test coverage in that area.
In so far as doing this for an app that is currently in production I suggest doing it incrementally so that the surface area for the change is reduced:
Change your routes
This is probably the biggest change. Updating your routes first will give you a chance to fix all of your views.
Update your models/controllers
You can do this without changing the database. You can make your model point to a new database table by using set_table_name "OldTable". This means you can make any database changes out of band of the release.
Change the database
Hopefully you're using a migration, in which case just do a table rename and remove the set_table_name.

I would rename the internal classes to match the external names, otherwise it just causes confusion when talking about the code. Sure, routing can make the external changes easy to switch, but there's nothing like reading in the code what you see on the webpage.
After the rename, I'd load the app up in a staging environment with the live data to test the migration, and then run something like tarantula ( ) to crawl your app looking for obvious broken issues that you & your tests may have missed.


Revert the results of rails scaffolding in production

When a model is generated in rails - let's say to keep records for users, then we also get a route/controller/view for handling these (CRUD). Therefore visiting "root_url/users" would list all the users, "root_url/users/1" would display the first user etc.
While this is handy in a dev environment, it's not inappropriate for production (currently production for me is Heroku).
I could just remove the extra controllers, views etc. but I was wondering whether there is a standard way of approaching this issue (like a flag in a config file) so that there isn't a mismatch between dev and production.
Yes there is a standard way of approaching this issue, it's called testing, code review, and generellay just doing what is required for your application to work.
Scaffolding code is a good thing, but you just have to use it when it's needed. If you commit often enough, you can scaffold and easily reset what you've done if it does not meet your need.
It is your responsibility to not put any code in production :)

Seamless table name changes in Rails application

Okay, so I am new to the Rails environment and I am helping to get a project ready for deployment.
And, to make the tables more representative we need to change the names, the problem is the ubiquity at which they appear in the application code.
I have searched for a solution to find-and-replace these in a more batch oriented and time saving way but haven't come up with anything (one of the issues is the naming conventions in rails itself).
I was wondering if there is a solution to this issue that doesn't involve going through the code line by line.
You could easily change the model names, while leaving the table names untouched. Just make sure you include self.table_name = :your_table_name in the model.

Why using migration in RoR or Sinatra?

Perhaps a stupid question, and without code, so I'm not sure I'm on the right StackExchange site. If so, sorry and give me a comment please.
I begin programming in Sinatra (only intranet until now) and in the samples they almost always use migration with activerecord, the same with RoR.
I have experience enough with activerecord itself and it is very helpfull but I'm not sure why migration is always used ? If I create a project I just create a SQL script or a Ruby activerecord script that does the creation of the DB for me and that's it..
If I need the site or script somewhere else I just need to execute that script and ready.
Obviously I'm missing here a lot, so who can me explain the other benefits or point me to a good explanation ?
From Rails docs:
Migrations are a convenient way to alter your database schema over
time in a consistent and easy way. They use a Ruby DSL so that you
don't have to write SQL by hand, allowing your schema and changes to
be database independent.
So, the main two benefits are:
It's like Git for db schema, you won't know how that's useful until you are in a mid-size or big project with many contributors and someone makes a bobo :)
You write ruby code to build your db schema, this way if you decide to move from mysql to pg for example, you don't need to open up pg manual and check code compatibility
In the api docs of migrations, you will find many nice use cases (to be honest i didn't know about half of them) ... check it out (
Building a creation script for your database is great, provided two things:
All your database deployments are on new machines
You get your database schema exactly right the first time
In our modern agile environment we not only don't believe it is possible for a project larger than a few lines of code, we also don't encourage aspiring to it.
Active Record's Migrations offer a way to describe your database incrementally. Each "migration" defines how to add its features to the database ("upgrade"), and how to remove them if necessary ("downgrade").
When running migrations, on top of actually running the scripts, Active Record also maintains its own table (schema_migrations), to remember which migrations have been applied to the database, and which are pending.
This enables you to build your database alongside the features as you develop them. It also facilitates working in teams, since each team member develops her own migrations, and Active Record "stitches" everything together, so you don't have to maintain a monolithic creation script.

How to manage migrations when multiple apps share the same database in Ruby?

I have a Rails app and a Sinatra app, sharing the same database. The Sinatra app uses ActiveRecord.
Can I run migrations from within each app, as if they were in the same app? Will this cause any problems?
The schema.rb file in the Rails app tracks the current migration via
ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 20121108154656) do
but, how does the Sinatra app know the current version the database?
Rails 3.2.2, Ruby 1.9.3.
The version column in the schema_migrations table equate to the time stamp on the front of the ruby migration file example: 20130322151805_create_customers.rb So if two ore more applications are contributing to the schema_migrations table roll backs will not be possible if rails can't find the down() method (because it will not find a migration file contained in another app ie db/migrate/...)
I have a current situation that is exactly this and I have opted to have a master ActiveRecord app that manages migration and data conversions as our database evolves. Keep in mind that part of the deal is to keep models up to date as well. This has been time consuming so we are considering breaking apart the DB in to business domains and providing APIs (JSON) to query support data for another application. This way each application manages it domain and is responsible for exposing data via API.
If you connect both applications to the same database you should be able to run migrations on it but I strongly suggest you use another option since you will almost surely hit a wall at one time or another:
split the database in two if possible with each application responsible for its own database /migrations.
have one application considered the "master" database and use another database for the data specific to the second application but make it connects to both database (each application still only apply migrations to one database)
If you need to share data between multiple applications another option is to implement a REST service in one and use it on the other, you can have a look at the grape gem for a simple way of doing so.
Edit: I realize I forgot to speak about the activerecord migration, there is no longer any "version" of the schema, what activerecord does is that it read all your migration filename, extract their identifier (the starting part) and check if they have already been applied so in theory you can run migrations from two applications on the same database provided they don't interfere.
But if both migrations act on the same tables you will almost certainly run into big troubles at one point.
I disagree with Schmurfy, even if his presented options are valid, its a bit of an overkill to share data through REST (granted, its pretty easy to implement with ruby / rails).
If your case is simple you could just use one database from both apps, and since you use AR in both of them you have no problems with versioning, AR takes care of that.
Also i dont know what happens if you run db:migrate from both apps simultaniously if you use a inferior dbms like mysql which does not allow DDL in a transaction, certainly nothing good..
Also it would bother me to look which app needs what column and not have the migrations in one place. You could use a shared repository to manage the migrations from both apps.
Rails migrations store current database version in schema_migrations table in the database. So both of your apps will be able to check the current version.
The version numbers are timestamps, so there shouldn't be any problem with duplicate values, as it'll be almost impossible to generate two migrations at the exact same millisecond. So you should be fine here.
The only problem I see is that when you rollback a migration in one app, it'll set the db to the previous known version and I'm not sure if it will pick the previous one from the db (which could be from the other app), or the number from the previous migration file. You may want to test that scenario to make sure.
I decided to put all migrations in the Rails app because:
Since there is only one database
Rails manages migrations
This has worked well.
This simplifies the system because all migrations are stored in one place. And, the Sinatra app doesn't need to know about them anyway.

Usefulness of db migrations rollback

Many people talking about db migrations, especially about its rollback possibility.
I doubt, whether it is useful at all, because schema of db and model are tightly connected with application logic (MVC).
Suppose i've done rollback of some migration. And what ? The application will not work, because its logic fully relies on db.
What are the use cases of rollback ability for db migrations ?
Update 1
The main question
Why the rollback is presented as a feature, when i need to change the code ?
I don't create the migrations, like "add_another_field_to_table". Instead, each migration file fully describes each table in DB. When i need to change something in my DB, i just change the migration file, but don't roll it back.
Really, if i rollback the migration, it does't brings me back in time, like a version control does. I have a lot of work, when changes are planned and rollback gives me nothing.
The point of rollback is that you rollback code and DB at the same time. The scenario is you upgrade your code and your DB on your production server, then you find a bug and you really need to go back. So rollback your code and use your down migration to roll back your DB.
What are the point of Up migrations?
You create table structures.
You code round it, it works well.
You put site into production, everyone is happy.
Oh, wait, they want a new feature that involves adding a column to an existing table.
How do you handle this? You have to add a column to your development tables, test code, update live site without forgetting to update live DB at the same time (cos if you do there will be big errors) And also remmember to preserve existing live data. This aspect of DB management can be a real pain without a nice managed solution like rails has.
So ...
Code a one line migration that adds a column
Run migration on dev copy, scehma.rb will update
Code new features, if you need to check DB schema use schema.rb NOT migration files.
Now your ready to release on production ....
Update code on production
Run migrations on production. Rails will automatically work out what needs to be applied and do it for you!
Sure, with you adding one column it's not that confusing to do it yourself.
But what if there were 3 programmers all adding migrations? What if you have many live sites, all at different versions? Is that live site 2 or 17 migrations behind? What do I have to do to get the DB up to the latest code, whilst preserving live data? Can you see how this would very quickly get confusing to deal with?
Rails migrations (and practically every migration system works on the same principles) are designed to make updating DB structures really easy. Well worth using properly.
I've found that rollbacks are only useful if they are done locally, ie while you're working on a new bit of code. Once a migration has been committed into your version control system, if you realise there was a mistake then it doesn't really work to roll back the migration because other developers will have pulled the migration down and run it, so you'd need to tell them to roll back as well - this is too difficult to manage and also makes you look incompetent :)
Better in this situation to just do another migration to fix the problem, then everyone (including your production server) just sticks with the pull & migrate system.
Don't really understand your problem, but i try to explain a bit the rollback.
You do rollback if you want to undo the changes by the respective migration. This means that the database will be modified, and also your schema.rb will be automatically regenerated. When you do this probably you want to remove the referencing code too. For example if you removed a field from the model, probably you don't want to refer to that attribute in your code. If you try to access then will gives you undefined attribute exception. That's it.
Can become a bit cumbersome to rollback for example if you created some model 10 migrations before, and you want to change some fields. It's better to create a new migration and modify there, instead of rolling back to the respective migration.
Update 1
Read your update, and i think yo don't use the main advantage of migrations, the flexibility.
But your solution gives more overview of the database situation. If you like to do that way, I suggest the following steps in order.
Roll back to the respective migration.(rake db:migrate VERSION=XXX, I like better rake db:rollback STEP = 2 for example, rolls back 2 migrations, STEP optional)
Make your changes
Migrate your database to update all the tables, and get to current migration version.(rake db:migrate)
This feature don't affect your models or something, just changes the migration file, regenerates your schema.rb and changes the database structure, nothing else. Can't do code rollback like with version control system, and don't really has sense to do something like that. You have to take care about not using removed fields. Rails has automated mapping between database fields and model attibutes, for example if you have an user_id in your comment table, you can call it as an attribute in your model, comment_instance.user_id.
Consider a scenario where you use capistrano to deploy your site and create timestamped snapshots of each deployment. Using the timestamp on the folder and your migrations, you could identify which versions of the code and schema go hand in hand and perform a rollback.
A git repository would give you similar options.
Of course, the real problem is that once users of a site start adding data, that will potentially get purged too, unless you back it up before a rollback and painstakingly restore it at a later date.
I use migration rollback locally with rake db:migrate:redo while working on migration code and before final commit.
