Implementing the same interface at different generic instantiations - f#

In C#, I can implement a generic interface twice on one class, using two different type-parameters:
interface IFoo<T> { void Foo(T x); }
class Bar : IFoo<int>, IFoo<float>
public void Foo(int x) { }
public void Foo(float y) { }
I would like to do the same thing in F#:
type IFoo<'a> = abstract member Foo : 'a -> unit
type Bar() =
interface IFoo<int> with
member this.Foo x = ()
interface IFoo<float> with
member this.Foo x = ()
But it gives a compiler error:
This type implements or inherits the same interface at different generic instantiations 'IFoo<float>' and 'IFoo<int>'. This is not permitted in this version of F#.
I can't find any discussion of this issue on the web. Is such use frowned upon for some reason? Are there plans to allow this in an upcoming release of F#?

Right now I don't know of plans to allow this.. The feature has been planned and is, at least partially (see comments) implemented in F# 4.0.
I think the only reasons its currently disallowed are that it's non-trivial to implement (especially with F# type inference), and it rarely arises in practice (I only recall one customer ever asking about this).
Given an infinite amount of time and resources, I think this would be allowed (I can imagine this being added to a future version of the language), but right now it does not seem like this is a feature worth the effort of supporting. (If you know a strong motivating case, please mail
As an experiment for the curious, I wrote this C#:
public interface IG<T>
void F(T x);
public class CIG : IG<int>, IG<string>
public void F(int x) { Console.WriteLine("int"); }
public void F(string x) { Console.WriteLine("str"); }
and referenced it from F# (with comments suggesting the results)
let cig = new CIG()
let idunno = cig :> IG<_> // type IG<int>, guess just picks 'first' interface?
let ii = cig :> IG<int> // works
ii.F(42) // prints "int"
let is = cig :> IG<string> // works
is.F("foo") // prints "str"
so this is what typically happens on this 'boundary' stuff with F# - F# can consume this stuff ok, even if you can't author the same stuff from within the language.

There is a reasonable although not elegant way to do it, create a new type for each interface here is an example of consuming multiple events from an ESB (nSvcBus) which requires that each event corresponds to an implemented interface. The first type below contains the generic 'handler' code, the other types just implement the interface and call to the generic handler
type public nSvcBusEvents() =
member this.HandleEvents(msg:IEvent) = ()
//handle messages ie: let json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(msg)
type public ActionLoggedHandler() =
interface IHandleMessages<Events.ActionLoggedEvent> with
member this.Handle(msg : ActionLoggedEvent) =
type public ActionCompletedHandler() =
interface IHandleMessages<Events.ActionCompletedHandler> with
member this.Handle(msg : ActionCompletedHandler) =
type public ActionFailedHandler() =
interface IHandleMessages<Events.ActionFailedHandler> with
member this.Handle(msg : ActionFailedHandler) =


Difference between class-level and member-level self-identifier in F#?

Is there any semantic difference between class-level and member-level self-identifiers in F#? For example, consider this class:
type MyClass2(dataIn) as self =
let data = dataIn
member this.Data = data
member this.PrintMessage() =
printfn "Creating MyClass2 with Data %d" this.Data
Versus this class:
type MyClass2(dataIn) as self =
let data = dataIn
member this.Data = data
member this.PrintMessage() =
printfn "Creating MyClass2 with Data %d" self.Data
The only difference is that the implementation of PrintMessage references this in one vs. self in the other. Is there any difference in semantics? If not, is there a stylistic reason to prefer one over the other?
There's no real semantic difference between the two. As a rule of thumb, I suggest going with your first example - prefer the identifier that's closer in scope, it makes it easier to read and refactor the code later. As a side note, people will usually use this both for class and member-level identifiers, in which case the member-level one shadows class-level one.
In these kind of scenarios, it's useful to look at the compiled code in a disassembler like ILSpy. If you do that, you'll find that the only difference is an extra null check that is inserted in self.Data case.
On the other hand, there is a difference between a class that uses a class-level identifier and one that doesn't (a series of initialization checks get inserted into all the class members). It's best to avoid having them if possible, and your example can be rewritten to not require one.
As mentioned by scrwtp, this seems to be a commonly used identifier and it is my preference. Another very common one is x. I tend to use the class-level identifier when it's used multiple times throughout a class and of course when it's used in the constructor. And in those cases I would use __ (two underscores) as the member level identifier, to signify that the value is ignored. You can't use _ and actually ignore it as it's a compile error, but linting tools will often consider __ as the same thing and avoid giving you a warning about an unused identifier.
When you add a class-level identifier and don't use it you get a warning:
The recursive object reference 'self' is unused. The presence of a recursive object reference adds runtime initialization checks to members in this and derived types. Consider removing this recursive object reference.
Consider this code:
type MyClass() =
member self.X = self
type MyClassAsSelf() as self =
member __.X = self
type MyClassAsSelfUnused() as self = // <-- warning here
member __.X = ()
This is what these classes look like after compiling/decompiling:
public class MyClass
public Program.MyClass X
return this;
public MyClass() : this()
public class MyClassAsSelf
internal FSharpRef<Program.MyClassAsSelf> self = new FSharpRef<Program.MyClassAsSelf>(null);
internal int init#22;
public Program.MyClassAsSelf X
if (this.init#22 < 1)
return LanguagePrimitives.IntrinsicFunctions.CheckThis<Program.MyClassAsSelf>(this.self.contents);
public MyClassAsSelf()
FSharpRef<Program.MyClassAsSelf> self = this.self;
this.self.contents = this;
this.init#22 = 1;
public class MyClassAsSelfUnused
internal int init#25-1;
public Unit X
if (this.init#25-1 < 1)
public MyClassAsSelfUnused()
FSharpRef<Program.MyClassAsSelfUnused> self = new FSharpRef<Program.MyClassAsSelfUnused>(null);
FSharpRef<Program.MyClassAsSelfUnused> self2 = self2;
self.contents = this;
this.init#25-1 = 1;
Note that there is a check that a variable has been set in the constructor. If the check fails then a function is called: LanguagePrimitives.IntrinsicFunctions.FailInit(). This is the exception thrown:
System.InvalidOperationException: The initialization of an object or value resulted in an object or value being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
I guess the warning is there just so that you can avoid the slight overhead of an unnecessary runtime check. However, I don't know how to construct a situation where the error is thrown, so I don't know the exact purpose of the check. Perhaps someone else can shed light on this?

On an accessibility compilation error when a public type implements an internal interface in F#

I wrote some code like
type internal IMyInterface =
abstract member Method1 : unit -> unit
type Class1() =
member this.Y() =
(this :> IMyInterface).Method1()
interface IMyInterface with
member this.Method1() = ()
Note that the public type Class1 implements an internal interface IMyInterface, it compiles fine. In the generated MSIL, "Method1" was shown as private. This is similar to explicit interfaces in C#.
However, when I change the code a bit to
type internal Foo() =
member x.Value = "Foo"
type internal IMyInterface =
abstract member Method1 : Foo -> unit
type Class1() =
member this.Y() =
let v = Foo()
(this :> IMyInterface).Method1(v)
interface IMyInterface with
member this.Method1(v : Foo) = ()
This type the interface method "Method1" takes an internal type "Foo" as parameter. This time, it does not compile with an error
The type 'Foo' is less accessible than the value, member or type 'override Class1.Method1 : v:Foo -> unit' it is used in
I have trouble to decipher this error message and find a fix for it. In C#, I can write the following code that compiles fine
internal class Foo
string Value { get; set; }
internal interface IMyInterface
void Method1(Foo v);
public class Class1 : IMyInterface
public void Y()
var v = new Foo();
(this as IMyInterface).Method1(v);
void IMyInterface.Method1(Foo v)
throw new NotImplementedException();
Any idea about the F# compiler error and how to work around it?
BTW: this may not be the right way/pattern to use interface anyway, I'm just curious on the language syntax
As it was pointed out at Patrick's comment, this issue was logged as a bug of Visual F#. Currently it's included in F# 4.0 Update 3 milestone.

How to inherit the same generic interface twice with different types in F# 3.0 [duplicate]

In C#, I can implement a generic interface twice on one class, using two different type-parameters:
interface IFoo<T> { void Foo(T x); }
class Bar : IFoo<int>, IFoo<float>
public void Foo(int x) { }
public void Foo(float y) { }
I would like to do the same thing in F#:
type IFoo<'a> = abstract member Foo : 'a -> unit
type Bar() =
interface IFoo<int> with
member this.Foo x = ()
interface IFoo<float> with
member this.Foo x = ()
But it gives a compiler error:
This type implements or inherits the same interface at different generic instantiations 'IFoo<float>' and 'IFoo<int>'. This is not permitted in this version of F#.
I can't find any discussion of this issue on the web. Is such use frowned upon for some reason? Are there plans to allow this in an upcoming release of F#?
Right now I don't know of plans to allow this.. The feature has been planned and is, at least partially (see comments) implemented in F# 4.0.
I think the only reasons its currently disallowed are that it's non-trivial to implement (especially with F# type inference), and it rarely arises in practice (I only recall one customer ever asking about this).
Given an infinite amount of time and resources, I think this would be allowed (I can imagine this being added to a future version of the language), but right now it does not seem like this is a feature worth the effort of supporting. (If you know a strong motivating case, please mail
As an experiment for the curious, I wrote this C#:
public interface IG<T>
void F(T x);
public class CIG : IG<int>, IG<string>
public void F(int x) { Console.WriteLine("int"); }
public void F(string x) { Console.WriteLine("str"); }
and referenced it from F# (with comments suggesting the results)
let cig = new CIG()
let idunno = cig :> IG<_> // type IG<int>, guess just picks 'first' interface?
let ii = cig :> IG<int> // works
ii.F(42) // prints "int"
let is = cig :> IG<string> // works
is.F("foo") // prints "str"
so this is what typically happens on this 'boundary' stuff with F# - F# can consume this stuff ok, even if you can't author the same stuff from within the language.
There is a reasonable although not elegant way to do it, create a new type for each interface here is an example of consuming multiple events from an ESB (nSvcBus) which requires that each event corresponds to an implemented interface. The first type below contains the generic 'handler' code, the other types just implement the interface and call to the generic handler
type public nSvcBusEvents() =
member this.HandleEvents(msg:IEvent) = ()
//handle messages ie: let json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(msg)
type public ActionLoggedHandler() =
interface IHandleMessages<Events.ActionLoggedEvent> with
member this.Handle(msg : ActionLoggedEvent) =
type public ActionCompletedHandler() =
interface IHandleMessages<Events.ActionCompletedHandler> with
member this.Handle(msg : ActionCompletedHandler) =
type public ActionFailedHandler() =
interface IHandleMessages<Events.ActionFailedHandler> with
member this.Handle(msg : ActionFailedHandler) =

Call interface method on F# object from C#

Given an F# type:
type Foo() =
member this.Prop with get() = ()
interface IDisposable with
member this.Dispose() = ()
In C#, I create the object, but I can't call Dispose():
var x = new Foo();
x.Dispose(); // compile error, x does not contain a definition of Dispose
However, I can write:
((IDisposable)x).Dispose(); // works, but I don't like the cast
Is there any way to avoid the cast in C#? Is this related to the way F# doesn't automatically let you call .Dispose() on the Foo type from within F#?
Interface implementations in F# are explicit by default. Hence the methods are not visible unless seen from the type converted to the interface (some form of casting).
To work around this expose an instance method which has the same signature as the interface version. Then have the interface on forward to the instance function. For example
type Foo() =
member this.Prop with get() = ()
member this.Dispose() = ()
interface IDisposable with
member this.Dispose() = this.Dispose()
How about, for this particular interface:
using (var x = new Foo()) {

How to inherit from a CSLA object in F#?

I would like to get the benefits of CSLA from F#, but I am having trouble with inheritance. Here is the ProjectTracker ResourceInfo class. Can someone please show how to do it in F#?
using Csla;
using System;
using Csla.Serialization;
namespace ProjectTracker.Library
public class ResourceInfo : ReadOnlyBase<ResourceInfo>
private static PropertyInfo<int> IdProperty = RegisterProperty<int>(c => c.Id);
public int Id
get { return GetProperty(IdProperty); }
private set { LoadProperty(IdProperty, value); }
private static PropertyInfo<string> NameProperty = RegisterProperty<string>(c => c.Name);
public string Name
get { return GetProperty(NameProperty); }
private set { LoadProperty(NameProperty, value); }
public override string ToString()
return Name;
internal ResourceInfo(int id, string lastname, string firstname)
Id = id;
Name = string.Format("{0}, {1}", lastname, firstname);
The solution by jpalmer shows the general structure, but I think there are a couple of problems. I don't have experience with CSLA, so I haven't tried running this, but I downloaded the DLL and tried type-checking the sample.
First of all, the RegisterProperty method does not take a lambda function, but an expression (and uses it to get information about the property using reflection). To get this working, you need to write a helper using F# quotations:
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations
open System.Linq.Expressions
let prop (q:Expr<'T -> 'R>) =
match q with
| Patterns.Lambda(v, Patterns.PropertyGet(_, pi, _)) ->
let v = Expression.Variable(v.Type)
Expression.Lambda<Func<'T, 'R>>
(Expression.Property(v, pi), [v])
| _ -> failwith "wrong quotation"
This turns a quoted F# lambda function to a C# expression tree in the expected format. You can then call RegisterProperty with something like prop <# fun (a:Foo) -> a.Bar #> as an argument.
I also see that IdProperty should be static, which can be done using static let (if it is private). The following should be the right way of defining type with one property:
type ResourceInfo internal (id:int, lastname:string, firstname:string) as this =
inherit ReadOnlyBase<ResourceInfo>()
// Code executed as part of the constructor
do this.Id <- id
static let IdProperty =
(prop <# fun (r:ResourceInfo) -> r.Id #>)
member x.Id
with get() = x.GetProperty(IdProperty) |> unbox
and set(v) = x.LoadProperty(IdProperty, v)
I generally quite like the style when you write accessibility modifiers directly in your code (as in C#), so I annotated the constructor with internal as in your code. I also added constructor body that sets the Id property when the object is created.
This should be close - the standard way to do the access control in F# is to use signature files, which I left out
module ProjectTracker.Library
open Csla;
open System;
open Csla.Serialization;
type ResourceInfo(id, lastname, firstname) =
inherit ReadOnlyBase<ResourceInfo>()
Id <- id
Name <- sprintf "%s, %s" lastname firstname
let IdProperty = RegisterProperty<int>(fun c -> c.Id);
member x.Id with get() = GetProperty(IdProperty) and set(v) = LoadProperty(IdProperty, v)
//skipped a property here - similar to above
override x.ToString() = Name
I am honored by your reply and touched by your effort to do so--downloading CSLA, identifying the expression as a problem, and creating a non-obvious way to deal with it. I love your book, Real-World Functional Programming, which goes beyond language features and into how to apply them to important real-world problems.
CSLA was out before C# had lambdas, so I went back to see how Lhotka then used RegisterProperty. If other users want to avoid expressions, it looks like this works, too:
static let IdProperty =
(typeof<ResourceInfo>, new PropertyInfo<int>("Id"))
