what does underscore mean in Delphi4 - delphi

I come across the following in code.
In general, what does _name1 underscore mean in Delphi 4?

I think it's just a common practice to begin variable names with underscores.
Rules for variable (and component) names in Delphi:
Name can be any length but Delphi uses only first 255 characters.
First character must be letter or underscore not a number.
You cannot use any special characters such as a question mark (?), but you can
use an underscore (_).
No spaces area allowed in the name of a variable.
Reserved words (such as begin, end, if, program) cannot be used as variables.
Delphi is case insensitive – it does not matter whether capital letters are
used or not. Just make sure the way variables or components are used is
consistent throughout the program.

It's a convention to help determine scope of a variable by its name, like private class members. The original author probably uses C++ as well.
In Delphi, I prefer to prefix fields with "F", method parameters with "a" (argument) and local variables with "l".
Another place you might see underscores is after certain identifiers in code generated with WSDLImp or TLBImp to avoid confusion with existing Delphi identifiers. For example, unless you specify otherwise, "Name" is renamed (no pun intended) to "Name_".

To add to the answer of phoenix:
* You can use reserved words as identifiers, but you must add a & sign: &then,
I only use this if another name ís not apropriate.
I associate leading underscores with C/C++ not with Delphi. The C syntax is more character oriented (like {, }, || and &&) so the underscores fit perfectly. While the Delphi/Pascal syntax is more text oriented (begin, end, or, and) so the underscores look a bit strange as you don't expect them there.

It's regularly used for scope.
I declare all my private variables with a _ at the beginning, which is more common in C#/C++.
It's for readability and doesn't necessarily mean anything.

I cannot say what the author of the code you have in mind was thinking, but an underscore prefix has a fairly well recognised convention in relation to COM.
Members in a COM interface that have an underscore prefix are (or were) hidden by default by interface browsers/inspectors, such as VB's library browser etc. This is used when members are published by necessity but are not intended to be used directly.
The _AddRef and _Release members of the IUnknown interface are perhaps the most obvious example of this.
I've adopted this convention myself, so that for example if I declare a unit implementation variable that is exposed through the unit interface via an accessor function I will name the variable with an underscore prefix. It's not strictly necessary in that sort of example but it acts as documentation for myself (and anyone else reading my code that is aware of the convention, which is fairly self-evident from the context).
Another example is when I have a function pointer that may refer to different functions according to runtime conditions so the actual functions that the pointer may refer to are not intended to be called directly but are instead intended to be invoked via the function pointer.
So speaking for myself, I use it as a warning/reminder.... Proceed with caution you are not expected to reference this symbol directly.


Is there a way to substitute a small piece of code (e.g. a statement) with a more friendly alias in Delphi 10.4?

I'm working with Delphi 10.4.
At some places of my code I have to write long identifiers on long statements (e.g. ProductsForSale.fieldByName('quantity').asInteger * ..... / .... etc.). Is there a way to assign a friendly alias (e.g. TheCost) to this piece of code to substitute it everywhere in the application?
I don't want to use a variable or a function to do this. Only text substitution.
No, Delphi (and Pascal) knows
neither aliases (using a different name for a type/variable/function still needs you to define it anew),
nor macros (executing code in the compiler's context is very limited, mostly definings and conditions).
Even if, chances are you'd have to define it bound to a given context/scope: i.e. your favorite alias TooMuchToType might access three variables named one, two and three, but as per scope those variable's types can vary drastically. Its usage would be prone to obfuscated code and a lot of hassle the compiler has to go thru when trying to give you an error message he wants you to understand.
Why not doing exactly that at the end, but in the opposite way? First using a placeholder and when you're done you replace all of them with the actual code. Otherwise this is bascially what functions are there for, if you want it or not.

__some_wrapper__ syntax (when to use and not use)

I have seen this syntax in ruby for a number of items and I wanted to learn more about when it's used.
def __some_wrapper__
#__some_wrapper__ ||= SomeClass.new(self)
When and where are two lower dashes __ before and after a name used? What's the rule for it? I have seen it used for method names, and such.
I have seen this syntax in ruby for a number of items and I wanted to learn more about when it's used.
This is just a method definition like any other method definition. An underscore is a legal part of an identifier. It doesn't have any special meaning whatsoever.
When and where are two lower dashes __ before and after a name used? What's the rule for it? I have seen it used for method names, and such.
As with any other name, a developer uses such a name when she thinks that it is the right name to use for this thing. There is absolutely no difference whatsoever between the names ✅ or foo or add or __some_wrapper__. You choose the name which best conveys the intent of the method.

Access Delphi record fields via . or ^

I came across something in the Delphi language that I hadn't noticed before. Consider a simple record and a pointer to that record:
TRecord = record
value : double;
PTRecord = ^TRecord;
Now declare a variable of type PTRecord:
var x : PTRecord;
and create some space:
x := new (PTRecord);
I noticed that I can access the value field using both the '.' notation and the '^.' notation. Thus the following two lines appear to be operationally equivalent, the compiler doesn't complain and runtime works fine:
x.value := 4.5;
x^.value := 2.3;
I would have thought that '^.' is the correct and only way to access value? My question is, is it ok to use the simpler dot notation or will I run into trouble if I don't use the pointer indirection '^.'? Perhaps this is well known behavior but it's the first time I've come across it.
It is perfectly sound and safe to omit the caret. Of course, logic demands the caret, but since the expression x.value doesn't have a meaningful intepretation in its own, the compiler will assume you actually mean x^.value. This feature is a part of the so-called 'extended syntax'. You can read about this at the documentation.
When Extended syntax is in effect (the default), you can omit the caret when referencing pointers.
Delphi has supported that syntax for close to two decades. When you use the . operator, the compiler will apply the ^ operator implicitly. Both styles are correct. There is no chance for your program doing the wrong thing since there is no case where presence or absence of the ^ will affect the interpretation of the subsequent . operator.
Although this behavior is controlled by the "extended syntax" option, nobody ever disables that option. You can safely rely on it being set in all contexts. It also controls availability of the implicit Result variable, and the way character pointers are compatible with array syntax.
This is called implicit pointer dereferencing for the structured types and inherited from the Delphi 1. This language extension aims to make accessing members of classes (classes are structured types and also instances are implicit pointers) by the means of membership operator (.) only, avoiding requirement for explicit dereference operator (^).
You can safely rely on the presence of this extension in the all Delphi compilers. For more flexibility you can test for the presence of this extension by using $IFOPT X+ conditional directive.

F# instance syntax

What indicator do you use for member declaration in F#? I prefer
member a.MethodName
this is to many letters and x is used otherwise.
I do almost always use x as the name of this instance. There is no logic behind that, aside from the fact that it is shorter than other options.
The options that I've seen are:
member x.Foo // Simply use (short) 'x' everywhere
member ls.Foo // Based on type name as Benjol explains
member this.Foo // Probably comfortable for C# developers
member self.Foo // I'm not quite sure where this comes from!
member __.Foo // Double underscore to resemble 'ignore pattern'
// (patterns are not allowed here, but '__' is identifier)
The option based on the type name makes some sense (and is good when you're nesting object expressions inside a type), but I think it could be quite difficult to find reasonable two/three abbreviation for every type name.
Don't have a system. Wonder if I should have one, and I am sure there will be a paradigm with its own book some day soon. I tend to use first letter(s) of the type name, like Benjol.
This is a degree of freedom in F# we could clearly do without. :)
I tend to use some kind of initials which represent the type so:
type LaserSimulator =
member ls.Fire() =
I largely tend to use self.MethodName, for the single reason that self represents the current instance by convention in the other language I use most: Python. Come to think of it, I used Delphi for some time and they have self as well instead of this.
I have been trying to convert to a x.MethodName style, similar to the two books I am learning from: Real World Functional Programming and Expert F#. So far I am not succeeding, mainly because referring to x rather than self (or this) in the body of the method still confuses me.
I guess what I am saying is that there should be a meaningful convention. Using this or self has already been standardised by other languages. And I personally don't find the three letter economy to be that useful.
Since I work in the .NET world, I tend to use "this" on the assumption that most of the .NET people who encounter F# will understand its meaning. Of course, the other edge of that sword is that they might get the idea that "this" is the required form.
.NET self-documentation concerns aside, I think I would prefer either: "x" in general, or -- like Benjol -- some abbreviation of the class name (e.g. "st" for SuffixTrie, etc.).
The logic I use is this: if I'm not using the instance reference inside the member definition, I use a double underscore ('__'), a la let-binding expressions. If I am referencing the instance inside the definition (which I don't do often), I tend to use 'x'.

ObjectPascal identifier naming style on other languages

I learned to program with delphi, and i always liked the object pascal code style, looks very intuitive and clean.
When you look at the variable declaration, you know what are you dealing with..
A fast summary:
Exception E EMyError
Classes and Types T TMyClass
Fields in classes f fVisible
Events On OnMouseDown
Pointer types P PMyRecord
Property Get Something Set SetSomething
It's too bad to use this identifier naming style in C++ C# Java, or any other language code?
Aside from taste and cultural issues (as already pointed by Mason)
There might be reasons why a convention is tied to a certain language, and the other languages might also have reasons for theirs.
I can only quickly think of a few examples though:
On languages that don't require a pointer type to be defined before use (like most non-Borland Pascals, C etc), the "P" one is usually rarely necessary.
Other languages might also have additional means of disambiguating (like in C where often types are upper cased, and the variables or fields get the lowercase identifier), and does not need "T". (strictly speaking Delphi doesn't neither at least for fields, since identifiers are somewhat context dependantly looked up (likeseparate namespaces for fields and types), but the convention is older than that feature)
BTW, you forget "I" for interface, and enum names being prefixed with some prefix derived from the base type name (e.g.
TStringsDefined = set of (sdDelimiter, sdQuoteChar, sdNameValueSeparator,
sdLineBreak, sdStrictDelimiter)
Hmm, this is another language specific bit, since Object Pascal always adds enum names to the global space (instead of requiring enumtype.enumname). With a prefix there is less polution of the global space.
That is one of my pet peeves with Delphi btw, the lack of import control (Modula2 style IMPORT QUALIFIED , FROM xxx IMPORT. Extended Pascal also has some of this)
As far as I know, the T, E, F, and P prefixes are only commonly used in Delphi programming. They're a standard part of the idiom here, but in C# or Java they'd look out of place.
Get and Set are pretty standard across object-oriented programming. Not sure about the On prefix, but it wouldn't surprise me to find that that's common in any event-driven framework.
