Any Rails projects that allow community blogging? - ruby-on-rails

I've been looking on Github for a Rails project that allows anyone to sign in and add a blog entry.
Has anyone seen something like this?

TYPO is a blogging platform that uses Ruby on Rails: looks to have the capability for multiple authors.
The article here gives a good overview of several other RoR blogging platforms that are out there.

IMHO this is quite easy to make. Especially if you use the twitter-auth gem. Just sign-in with your twitter account, write a post and be done with it.


Blog backend for non developers Rails

I need a very simple, backend visual representation of creating a blog post. Since the blog writers are not developers, I need something that can make blog posting easy. I know RedCloth is available but I'm looking for something more simple, but not a CMS since it infects my app and mutates it like no other.
I would recommend the ActiveAdmin gem.
Here is a free (very helpful) RailsCast that goes through the configuration and features of the gem.
ActiveAdmin should have no problem suiting your needs.
Check out the Comfy Blog project.
ComfyBlog is an simple blog management engine for Rails 3.1 apps. It also integrates with ComfortableMexicanSofa CMS Engine. The nice thing about this project is that it doesn't interfere with your existing controllers, and "it's just Rails".

Embed Blog in Ruby on Rails

I have a Ruby on Rails application and want to include a blog inside the application.
I was wondering what's the best way to do that. I don't want to have a link to an external blog. I want the blog integrated in my application. Also i don't have the time to programm the blog functionality. I want to use existing solutions.
What's the best way to accomplish that? Any recommendations? What are the best solutions?
The best way to include one application within another is by using engines. This might help you Ruby on Rails 3.1 Blog Engines
Perhaps Typo would address your needs installed as a Rails Engine.
Since nobody has done it so far I need to mention here that the spirit of Rails is to make everything friendly enough so that you can code your own.
It's a bit more work but then your blog module fits right in with the rest of the app.

Rails3 and forum plugin?

I'am looking for a good Forum plugin running under rails3 ?
If you have any idea, i'll be glad to hear it :)
It's probably quicker to develop your own than to adapt and upgrade one of the existing Rails forums. There aren't many Rails forum projects as compared to PHP (for example), as it's generally pretty quick to write your own, depending on how many features you need. :)
I started to develop one too in rails 3. It's going to be similar to Wordpress Ideas. Right now i have build the user part with devise and integrated angularjs. I just started. If you are interested in contributing you can find it here:

Ruby on Rails Blog

Does anybody know a basic plugin/gem that will allow me to quickly set up a blog in Rails.
I would like it to have a WYSIWYG editor that allows image upload and basic editing.
All the Google results I checked out were tutorials to creating a blog in Rails.
I'm not looking to roll out my own solution, I'm looking for something that was already made, like Wordpress, but for Rails.
Try using Mephisto
PS: Search for "rails blog engine" in Google and you will find many other hits.
Mephisto and typo used to be the mainstream, but there are many new kids on the block these days.

Building User ID/Password Functionality with Ruby on Rails? Overkill?

I am new to this community, but I am working on a site that requires implementation of a user/password/register check upon entry, which would check against a database, or write to the database, in the case of registration. I have experience with XHTML and CSS, and just discovered RoR. I honestly have very little insight into how to achieve my goal using just XHTML, so I decided to learn Ruby, taking a shot in the dark. I'm wondering if there's an easier language, or more direct fix that I should be implementing instead. Any thoughts?
I would recommend looking at Restful Authentication.
Also, for good code examples in general, have a look at Altered Beast. It's a forum built in Ruby on Rails and it uses Restful Authentication.
Are you looking for information on how to implement user authentication in Rails? You could try acts_as_authenticated.
Check out the book called Agile Web Development with rails. It has two parts, a step-by-step walkthrough of creating an application, and a reference section on rails. I recently started a contract job where I chose RoR as my framework without any experience in it. This book has been an immense resource to teach me Ruby on Rails. It also specifically teaches how to implement the authorization you are talking about.
