quick rails named routes question - ruby-on-rails

In my view I specify a named route like this:
show.html.erb ->
seo_path(:id => "45")
Now in my routes I define like so:
routes.rb ->
map.seo "/pages/:id/:permalink", :controller => "pages", :action => "show"
Below is the error message I am getting. Apparently the diff is the id, although I don't know why.
I am getting this as my error:
seo_url failed to generate from {:controller=>"pages", :id=>"45", :action=>"show"}, expected: {:controller=>"pages", :action=>"show"}, diff: {:id=>"45"}

Why not using the to_param method?
class YourModel << AR::Base
def to_param
Thus getting routes like
Besides that, it would seems Rails isn't recognizing your route. Have you restarted your web server? Try sending only a :permalink attribute to see how it goes.

I don't fully understand your question.
It looks like id is already specified in your named route, and in your view. It looks like you need to also specify permalink in your view. Are you getting an error?


Rails same named route but with parameter raises an error

As of Rails 4.2, I cannot do the following:
get 'profile', to: 'profile#index', as: 'profile'
get 'profile/:slug', to: 'profile#show', as: 'profile'
because it will raise error saying route is already defined. Why is that? Obviously profile_path and profile_path(User.last.slug) are not the same, and there should be no difficulty differentiating the two even if they happen to share the same base name (You check if a param is passed).
In rails, the helper names for different routes should be different. And hence, as you rightly understood, you will receive an error if you use the same helper name (ie as: 'profile' in your case) for two different routes.
This restriction in Rails helps maintain sanity in your routes.rb file as well as in your application. For instance consider two methods for a controller:
class XyzController < ApplicationController
def method_a(param1)
def method_b(param1)
In your routes file if there was no restriction of keeping helper names different, you could have used :
get 'xyz/method_a', to: 'profile#method_a', as: 'profile_method'
get 'xyz/method_b', to: 'profile#method_b', as: 'profile_method'
Correspondingly in your view file:
link_to 'link_1', profile_method_path('param1') #intended to route for method_a
link_to 'link_2', profile_method_path('param2') #intended to route for method_b
As obvious, in the view file, not only is it difficult to make out which route is intended for which method, its also not possible to route to any other controller method using the helper 'profile_method' except the method that is first to use this helper in your routes.rb file (as routes are read sequentially).
Hope this helps :)
For both routes you specified as: 'profile' and that's your problem here. Besides that, use pluralized route names for #index action, e.g:
get 'profiles', to: 'profile#index'

understanding passing rails parameters between controllers

I am just starting to wrap my head around parameters in rails. I am currently working on a project that isn't accessible to the public, so keeping params secure isn't exactly a priority in this case.
I have a link_to to a different controller action that requires an object id to fulfil the controller action.
=link_to "Barcode", print_barcode_label_admin_items_path(:item_to_print => { :article_id => article.id })
Then in the relevant controller
def print_barcode_label
if params[:item_to_print][:article_id].present?
return if force_format :pdf
def params_document
As I was writing the code for this controller I am certain the parameters were being passed (I am using the better-errors gem to debug along the way so I could see them being passed in the request parameters hash). But now, not sure what I have done, but i get the error
undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
failing at line two in my above controller action. I am sure there is something really basic I am missing. What is it? Is there a more favourable way of doing this?
So I started playing with other possible solutions, and one is naming a route that specifically carries the parameter
get 'print_barcode_label/:article_id', to: 'documents#print_barcode_label', as: 'print_barcode_label'
This seems a more robust and sensible approach. Howeever, despite passing the variable in the link, like this
=link_to "Barcode", print_barcode_label_admin_items_path(article.id)
Gives a no route matches error
No route matches {:action=>"print_barcode_label", :controller=>"admin/documents"} missing required keys: [:article_id]
It is hard to answer this question without seeing more code with some context. But if you want to do rails way you should propably create custom action on document resource.
In your routes.rb:
namespace :admin do
resources :documents
get :print_barcode_label, :on => :member
And then you can create link to this action:
= link_to 'Barcode', print_barcode_label_admin_document_path(article)

Rails route not working

I created a new route and a corresponding method in a controller and view:
get "pictures/user/:username" => 'Pictures#user'
def user
#pictures_user = User.where(username: params[:username]).first
render 'user.html.erb'
Just some simple html/erb
I get this following error. I know the user method is being entered, seems to be a problem rendering the view?
Routing Error
No route matches {:controller=>"pictures", :action=>"user", :username=>"my_username", :page=>nil}
What am I missing?
user.html.erb is inside the same directory of views/pictures? just do
render 'user'
should be fine i think
and I guess your Pictures downcase will be better ##
get "pictures/user/:username" => 'pictures#user'

Changing the params in URL on rails

I want to change the :id param on the URL. I added to my routes.rb file something like:
match "articles/:name/edit", :to => 'articles#edit', :as => 'edit_article'
Thinking that :name would be readed by the server as params[:name] later for me in rails. I edited my article controller definition for edit so:
def edit
#article = Article.find(params[:name])
I get always the error couldn't find article with id=test and I was wondering why "id" instead of :name? I tried also changing match to get but I got the same.
I have also the default resources :articles still in my routes.rb file, don't know if there's something like a double rule working there.
The whole thing is that instead of ID numbers I would use names in my URL —not just the edit one, with the show method I could handle it, but not with edit/update/delete.
I was reading about routing but I can't figure out what I am doing wrong.
By default, find search by id.
You should replace it with find_by_name.
Advice: use friendly_id

make pretty url with routes.rb

I would like to do something to this effect, I believe:
map.connect 'show/:company_name/:id',
:controller => 'companies',
:action => 'show'
Basically, each time the show action is called, I would like it to take the company_name param and place it into the url as such (show/:company_name/:id)
However, it seems I am using old (rails 2.x routing api) and cannot use map.connect without getting an error. How can I upgrade this?
Is there some way to do this with "match"?
This is the error I see when I try to use map.connect:
undefined local variable or method `map' for #<ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper:0x103757458>
I think your routes lack a "/" symbol in the first line.
Try this:
match '/show/:company_name/:id' => 'companies#show'
You can check your routes path with command rake routes.
Besides, the show action is the default RESTful method in Rails. I'll suggest you change a equivalent word, and reserve "show" action for future or other situation.
In Rails convention, you can write resources :companies, and the path will be /companies/:id using show action.
Some adjustment, in app/models/company.rb
def to_param
So your url will look like http://yourdoamin.com/companies/37signals.
In app/controllers/companies_controller.rb
#company = Company.find_by_name(params[:id])
If I'm understanding your goal, try
match 'companies/show/:company_name/:id' => 'companies#show'
