Master Pages in DotNetNuke - master-pages

I want to create a master page for my dotnetnuke web application, can u give me guide lines for how to create master page and how to register into dotnetnuke.

DotNetNuke does not use Master Pages. It uses a concept known as "skinning" to create consistent views of your website.
At a basic level, a skin is an .ascx control that has <div runat="server"> in places where users can add modules.
It's not completely up-to-date, but the Skinning Guide document on is probably a good place to start.


mvc webpage without using the default templates

I am using MVC 4.I have designed a webpage in Dreamweaver and then tried to convert it as a razor page. I wanted to view it in a browser, without using Visual Studio. I have heard that a Razor page can be edited using a notepad.
Please help, I am comfortable designing pages in Dreamweaver, than in Visual Studio.
If I understand you correctly you have a HTML design (created in whichever tool you prefer) and you wish to create an MVC website out of this. You have experience in ASP.NET Webforms.
Primarily to creating anything I would follow the topics covered in the ASP.NET MVC tutorials of MVC itself. It's not about "default templates" it's about understanding what builds your final output. Layouts, partial renderings etc...
PS: Ask yourself: Is MVC the right choice for my solution? (because I get the feeling everyone just wants to use MVC and doesn't think about what it is and why you should or shouldn't use it...)
If you dont't want to use default template then you can include your css files you created in Content folder. In shared folder which is located inside Views folder you can create the your customized layout which uses the css that you included in Content folder. And you can then include these layout in the views you later create inside shared folder of Views.
You can explore yourself by installing twitter.bootstrap.mvc4.sample from package manager console and see how your project changes.
This package changes your default layout to different layout, which is pretty cool.
Hope you can get idea of what is done and how you include your own layout from this above mentioned package.

Is it possible to use razor layouts with Orchard CMS and bypass the theming

A little bit of context
We have a recent MVC4 web application used by a lot people that we would like to port to Orchard CMS. Even though this is an "admin" type of application, we don't want it to be part of the admin section of Orchard. This application is currently live and we would like the move to Orchard to be as invisible as possible to the end-user.
Where we are now
We followed this answer as how to Integrate existing ASP.NET MVC application with Orchard CMS but we use layouts (Razor not Orchard) and it is not working (by default) with the way Orchard renders pages (the views returned by the controllers actions are displayed without the layouts - _ViewStart.cshtml is ignored). I have tried to specify the path of the layout in the View method but it doesn't work or the path is not good since we are in a module. Is there a way to tell Orchard to use a _layout.cshtml file and bypass Orchard theming?
It is possible to bypass Orchard themes. Note that I am doing this with MvcMailer, so the outputted e-mail is "templated" HTML with a Layout. I cannot definitively say this works on regular pages, but you can try it. Just slap this in your view:
#inherits System.Web.Mvc.WebViewPage<object>
Layout = "_Layout.cshtml";
Caveat: you cannot use the newer #model directiv. I just fall back to the old style and put my model where "object" is:
#using Namesapce.ViewModels
#inherits System.Web.Mvc.WebViewPage<MyViewModel>
Otherwise, it's pretty straightforward to create a Theme and override any of Orchard's shapes. There are two ways I do it:
Create a straightforward theme, override shapes (say you want a
different Login, just create Login.cshtml in the Theme's ~/View
folder), use alternates (use Layout-homepage.cshtml to override the
layout for the homepage), have your .css, etc.;
Use a couple of tricks to override the theme with code from a module, and create
your own views and shapes in a theme folder. You can, for example, have a Layout.cshtml file in your theme with code that displays a shape. However, the shape itself (.cshtml file) lives in your module, which is great for using a dashboard type theme that will
call a shape that is named the same in your different modules but
shows different content. The code for this is a bit more in-depth. Just ask if you need samples.
tl;dr No, it is not possible.
I don't like answering my own questions but since Bertrand Le Roy commented my question instead of answering it (no hard feelings) and he is part (or was?) of the Orchard team, I will answer with what I know, until someone comes with a better answer.
From what I understand, to be part of an Orchard project is to embrace it all the way, there is no in between. The custom (Orchard) view engine (which works with zones, layouts, widgets, shapes, etc.) cannot be bypassed (fallback to default MVC engine) in a module. As Bertrand suggested, I should convert my project to Orchard theming.

Using site.master and spark views

Is it possible to use my site.master master page ? I want to start using Spark more, but this project I am working on is using view pages as well.
I could of course convert the master page to an application.spark page, but I was wondering if it is at all possible to use the Site.Master I already have.
As far as i remember, had no problems with this. There are questions in stack that says there are.
Scenario that will work for sure - double your site.master in spark (make 2 master pages).

There is another SharePoint MasterPage parameter different of Site and System

After the branding of a SharePoint site is done, I mean Site and System masterpages, there are still a few pages that uses the default style. My question is if we can change the master page for that pages too.
Example: http:///_layouts/settings.aspx
always looks like a fresh SharePoint
The master page connected to Settings.aspx is /_layouts/Application.master. Many system pages use this master page but none of them use the custom or default master of the site.
Do know that modifying the file isn't supported by MS :)
yes, you can refer your customized master page for those pages.

Is it possible to share a masterpage between MVC and webforms?

I am adding MVC to a project that has MANY legacy webform pages. This works fine. However, I currently have a separate masterpage for MVC and for the webforms. The two master pages produce essentially identical output. I'd really like to kill the webforms one and just use the MVC master page with all my pages and stay DRY.
Not being DRY has already bitten me a couple times when I forgot to change both.
I tried doing the obvious way and just pointing the webform content page's MasterPage attribute at the MVC masterpage. This throws an error saying the MVC masters only work with MVC views.
This seems like it would be a pretty common problem with mixed MVC and webform projects. My MVC master isn't doing anything with ViewData, so I don't see any reason the webforms couldn't use them.
You can absolutely share the same master page. Your MVC master page must simply point to the WebForms masterpage via its MasterPageFile attribute. This applies your WebForms MasterPage styles to your MVC MasterPage.
I am using this setup in production.
The declaration on my MVC Master Page, pointing at the Web Forms Master Page:
<%# Master Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPage/Site.Master"
AutoEventWireup="true" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewMasterPage" %>
Works like a charm.
This blog post walks you through the necessary steps to share WebForm and MVC master pages with little or no duplication. It also includes a sample project you can download, and I found it quite helpful.
One hiccup I ran into was that I was using a LoginStatus control in my header. LoginStatus must be inside a form so I couldn't use it in my root master page (not wanting to end up with nested forms on all my MVC pages). But that was a pretty easy control to replace with a simple code block in my root master page.
In my webforms app, my master page inherits from "HLPUSD.SMART.SMARTMaster" which is just the namespace for our application and then the name of the webform class.
In my MVC project, the master page inherits from "System.Web.Mvc.ViewMasterPage"
Me thinks this has something to do with it?
