Strange route problem in ASP.NET MVC - default route not hit -

I have this two routes currently in my application after decommenting out many other ones. Let me first explain that I have quite a big application already but have come to a problem where my application does not start at the root url anymore.
If I set starting page to default.aspx then webapp starts at (example) http://localhost:55421/Default.aspx. I don't want that. I want it without Default.aspx
So I went into app properties and removed Default.aspx as starting page - now it is blank field (just like in a sample new MVC app if you create it in VS 2008).
But now application does start at the required URL but issues an error:
"The incoming request does not match any route."
Also If I use route debugger it also misses all routes and catches it by catchall route.
I don't know how all of this is possible since as I said above I have two default routes configured at this time:
"{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Pages", action = "Display", slug = "Default" }
Any help appreciated

Am I right in thinking you are trying to hit
If you are I think you need to provide a default for the last parameter {id}. You have a default for a parameter slug but without a default for {id} I don't think ASP.NET Routing can hit it.
If I'm right
should also not hit the default route, because you are expecting id in Display?


Remove "Home/Index" secondary route to home page

I have an MVC 5 site. The home page is at http://mydomain.
However, there's also a second route to the home page - http://mydomain/home/index - which I think
This causes problems because it may be seen as duplicate content, and images are broken on this page.
How can I totally remove this route (so it goes to a 404, I guess?).
I've searched Google but can only find articles on removing Home from routes entirely - not what I need.
I'm using Attribute routing, and this is all that's in the RouteConfig.cs:
// Enable Route Attributes in Controllers
// Fall through all routes
name: "Default",
url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
The Home Index action has no attribute route on it (as you'd probably expect?). This /home/index route works even on newly generated MVC projects - which I think is a bad idea?
How can I do this?
Are there any problems with removing this route I may not have considered?
You can block unintended routes that you don't want by using IgnoreRoute().
// Enable Route Attributes in Controllers
// Fall through all routes
name: "Default",
url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
However, if these URLs are already in the wild, you should instead setup a 301 redirect to the canonical URL you intended. The simplest way to do that is with the URL rewrite module.
This /home/index route works even on newly generated MVC projects - which I think is a bad idea?
I see this as more of a blessing in disguise. It is an advantage over any SEO competitor using MVC who doesn't do the extra work to remove these routes when you are the one who does.
This is not necessary.
The default route provides optional controller and action names. So if user does not put any name for controller and/or action in path (/Home/Index or /Home in this situation) will put the right values in application routing.
Whenever you use Url.Action or Url.Route functions it will produce the shortest link for you. So in your website there will be always http://mydomain produced for your root. And for example Category > Index action it will produce http://mydomain/category.
In your website bots will never get to duplicate content if your links are in this way. If you are writing your links manually write as short as you can or simply use Url.Action.
About the images there must be something different, because images are static files. just use "~/imagefolder/imagename.jpg" way to get them. "~" is important to start link from the root of application if you are making your application work on a subfolder in IIS.

ASP.NET MVC2 Routing IIS6 - only default routes work

I've deployed an ASP.NET MVC2 website on a Windows Server 2003 machine running IIS 6.
I'm using pretty much the default routing in a standard MVC project:
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
"Default", // Route name
"{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Products", action = "List", id = UrlParameter.Optional } // Parameter defaults
Navigating to http://localhost/MyApplication takes me to the List page just fine. Navigating to http://localhost/MyApplication/Products/Details/21 gives me a 404. This routing worked fine on the inbuilt development server in VS2010.
I've put in the standard IIS wildcard aspnet_isapi.dll mapping mentioned all over the place - navigating to the List page didn't work before I did - but navigating to anything other than the default route is broken.
I'd really like to keep my extensionless URLs. Does anyone have any idea as to why the routing would work for the default webpage, but no others?
*Edit: just tried adding the .aspx extension, ie now my route looks like this:
"Default", // Route name
"{controller}.aspx/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Downtime", action = "List", id = UrlParameter.Optional } // Parameter defaults
And it has the same behaviour, except this time I get the asp 404 page instead of the html 404 page...
*Edit 2: tried it again using the following route and making sure .mvc was mapped to aspnet_isapi.dll:
"Default", // Route name
"{controller}.mvc/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Downtime", action = "List", id = UrlParameter.Optional } // Parameter defaults
This time I got an 'Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage' 404-style page. I've now got 3 different 404 errors from using these 3 different methods...
*Edit 3 Return of the Edit: I have the site running in IIS 5.1 on Windows XP professional with only a wildcard remapping on the virtual directory, but heaven forbid I can get it to run on the webserver...
First of all, you should follow this walk-through:
(just to make sure you've not missed something). This shows how to get the extension-less and extention'd versions working. You might want to at least check whether the extension'd version works to check that other things aren't misconfigured.
After that, perhaps you should try adding something like this..
... as it can really help in determining where your routes are broken.
Some other things to check:
Is IIS configured with ASP.NET? Check properties of the virtual directory. On the VDir select the configuration button and check that the usual ASP.NET extensions are mapped to the .NET 2.0 ISAPI dll. This will be something along the lines of
Is ASP.NET 2 enabled on IIS (under IIS 6 this is off by default): in IIS manager check the Web Service Extensions folder to enable it.
Have you deployed global.asax?
Found it - the routing is actually working, my URLs were not. I was using javascript to build some of the URLs and it turns out that I wasn't linking to
http: //localhost/MyApplication/Controller/Action/ID
I was actually linking to
http: //localhost/Controller/Action/ID
Building the links like this was working on the development server, but once the site was deployed to a virtual directory on the webserver those addresses are incorrect because of the extra application name in the URL.
In conclusion, be careful with your URLs - don't build them out of strings like I did.

.net MVC 2 default Route suddenly stopped working

today the default route for my site stopped working, but the strange thing is that the global.ascx has not changed at all.
when i enter the URL
i get this 404 error
The resource cannot be found.
Requested URL: /Views/Start/Index.aspx
i have a bog standard default MVC route
new { controller = "Index", action = "Index", id = "" }
the oddball thing is that even if i create a Start folder with a copy of my index view, it still doesn’t work and throws the same 404 error.
has anyone else had this issue ??
any help is most appreciated
Re-add ASP.Net MVC's default Default.aspx file to the site root.
This file forces requests to / to run through the routing engine.
Although not necessarily the answer to this question, when Haack's debugger is showing that your routing tables are set up fine but you're still getting 404s, check your Controller is public!

How do you set the startup page for debugging in an ASP.NET MVC application?

How do you start debugging the application at the application root? For example: http://localhost:49742/
I'm always getting a page which doesn't exist, such as:
Note that it would be OK to start at http://localhost:49742/Views/Home/About
Go to your project's properties and set the start page property.
Go to the project's Properties
Go to the Web tab
Select the Specific Page radio button
Type in the desired url in the Specific Page text box
While you can have a default page in the MVC project, the more conventional implementation for a default view would be to use a default controller, implememented in the global.asax, through the 'RegisterRoutes(...)' method. For instance if you wanted your Public\Home controller to be your default route/view, the code would be:
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
"Default", // Route name
"{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Public", action = "Home", id = UrlParameter.Optional } // Parameter defaults
For this to be functional, you are required to have have a set Start Page in the project.
This works for me under Specific Page for MVC:
Update: Currently, I just use a forward slash in the "Specific Page" textbox, and it takes me to the home page as defined in the routing:
Selecting a specific page from Project properties does not solve my problem.
In MVC 4 open App_Start/RouteConfig.cs
For example, if you want to change startup page to Login:
"Default", // Route name
"", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Account", action = "Login"} // Parameter defaults
If you want to start at the "application root" as you describe right click on the top level Default.aspx page and choose set as start page. Hit F5 and you're done.
If you want to start at a different controller action see Mark's answer.
Revisiting this page and I have more information to share with others.
Debugging environment (using Visual Studio)
1a) Stephen Walter's link to set the startup page on MVC using the project properties is only applicable when you are debugging your MVC application.
1b) Right mouse click on the .aspx page in Solution Explorer and select the "Set As Start Page" behaves the same.
Note: in both the above cases, the startup page setting is only recognised by your Visual Studio Development Server. It is not recognised by your deployed server.
Deployed environment
2a) To set the startup page, assuming that you have not change any of the default routings, change the content of /Views/Home/Index.aspx to do a "Server.Transfer" or a "Response.Redirect" to your desired page.
2b) Change your default routing in your global.asax.cs to your desired page.
Are there any other options that the readers are aware of? Which of the above (including your own option) would be your preferred solution (and please share with us why)?

Issue with Default and catchall routes

I define a lot of explicit routes. One of them is:
routes.MapRoute("default", "",
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" });
At the end, I define a catchall route:
routes.MapRoute("PageNotFound", "{*url}",
new { controller = "Error", action = "Http404" });
If I go to the homepage http://localhost, then the http404 page is shown. And strangely, if I remove the catchall route, then the welcome page appears correctly.
Note also that I have a menu where I call Url.RouteUrl("default") and the link to the homepage is correctly generated.
So, why is my default route not activated when the catchall route exists?
Update: I'm using routes.RouteExistingFiles=true. If I remove it, then it works as expected. But I need it to be set to true. What's the problem here?
If you use "routes.RouteExistingFiles=true" it means it will route existing (physically exist) files as its own - so routing will be skipped for those. I think in your root website there is probably a "default.aspx" or "index.htm" or something like that.
Turning on RouteExistingFiles will then allow those files to be executed normally (instead of via routing).
Now I think what happen is that your catchall routing is overriding you RouteExistingFiles - so it automatically routes the default.aspx into your 404 catchall.
If you still have the default route (I.E. {controller}/{action}/{id}) in RegisterRoutes() it will trap all URLs that match the format of a normal MVC request.
In other words the catch-all route can only intercept a bad URL if it doesn't fit the normal format (blah/blah/blah/blah).
In the case of a non-existent controller the exception must be handled through conventional ASP.NET handling.
Theres a good description of handling this here
Did you try to put a constraint on the catch all route? Constraint should tell it that the catch-all segment should not have 0 characters.
