I have an EXCEL sheets witgh various
C:\Documents and Settings\delfi\MilkDataMgr\FtsExcel.pas(2056):Undeclared identifier: smrBgm167GallonsGrosssDA'
procedure convertXSLToDelfi(fuel: TFtsFuelTypes; const prefix: string);
ColumnNameMap : TStrings;
i : Integer;
other : string;
{ ColumnNameMap := TStrings; }
ColumnNameMap := TStringList.Create;
ColumnNameMap.Values['smrBgm229GallonsGross']:=' smrBgm167GallonsGrosssDA';
i := ColumnNameMap.IndexOfName(smrBgm229GallonsGross);
if i >= 0 then
smrBgm229GallonsGross:= ColumnNameMap.Values[smrBgm229GallonsGross]
smrBgm229GallonsGross:= smrBgm229GallonsGross;
a detailed issue is in this link, i folowed the solution offered there
how to create Delphi 4 structure to map column names in XLS to column names in SQL
I am just picking up threads kindly help me out.
In the code I gave you, notice that the value inside the brackets for the Values property was quoted. It's a string. Maybe you meant to have "smrBgm229GallonsGross" in quotes, too, like this:
ColumnNameMap.Values['smrBgm229GallonsGross'] := 'smrBgm167GallonsGrosssDA';
In your code, the compiler complains that it doesn't recognize the identifier smrBgm229GallonsGross. Look at your code. Have you declared such an identifier? If not, then you can't expect the compiler to know what you're asking of it, and the error message makes perfect sense.
(If you were using Perl, the compiler might have known what you wanted. There are certain situations where a so-called "bareword" will be interpreted as a string literal rather than an identifier. But that's Perl, not Delphi.)
So far, I've only been looking at the first line of code that mentions smrBgm229GallonsGross. However, there are five more lines of code, where you look up the index of the name and then assign values to a variable, and those will need a proper declaration of a variable. In my example, I used the made-up variable name ColumnName to represent the name of whatever input column you happen to be processing at the time. I assumed you would be iterating over a list of columns in a loop, so you would do the same thing for each column, taking a value from your Excel spreadsheet and transferring it into a corresponding column in the database, which was represented by the also-made-up variable name RealColumnName.
I am trying to create a Complex Number Calculator using Delphi Pascal. The first part is to extract a string entry, separate the real & imaginary part by inserting a delimiter on 'i'. For Example: A number entry can be: 7+2i or any other combination. This was my approach:
TForm2.btnExtractClick(Sender: TObject);
var sCode, pic: string;
sConst: integer;
im,re: integer;
iConst: string;
j,k, delimiterPos: integer;
sCode := Edit1.Text;
sConst := Pos (sCode, 'i');
im := StrToInt(Copy(sCode, sConst - 1));
Delete(sCode, sConstant - 1, im);
re := StrToInt(sCode);
But I am getting the following error:
The substring which you search for should be the first argument to Pos.
Pos(sCode, 'i')
Pos('i', sCode)
This function is documented here: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/en/System.Pos
There are many further issues with your code, but this answers the primary question posed here, namely why Pos is returning 0. I won't attempt to debug the rest of your code, not least because this isn't your real code because it contains compile errors.
To resolve the subsequent issues in your code you must learn to use the debugger. Step through the code and inspect the value of each of the local variables after each line of code has executed. Compare the values you see under the debugger with the values that you expect to see based on your paper based static analysis.
How can I make a single constant based on a hex value where that hex value is an unsigned integer and the raw memory for the single. I would like to do something like this but it doesn't compile and this will try and cast the hex value to a single and then store the result of that cast instead of storing hex value itself:
I get a "Invalid Typecast" error.
For example:
The single value for 1 is stored as $3F800000 in memory. I would like to be able to create a const that lets me set the value using $3F800000 instead of 1.
I have also tried other variations such as this without luck:
I have a method that I use to get the next smallest single when provided with a single value:
PInt32 = ^Int32;
function NextBefore(const aValue: Single): Single;
int32Value: Int32;
// this function ignores special values nan/inf
int32Value := PInt32(#aValue)^;
if (UInt32(int32Value) = $80000000) or (int32Value = 0) then
// special handling needed for -0 and 0. We need to go to the smallest
// negative number.
int32Value := $80800000;
if int32Value >= 0 then
Result := PSingle(#int32Value)^;
This is really useful because we use vector operations that can only do a > or < so we use it to do the equivalent of a >= and a <=. We often check against 0. So where we need get all of the data >= 0 we do something like this:
It would be nicer to provide the other developers with a constant for these types of operations. Trying to use the PSingle format below won't work because the number is not a variable.
In order to declare a single constant with a hex value in such a way that it cannot be altered by code, it can be done in two steps:
Trying to change the value of LARGEST_SINGLE_LESS_THAN_ZERO will give a compiler error: Left side cannot be assigned to.
It's hard to do this cleanly with the constraints of the language. Perhaps the best that you can do is to make a variant record type that has both integer and single fields overlapped.
TSingleIntegerVariantRec = record
case Integer of
0: (I: Integer);
1: (S: Single);
Once you have that type available you can declare typed constants using the integer field, but then read the single field.
LARGEST_SINGLE_LESS_THAN_ZERO: TSingleIntegerVariantRec = (I: $80800000);
If you want to add an extra nuance you could implement an implicit cast operator to Single which would allow you to omit the .S. If you made that operator inline then I suspect the emitted code would be very efficient.
This does what you ask, but I wouldn't claim that it was very elegant. We're I you I would move the code to use the next value down into the library function so that you can pass 0 and shield the consumer of the library from these implementation details.
In other words you would add a ThresholdGTequal method that was implemented like this:
procedure TMyVector.ThresholdGTequal(const Value: Single);
Then the consumers of this code simply write:
and remain oblivious to all of the gnarly implementation details.
Just a little question, I'm not finding a specific answer so i guessed it might be faster to ask here.
The compiler rejects the code below with the following error:
incompatible types 'dynamic array' and 'array of string'
TMailInfo = record
MailBetreff: string;
Anhang: array of string;
MailTXT: Boolean
class function TEMail.SendOutlookCOMMail(aFileName, aMailAdresse,
aMailBCC, aMailCC, aMailBetreff: string;
aMailText, aAnhang: array of string;
const aMailAcknowledge, aMailTXT: Boolean): Boolean;
mailInfo: TMailInfo;
mailInfo.MailBetreff := aMailBetreff; // these two lines cause the error
mailInfo.MailText := aMailText;
What am I doing wrong? Both are arrays of string, so I don't get why one seems to be dynamic.
You cannot readily assign to MailText and Anhang because you cannot declare another object with a compatible type. That's because you used a dynamic array type inline in your record declaration. You really need to use a type that can be named. To illustrate a bit better, consider this:
X: array of Integer;
Y: array of Integer;
Now X and Y are of different types and X := Y does not compile.
The other problem is your open array parameter. An open array parameter is assignment compatible with nothing. You can copy element by element, but you cannot assign the array in one go.
The best way out of this is to declare the field like this:
Anhang: TArray<string>;
And change the open array parameters in the function to also be of that type.
Then you need to decide whether you want to copy the reference or the array:
MailText := aMailText; // copy reference, or
MailText := Copy(aMailText); // copy array
You have two problems. First, as David says, two declarations of a type that look the same, but are declared separately, make them different, assignment incompatible types.
Weirdly enough, this is not so for generic types, like TArray<string>, so it makes sense to use that, if you version of Delphi supports it.
But the second problem is that you are confusing an open array parameter like aMailText with a dynamic array like mailInfo.MailText. aMailText, the parameter, is not necessarily a dynamic array at all, it can be any kind of array.
Take a look at the documentation: Open Arrays
Another explanation: Open array parameters and array of const
I have discovered what I think is an odd oversight (probably intentional) on the part of the Extended RTTI feature in Delphi.
I would like to dump all the fields in an record type that has about 1500 different fields in it. Yes, seriously.
Some of them are of type real48 and some are shortstring, for those two, it appears that FieldType is nil for these types at runtime:
function TRttiField.GetValue(Instance: Pointer): TValue;
ft: TRttiType;
ft := FieldType;
if ft = nil then
raise InsufficientRtti; // This fires!
TValue.Make(PByte(Instance) + Offset, ft.Handle, Result);
If I was willing to assume that all nil-fieldtype fields are in fact real48's, I could simply use the offset and (if the field width is 6) grab a real48 value.
However the second complication is that all shortstring (ie string[30]) types are similarly afflicted.
Has anybody got these two Ancient Pascal Types to work with modern Extended RTTI?
Right now I'm using a best-guess approach, and where that fails I am hardcoding rules by name of the field, but if there was some technique I could use that would get me there without having to write a lot of code to extract information from all these old pascal file-of-records that I am modernizing, I would appreciate a better idea.
Unfortunately Real48 does not have any type info.
You can see that when you try compile this:
program Project1;
The same goes for the string[n] syntax. But there you could probably fix it by defining your own string types like:
string30 = string[30];
That alone would not include the rtti for the record field so you need to hack/fix the rtti as I showed here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/12687747/587106
In Pascal there are two kinds of type declarations:
type aliases: type NewName = OldType
type creation: type NewType = type OldType
The former is just creating convenient shorthand, like typedef in C. The aliases are compatible one to another and to their original type. The created types are intentionally incompatible and cannot be mixed without explicit and unsafe by definition typecast.
nn: NewName; nt: NewType; ot: OldType;
nn := ot; // should work
nt := ot; // should break with type safety violation error.
nt := NewType(ot); // Disabling type safety. Should work even if
// it has no sense semantically and types really ARE incompatible.
Those are Pascal basics as i understand them.
Now let's look at one certain type and two its aliases:
System.Types.TStringDynArray = array of string;
System.TArray<T> = array of T;
in particular that means TArray<string> = array of string; by definition.
Now let's take function returning the former type alias and feed its result to the function expecting the latter one:
uses Classes, IOUtils;
TDirectory.GetFiles('c:\', '*.dll') );
TArray<string>( // this is required by compiler - but why ???
TDirectory.GetFiles('c:\', '*.dll') ) );
1st snippet would not compile due to types violation.
2nd one happily compiles and works, but is fragile towards future type changes and is redundant.
QC tells that compiler is right and the RTL design is wrong.
WHY compiler is right here ?
Why those aliases are incompatible ?
Even the very manner RTL was designed suggests that they were deemed compatible!
PS. David suggested even simplier example, without using TArray<T>
type T1 = array of string; T2 = array of string;
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
function Generator: T1;
begin Result := T1.Create('xxx', 'yyy', 'zzz'); end;
procedure Consumer (const data: T2);
with TStringList.Create do
Self.Caption := CommaText;
Same gotcha without explanation...
PPS. There are a number of doc refs now. I want to stress one thing: while this restriction might be indirectly inherited from Pascal Report of 1949, today is 2012 and Delphi used very differently from school labs of half-century ago.
I named few BAD effects of keeping this restrictions, and yet did not saw any good one.
Ironic thing, that this restricion may be lifted without breaking rules of Pascal: in Pascal there is no such non-strict beast as Open Arrays and Dynamic Arrays. So let those original fixed arrays be restricted as they wish, but Open Arrays and Dynamic Arrays are not Pascal citizens and are not obliged to be limited by its codebook!
Please, communicate Emba in QC or maybe even here, but if u just pass by without expressing your opinion - nothing would change!
The key to understanding this issue is the Type Compatibility and Identity topic in the language guide. I suggest you have a good read of that topic.
It is also helpful to simplify the example. The inclusion of generics in the example serves mainly to complicate and confuse matters.
program TypeCompatibilityAndIdentity;
TInteger1 = Integer;
TInteger2 = Integer;
TArray1 = array of Integer;
TArray2 = array of Integer;
TArray3 = TArray1;
Integer1: TInteger1;
Integer2: TInteger2;
Array1: TArray1;
Array2: TArray2;
Array3: TArray3;
Integer1 := Integer2; // no error here
Array1 := Array2; // E2010 Incompatible types: 'TArray1' and 'TArray2'
Array1 := Array3; // no error here
From the documentation:
When one type identifier is declared using another type identifier, without qualification, they denote the same type.
This means that TInteger1 and TInteger2 are the same type, and are indeed the same type as Integer.
A little further on in the documentation is this:
Language constructions that function as type names denote a different type each time they occur.
The declarations of TArray1 and TArray2 fall into this category. And that means that these two identifiers denote different types.
Now we need to look at the section discussing compatibility. This gives a set of rules to follow to determine whether or not two types are compatible or assignment compatible. We can in fact shortcut that discussion by referring to another help topic: Structured Types, Array Types and Assignments which states clearly:
Arrays are assignment-compatible only if they are of the same type.
This makes it clear why the assignment Array1 := Array2 results in a compiler error.
Your code looked at passing parameters, but mine focused on assignment. The issues are the same because, as the Calling Procedures and Functions help topic explains:
When calling a routine, remember that:
expressions used to pass typed const and value parameters must be assignment-compatible with the corresponding formal parameters.
Delphi is a strongly typed language. That means that identical (in this case I mean their definitions look exactly the same) types are not assignment compatible.
When you write array of <type> you are defining a type and not an alias. As David already said in his comment the two identical types like
T1 = array of string;
T2 = array of string;
are not assignment compatible.
Same goes for
TStringDynArray = array of string;
TArray<T> = array of string;
Often people forget about the incompatibility of identical types and my guess would be that they did when they introduced IOUtils for example. Theoretically the definition of TStringDynArray should have been changed to TStringDynArray = TArray<string> but I guess that could have raised other problems (not saying bugs with generics...).
I also had the same problem with Delphi, where I wanted to pass values from one identical array to another. Not only did I have "incompatibility" problems with two like array assignments, but I also could not use the "Copy()" procedure. To get around this problem, I found that I could use a pointer to an type array of array of string, instead.
For example:
type RecArry = array of array of string
var TArryPtr : ^RecArry;
Now, I can pass the values from any fixed array to another identical array without any compatibility or function problems. For example:
TArryPtr := #RecArry.LstArray //This works!
TArryPtr := #LstArray //This also works!
With this created array assignment template, I can now work with all two dimensional arrays without any problems. However, it should be understood, that when accessing this type of string array pointer, an extra element is created, so that when we would expect this type of array 2D array below, for example:
We now get an extra element adjusted array as seen here:
This means that we have to use some slightly tricky code to access the pointer array, because all the populated elements in Two_Dimensional_Fixed_Array[10][0] have moved down, so that they are offset by 1, as in New_Two_Dimensional_Fixed_Array[10][1].
Therefore where we would normally find the value 'X' in Two_Dimensional_Fixed_Array[1][0], it will now be found here in TArryPtr[0][1].
Its a trade off we all have to live with!
Another important note to bear in mind is the definition of a pointer array when it is declared. When a pointer array is type declared, the Borland compiler will not allow the Pointer array to have the same element size as the array to which it is pointing too. For example, if an array is declared as:
Orig_Arry : array [1..50,1] of string;
The pointer array which should point to it would be declared in the following fashion:
Type Pntr_Arry : array [1..50,2] of string;
Did you notice the the extra element? I am guessing the the Borland compiler has to widen the array pointer to allow for the pointer address.