Using Send_File to a Remote Source (Ruby on Rails) - ruby-on-rails

In my app, I have a requirement that is stumping me.
I have a file stored in S3, and when a user clicks on a link in my app, I log in the DB they've clicked the link, decrease their 'download credit' allowance by one and then I want to prompt the file for download.
I don't simply want to redirect the user to the file because it's stored in S3 and I don't want them to have the link of the source file (so that I can maintain integrity and access)
It looks like send_file() wont work with a remote source file, anyone recommend a gem or suitable code which will do this?

You would need to stream the file content to the user while reading it from the S3 bucket/object.
If you use the AWS::S3 library something like this may work:
send_file_headers!( :length=>S3Object.about(<s3 object>, <s3 bucket>)["content-length"], :filename=><the filename> )
render :status => 200, :text => { |response, output|<s3 object>, <s3 bucket>) do |chunk|
output.write chunk
This code is mostly copied form the send_file code which by itself works only for local files or file-like objects
N.B. I would anyhow advise against serving the file from the rails process itself. If possible/acceptable for your use case I'd use an authenticated GET to serve the private data from the bucket.
Using an authenticated GET you can keep the bucket and its objects private, while allowing temporary permission to read a specific object content by crafting a URL that includes an authentication signature token. The user is simply redirected to the authenticated URL, and the token can be made valid for just a few minutes.
Using the above mentioned AWS::S3 you can obtain an authenticated GET url in this way:
time_of_exipry = + 2.minutes
S3Object.url_for(<s3 object>, <s3 bucket>,
:expires => time_of_exipry)

Full image download method using temp file (tested rails 3.2):
def download
#image = Image.find(params[:image_id])
open(#image.url) {|img|
tmpfile ="download.jpg"), 'wb') do |f|
send_file tmpfile.path, :filename => "great-image.jpg"

You can read the file from S3 and write it locally to a non-public directory, then use X-Sendfile (apache) or X-Accel-Redirect (nginx) to serve the content.
For nginx you would include something like the following in your config:
location /private {
alias /path/to/private/directory/;
Then in your rails controller, you do the following:
response.headers['Content-Type'] = your_content_type
response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = "attachment; filename=#{your_file_name}"
response.headers['Cache-Control'] = "private"
response.headers['X-Accel-Redirect'] = path_to_your_file
render :nothing=>true
A good writeup of the process is here


Ruby 6.1 with Nginx - restrict direct access to specific files

I am using Nginx server with a RoR webapplication (version 6.1.4).
I have several audio files around the site and I want to restrict direct access to them.
The page have publicly accessible part and another for registered members. Here they can upload and share mp3's through the platform.
I added the following lines to nginx configuration:
location ~* \.mp3 {
valid_referers server_names;
if ($invalid_referer) {
return 403;
This one is working fine for the hardcoded audios and prevents direct access.
But if someone logs in and traces the html for the sourcefiles of uploaded audios, it is still accessible for them. I am using ActiveStorage for managing file uploads and it is on a s3 storage.
Appreciate any ideas!
Did not check, but customize this and try:
location ~* \.mp3 { # location for .mp3 files
if (-f $request_filename) { # if file actually exists
return 301 $scheme://$server_name/RoR_APP_URI_with_auth_check/$request_uri;
This could be a good opportunity to use the Proxy design pattern. You could create a controller/action that handles user authentication and then either redirects to the appropriate url or directly serves the file using send_file. There are pro's and con's to this approach but it would be a way to authenticate requests and restrict access to paywalled content.
Here's an example from a production app I'm working on:
def avatar_proxy
if Rails.env.development?
tmp_file = open(current_user.avatar.path)
url = current_user.avatar.url
tmp_file = open(url)
send_file tmp_file, :type => current_user.avatar.content_type, disposition: 'inline'

Direct link (no redirect) to files in ActiveStorage

Using url_for() on a file stored in active storage returns a url that leads to the application and then redirects to the actual location. Because of a bug in firefox with CORS, the redirect breaks my application.
Is there any way to get the direct link to the file with ActiveStorage?
You can do this
Found here
I had to dig through the rails source to create this so I have no idea how recommended it is but this works for disk storage at least. = "yourhostname"
attachment_blob = ActiveStorage::Attachment.find_by(record_type: "YourModel", record_id:
direct_url = ActiveStorage::Blob.service.url(
expires_in: 20000,
disposition: "attachment",
filename: attachment_blob.filename,
content_type: attachment_blob.content_type
For me, rails_blob_url(#blog.pdf) (if you're trying to get the file stored as #blog.pdf) worked best.

How to retrieve attachment url with Rails Active Storage with S3

rails version 5.2
I have a scenario where I need to access the public URL of Rails Active Storage with Amazon S3 storage to make a zip file with Sidekiq background job.
I am having difficulty getting the actual file URL. I have tried rails_blob_url but it gives me following
How do I access the real file URL through Sidekiq?
service: Disk
root: <%= Rails.root.join("tmp/storage") %>
service: Disk
root: <%= Rails.root.join("storage") %>
service: S3
access_key_id: 'xxxxx'
secret_access_key: 'xxxxx'
region: 'xxxxx'
bucket: 'xxxxx'
config.active_storage.service = :development
I can access fine these on web interface but not within Sidekiq
Use ActiveStorage::Blob#service_url. For example, assuming a Post model with a single attached header_image:
Update: Rails 6.1
Since Rails 6.1 ActiveStorage::Blob#service_url is deprecated in favor of ActiveStorage::Blob#url.
So, now
is the way to go.
Link to the corresponding PR.
Link to source.
If you need all your files public then you must make public your uploads:
In file config/storage.yml
service: S3
access_key_id: zzz
secret_access_key: zzz
region: zzz
bucket: zzz
acl: "public-read"
In the code
attachment = ActiveStorage::Attachment.find(90)
attachment.blob.service_url # returns large URI
attachment.blob.service_url.sub(/\?.*/, '') # remove query params
It will return something like:
It is public readable because of the config above.
My use case was to upload images to S3 which would have public access for ALL images in the bucket so a job could pick them up later, regardless of request origin or URL expiry. This is how I did it. (Rails 5.2.2)
First, the default for new S3 bucked is to keep everything private, so to defeat that there are 2 steps.
Add a wildcard bucket policy. In AWS S3 >> your bucket >> Permissions >> Bucket Policy
"Version": "2008-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "AllowPublicRead",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": "*",
"Action": "s3:GetObject",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::your-bucket-name/*"
In your bucket >> Permissions >> Public Access Settings, be sure Block public and cross-account access if bucket has public policies is set to false
Now you can access anything in your S3 bucket with just the blob.key in the url. No more need for tokens with expiry.
Second, to generate that URL you can either use the solution by #Christian_Butzke: #post.header_image.service.send(:object_for, #post.header_image.key).public_url
However, know that object_for is a private method on service, and if called with public_send would give you an error. So, another alternative is to use the service_url per #George_Claghorn and just remove any params with a url&.split("?")&.first. As noted, this may fail in localhost with a host missing error.
Here is my solution or an uploadable "logo" stored on S3 and made public by default:
has_one_attached :logo
def public_logo_url
if self.logo&.attachment
if Rails.env.development?
self.logo_url = Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.rails_blob_url(self.logo, only_path: true)
self.logo_url = self.logo&.service_url&.split("?")&.first
#set a default lazily
self.logo_url ||= ActionController::Base.helpers.asset_path("default_company_icon.png")
Enjoy ^_^
I had a few problems getting this working. Thought I'd document them for posterity.
In rails 6.0 use #post.header_image.service_url
In rails >= 6.1 use #post.header_image.url as #GeorgeClaghorn recommends.
I got this error:
error: uninitialized constant Analyzable
It's a weird bug in rails 6.0, which is fixed by placing this in config/application.rb
config.autoloader = :classic
I then see this error:
URI::InvalidURIError (bad URI(is not URI?): nil) Active Storage service_url
Fix it by simply adding this to your application_controller.rb
include ActiveStorage::SetCurrent
Now something like #post.image.blob.service_url will work as you expect =)
Using the service_url method combined with striping the params to get a public URL was good idea, thanks #genkilabs and #Aivils_Štoss!
There is however a potential scaling issue involved if you are using this method on large number of files, eg. if you are showing a list of records that have files attached. For each call to service_url you will in your logs see something like:
DEBUG -- : [8df9220c-e8c9-45b7-a1ee-b746e623ca1b] S3 Storage (1.4ms) Generated URL for file at key: ...
You can't eager load these calls either, so you can potentially have a large number of calls to S3 Storage to generate those URLs for each record you are showing.
I worked around it by creating a Presenter like this:
class FilePresenter < SimpleDelegator
def initialize(obj)
def public_url
return dev_url if Rails.env.development? || Rails.env.test? || assest_host.nil?
def dev_url
Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.rails_blob_url(self, only_path: true)
def assest_host
#assest_host ||= ENV['ASSET_HOST']
Then I set an ENV variable ASSET_HOST with this:
Then when I display the image or just the file link, I do this:
<%= link_to(image_tag(company.display_logo),, target: "_blank", rel:"noopener") %>
<a href=<%= %>
target="_blank" rel="noopener"><%= my_record.file.filename %></a>
Note, you still need to use display_logo for images so that it will access the variant if you are using them.
Also, this is all based on setting my AWS bucket public as per #genkilabs step #2 above, and adding the upload: acl: "public-read" setting to my 'config/storage.yml' as per #Aivils_Štoss!'s suggestion.
If anyone sees any issues or pitfalls with this approach, please let me know! This seemed to work great for me in allowing me to display a public URL but not needing to hit the S3 Storage for each record to generate that URL.
Also see public access in rails active storage. This was introduced in Rails 6.1.
Specify public: true in your app's config/storage.yml. Public services will always return a permanent URL.
Just write this if You are using minio or aws S3 to get attachment url on server.
A bit late, but you can get the public URL also like this (assuming a Post model with a single attached header_image as in the example above):
#post.header_image.service.send(:object_for, #post.header_image.key).public_url
Update 2020-04-06
You need to make sure, that the document is saved with public ACLs (e.g. setting the default to public)
rails_blob_url is also usable. Requests will be served by rails, however, those requests will be probably quite slow, since a private URL needs to be generated on each request.
(FYI: outside the controller you can generate that URL also like this: Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.rails_blob_url(#post, only_path: true))

Rails 5 - Import CSV with Images from URL

Rails 5.1 -
Ruby 2.3.4 -
AWS S3 - Carrierwave & Minimagick
I would like to import a CSV file to my Rails app and also upload Images with each record.
The images are URL's from a current AWS S3 Bucket. I am able to upload from my local drive but only in development.
def self.import(file)
CSV.foreach(file.path, headers: true, header_converters: :symbol) do |row|
Model.find_or_create_by(name: row[:name]) do |m| = row[:name]
m.description = row[:description]
m.image = URI.parse(row[:image])
m.summary = row[:summary]
The CSV is simply
Though whenever I try and upload on my live server. The images are not processed. How can I reference and upload the images correctly?
I can't load the URL that you have but it should work with something like:
m.image = URI.parse(row[:image]).open
This will return a tempfile which Rails will associate to the model.
URI.parse() returns URI::HTTPS the url encoded URI for example:
URI.parse(' this')
# => #<URI::HTTPS> # where %20 is a url encoded space
So assuming your model expects an image file, you want to open and save the file rather than the URI. If this does not solve this, please share the config for your model

How to s3 object URL that works with cloudfront?

I'm currently storing files privately on S3. In my Rails app, in the attachment.rb model I can obtain a public URL for the private file like so:
def cdn_url ( style='original' )
attachment.s3_object(style).url_for( :read, secure: true, response_content_type: self.meta['file_content_type'], expires: 1.hour ).to_s
The problem is this is providing a URL to S3 and rewriting the URL to use my Cloudfront origin url is erroring with:
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.
How can I get a public URL asset like below but serve the asset via Cloudfront?
First Way (Easy)
Just use aws_cf_signer gem. Put it in you bundler.
WIth this you can do something like
def cdn_url (options = {})
style = options[:style] || 'original'
cloudfront_domain = options[:cloudfront_domain] || ''
cloudfront_pem_key_path = options[:cloudfront_pem_key_path]
cloudfront_key_paid_id = options[:cloundfrount_key_paid_id]
path = attachment.path(style) #path of the file
# you can get this values from your aws a/c , most probably by going int
signer =, cloudfront_key_paid_id)
# this configuration may vary.
# visit
# and check all available settings/options
url = signer.sign(path, :ending => + 3600)
cloudfront_domain + url
With this you can access the url with something like this
cdn_url(cloudfront_pem_key_path: '/users/downloads/pri.pem' , cloudfront_key_paid_id: '33243424XXX')
Second way
# A simple function to return a signed, expiring url for Amazon Cloudfront.
# This will require openssl, digest/sha1, base64 and maybe other libraries.
module CloudFront
def get_signed_expiring_url(domain,path, expires_in, private_key_filename, key_pair_id)
# AWS works on UTC, so make sure you are not using local time
expires = ( + expires_in).to_i.to_s
private_key =
# path should be your S3 path without a leading slash and without a file extension.
# e.g. files/private/52
policy = %Q[{"Statement":[{"Resource":"#{path}","Condition":{"DateLessThan":{"AWS:EpochTime":#{expires}}}}]}]
signature = Base64.strict_encode64(private_key.sign(, policy))
# I'm not sure exactly why this is required, but it's in Amazon's perl script and seems necessary
# Different base64 implementations maybe?!("+=/", "-_~")
With this you can do something like
def cdn_url ( style='original',cloudfront_pem_key_path,key_pair_id)
path = attachment.path(style) #path of the file
# you can get this values from your aws a/c , most probably by going int
CloudFront.get_signed_expiring_url '', path, 45.seconds ,'/users/downloads/pri.pem', 'as12XXXXX')
Give a try, may be it will work. Be sure to properly set properly bucket access policy. check this out if you are seeing accessDenied error
Use the aws sdk gem.
See the API Documentation
Details about generating a presigned URL for an operation on the object
Provide the access-key-id and secret-access-key:-
S3 =
:access_key_id => 'access_key_id',
:secret_access_key => 'secret_access_key')
In controller put these lines:--
bucket = S3.buckets['bucket_name']
s3_obj = bucket.objects["Path-to-file"]
return s3_obj.url_for(:read, :expires => 60*60).to_s
This link will expires in 1 Hour. After that the link will be not accessible.
