I am using the "beamerthemesplit" template of the Beamer LaTeX package. This templates includes the author's name and the title of the presentation in the footer of all pages. Is anyone aware of any way to suppress this footer?
I got rid of the default footer, and inserted page numbers instead using the following commands.
%gets rid of bottom navigation bars
\setbeamertemplate{footline}[page number]
%gets rid of navigation symbols
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
I do not have the most direct answer for you as I do not use the beamerthemesplit template.
But for a recent presentation, I was tempted to decompose the themese a little. So if you use this
\useoutertheme{default} % empty
% \useoutertheme{infolines}% simple but bland
% \useoutertheme{split} % ok if compress option used
% \useoutertheme{shadow} % way too much space used -- ok with option 'compress'
%\setbeamercovered{transparent} % or whatever (possibly just delete it)
you get via default a really empty setup. Adding infolines gives you a footer with three parts, you can study the code of that outer theme to just add parts. Likewiese with color themses -- I just experimented a little and eventually went back to a default theme.
I have a series of markdown files that I am turning into slides using Pandoc and the Beamer template. I am creating my own custom Beamer template in order to format those slides.
pandoc --slide-level 2 -fmarkdown-implicit_figures -t beamer --template mytemplate.beamer -o test.pdf *.md
I am struggling with making certain elements look the way I would like them to.
My simplified markdown looks like this:
## Header
Normal Body Text

Specifically, my images are coming out left justified. I can't figure out how to get them to center. If I remove the -fmarkdown-implicit_figures option, then the images are properly centered, but includes captions that I don't want. Adding that flag eliminates the captions but also eliminates the centering.
At the same time, I want the normal body text to be centered as well. So in the above example I would like the text Normal Body Text to be centered. Again, I can't figure out how to do that. I have managed to center other elements (such as the header), but I can't find an appropriate name for the element that represents normal body text.
Can anyone offer a solution to either of these issues?
I found a way to center the images. It may not be the best option, but this seems to work:
% Save the meaning of \includegraphics
% Update the include graphics command to include centering
To ensure the normal text was centered, I used the following, again I am unsure if this is the best way:
% Center Text By Default
I'm wondering why in my toc shown below, I have different dots style in the most detailed subsections ?
All I've used is:
How can I create a consistent style at all levels of depth: section, subsection, etc?
It really depends on the document class you are using; book, article etc have a preset layout for the TOC.
Since you said you are writing your Thesis, is it possible that you are using a style given by the college/university?
There is still a way to change it. You can use the package tocloft,
which has a method called \#dotsep to change the amount of space between the dots. Although I do not know if it will work in this case as you only define it once for the whole TOC and if it is relative to what you have it may just increase your dots relative to the way it is already placed.
But here is the code anyways,
\makeatletter \renewcommand{\#dotsep}{4.5} \makeatother
It must be placed before your toc command and 4.5 represents the distance.
But like I said this depends on your document class and its style class. Here is the link to the package documentation tocloft.pdf. There are more customizations available which may work for you better.
At least in the article class, they already have a standard style, but to also get dot leaders for sections like the ones in subsections, just use this:
I'm trying to define a custom layout for my report for which I'm using fancyhdr. On the pages which contains a chapter start I want my header to contain a colorbox spanning across the whole page (0 cm margins) although keeping my defaults margin in the text area. I can get the box to span across the "margin notes" area, but not the other side. Here's some of my code:
\fancypagestyle{plain}{ % pages containing chapter start
Any ideas on how to do it?
alt text http://docs.google.com/File?id=dg4jt6qx_10nnpxfqdj_b
As you can see I want my header to span across the whole page (on pages containing chapter start). The text should have the normal margins..
Take a look at Fancy chapter headings example at the texample.net site.
It appears to be what your are looking for.
alt text http://media.texample.net/tikz/examples/PNG/fancy-chapter-headings.png
I'm not entirely sure what you want, but perhaps this is it:
\fancypagestyle{plain}{ % pages containing chapter start
I am writing my PhD thesis (120+ pages) in latex, the deadline is approaching and I am struggling with layout problems.
I am using the documentstyle book.
I am posting both problems in this one thread because I am not sure if the solution might be related to both problems or not.
Problems are:
1.) The page numbers are mostly located on the top-right of each page (this is correct and where I want them to be).
However, only on the first page of chapters and on the first page of what I call "special chapters", the page number is located bottom-centered.
With "special chapters" I mean: List of Contents, List of Figures, List of Tables, References, Index.
My university will not accept the thesis like this. The page number must ALWAYS be top-right one each page, even if the page is the first page of a chapter or the first page of something like the List of Contents.
How can I fix this?
2.) On the first page of chapters and "special chapters" (List of Contents...), the chapter title is located far too low on the page. This is the standard layout of LaTeX with documentstyle book I think.
However, the chapter title must start at the very top of the page! I.e. the same height as the normal text on the pages that follow.
I mean the chapter title, not the header.
I.e., if there is a chapter called
"Chapter 1
Dynamics of foobar under mechanical stress"
then that text has to start from the top the page, but right now it starts several centimeters below the top.
How can I fix this?
Have tried all kinds of things to no effect, I'd be very thankful for a solution!
A try to answer
problem #1.
Even if you're using the headings pagestyle, or your custom pagestyle, the special pages (chapter beginnings and so on) are formatted with the plain pagestyle.
To avoid this, load the fancyhdr package (as mentioned in the previous answer) with
in your preamble. Then, (always in the preamble) define your custom pagestyle.
For normal pages (assuming you're not using twoside as an option of \documentclass[]{}):
\fancyhf %clear all headers and footers fields
\fancyhead[R]{\thepage} %prints the page number on the right side of the header
For special pages:
\fancypagestyle{plain}{%redefining plain pagestyle
\fancyhf %clear all headers and footers fields
\fancyhead[R]{\thepage} %prints the page number on the right side of the header
After doing this, you can set you page style declaring \pagestyle{phdthesis} right before \begin{document}.
For further details, refer to the fancyhdr package documentation.
Now trying to answer
problem #2
As a first attempt, you can use the titlesec package, using the option compact. In the preamble, type:
If you're not completely satisfied with this solution, you can specify the spacing above and below the titles with \titlespacing
\titleformat{ command }[ shape ]{ format }{ label }{ sep }{ before }[ after ]
\titlespacing{ command }{ left }{ beforesep }{ aftersep }[ right ]
With \titleformat you can define your own style for chapter titles, and then you can define the spacing with \titlespacing.
I don't know which style of titles you have to use, so it's better for you to have a look to the package documentation (you can recall package documentation typing texdoc NameOfThePackage in a terminal).
Please note that you need to define the chapter title format in order to specify its vertical spacing (page 5 of the documentation). As an example:
With these commands you have the chapter title with the number and the chapter name on the same line, a 0 pt space before the title, and a 1 cm space between the title and the follwing text.
To change the page appearance, you can use the fancyhdr package. It's probably a change in the \pagestyle used for the special chapters.
To change the appearance of the chapter title (to have the chapter title printed from the top on the page, you have to use a modified style that change \chapter command rendering.
Here is an example of command I used for my own thesis. It is probably not the appearance you want but gives you an hint about the command you have to redefine.
% modified from book.ltx latex sources
{\parindent \z# \centering \reset#font
\scshape \#chapapp{} \thechapter
\quad \thickhrulefill
\Huge \bfseries #1\par\nobreak
\vskip 40\p#}}
Regarding problem #2 an alternative without additional packages is to change the vertical offset of the page, and then resetting it to the previous value.
\voffset -1in
\chapter{Your chapter}
% text
\voffset 0in
I am using LaTeX and the figure environment.
I am well familiar with the parameters to that environment: [htbp], and I am also generally familiar with the strategies that LaTeX takes, by default, to decide where to put each figure. For example, by placing figures at the top or bottom of the page.
What I am wondering is whether there is a package, macro, or some commands that I can give so that if I have a single-column document and I mostly have a single in-text reference to a figure, that the figure would be more likely to be placed in the same page of the reference?
For example, imagine that I have a long paragraph which in the middle has a \ref{FIG:X}. When rendered, some of the paragraph appears before the page break, and some appears after the page break. I can also place the figure command somewhere before and after the whole paragraph. Is there a way to get it to actually be placed in the same page as the actual reference?
I don't want to sound too negative, but there are occasions when what you want is almost impossible without a lot of "artificial" tuning of page breaks.
If the callout falls naturally near the bottom of a page, and the figure falls on the following page, moving the figure back one page will probably displace the callout forward.
I would recommend (as far as possible, and depending on the exact size of the figures):
Place the figures with [t] (or [h] if you must)
Place the figures as near as possible to the "right" place (differs for [t] and [h])
Include the figures from separate files with \input, which will make them much easier to move around when you're doing the final tuning
In my experience, this is a big eater-up of non-available time (:-)
In reply to Jon's comment, I think this is an inherently difficult problem, because the LaTeX guys are no slouches. You may like to read Frank Mittelbach's paper.
Yes, include float package into the top of your document and H (capital H) as a figure specifier:
You can always add the "!" into your float-options. This way, latex tries really hard to place the figure where you want it (I mostly use [h!tb]), stretching the normal rules of type-setting.
I have found another solution:
Use the float-package. This way you can place the figures where you want them to be.
I solve this problem by always using the [h] option on floats (such as figures) so that they (mostly) go where I place them. Then when I look at the final draft, I adjust the location of the float by moving it in the LaTeX source. Usually that means moving it around the paragraph where it is referenced. Sometimes I need to add a page break at an appropriate spot.
I've found that the default placement of floats is reasonable in LaTeX, but manual adjustments are almost always needed to get things like this just right. (And sometimes it isn't possible for everything to be perfect when there are lots of floats and footnotes.)
The manual for the memoir class has some good information about how LaTeX places floats and some advice for manipulating the algorithm.
If you want force this behaviour on all of your figures try
Maybe this will help you?
I think is better to use the graphics command when your figures run away.
I have some useful comments. Because I had similar problem with location of figures.
I used package "wrapfig" that allows to make figures wrapped by text.
Something like
In options {r} means to put figure from right side. {l} can be use for left side.
One way I found that helps with this is to use \include{file_with_tex_figure_commands}
(not input)