Since the iPhone doesn't support Flash, how do you create clickable maps with hotspots or zones that change colour with a mouseover event?
Like this Flash mp here.
Rest assured that you don't have a mouseover event in Mobile Safari. In fact, it's inherent to the use of a touch screen.
In case you are using html as the output format a lib like RaphaelJs could help you. Got something like this in the examples
How about the good old <map> tag?
I'm using the material design package for my application layout menu.
I have 2 menus items where I can't find an icon that fits, so I got 2 SVG files that I added to the project.
I want to use this as the material-list-item icon instead of a material-icon.
Is there a way to do this by either adding a custom icon to the material-icon library or replacing the icon in the list.
If yes, please I need a complete example as I am new to DartAngular, still trying to figure out some stuff.
There is a mixin for material-icon which will get allow you to change a material-icon into using an SVG.
There is indeed a mixin for this as pointed out in Ted Sander's answer, but for the moment it does not seem to work. I've asked this on Gitter but did not get an answer, and I also opened a ticket on Github for this seemingly broken feature.
It's a telltale sign that even the official Angular Components Gallery has a broken SVG icon example.
I'd suggest to implement this by using separate list item rendering for those that have an official material-icon representation and those that need a custom SVG image, and conditionally render them with the ngIf directive.
I wonder if you can create screen effects (such as how to display the button, customize a modal or to flash background colors of a datatable for example) to my page created in JSF Pure (ie, without using Primefaces, RichFaces, and the like). If so, please indicate me sites and / or tutorials where I can check this job, because I researched on google and have not had success.
Grateful for the attention!
As suggested by friend Kukeltje, I will apply the JavaScript / JQuery in my project.
Thank you!!!
I'm designing Windows 8 Reader app, and i have to use a control to display the HTML content in "Webview". I got this right now. My problem is how to increase the font in the HTML content in webview. I don't how to start this.Can any one help me..
I mainly develop for android. But i do have a friend who had the same problem..
What you can do to solve this problem is calling javascript for the webview..
this way you can edit the style of the website from the javascript you call.
But that's the direction i would be looking for now..
It should be something like this:
YourWebView.InvokeScript("your script", null);
Is there a way to make a slider in jQuerymobile with two selection points, and a highlight inbetween?
I'm looking for something like this: but for a mobile framework.
At the moment there doesn't seem to be a built in way to do so, however you might want to have a look at this SO question
jQuery Mobile Dual Range slider
I know we Alert is used as Pop up box in j2me but
can I create a pop up as good looking as dialog box of Blackberry using pure j2me packages?
Or I need to customize using Canvas class?
Is there a dialog box in j2me? if yes can I get an example?
Dude, Just create one canvas with background image transparent and use another images for same like dialog box(images create from adobe Photoshop) , so this canvas you can use it anywhere in application. thanks
show method is for showing dialog