I've been trying to find out more about Maven 3 and Mercury (Maven Mercury is a replacement for the Maven Artifact subsystem, and a complete replacement for the HTTP/HTTPS/DAV/DAVS portions of the existing transport).
There seems to be very little of substance available at the moment, particularly for Maven 3.
Does anyone know of any guides/tutorials/plans/roadmaps?
I've found these resources so far:
Presentation by Jason van Zyl on Maven 3
Mercury architecture
Codehaus Mercury site
Sonatype blog on Mercury ant tasks
I don't know if you saw it but there is a video of Jason's Maven 3 presentation on Sonatype's website: Maven Meetup: Jason van Zyl on Maven 3.
But, in my opinion, the best resource to learn about Maven 3 is the Maven Developers list.
Sonatype have posted an interview with Benjamin Bentman discussing API changes and main features of Maven 3.
They also mention that the developer builds of m2eclipse are now using Maven 3, and provide a link to the Maven 3.x Compatibility Wiki
Update: Another Sonatype blog on Maven 3. Outlines a number of the issues with Maven2 and what is being done in Maven 3 to address them.
The Sonatype tag "maven" remains a good official source of information on Maven in general, and Maven3 in particular.
Note: I was the ParisJUG (Java User Group) yesterday, which included a Maven 3 presentation.
Mercury was said to be retired from Maven3 itself...
There is also a video presentation about Maven 3 and other new projects at JavaZone 2010
I want to use DL4J [https://deeplearning4j.org/] and tried the instructions on the setup guide [https://deeplearning4j.org/gettingstarted]. I am facing problems while building using Maven (build failure). Do I need to really use Maven to build everything. I just want to write some basic programs and run the examples which comes with DL4J. I am unable to find a list of jar files which i can import into my project and compile the examples. Any help is appreciated.
The developers suggest to stick to Java 8 to avoid dependency-problems with Maven. If you are using Java 9 or OpenJDK (like on Linux), consider a switch to Java 8 to get Maven running.
You should consider to use IntelliJ IDE which manages automatically dependencies download and integration with maven.
If you're already using IntelliJ try to remove m2 folder (which contains all maven dependencies) and choose auto-import option in settings of the IDE.
You can try to use the last maven version too by download it and then configuring it into settings.
Like gurvinder372 said, more information about your problem should be great for us.
I am reading lots of articles here about the subject and try to find a nice set of tools to integrate and create a Complete CI environment.
Among those articles I particularly liked this one: Continuum as a Jenkins replacement?
I have installed here, but not yet configured because we are doing some testes with GIT and Jenkins. We have Nexus working fine.
Now I need to have some recommendations to cover the following topics:
Code Coverage - JaCoCo, Cobertura, Sonar?
Code Quality Analysis
Maybe I am mixing some concepts here regarding the use of some tools, like SonarQube, if that is the case I am sorry.
So, I am open to "hear" about this. Thanks
Ant, Maven and Gradle are build tools. You pick one that suites your team. Gradle/Maven may directly work with artifact repos. Ant will require help from Ivy.
Coverage: JaCoCo supports newer Java(7, 8).. Not so much luck with Cobertura
Sonar: If you can integrate your code with SonarQube that takes care of bit Code Quality Metrics (like Duplicate detection, Findbug , Security ..etc)
On Jenkins
You can integrate Jenkins with all of the above tools. You can create Jenkins jobs for practically everything and have tons of plugins to make even simpler. There are more plugins to make Jenkins' based CD easier: Build Flow and workflow plugin.
We recently converted to maven, I'm really new to it. I've imported the project into eclipse, the "build automatically" by default is on, and I have no idea what it does. Is there a way for me to see the logging message, to configure it so I can make it not to, say, use the default goal, but a different goal every time? BTW, currently, building in CLI is fine, but the resource filtering is not working in eclipse with "build automatically" turned on.
Thanks in advance!
If a maven plugin will be executed in an incremental eclipse build depends on the "lifecycle mapping" configuration.
You will find (detailed) information about this topic on the "M2E plugin execution not covered" site.
A quote from this site:
We call these instructions "project build lifecycle
mapping" or simply "lifecycle mapping" because they define how m2e
maps information from project pom.xml file to Eclipse workspace
project configuration and behaviour during Eclipse workspace build.
There are several possibilities how the lifecycle mapping can be configured (in the pom, in m2e extensions, since m2e 1.1 (SNAPSHOT) in metadata provided by the plugin).
You should have a look at this site and hopefully you will be able to setup a configuration/installation that fits your needs.
The recently released Grails 2.0 jars don't appear to be available in the Maven central or codehaus repositories. Are there any plans to publish them there?
They're at http://repo.grails.org/grails/core and you can browse the repo at http://repo.grails.org/grails and search by group/artifact/version at http://repo.grails.org/grails/webapp/gavcsearch.html
Grails has an artifactory configured at http://repo.grails.org
I have recently started a new project using the maven grails archetype - at the time, (a few weeks ago), Grails 1.2.0 was the most recent release. Now that there's a newer release, what are the steps to upgrade? I would assume that since Grails dependencies are defined in the POM, that the POM will need to be updated? Are there any instructions on doing this? Does the maven-grails-plugin handle this? Is this documented anywhere?
Appreciate any pointers. Thanks!
According to this thread:
The recommended way of upgrading grails is simply "grails upgrade" in the project dir when you have downloaded the new version of Grails and set up your paths etc...
Note that I've seen at least one person reporting problems with version 1.2.1 (and the Hibernate plugin), see this thread. There is a workaround in the thread but maybe have a look at the Grails Jira first to see if there are any blocking issues with 1.2.1.
There is no "upgrade" target in the maven grails
plugin, so I'm still looking for information on doing this upgrade with maven.