Rails 2.3 caching by time - ruby-on-rails

I would like to cache my fragment page in my rails application by time.
I found this plugin to do this => ici but any download is available.
I searched in the rails doc but I don't found how to cache my fragment by time.
Are you know another plugin to do this or another method to do this ?

Creating a time-based cache key is quite simple.
Here's an example.
Now in your app you can write
<% cache :expires => CacheKey.expirable(:hour) do %>
<% end %>
If you want a more accurate control (for example 5.minutes instead of simply 1 minute), you can easily adapt the module in order to dynamically generate the cache key reading the time value passed as parameter.
An other approach is to check the last-modified time of the cache file. Here's a plugin.


Rails 4 / Heroku smart expire cache

We have in our application some blocks which are cached.
According to some login we sometimes modify some of them, and in this case we have a logic that expires the relevant blocks.
When we perform changes in the code, we need to expire these blocks via console. In this case we need to detect and be precise with the exact logic in order to expire all modified blocks. For example, if we change header html of closed streams, it will look like:
a = ActionController::Base.new
Stream.closed.each {|s| a.expire_fragment("stream_header_#{s.id}") }; nil
Actually, I think that must be a more generic way to simply compare cached blocks with how it should be rendered, and expire only blocks which their html is different that their cached version.
I wonder if there is a gem that does this task, and if not - if somebody has already written some deploy hook to do it.
============== UPDATE ============
Some thought:
In a rake task one can get the cached fragment, as long as you know which fragments you have.
For example, in my case I can do:
a = ActionController::Base.new
Stream.each do |s|
cached_html = a.read_fragment("stream_header_#{s.id}")
If I could generate the non-cached html I could simply compare them, and expire the cached fragment in case they are different.
Is it possible?
How heavy do you think this task will be?
Not at all easy to answer with so little code.
You can use the
cache #object do
render somthing
So based on the hash of the object the cache will invalided itself. This is also true for the rendering template as Rails will create a has on this also and combined it with the hash of the object to invalidate it properly. This also can work at a deeper level and in this way it is possible to invalidate an entire branch of the render tree.
Let me point you toward the documentation of Rails and the Russian doll caching.
There was also a great video on the caching by these guys:
They are free, but it look like you have to register now.
I hope this is in the right direction for your need.

What's the most optimal way to regenerate static cache with Ruby on Rails?

I have a pretty slow controller action, which does some raporting here and there. I only need to refresh the data every few days, so it was no brainer to static cache the result.
The problem is, that the action takes solid few minutes to complete and I am not sure whats the most optimal way to expire the old data and replace them with the new ones.
Now the problem with just generic expire/request is that for few minutes (time when the action is running) those data are unavailable.
Is there any resonable way to overcome this gap using just static cache mechanisms in Rails? Or should I just rebuild the whole thing in a different way?
Rails has a built-in way to use stale caches for just a bit longer when it expires while the new cache value is being regenerated. It's the :race_condition_ttl setting used in conjuction with :expires_in, as describe in the Rails Guides on Caching.
With Rails Fragment caching the syntax should be:
<% cache 'my_awesome_cache_key', :expires_in => 12.hours.to_i, :race_condition_ttl => 12.hours.to_i %>
# This block will be cached
<% end %>
1) First request: Cache is empty, so block will be executed and results written to cache
2) All requests between the next 24 hours: Will be served straight from the cache (which is fresh)
3a) First request after 24 hours but WITHIN grace period will be served from the then slightly stale cache; the cache will be regenerated in the background: the block is executed and written to the cache as soon as its finished
3b) First request after 24 hours but out of the grace period will be handled as 1), i.e. not served directly but block will be executed, cache will be written and request will be served.
race_condition_ttl was introduced to prevent multiple processes from regenerating a cache simultaneuosly, which would result in all processes reading the data from the db at once etc. on a highly requested resource, but I think it should work well for your situation.
How to choose the timing for :expires_in and :race_condition_ttlis your choice then, I'd suggest calculating it like this: expires_in + race_condition = expires_in_that_you_would_usually_set. This way the cache is regenerated more often but also fresher, especially if the action/view is not rendered that often.

Rails 2 cache view helper not saving to memcached

I have a block
<% cache 'unique_key', 60.minutes.from_now do %>
<% begin %>
<% rescue %>
<% end %>
and I'm trying to make the implementation more robust by only caching (and thus allowing the user to see) the rescue message if there isn't a previous value already in the cache. Currently, if the response in the begin block sends back an error for any reason, I'm caching the user viewed error message. I would prefer to fall back onto the old cached data. The problem that I can't get past is -
Where is cache storing the data?
Every time I try Rails.cache.read 'unique_key', I get nil back. Is cache not storing the value in memcached? Is there a way that I can dump the cache to screen?
I couldn't follow the rails source. It seemed to me the the fragment_for method in cache was a rails 3 thing, and thus, I didn't debug further.
The cache view helper constructs a cache key based on the arguments you give it. At a minimum it adds the prefix 'views/' to the key.
You can use the fragment_cache_key helper to find out what cache key rails is using for any of your calls to cache. If you just want to grab what is currently stored, read_fragment does that. Of course with your particular usage, if your block is executed again it is because the 60 minutes are up: the cached value has been deleted from memcache.
With the memcache store you can't list all of the keys currently in the store - it's just something thy memcached itself doesn't support.
I solved this by using the fetch method. I used
<% Rails.cache.fetch('unique_key', :expires_in => 60.minutes){
} %>
When I did this, I could successfully find the key. I'm still not sure why I couldn't find the cached data after adding the fragment_cache_key that I found, but using Rails.cache.fetch seemed to do the trick.

Fragment Caching In Rails 3

I have a partial that pulls in weather data using the Barometer gem. The problem is that each time the page is loaded the gem is pulling in the weather feed again. Is it possible to cache the partial using fragment caching but only have that cached version to be good for say 3-4 hours? That way the weather data will stay current and the gem won't have to pull in brand new data each time.
the cache helper function takes 3 arguments :
def cache(name = {}, options = nil, &block)
if controller.perform_caching
safe_concat(fragment_for(name, options, &block))
if you provide an expiration key in the second argument it will be passed on to write_fragment and eventually the cache itself.
Like this :
-cache "cache_path", :expires => 3.hours do
I recommend reading into ActionView::Helpers::CacheHelper for more info.

Rails 3 and Memcached - Intelligent caching without expiration

I am implementing caching into my Rails project via Memcached and particularly trying to cache side column blocks (most recent photos, blogs, etc), and currently I have them expiring the cache every 15 minutes or so. Which works, but if I can do it more up-to-date like whenever new content is added, updated or whatnot, that would be better.
I was watching the episode of the Scaling Rails screencasts on Memcached http://content.newrelic.com/railslab/videos/08-ScalingRails-Memcached-fixed.mp4, and at 8:27 in the video, Gregg Pollack talks about intelligent caching in Memcached in a way where intelligent keys (in this example, the updated_at timestamp) are used to replace previously cached items without having to expire the cache. So whenever the timestamp is updated, the cache would refresh as it seeks a new timestamp, I would presume.
I am using my "Recent Photos" sideblock for this example, and this is how it's set up...
<div id="photos"">
<p class="header">Photos</p>
<%= render :partial => 'shared/photos', :collection => #recent_photos %>
<% cache(photos) do %>
<div class="row">
<%= image_tag photos.thumbnail.url(:thumb) %>
<h3><%= link_to photos.title, photos %></h3>
<p><%= photos.photos_count %> Photos</p>
<% end %>
On the first run, Memcached caches the block as views/photos/1-20110308040600 and will reload that cached fragment when the page is refreshed, so far so good. Then I add an additional photo to that particular row in the backend and reload, but the photo count is not updated. The log shows that it's still loading from views/photos/1-20110308040600 and not grabbing an updated timestamp. Everything I'm doing appears to be the same as what the video is doing, what am I doing wrong above?
In addition, there is a part two to this question. As you see in the partial above, #recent_photos query is called for the collection (out of a module in my lib folder). However, I noticed that even when the block is cached, this SELECT query is still being called. I attempted to wrap the entire partial in a block at first as <% cache(#recent_photos) do %>, but obviously this doesn't work - especially as there is no real timestamp on the whole collection, just it's individual items of course. How can I prevent this query from being made if the results are cached already?
In reference to the second question, I found that unless Rails.cache.exist? may just be my ticket, but what's tricky is the wildcard nature of using the timestamp...
Disregard my first question entirely, I figured out exactly why the cache wasn't refreshing. That's because the updated_at field wasn't being updated. Reason for that is that I was adding/deleting an item that is a nested resource in a parent, and I probably need to implement a "touch" on that in order to update the updated_at field in the parent.
But my second question still stands...the main #recent_photos query is still being called even if the fragment is cached...is there a way using cache.exists? to target a cache that is named something like /views/photos/1-2011random ?
One of the major flaws with Rails caching is that you cannot reliably separate the controller and the view for cached components. The only solution I've found is to embed the query in the cached block directly, but preferably through a helper method.
For instance, you probably have something like this:
class PhotosController < ApplicationController
def index
# ...
#recent_photos = Photos.where(...).all
# ...
The first instinct would be to only run that query if it will be required by the view, such as testing for the presence of the cached content. Unfortunately there is a small chance that the content will expire in the interval between you testing for it being cached and actually rendering the page, something that will lead to a template rendering error when the nil-value #recent_photos is used.
Here's a simpler approach:
<%= render :partial => 'shared/photos', :collection => recent_photos %>
Instead of using an instance variable, use a helper method. Define your helper method as you would've the load inside the controller:
module PhotosHelper
def recent_photos
#recent_photos ||= Photos.where(...).all
In this case the value is saved so that multiple calls to the same helper method only triggers the query once. This may not be necessary in your application and can be omitted. All the method is obligated to do is return a list of "recent photos", after all.
A lot of this mess could be eliminated if Rails supported sub-controllers with their own associated views, which is a variation on the pattern employed here.
As I've been working further with caching since asking this question, I think I'm starting to understand exactly the value of this kind of caching technique.
For example, I have an article and through a variety of things I need for the page which include querying other tables, maybe I need to do five-seven different queries per article. However, caching the article in this way reduces all those queries to one.
I am assuming that with this technique, there always needs to have at least "one" query, as there needs to be "some" way to tell whether the timestamp has been updated or not.
