Rails - validates_associated with an :if condition - ruby-on-rails

I am running into an issue when trying to apply an :if condition to a validates_associated validation. The if condition works for validates_presence_of, but not for validates_associated, and the form (with two models in it) works correctly, except that the validation still returns an error, regardless of whether the if condition is true or false.
validates_associated :departures, :if => :cruise?
validates_presence_of :ship_name, :if => :cruise?
def cruise?
item_marker == 1
# I even tested it using this, and it still returned a validated_associated error
def cruise?
#form item
<%= departure_form.date_select :date, :index => (departure.new_record? ? '' :
departure.id), :start_year =>Time.now.year, :order => [:month, :day, :year ],
:prompt=>true %>
I am using a date select for the :departures field, with a prompt for the for default values (i.e. the first selected option for each field with have a value=""). I believe this is what is causing the problem. I could remove the prompt and just blank out the departure dates for non_cruises in the controller, but that seems sloppy. does anyone have a suggestions? Note, this code uses portions of Ryan Bates's "Handle Multiple Models in One Form" Recipe.

I figured out what was wrong. My new departures builder function was creating departure objects for all items, whether they were cruises or not. I added an if cruises? statement to the code below and now it works properly.
has_many :departures, :dependent => :destroy
def new_departure_attributes=(departure_attributes)
departure_attributes.each do |attributes|
if cruises? #new if statement
#the following two methods are only used for update actions
#(the error happens in new/create as well)
def existing_departure_attributes=(departure_attributes)
departures.reject(&:new_record?).each do |departure|
attributes = departure_attributes[departure.id.to_s]
if attributes
departure.attributes = attributes
def save_departures
departures.each do |departure|


rails associations :autosave doesn't seem to working as expected

I made a real basic github project here that demonstrates the issue. Basically, when I create a new comment, it is saved as expected; when I update an existing comment, it isn't saved. However, that isn't what the docs for :autosave => true say ... they say the opposite. Here's the code:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :comments,
:autosave => true,
:inverse_of => :post,
:dependent => :destroy
def comment=(val)
class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :post, :inverse_of=>:comments
Now in the console, I test:
p=Post.create(:name=>'How to groom your unicorn')
p.comment="That's cool!"
p.comments # returns value as expected. Now we try the update case ...
p.comment="But how to you polish the rainbow?"
p.comments # oops ... it wasn't updated
Why not? What am I missing?
Note if you don't use "find_or_initialize", it works as ActiveRecord respects the association cache - otherwise it reloads the comments too often, throwing out the change. ie, this implementation works
def comment=(val)
obj=comments.detect {|obj| obj.posted_at==Date.today}
obj = comments.build(:posted_at=>Date.today) if(obj.nil?)
But of course, I don't want to walk through the collection in memory if I could just do it with the database. Plus, it seems inconsistent that it works with new object but not an existing object.
Here is another option. You can explicitly add the record returned by find_or_initialize_by to the collection if it is not a new record.
def comment=(val)
unless obj.new_record?
I don't think you can make this work. When you use find_or_initialize_by it looks like the collection is not used - just the scoping. So you are getting back a different object.
If you change your method:
def comment=(val)
obj = comments.find_or_initialize_by(:posted_at => Date.today)
obj.text = val
puts "obj.object_id: #{obj.object_id} (#{obj.text})"
puts "comments[0].object_id: #{comments[0].object_id} (#{comments[0].text})"
You'll see this:
p.comment="But how to you polish the rainbow?"
obj.object_id: 70287116773300 (But how to you polish the rainbow?)
comments[0].object_id: 70287100595240 (That's cool!)
So the comment from find_or_initialize_by is not in the collection, it outside of it. If you want this to work, I think you need to use detect and build as you have in the question:
def comment=(val)
obj = comments.detect {|c| c.posted_at == Date.today } || comments.build(:posted_at => Date.today)
obj.text = val
John Naegle is right. But you can still do what you want without using detect. Since you are updating only today's comment you can order the association by posted_date and simply access the first member of the comments collection to updated it. Rails will autosave for you from there:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :comments, ->{order "posted_at DESC"}, :autosave=>true, :inverse_of=>:post,:dependent=>:destroy
def comment=(val)
if comments.empty? || comments[0].posted_at != Date.today
comments.build(:posted_at=>Date.today, :text => val)

validation error messages are not set for associated record

Let's say we have the following context:
class Company
belongs_to :address, validate: true
class Address
validates :line1, presence: true
company = Company.new({ ... })
company.address = Address.new({ line1: '' })
puts company.errors[:address] # nothing
puts company.errors[:"address.line1"] # can't be blank
How can I make the validations errors to be set to the associated record and NOT to the owning record? This makes nested forms much more complicated because it's harder to reuse partials for these forms.
I actually need to have:
puts company.address.errors[:line1] # can't be blank
Apparently it does work as intended. Just a hitch in my code made me think it doesn't. Feel ashamed now...
custom validation methods
validate :check_address, :on => :create
def check_address
if self.address.line1.blank?
errors.add(:line1, "Please fill line 1.")

ActiveAdmin, polymorphic associations, and custom filters

Rails 3.1, ActiveAdmin 0.3.4.
My question is somewhat similar to this one but different enough in terms of data modeling that I think it warrants its own response. Models:
class CheckoutRequest < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :request_common_data, :as => :requestable, :dependent => :destroy
class RequestCommonData < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :requestable, :polymorphic => true
The RequestCommonData model has a completed field (boolean) that I'd like to be able to filter in ActiveAdmin's CheckoutRequest index page. I've tried a few different approaches to no avail, including the following:
filter :completed, :collection => proc { CheckoutRequest.all.map { |cr| cr.request_common_data.completed }.uniq }
which results in no filter being displayed. Adding :as => :select to the line, as follows:
filter :completed, :as => :select, :collection => proc { CheckoutRequest.all.map { |cr| cr.request_common_data.completed }.uniq }
results in the following MetaSearch error message:
undefined method `completed_eq' for #<MetaSearch::Searches::CheckoutRequest:0x007fa4d8faa558>
That same proc returns [true, false] in the console.
Any suggestions would be quite welcome. Thanks!
From the meta_search gem page you can see that for boolean values the 'Wheres' are:
is_true - Is true. Useful for a checkbox like “only show admin users”.
is_false - The complement of is_true.
so what you need is to change the generate input name from 'completed_eq' to be 'completed_is_true' or 'completed_is_false'.
The only way I have found this possible to do is with Javascript, since by looking at the Active Admin code, the 'Wheres' are hardcoded for each data type.
I would usually have a line like this in my activeadmin.js file (using jQuery)
$('#q_completed_eq').attr('name', 'q[completed_is_true]');
$('#q_completed_eq').attr('name', 'q[completed_is_false]');
Terrible and ugly hack but have found no other solution myself.
Be careful to enable this only in the pages you want.
--- NEW FOR VERSION 0.4.2 and newer ---
Now Active Admin uses separate modules for each :as => ... option in the filters.
So for example you can place the code below inside an initializer file
module ActiveAdmin
module Inputs
class FilterCustomBooleanInput < ::Formtastic::Inputs::SelectInput
include FilterBase
def input_name
def input_options
super.merge(:include_blank => I18n.t('active_admin.any'))
def method
def extra_input_html_options
and the use
:as => :custom_boolean
where you specify your filter.

Save collection of updated records all at once

As I understand it, the build method can be used to build up a collection of associated records before saving. Then, when calling save, all the child records will be validated and saved, and if there are validation errors the parent record will have an error reflecting this. First question is, is this correct?
But my main question is, assuming the above is valid, is it possible to do the same thing with updates, not creates? In other words, is there a way to update several records in a collection associated with a parent record, then save the parent record and have all the updates take place at once (with an error in the parent if there are validation errors in the children)?
Edit: So to summarize, I'm wondering the right way to handle a case where a parent record and several associated child records need to be updated and saved all at once, with any errors aborting the whole save process.
Firstly +1 to #andrea for Transactions - cool stuff I didn't know
But easiest way here to go is to use accepts_nested_attributes_for method for model.
Lets make an example. We have got two models: Post title:string and Comment body:string post:references
lets look into models:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :comments
validates :title, :presence => true
accepts_nested_attributes_for :comments # this is our hero
class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :post
validates :body, :presence => true
You see: we have got some validations here. So let's go to rails console to do some tests:
post = Post.new
#=> false
#=> #<OrderedHash {:title=>["can't be blank"]}>
post.title = "My post title"
# now the interesting: adding association
# one comment is ok and second with __empty__ body
post.comments_attributes = [{:body => "My cooment"}, {:body => nil}]
#=> false
#=> #<OrderedHash {:"comments.body"=>["can't be blank"]}>
# Cool! everything works fine
# let's now cleean our comments and add some new valid
post.comments_attributes = [{:body => "first comment"}, {:body => "second comment"}]
#=> true
Great! All works fine.
Now lets do the same things with update:
post = Post.last
post.comments.count # We have got already two comments with ID:1 and ID:2
#=> 2
# Lets change first comment's body
post.comments_attributes = [{:id => 1, :body => "Changed body"}] # second comment isn't changed
#=> true
# Now let's check validation
post.comments_attributes => [{:id => 1, :body => nil}]
#=> false
#=> #<OrderedHash {:"comments.body"=>["can't be blank"]}>
This works!
SO how can you use it. In your models the same way, and in views like common forms but with fields_for tag for association. Also you can use very deep nesting for your association with validations nd it will work perfect.
Try using validates_associated :some_child_records in your Patient class.
If you only want this to occur on updates, just use the :on option like validates_associated :some_child_records, :on => :update
More info here:

rails custom validation on action

I would like to know if there's a way to use rails validations on a custom action.
For example I would like do something like this:
validates_presence_of :description, :on => :publish, :message => "can't be blank"
I do basic validations create and save, but there are a great many things I don't want to require up front. Ie, they should be able to save a barebones record without validating all the fields, however I have a custom "publish" action and state in my controller and model that when used should validate to make sure the record is 100%
The above example didn't work, any ideas?
My state machine looks like this:
include ActiveRecord::Transitions
state_machine do
state :draft
state :active
state :offline
event :publish do
transitions :to => :active, :from => :draft, :on_transition => :do_submit_to_user, :guard => :validates_a_lot?
I found that I can add guards, but still I'd like to be able to use rails validations instead of doing it all on a custom method.
That looks more like business logic rather than model validation to me. I was in a project a few years ago in which we had to publish articles, and lots of the business rules were enforced just at that moment.
I would suggest you to do something like Model.publish() and that method should enforce all the business rules in order for the item to be published.
One option is to run a custom validation method, but you might need to add some fields to your model. Here's an example - I'll assume that you Model is called article
Class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
validate :ready_to_publish
def publish
self.published = true
//and anything else you need to do in order to mark an article as published
def ready_to_publish
if( published? )
//checks that all fields are set
errors.add(:description, "enter a description") if self.description.blank?
In this example, the client code should call an_article.publish and when article.save is invoked it will do the rest automatically. The other big benefit of this approach is that your model will always be consistent, rather than depending on which action was invoked.
If your 'publish' action sets some kind of status field to 'published' then you could do:
validates_presence_of :description, :if => Proc.new { |a| a.state == 'published' }
or, if each state has its own method
validates_presence_of :description, :if => Proc.new { |a| a.published? }
