Prevent Ruby on Rails from sending the session header - ruby-on-rails

How do I prevent Rails from always sending the session header (Set-Cookie). This is a security problem if the application also sends the Cache-Control: public header.
My application touches (but does not modify) the session hash in some/most actions. These pages display no private content so I want them to be cacheable - but Rails always sends the cookie header, no matter if the sent session hash is different from the previous or not.
What I want to achieve is to only send the hash if it is different from the one received from the client. How can you do that? And probably that fix should also go into official Rails release? What do you think?

Rails only adds the session cookie data to the Set-Cookie header if it has been touched. You might be setting things to the values that they already contain - it's not smart enough to check to see if the data is actually different.
edit My response is a little misleading. When you are using the cookie session store, a new cookie is set if the cookie value (after Marshaling) changes.
See actionpack/lib/action_controller/session/cookie_store.rb

For Rails 3 then use this.
env['rack.session.options'][:skip] = true
or the equivalent
request.session_options[:skip] = true
You can find the documentation for it here

Here is the crucial line:
config.action_controller.session_store = :nil_session_store
See the whole post.


Why is rails constantly sending back a Set-Cookie header?

I'm experiencing issues with an elastic load balancer and varnish cache with respect to cookies and sessions getting mixed up between rails and the client. Part of the problem is, rails is adding a "Set-Cookie" header on with a session id on almost every request. If the client already is sending session_id, and it matches the session_id that rails is going to set.. why would rails continuously tell clients "oh yeah.. you're session id is ..."
Summary: Set-Cookie headers are set on almost every response, because
the default session store will try to write the session data to an encrypted cookie on any request that has accessed the session (either to read from it or write to it),
the encrypted value changes even when the plain text value hasn't,
the encryption happens before it reaches the code that's responsible for checking if a cookie value has changed to avoid redundant Set-Cookie headers.
Plain-text cookies
In Rails, the ActionDispatch::Cookies middleware is responsible for writing Set-Cookie response headers based on the contents of a ActionDispatch::Cookies::CookieJar.
The normal behaviour is what you'd expect: if a cookie's value hasn't changed from what was in the request's Cookie header, and the expiry date isn't being updated, then Rails won't send a new Set-Cookie header in the response.
This is taken care of by a conditional in CookieJar#[]= which compares the value already stored in the cookie jar against the new value that's being written.
Encrypted cookies
To handle encrypted cookies, Rails provides an ActionDispatch::Cookies::EncryptedCookieJar class.
The EncryptedCookieJar relies on ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor to provide the encryption and decryption, which uses a random initialisation vector every time it's called. This means it's almost guaranteed to return a different encrypted string even when it's given the same plain text string. In other words, if I decrypt my session data, and then re-encrypt it, I'll end up with a different string to the one I started with.
The EncryptedCookieJar doesn't do very much: it wraps a regular CookieJar, and just provides encryption as data goes in, and decryption as data comes back out. This means that the CookieJar#[]= method is still responsible for checking if a cookie's value has changed, and it doesn't even know the value it's been given is encrypted.
These two properties of the EncryptedCookieJar explain why setting an encrypted cookie without changing its value will always result in a Set-Cookie header.
The session store
Rails provides different session stores. Most of them store the session data on a server (e.g. in memcached), but the default— ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore—uses EncryptedCookieJar to store all of the data in an encrypted cookie.
ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore inherits a #commit_session? method from Rack::Session::Abstract::Persisted, which determines if the cookie should be set. If the session's been loaded, then the answer is pretty much always “yes, set the cookie”.
As we've already seen, in the cases where the session's been loaded but not changed we're still going to end up with a different encrypted value, and therefore a Set-Cookie header.
See the answer by #georgebrock on why this happens. It's pretty easy to patch rails to change this behaviour to only set the cookie if the session changes. Just drop this code in the initializers directory.
require 'rack/session/abstract/id' # defeat autoloading
module ActionDispatch
class Request
class Session # :nodoc:
def changed?;#changed;end
def load_for_write!
load! unless loaded?
#changed = true
module Rack
module Session
module Abstract
class Persisted
def commit_session?(req, session, options)
if options[:skip]
has_session = session.changed? || forced_session_update?(session, options)
has_session && security_matches?(req, options)

How is the `flash` in Rails made global to an application?

I'm curious as to how Rails achieves this. I notice that you can access the flash variable globally in an app, but it isn't prefixed with an # or a $.
I can also see that there's a method for accessing the flash and there's also an initializer as well that will set #flash, but how is it that I can call flash as a local variable?
Further to apneadiving's answer, the flash is part of the middleware stack (ActionDispatch::Flash). It's actually a non-persistent session cookie:
From the docs:
The flash is a special part of the session which is cleared with each
request. This means that values stored there will only be available in
the next request, which is useful for passing error messages etc.
Much in the same way that params works (on a per request basis), the flash variable is only populated with data from the previous request.
If you take apneadiving's comment, you'll see that the flash is created through the middleware stack - meaning the local nature of the variable is only set for that particular request (much the same as params). This is why you can access / set a flash message in any controller - because it's defined higher up the "middleware stack" - it provides a scope which appears global
I'm sure someone like apneadiving can explain it better than me, but that's how I see it

Detecting Rails 4 Session cookie tampering

I'm an experienced web developer (mostly with Python and CherryPy) who has implemented secure session management from scratch before, and is now learning Rails. I'm investigating the behavior of Rails sessions as exposed by the session object that is available in the ActionController instance and view contexts.
I have read that the default implementation of sessions in Rails 4 uses an encrypted and tamper-proof cookie. Cool, I guess that means I can use it to hold a user ID for user sessions without worrying about session forging (tamper-proof) or anyone being able to find out what their ID is (encrypted). I wanted to test this and see what rails would do if the session cookie was altered.
So, I went and altered the content of the session cookie attribute using a browser add-on, and when I reload the page with the new cookie value, Rails just happily gives me different new values for session_id and _csrf_token.
What happened to session cookie integrity!?
Shouldn't rails detect (via HMAC signature) that the cookie was altered and then tell me about it somehow?
I'm terrified that I'm missing something obscenely obvious, but I've been having no luck searching for an answer on the web, and the source code isn't giving it up easily either (I'm new to ruby). Thanks in advance.
The Experiment
I created a new app and generated a controller with an index action:
$ rails new my_app
$ cd my_app; rails g controller home index
Then I added these two lines to the app/views/layouts/application.html.erb file:
<%= session.keys %><br/>
<%= session.values %>
I started up the dev server and navigated my browser to "localhost:3000/home/index". As expected, the page has the following lines at the bottom:
["session_id", "_csrf_token"]
["8c1558cabe6c86cfb37d6191f2e03bf8", "S8i8/++8t6v8W8RMeyvnNu3Pjvj+KkMo2UEcm1oVVZg="]
Reloading the page gives me the same values, although the app sets a new value of the _my_app_session cookie attribute every time. That seems weird to me, but I'm getting the same session hash values, so I guess it's cool.
Then, I used a cookie editing add-on for Chrome to alter the value of the _my_app_session cookie attribute (replacing the first character of the attribute value). Reloading the page shows completely different values without anything happening. WAT?
I can't claim a really thorough understanding of the code here. But I can tell you this much:
I followed your steps exactly (using Ruby 2.0.0-p247 & Rails 4.0), with one exception -- I also added the 'byebug' gem to my Gemfile and inserted a debugging breakpoint in the HomeController#index action.
From the byebug console, at that breakpoint, I could see the unedited session cookie via:
(byebug) cookies["_my_app_session"]
And I could see the actual encrypted values with
(byebug) cookies.encrypted["_my_app_session"]
{"session_id"=>"13a95fb545a1e3a2d4e9b4c22debc260", "_csrf_token"=>"FXb8pZgmoK0ui0qCW8W75t3sN2KLRpkiFBmLbHSfnhc="}
Now, I edit the cookie by changing the first letter to "A" and refresh the page:
(byebug) cookies["_my_app_session"]
(byebug) cookies.encrypted["_my_app_session"]
So the session is nil at this point in the request:
(byebug) session
#<ActionDispatch::Request::Session:0x7ff41ace4bc0 not yet loaded>
I can force loading the session with
(byebug) session.send(:load!)
and when I do, I see that the resulting session id is
and sure enough, when I let the request finish, that's what I see in the view:
["session_id", "_csrf_token"] ["f6be13fd646962de676985ec9bb4a8d3", "qJ/aHzovZYpbrelGpRFec/cNlJyWjonXDoOMlDHbWzg="]
I also have a new cookie value now, unrelated to the one I edited.
So from this I think we can conclude is that what's happening is that since the cookie signature could not be verified, the session was nullified and regenerated. I now have a new session, with a different csrf_token.
The relevant code appears at actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/middleware/cookies.rb:460-464, in the EncryptedCookieJar class:
def decrypt_and_verify(encrypted_message)
rescue ActiveSupport::MessageVerifier::InvalidSignature, ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor::InvalidMessage
Rather than decrypting a message with an invalid signature, we just treat it as nil. So the unverifiable cookie that stores the session id and csrf token is not used to load the session, and anything that depends on the values in the cookie will fail.
So why didn't we get an error rather than just a new session? That's because we didn't try anything that depends on the encrypted values. In particular, although we have
protect_from_forgery with: :exception
(as opposed to :null_session) in ApplicationController, Rails does not verify the csrf token on GET or HEAD requests -- it relies on the developer to implement these actions according to spec, so that they're non-destructive. If you tried the same thing on a POST request, you'd get an ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken error (as you can easily verify for yourself).

Rails 3 Cookie Based Sessions Question

With Rails 3, the default session storage mechanism is cookie_store. I assume that this means that the contents within the session hash are serialized, encoded and stored within a cookie in the browser? Does this mean that nothing (or very little) of the session is stored in the server?
I've had a few issues where I had a cookie overflow error and I'm assuming because I kept on adding to my user instance (which was also linked/fetched from the cookie).
u = session[:user]
u.add_this lots_of_data
so eventually I got a cookie overflow error.
Am I correct about this? Are sessions fully stored within cookies in Rails 3 (by default)?
Yes, if you use the cookie store, the session data is stored in the cookie. If you'd like to store it on the server, you will need to use another session store.
However, if you are storing model objects or "lots of data" in the session, you are most likely doing it wrong in the first place. Your data should go to the database, and the session should only contain as much information as you need to retrieve it.
In you case, this would mean to store the user id int he session, and load the user from the db in a before_filter.
Yes, you are right. The problem might come up if you keep on adding data to session.
But there are some other things that affect it.
Once, I ended up with CookieOverflow error, and the reason was the flash[:notice] messages.
If you use flash[:notice] = "message" and then redirect, the text "message" will be stored in the cookie. If the size of the text u pass is more than 4KBs, you get "CookieOverflow" error

Can't understand sessions in Rails

Please don't bit my for my misunderstanding.
The sessions are very new for me, and i have some problems.
Okay i read many information about sessions and especially rails session. But this don't give me right imagine about sessions.
Did i understand right, when users send request to server (get) -> Server create a new session (and store this some file in hard drive with session id), session id -> is a random generated num? so, server create a new session (and store session on drive) after this server send back answer to client and set session_id in cookies?
Ok, i debug some params and see some results:
{:_csrf_token=>"jeONIfNxFmnpDn/xt6I0icNK1m3EB3CzT9KMntNk7KU=", :session_id=>"06c5628155efaa6446582c491499af6d", "flash"=>{}}
{"remember_user_token"=>"1::3GFRFyXb83lffzwPDPQd", "_blog_session"=>"BAh7CDoQX2NzcmZfdG9rZW4iMWplT05JZk54Rm1ucERuL3h0NkkwaWNOSzFtM0VCM0N6VDlLTW50Tms3S1U9Og9zZXNzaW9uX2lkIiUwNmM1NjI4MTU1ZWZhYTY0NDY1ODJjNDkxNDk5YWY2ZCIKZmxhc2hJQzonQWN0aW9uQ29udHJvbGxlcjo6Rmxhc2g6OkZsYXNoSGFzaHsABjoKQHVzZWR7AA==--348c88b594e98f4bf6389d94383134fbe9b03095"}
Okay, i know, what _csrf_token helps to prevent csrf.
session_id -> is id of the session which stored on hard drive (by default)
but what is _blog_session in cookies?
also, remeber_user_token containes my id (1::*) and what about second part, what is it?
Sorry for this stupid questions, i know what i can easy use any nice auth-plugins (authlogic/clearance/devise), but i want to fully understand sessions.
Thank you.
(also sorry for my english, this is not my native language)
remember_user_token is probably set by your authentication plugin, it is encrypted string, which is stored in users table and is used to authenticate him. Details can vary between plugins.
Second part: you are probably using cookie based session store (it is default),
So, _blog_session stores your encrypted session data.
More about cookie based sessions here and here.
The name "_blog_session" is set in config/initializers/session_store.rb
It looks like:
# Your secret key for verifying cookie session data integrity.
# If you change this key, all old sessions will become invalid!
# Make sure the secret is at least 30 characters and all random,
# no regular words or you'll be exposed to dictionary attacks.
ActionController::Base.session = {
:key => '_blogs_session',
:secret => '07fb6f0d41af4ae06aebb1696fcbb5a5398d4a08570744a4cd53ff237020c43a2022b4041d617d95bcf3f5c4601c7e6c1646eecfc157cc200e7dfedd7d7c6813'
