Ruby on Rails conditional routing - ruby-on-rails

I have a site listing many jobs, but I also want each account to be able to access its jobs in one place. Thus, I am using these routes:
map.resources :jobs
map.resource :account, :has_many => :jobs
This gets me URLs like localhost/jobs/ and localhost/account/jobs. However, both seem to render JobsController::index. How can I either make a conditional in the index action (how do I access whether account/jobs or just jobs was specified in the URL?) or change the account route to render a different action? What's the proper way to do this?

You can use a block when creating your routes, and then pass a :controller parameter, like so
map.resource :account do |account|
# If you have a special controller 'AccountJobsController'
account.resources :jobs, :controller => "account_jobs"
It may be cleaner for you to put your controllers into a directory structure, and then you can reference them in a nested way. For example:
map.resource :account do |account|
account.resources :jobs, :controller => "accounts/jobs"
If you use the above snippet, you should then create a controller in app/controllers/accounts/jobs_controller.rb, which is defined like so:
class Account::JobsController < ApplicationController
## etc.
You can always use rake routes to check which routes have been generated and which controllers they'll use.

Adding a requirement to the resource definition allows you to pass extra parameters
map.resources :jobs
map.resource :account, :has_many => :jobs, :requirements => {:account => true}
Then params[:account] will be set if the routing url was 'http://www.mysite.tld/account/jobs' and unset if it it was 'http://www.mysite.tld/jobs'
As with all other restful routing the action depends on the context.
GET requests without an id route to index.
GET requests with an id route to show
POST requests route to create
PUT requests route to update
DELETE requests route to destroy.

If you run "rake routes" you should see something like this
account_jobs GET /accounts/:account_id/jobs/:job_id {:controller => 'jobs', :action => 'index'}
This means when your action is called via the /account/jobs route you should have an :account_id parameter. You can then do your logic switch based on the existence of this param:
if params[:account_id].nil?


Rails weird default routing behaviour in nested namespace in resource

I have this in my router.rb:
namespace :me do
namespace :bills do
get :consumption_invoice, :format => :pdf
and also
resources :groups do
member do
namespace :bills do
get :consumption_invoice, :format => :pdf
The first one gives me:
me_bills_consumption_invoice GET /me/bills/consumption_invoice(.:format) me/bills#consumption_invoice {:format=>:pdf}
consumption_invoice_bills_group GET /groups/:id/bills/consumption_invoice(.:format) bills/groups#consumption_invoice {:format=>:pdf}
In the group, the controller called is bills/groups#consumption_invoice instead of groups/bills#consumption_invoice as I'd expect.
After some reflexion, here's what I'd like to achieve:
/me/bills/consumption_invoice => :controller => :bills, :action => :consumption_invoice
# and
/groups/:id/bills/consumption_invoice => :controller => :bills, :action => :consumption_invoice
Idealy, I'd like to have both those rules in the :me namespace and the :groups resource blocks for making it cleaner to read.
And I'd like to be able to add more actions easily:
/me/bills/subscription_invoice => :controller => :bills, :action => :subscription_invoice
which is why I wanted to create a block :bills in it.
I've been trying so many possibilities around, can't I achieve that?
The way paths are constructed is different than the way the controller is determined.
Controllers can be organized under a namespace. The namespace is a folder that controllers can sit in. Although the order of resources and namespaces affects the order of the parts of the path, it won't affect the way that namespaces are treated as a controller grouping. The resource is :groups so the controller is named "groups" and handles actions made against the group model. The namespace is :bills so the controller is contained within a folder called "bills".
In a similar fashion, if you nested two resources like:
resources :groups do
resources :users
The path for a user action would be /groups/:id/users but the controller would just be named "users".
If you really want this action to be handled by a bills controller in a groups folder, then you could customize the behavior with something like:
resources :groups do
member do
scope module: 'groups' do
get 'bills/consumption_invoice', :format => :pdf, controller: 'bills'
Additional Info for Edit in the Question
If you just want your two paths to reach the bills#consumption_invoice action and you don't want your bills controller to live in a folder called me, you could consider something like this:
get 'me/bills/consumption_invoice', :format => :pdf, to: 'bills#consumption_invoice'
resources :groups do
member do
get 'bills/consumption_invoice', :format => :pdf, controller: 'bills'
Rails will then expect that your consumption_invoice view lives in a bills folder.
The Rails Routing from the Outside In ( can provide additional details on all the routing options.

Rails: Point several nested routes to one customer controller action

How do you point different nested routes to one controller action?
A user can be a member of several groups like company, project, group ect. for which It can request to join, leave or be removed by an admin.
I want to access the remove action for several models and destroy the belongs_to record in the profile model
I already have a polymorphic model that takes requests from a profile to a model( e.g. company) and upon acceptance of the request the profile will belong to the model. once the request is accepted the request recored is destroyed. I feel that the remove action that will destroy the relationship between the profile and the model should be part of the requests_controller, but I guess could be part of the profile_controller.
What I'm thinking I need to end up with is either
but how do I get this to point the remove action in my requests controller
I am using the following code in my routes
resources :companies do
resource :requests do
put 'remove', :on => :member
resources :requests do
put 'accept', :on => :member
This is producing a double up of the routes
remove_company_requests PUT /companies/:company_id/requests/remove(.:format)
company_requests POST /companies/:company_id/requests(.:format)
new_company_requests GET /companies/:company_id/requests/new(.:format)
edit_company_requests GET /companies/:company_id/requests/edit(.:format)
GET /companies/:company_id/requests(.:format)
PUT /companies/:company_id/requests(.:format)
DELETE /companies/:company_id/requests(.:format)
accept_company_request PUT /companies/:company_id/requests/:id/accept(.:format)
GET /companies/:company_id/requests(.:format)
POST /companies/:company_id/requests(.:format)
new_company_request GET /companies/:company_id/requests/new(.:format)
edit_company_request GET /companies/:company_id/requests/:id/edit(.:format)
company_request GET /companies/:company_id/requests/:id(.:format)
PUT /companies/:company_id/requests/:id(.:format)
DELETE /companies/:company_id/requests/:id(.:format)
My I suggest that you create a new controller to handle this? The advantage is that you can map the route to this controller on any models you want the "remove association" on.
For example:
# RemoveController.rb
class RemoveController < ApplicationController
def destroy
# inplement the logic for deletion. You can use refection to implement
# this function only once for all the applied associations.
# routes.rb
resources :companies do
resource :requests do
resource :remove, :controller => :remove, :only => [:destroy]
The above routes would generate:
company_requests_remove DELETE /companies/:company_id/requests/remove(.:format) remove#destroy
You can nest the above line for the remove controller on any nested routes you want and they will all point back to the RemoteController's destroy object, only with different parameters to help you implement the destroy action.
Edit: to add create for specific relationship that you don't want to duplicate you can do this:
# routes.rb
resources :companies do
resource :requests do
resource :remove, :controller => :relationship, :only => [:destroy]
resource :create, :controller => :relationship, :only => [:create]
company_requests_remove DELETE /companies/:company_id/requests/remove(.:format) relationship#destroy
company_requests_create POST /companies/:company_id/requests/create(.:format) relationship#create
But I think you might need to be careful about breaking the convention of create in the respective controller. I'm not sure if there are any downside to this. The remove part since is only removing association and not the records itself, it doesn't seem to break the convention.
puts 'remove', :on => :member, :controller => :requests, :action => :remove

Setting up restful routes as a total newb

I'm getting the following error:
Unknown action
No action responded to show. Actions: activate, destroy, index, org_deals, search, and suspend
class Admin::HomepagesController < Admin::ApplicationController
def org_deals
#organization = Organization.find(:all)
map.root :controller => 'main'
map.admin '/admin', :controller => 'admin/main'
map.namespace :admin do |admin|
admin.resources :organizations, :collection => {:search => :get}, :member => {:suspend => :get, :activate => :get}
To note: This is a controller inside of a controller.
Any idea why this is defaulting to show?
I updated what the routes syntax is. Read that article, and tried quite a few variations but its still adamantly looking for a show.
Firstly, it looks like your routes file has the wrong syntax. If you are trying to establish routes for nested resources, you'd do it like so:
map.resources :admin
admin.resources :organizations
This would give you paths such as:
The mapping from route to controller/action is done via a Rails convention, where HTTP verbs are assigned in ways that are useful for the typical CRUD operations. For example:
would map to several actions in the OrganizationsController, distinguished by the type of verb:
/admin/1/organizations/1 # GET -> :action => :show
/admin/1/organizations/1 # PUT -> :action => :update
/admin/1/organizations/1 # DELETE -> :action => :destroy
"Show" is one of the seven standard resourceful actions that Rails gives you by default. You can exclude "show" with the directive :except => :show, or specify only the resourceful actions you want with :only => :update, for example.
I recommend you look at Rails Routing from the Outside In, which is a great introduction to this topic.
I see I ignored the namespacing in my answer, sorry. How about this:
map.namespace(:admin) do |admin|
admin.resources :homepages, :member => { :org_deals => :get }
This will generate your org_deals action as a GET with an id parameter (for the organization). You also get a show route, along with the six other resourceful routes. rake routes shows this:
org_deals_admin_homepage GET /admin/homepages/:id/org_deals(.:format) {:controller=>"admin/homepages", :action=>"org_deals"}
Of course your homepages_controller.rb has to live in app/controllers/admin/
EDIT redux
Actually, you want organizations in the path, I'll bet, in which case:
map.namespace(:admin) do |admin|
admin.resources :organizations, :controller => :homepages, :member => { :org_deals => :get }
which gives you:
org_deals_admin_organization GET /admin/organizations/:id/org_deals(.:format) {:controller=>"admin/homepages", :action=>"org_deals"}
By specifying admin.resources ... you are telling Rails you want the seven default different routes in your application. If you do not want them, and only want the ones you specify, do not use .resources. Show is called because that's the default route called for a GET request with a path such as /admin/id when you have the default resources.

customize rails url with username

I want to copy the twitter profile page and have a url with a username "" and while I can manually type this into the address bar and navigate to the profile page I can't link to the custom URL.
I think the problem is in the routes - here's the code in my routes.rb
map.connect '/:username', :controller => 'users', :action => 'show'
Also, I have Question and Answer models and I want to link to them with the customized URL like so:
There's nothing wrong with your route. Just remember to define it at the end, after defining all other routes. I would also recommend using RESTful routes and only if you want to have better looking URLs use named routes. Don't use map.connect. Here's some good reading about Rails routes.
Here's how this could look:
map.resources :questions, :path_prefix => '/:username' do |question|
question.resources :answers
map.resources :users
map.user '/:username', :controller => 'users', :action => 'show'
Just a draft you can extend.
To create urls you need to define to_param method for your user model (read here).
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def to_param
I know this questions is old but it will help someone.
You could try the below. I've used it in a rails 4 project and all seems to be working great. The reason for the as: :admin is I also had a resources posts outside of this scope. It will add a admin to the helper calls e.g. admin_posts_path
scope ":username", module: 'admin', as: :admin do
get '', to: 'profiles#show'
resources :posts
I have used like this
In View part,:id =>portfolio) %>
and in rout.rb
map.show_portfolio "portfolios/:username", :action => 'show_portfolio', :controller => 'portfolios'

Passing variables to Controller via RESTful routing in Rails

The following question is related to passing a variable from routes to the controller. I have a Ruby on Rails (v 2.3.3) app with one model, which is delivered to the user with multiple views. The current solution involves using multiple controllers which are triggered by multiple routes. For example:
ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map| # defines map
map.resource :simpsons, :only => [] do |b|
b.resources :episodes, :controller => "SimpsonsEpisodes"
map.resource :flintstones, :only => [] do |b|
b.resources :episodes, :controller => "FlintstonesEpisodes"
However, for the sake of DRYness I would like these routes to operate with the same controller. In order for the controller to distinct between the routes I would like to pass along a variable via the route. For example:
map.resource :simpsons, :only => [] do |b|
b.resources :episodes, :controller => "Episodes", :type => "simpsons"
map.resource :flintstones, :only => [] do |b|
b.resources :episodes, :controller => "Episodes", :type => "flintstones"
So in the controller I could do this:
when "simpsons" then ... do something for the Simpsons ...
when "flintstones" then ... do something for the Simpsons ...
else .... do something for all episodes ....
I found a way to do this with non-RESTful routing (map.with_options etc.), but I'd prefer to use RESTful routes with map.resource(s). One ugly solution might be to parse the request URI in the controller, which I'd not prefer.
Since there are no replies and I found a solution, I am going to answer this question myself. If you also have a situation, where you might have a model or a table, which has multiple entries, but for some of them you might need separate views, this might benefit you a bit.
Most likely you would like to have different indexes and for that simply use collection get:
map.resources :episodes, :collection => {:simpsons=> :get, :flintstones=> :get} do |episode|
....and so on
Simply add the methods named "simpsons" and "flintstones" in your controller. And, for the edit, view and delete methods you can use a bit of extra logic, if necessary, by determening the ID of the entry at hand. Something like #episode = Episode.find(params[:id]), if #episode.criteria == ...something... then render this or the other view.
